Stanford Claims It Will Suspend Pro-Hamas Students Who Occupied President’s Office
Police arrested 13 protesters. They injured one safety officer and caused extensive damage.

Police arrested 13 pro-Hamas protesters after they broke into, occupied, and barricaded themselves in Stanford’s president’s office.
The students and alum claim they don’t belong to any official student group.
BREAKING: An "autonomous group" of students occupied the office of the president of Stanford University president. Police had to break into the office to arrest the students.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) June 5, 2024
The students also renamed the office after Adnan Al Bursh, 50, the head of the orthopedic department at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) June 5, 2024
The group of 50 wore masks and kaffiyehs. They held a banner that said, “While Gaza bleeds Stanford stalls. Divest. Disclose. Amnesty.”
Liberate Stanford yelled on its Instagram account, “THE STUDENT INT1FADA IS GROWING.”
“Law enforcement has arrested 13 individuals, and the building has been cleared,” the university said in a statement. “A public safety officer was injured after being shoved by protesters who were interfering with a transport vehicle. There has been extensive damage to the interior of Building 10 and exterior of the buildings in the quad.”
The university says a public safety officer was injured after being shoved by protesters interfering with a transport vehicle.
Building 10 has been secured, but there’s “extensive” damage to the interior and exterior of the building. It will be closed the rest of the day.
According to the group Stanford for Palestine, university students and alumni locked themselves inside Saller’s office around 5:30 a.m. to protest Stanford’s response to pro-Palestinian protesters’ demands over the Gaza conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Stanford says that the arrested students have been suspended and if any were seniors they will not be allowed to graduate.
“We are appalled that our students chose to take this action and we will work with law enforcement to ensure that they face the full consequences allowed by law,” the university said.
The occupation lasted around two hours.
“We have consistently emphasized the need for constructive engagement and peaceful protest when there is a disagreement in views,” added the university. “This was not peaceful protest and actions such as what occurred this morning have no place at Stanford.”
Stanford University – shocking calls for the death of the police and the Jewish nation.
A reminder once again that what starts with the Jews NEVER ends with the Jews.
Whomever is responsible must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law – enough is enough.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) June 5, 2024
Protesters @Stanford spray painted a memorial to American veterans killed in the line of duty with “Fuck America.”
They took over the president’s office briefly this morning; though the 13 inside were quickly arrested, others rallied in their support.
— Theo Baker (@tab_delete) June 5, 2024
More of the graffiti left by protesters @Stanford this morning advocating “death to Israel” and “kill cops.”
— Theo Baker (@tab_delete) June 5, 2024

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I have some demands of keffiyah Karen ; if you are so righteous and strong in the accuracy of your beliefs then show your face and proudly put your name to your actions. She looks like a cos-play jihadist getting ready for a nerd convention.
Don’t sell her short. She could very easily board a passenger airplane with a smile and a bag of explosives.
In the 60s and 70s there were more than a handful of crazy chicks just like her who became vicious, violent animals. The Bader-Meinhof gang was full of them, as were the other “revolutionary” groups. The palis used to love to use scandinavian women and the scandinavian women used to love to be used by the palis.
Squeaky and the other Manson girls, for example.
She was so sure they’d get off without any consequences. Let’s see the mugshots.
From my point of view, suspension is not nearly appropriate enough. Expulsion is more like it and fits the crime better.
Huh?? I guess the other 37 were too fast for the cops …
If prosecuted by Alvin Bragg/New York Trump-standards these people (including the missing 37, tons of others, and most of their family members, lawyers, and accountants) could have been charged with enough felonies to place each and every one of them in jeopardy of 6312 years of prison time.
Or they left before the cops showed up and were likely granted a grace period of “leave now or you will be arrested” warning that the 13 virgin seekers did not heed.
The probably only arrested those in the office and those who tried to prevent their arrest.
Stanford is very protective of their students. I’m wondering if it was mainly non-students arrested.
What exactly does one have to do to get thrown out of Stanford? These schools are a joke.
Make Dean Wormer’s wife see heaven.
So, these hoodlums broke into the building, damaged allot of property, sealed themselves, were removed and then punished all in the same day?
All these clowns desire jail!
I meant to say they deserve jail.
Why didn’t they break the glass and pop a few gas canisters into there first? They could have shut that stupid chanting nonsense down and after a few minutes rushed in and started clubbing baby seals into submission. Until these jackass’s start feeling some pain for this it will continue and I mean physical pain
Consequences are not part of the Stanford ethos.
Subotai Bahadur
Stanford University Department of Public Safety. Stanford police.
I just want the list of names and mugshots of those arrested for “extensive damage to the interior and exterior of the building.”
That’s all a matter of public record, isn’t it? How does one go about searching county arrest records?
Santa Clara County Superior Court (criminal and civil).
Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff.
Forcing Stanford and Santa Clara County to release arrest documents.
Is doing so a federal FOIA request or State?
California’s Brown Act, a key piece of legislation promoting transparency and accountability in local government.
> Access to Information: It provides the public with access to information about the workings and decisions of local governments.
yeah yeah
they will do what they want the msm will tell us what they are told to tell us and the lefty will continue to omar america
Suspension is a joke; expulsion sends a real message.
And deportation if on a foreign student visa.
Incarceration and deportation sends a much stronger message.
Any putative suspension will only until the administration completes the paperwork to give them awards for special services to the school and humanity.
Subotai Bahadur
Do none of our universities know how to spell the word “expelled”?
Because this suspension garbage is seen as a vacation by modern students. It leaves no relevant mark on them or their careers.
The most privileged, the most ungrateful. Ignorant, too. They help those engaged in the worst human conduct. Shameful.
How many of them were enrolled as degree seeking students? More importantly, did any of them actually pay any of the costs of enrollment from personal funds?
Under the O’bama-Bin-Biden plan, no one has to pay for college. Now, it’s just a cash flow conduit for losers who will never matriculate but need a place to stay and some walking around money..
the welfare state has extended its reach
Thinking of betting a $20 it won’t ever happen
Send them to Gaza.
Plot twist. They were self loathing jews, woke progressive leftists, who would sell their own grandmother to hamas.
These are not peaceful protesters. The fact they they’re pro-Hamas Jew-haters should be enough to suspend–no, expel–these hateful, brainwashed idiots. Ya think those protesting the evils of Islamic extremism would be as tolerated and have their asses coddled the same way this hate group does? We are all but handing them the caliphate they promised. How G damn stupid does a country have to be to allow this?!