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Scholar Argues That Children Need ‘Liberation’ From Their Parents

Scholar Argues That Children Need ‘Liberation’ From Their Parents

“the time is ripe to explore child liberationist ideas and rediscover radical philosophies of childhood”

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that this person has a more than passing interest in Marxism.

The College Fix reports:

Children need ‘liberation’ from parents, scholar argues

A philosophy scholar interested in Marxism argues for the “liberation” of children from their parents in a new book, set to come out in 2026.

The book, “Child Liberation: The oppression of children and the case for change,” is by Lorna Finlayson (pictured), a lecturer of philosophy at the University of Essex in England.

Finlayson questions the age limit on the right to vote, mandatory schooling for minors, and the overall power adults hold over children’s lives, according to the synopsis, published by The Bookseller.  She challenges society to “break the consensus that children’s lives are not their own.”

“… as young people increasingly take part in ‘school strikes’ over issues from climate change to school dress codes, the time is ripe to explore child liberationist ideas and rediscover radical philosophies of childhood,” the synopsis states. “With their help, we can glimpse other possible childhoods, and better worlds for all of us.”

The College Fix contacted Finlayson three times for comment over the past month, but received no response. The Fix asked about her thoughts on early childhood education, the maturity of children, and parents’ role in a child’s life.

Finlayson’s scholarly interests include “Marxism and critical theory” as well as “non-Western philosophy (esp. Arabic philosophy and philosophy in the Islamic world),” according to her CV.

Recently, she also has voiced support for the pro-Palestinian movement on social media.


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Sounds like Finlayson believes children belong to the state. Another “scholar” that does not need to be in education.

    henrybowman in reply to Tsquared79. | June 24, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    it takes a village of village idiots.

    A Punk Named Yunk in reply to Tsquared79. | June 25, 2024 at 10:34 am

    Oh, Tsquared79, you are just not sufficiently open minded. Evidenced by your brain’s continued encasement within your skull. Unlike this nutcase professor, working hard to “open the minds” of students to remove their brains and replace those inconvenient organs with moldy bovine manure.

In another time and place, this crazy chick would have ratted her ex-boyfriend out to the Gestapo after he dumped her.

That old saw about “There are some ideas so dumb only a highly educated person could believe them”? I think we found one of those people.

Is he really an absolutist, or just wanting to draw the line somewhere lower? I mean, I’m perfectly OK with putting 8yos to work and forcing them to pay taxes. Heck, why should I even be feeding that 5yo? They can pay their own way, right?

Finlayson’s scholarly interests include … (esp. Arabic philosophy and philosophy in the Islamic world),”
Ah, so this is about the 9yo bride thing….

destroycommunism | June 24, 2024 at 12:06 pm

they take “their” kids to get abortions///trans meds///etc

parents are weak shts who dont love their kids enough

What are the chances that the scholar is living in his parents’ basement.

A Punk Named Yunk | June 25, 2024 at 10:29 am

When I was a kid, I was watching an Alan Burke interview (yeah, my parents should not have allowed that, but I digress..) of a philosopher. To make a point about the absurdities abound in the field he launched into a tirade abut how food is bad for you and should be banned. He was being deliberately ridiculous, of course. But this person-with-capacity-for pregnancy (I think) seems genuinely insane. Either that or prying more open the normalization of pedophilia — whoops, I means “minor-attracted-persons — by “liberating” (read: kidnapping) children from their parents.

This kook is actually teaching students at a university. And students are accepting her trash. GWB commented here with a paraphrase of my favorite Charlie Kirk truism: “To be that stupid requires a university education.”

Visit an orphanage or a homeless shelter and you can glimpse “other childhoods”. But she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She probably never had any children of her own to watch and help and protect while they were growing up. Maybe she doesn’t have that instinct.