Secret Service Agent Robbed at Gunpoint in California During Biden’s Trip
The robber didn’t harm the agent.

A person robbed a Secret Service agent at gunpoint in Orange County, CA, on Saturday.
The agent was in California for President Joe Biden’s quick trip for a lavish fundraiser. From Scripps News:
The incident occurred around 9:30 p.m. on Saturday near a residential community in Orange County as the agent was returning from a work assignment. The agent had his bag stolen at gunpoint, according to a release from the Tustin Police Department.
During the incident, the agent fired his government-issued weapon, the United States Secret Service said.
The police department and Secret Service both said in separate statements they do not know if the suspect was injured as a result of the incident.
The Secret Service agent’s identity is not revealed in the press release.
The agency released this statement:
A member of the U.S. Secret Service was the victim of an armed robbery in Tustin, California late Saturday when returning from a work assignment. The employee discharged their service weapon during the incident but unknown if the assailants were struck. We are thankful that the employee did not sustain any injuries.
This remains an open and active criminal investigation and any additional comments must come from the primary investigative agency which is the Tustin Police Department. Anyone with additional information about the incident is encouraged to call the Tustin Police Department Detective Melendrez at 714-573-3372
— Secret Service director of communications Anthony Guglielmi
BREAKING: A U.S. Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint over the weekend during Biden’s trip to California, police say
— Jacob Wheeler (@JWheelertv) June 17, 2024

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I wonder if the SS agent is in trouble for shooting at a member of an oppressed class?
Nah. I’m sure Biden’s detail has been thoroughly vetted to ensure that they’re all Democrats.
Were we serious, he’d be in trouble for not dropping the guy with one shot. That’s what they’re there, for, no?
Once upon a time we’d have expected any shooting by the SS to result in a dead perp.
Not saying it’s a causal factor or even connected but given their recent recruiting the SS agent was as likely a ‘she’ as ‘he’.
He should be in trouble for having no idea where his rounds went.
Very much of this, they’re supposed to be responsible for every round.
Does that rule apply to members of the Praetorian Guard?
Another DEI hire for the most important detail in our nation? Compound that with the chick on our DEI VP who got in a slap fight with her lover and what the hell our we doing?
My first thought at seeing “SS” was Hitler’s SS.
CA is devolving.
So much going on in that headline.
The important thing is that Hunter gets his bag of drugs back.
The detail protecting the President of the United States can’t put shots on target against a crack head stick up man.
Let that sink in. Along with the 10,000 other emblematical elements of this story.
Well at least they weren’t (as far as we know) trying pay for girls with a govt credit card like Bush’s team, ‘You pay me cash baby!’ Maybe a slight improvement?
Was that down in Columbia or Venezuela? I vaguely remember that.
Colombia, please. Columbia is home on the Potomac.
I believe that was during the Hussein administration.
OK Chief. But how do we know whether the current crop aren’t using government credit cards for strippers and whores?
The difference? The propaganda machine only reports negative press on republican administrations.
We can’t even get a straight scoop on the fact that our feeble demented president was saved from prosecution because he’s a walking talking nut bag.
So, do we expect that kind of information to flow about strippers and whores from the 10% guy whose son paid millions of dollars to employ strippers and whores?
I deliberately did not tag Biden for the rot. It is worse because we know the DEI garbage is in full effect now. However this goes back 20-30 years.
The hard partying on Martha’s Vineyard etc. This decline spans into the 90s. This is an apolitical function of the federal government. The solemn and stiff faced nature of being a secret service agent is a distant second to guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier and while this has been a weekend at Bernie’s administration, it should be a fact that POTUS is the hardest target in the world.
The reality is Miley Cyrus has a better security detail.
I deliberately included the caveat of ‘as far as we know’ into my post to account for the fact that we don’t know. My point is that the Secret Service has long-standing problems unrelated to the political party in temporary control of the Executive Branch. As does every Federal Agency door that matter.
Until we threw out the constitution,* Secret Service was part of Treasury, same as BATF. If I heard they shared the same cowboy, devil-may-care attitude towards responsibility, I would not be at all amazed.
*The Constitution enumerates only four (or three, depending on how you classify them) federal crimes: treason, counterfeiting, piracy, and offenses against international law (which also includes piracy). All other police powers were reserved to the states and forbidden to the feds. The only one of the enumerated crimes that could justify† a domestic federal law enforcement agency was counterfeiting, hence Treasury cops were born. And when Presidents began needing bodyguards, this was the only pool from which they could be drawn and compensated.
Similarly, BATF was a “revenue agency,” because (as AG Homer Cummings publicly admitted), “if we made a statute absolutely forbidding any human being to have a machine gun, you might say there is some constitutional question involved. But when you say “We will tax the machine gun” and when you say that ”the absence of a license showing payment of the tax has been made indicates that a crime has been perpetrated,” you are easily within the law.”
Then, of course, our
RINO“compassionate conservative” President Bush created DHS, and used it as repository of all the mismatched tableware in the federal drawer, in utter disregard of the Constitution; then Obama armed up every federal “enforcement” agency to wartime footing… and here we are today.†And even this is not clear. At least one constitutionalist scholar points out that the constitution already establishes how offenses against federal law must be enforced: by the militia, seen as a necessary safeguard against the central elites using armed enforcement to oppress sovereign citizens. Only if the people found value to themselves in pursuing a particular federal allegation would they be eager to do so — otherwise, “the people have spoken (by their silence).”
Hey Joe, here’s the good news: the robber is definitely a solid blue voter.
Well, his name is a solid Blue Vote, thanks to mail-in ballots
That’s why he didn’t take him out.
“The employee discharged their service weapon during the incident but unknown if the assailants were struck.”
I assume the agent is a chick. The secret service would be too embarrassed to let that be known, though, so we get “their”.
I see that Scrips wrote “his” but I think that that was probably just a mistake. And “the bag” sounds like a purse.
1st Question, was it a she? There was DEI agent at Andrews that got in a fight with another that was a pretty bad reflection. Kinda like the FBI agent whose gun went off when he was dancing.
2nd, good luck finding the guy. They can’t find the J6 bomber.
3rd, was it a setup by the CIA?
Corn Pop unavailable for comment.
That’s because Corn Pop is a fig newton of Joe’s imagination.
Oh, did they steal Joe Biden? Did they?
They probably stole the bag the SS uses to carry Sundowner’s amphetamines. You know he’s got the best stuff.
What qualified this agent to be an agent, exactly?
Well, it wasn’t 20/20 eyesight because the SS Agent was unable to give a description of the suspect they are supposedly looking for.
Probably unable to give a description without describing their height/weight (aka body shaming them), their race (aka being racist), or their clothing (aka being classist).
The only acceptable ways to describe anyone these days is “white male wearing a MAGA hat, probably a terrorist” or “unknown”, so we know it’s not the former.
Quick note: There are no USSS agents who would be willing to report race or gender of an attacker in this case, because of the obvious consequences.
My tinfoil hat says this is a disinfo op. Makes the protective detail look incompetent, so when they let the assassins kill The Orange Crush, it’s not as obvious a conspiracy.
They’ve made my tinfoil hat right so often, the only argument I’m left with is: “They’re not that organized.”
I take the double-double-cross angle. This is to setup for the taking out of Kamala so they can slide someone in before removing Slow Joe.
Yr tinfoil hat wins this one.
Thank goodness Governor Newsom just signed a whole bunch of new restrictions on where license holders can carry a concealed weapon. That’ll fix it!
Anybody wanna bet this will hurt Newsome’s chances for the VP post when Michelle is nominated by acclaim at the Convention?
(Assuming that Joe’s tragic accident occurs as the Stars forecast.)
Not “as the Stars forecast”, but as the “Joe & Jill” nursery rhyme does.
CALIFORNIA Governor Gavin Newsom was assaulted by an “aggressive” homeless man during his visit to downtown Oakland on Friday.
Cops quickly arrested the vagrant who allegedly threw a bottle of water at the Governor as he was walking to a barbershop and pizzeria in Old Oakland to promote small businesses.
The Sun – US edition
No security cameras in that area? Sounds like a national security problem
You do have to wonder about the current SS agents … can’t shoot, can’t describe their assailant, can’t keep their possessions. What exactly can they do?
They can’t figure out where baggies of cocaine in the White House came from or who they belong to, either. It seems that today’s secret service is completely unable to lift fingerprints from anything …
To very little media coverage, there was apparently a group of Secret Service agents that alerted Congress that there was an appreciable decline in standards in service to DEI initiatives that have been adopted in the last several years. I noticed during Biden’s trip to Europe that he has an agent (black female) on his detail that is damn near a midget. She can’t be much over 5′ tall. It’s absurd. She was also noticeably overweight. I’d guess a BMI comfortably over 30.
Discworlders who foolishly underestimate the trolls do not long survive.
What did the SS learn from this?
1. Need to hire body guards to keep their agents safe
2. Need Karine to vigorously claim it’s cheap fake news
3. Need tighter control of news media’s reporting
4. Need to tell Boo to quit asking if it’s them again
5. Need _______________________________________
“The robber didn’t harm the agent.”
Professional courtesy.
Made me laugh. But you don’t know for certain the agent was a Democrat.
He keeps America’s worst tyrant in power; that’s enough for me.
I seem to recall that the service purchased more than 1 million rounds. They said it was for practice. Obviously they have not been shooting on the range. Just sayin! FJB
That was the IRS.
After a while all the Nazis start to look the same
Every instructors knows that you shoot the way you train.
Feds can no longer use the standard black-on-white silhouette image targets.
Didn’t maintain sufficient situational awareness to see it coming.
Can’t describe the assailant.
Can’t hit the assailant.
Not the SS’s finest moment.
Maybe it’s just a regular mugging, but hopefully the “agent” wasn’t a DEI hire and the “bag” was just a purse instead of something work related containing briefing info and comm equipment.
If you can’t protect a bag, how can you protect the president?
I wonder if they even want to. They have to see what he’s doing to this country, and if they aren’t on board, they have to be reevaluating their career choice at this point. I mean, am I really willing to die for THIS THING?
If they are still on that job, they have made their peace with what is being done to the country and those doing it.
Subotai Bahadur
did you mean
old bag??
Maybe Hollywood can make a Jessica Lynch movie about her.
As long as she’s made into a hero. More points if she is a POC. Even more points if it’s a tranny.
Serious question. In Biden’s America does SS stand for Secret Service or for Schutzstaffel?
How about Sh** Stupid?
“they do not know if the suspect was injured as a result of the incident.”
Translation: They could not determine where the bullet went.
trump just got another vote from a secret service agent!!
Well to b fair.. it WAS a fund raiser event
So, tinfoil hat firmly in place….
This took place in the projects. SS agent doesn’t live there, no way. Maybe they’re visiting family.
Robber takes “a bag”. It’s not spoken of as a purse or anything specific. Just “a bag.”
What sort of “bag” would you have in your possession after visiting the projects?
Maybe, the First Son (“Pop, I’m your only son.”) is on this trip, and left his blow in the White House again?
Maybe the medical team ran out of adrenochrome after upping Slow Joe’s dosage once again?
I am unreliably informed the place mentioned is NOT the projects. Even though the name just screams it. So, if he was visiting a dealer, it was a high-class dealer.
That doesn’t mean I was wrong, I just have to tighten my tinfoil hat.
I smell many rats.
here is the description…finally
approx:3ft tall
hair/skin color: mixed mostly brown
answers to the name