The Border Crisis is Reportedly Overwhelming Washington, DC Schools
“the number of families arriving in DC with children in need of immediate supports has increased more rapidly than anticipated by DHS or the Office of Migrant Services”

This is all on Biden. Where are all the Democrats who supposedly care about the children?
FOX News reports:
First on Fox: How the migrant crisis overwhelmed DC public schools
Emails between D.C. Public Schools officials are offering a glimpse into the strain placed on schools in Washington, D.C., as the sanctuary city struggles to handle an influx of migrants into the nation’s capital.
The emails, obtained by Parents Defending Education via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and shared with Fox News Digital, show a number of challenges facing officials, including finding placements and getting enough bilingual staff.
The emails cover 2022 and 2023, just as the numbers were rising at the border, and as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had started busing migrants to “sanctuary” cities across the country — starting with D.C.
“As [Language Acquisition Division] continues to support the needs of Migrant Students and the instructional/SEL needs of schools, we are struggling to find available seats/school placements within 45 minutes of the temporary hotel sites,” an April 2023 report says.
“There are pending Enrollment Reserve Requests for the schools that are in process. However, the number of families arriving in DC with children in need of immediate supports has increased more rapidly than anticipated by DHS or the Office of Migrant Services, making the need for the additional enrollment reserve more urgent.”
That report shows that multiple grades across multiple schools in the district were full and could not hold additional students. Although the report noted that families are reporting “high levels of satisfaction with all of the school placements.”
One email from 2022 shows a DCPS staff member from the Office of Elementary Schools warning that one school had received “an influx of ELL [English Language Learner] students who do not speak English, and the teachers need instructional support with strategies to support our scholars.”
Another email is about the “increased challenges with school placement for Migrant Students.”

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Open borders biden forcing blacks to the back of the waiting line behind illegal aliens??
Of course he is.
thats why the dems are putting out social media ads reminding poc who gives them the freebies and hurts the whitey
to counteract the fact that blacks are getting takeover by the migrants
Let’s take a hint from the barber surgeons of the Middle Ages.
We need to apply more incoming buses!
This is a huge unfunded mandate imposed by Mr. 10%.
Remember the baby boomers were young and all of the new classrooms and teachers that were required.
Also, some schools had two shifts of classes.
The fact that many do not speak English makes it extremely challenging.
Why is it the taxpayers’ responsibility to fund housing, food and education for people who entered the country illegally? Is there another country that would do it for us?
b/c congress wont stop the funding
thank a gop for that
No; they send them here. Their tired, wretched, yearning to be on welfare.