Report: Biden Watched His Dog Commander Attack Secret Service Agents Numerous Times
The agents commonly wished each other a “safe shift” because of all of the attacks.

Judicial Watch received 116 pages from the Secret Service detailing the times (at least 30) when President Joe Biden’s dog Commander bit agents.
Biden was present during a handful of the attacks but none of the severe incidents.
Documents also showed that agents would wish each other a “safe shift.” One safety professional urged the White House to use a muzzle.
The Bidens brought Commander to the White House on December 20, 2021.
They rehomed Commander in February after two years in the White House. The family already had to rehome Major, another dog, for similar incidents.
The president “took Commander (on a leash) to the Kennedy Garden this evening for a walk,” the special agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division wrote in a report.
“While [Biden] and Commander were in the Kennedy Garden I was standing half way from the Book-Sellers [foyer] and the Family Theater,” the agent wrote, referring to the area where the main White House connects to the East Wing.
A previously unreported incident on Sept. 12, 2023, featured a pair of bites in which Commander tore holes in a Secret Service member’s suit as Biden took him for a walk in the Kennedy Garden along the South Lawn of the White House.
“[Biden] opened the Book-Seller door and said [redacted]. As I started to walk toward him to see if he needed help, Commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. I pulled my arm away and yelled no,” the victim wrote.
“[President Biden] also yelled [redacted] to Commander. [Biden] then [redacted]. I obliged and Commander let me pet him.”
“When turning to close the door,” the special agent went on, “Commander jumped again and bit my left arm for the second time. [Biden] again yelled at Commander and attached the leash to him. My suit coat has 3 holes, 1 being all the way through. No skin was broken.”
Biden was also around when Commander bit an agent on October 2, 2022:
On Oct. 2, 2022, Biden was there when Commander attacked an agent who was holding the door for the president as he entered the foyer near the Rose Garden that connects the West Wing to the rest of the White House.
“I was bit/grabbed on the left forearm,” the agent wrote in records made public in February.
“Commander came in first circled back and grabbed my left arm. He then stood up and back down. He is literally my height standing. [President Biden] entered shortly after since he was trailin [sic] behind him. [Biden] entered the Palm Room and said, ‘[redacted quote]’.”
He was also around when Commander bit an agent on December 11, 2022.
However, the documents do not show Biden around on November 3, 2022, when an agent had to get treatment at a hospital because the dog bit their arm and thigh.
East Wing Tours had to stop for 20 minutes on June 15, 2023, when Commander dragged an agent “to the ground.” The agent had to get stitches due to a deep bite.
Commander bit a female agent on July 29, 2023, in Delaware, leaving her with a “severe open wound.” She lost “a significant amount of blood” and got six stitches.
German Shepherds are amazing dogs. I am the ultimate cat person, but German Shepherds are my favorite dog and I love them.
It sickens me when people do not properly train them. The breed is smart and loyal, but you still have to train them!
You are beyond lucky to have a German Shepherd. Take care of them!!

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The dog knows that Biden’s not his alpha, same as we do.
Check out this incredible video
Biden, who is not really the Commander in Chief, named his dog Commander after his wife Jill who is actually the Commander. And let me tell you, she’s every bit as mean as the dog!
I have two Belgian’s
#1 Train them or they will be absolute assholes. and when I mean train them, I mean some serious next level stuff. A lot worse than GSD on the whole, but a GSD can be as bad if it has high prey drive.
# Yeah- they know if you are alpha or not. I had not even considered that factor when first hearing of the bites.
As breeders, we’ve seen this syndrome so many times. If you don’t let a dog know that you make the rules and he follows them, he will make your life hell. We’ve had a number of pups returned to us for being “uncontrollable.” And these are retrievers, one of the most laid-back, good-natured breeds on earth. Two to three weeks in the hands of SHMBO, and the dog is 100% civilized, working and playing well with both people and other dogs.
We had a 100-lb. male brought “back” to us (we weren’t even the breeder, we studded the litter) who was food-aggressive and terrorizing a middle-aged family. After a month in our household with my wife and our ranch “pack” (which included his sister), he was the sweetest boy imaginable. (Nothing is better at civilizing a dog than living with a pack of civilized dogs.) We RVed with him all over the country until he passed from cancer. There are bad dogs, but there are many more bad owners.
Betting the Secret Service likes the idea of Christie Noem Dog Whisperer in the oval office.
We will rehome Biden in November…. I hope the Secret Service remember Biden’s stupidity and get out the Trump vote on the QT.
His parents, not to mention Dr. Jill’s must have been real winners.
How else do you become so dishonest, cruel and perverted so early?
The only change in these people, these “public” servants, is their bank accounts and the damage in their wake.
The perfect henchmen to incorporate Obama’s plan.
This is the thing about the very real differences between the Biden and Trump children. Bidens kids are fucked up big time. Trumps kids seem like actually very likeable people AND, more importantly, have actually achieved very real things in their lives.
Id hazard a guess the reason the differences between the kids is so big is that Trumps kids have been surrounded by successful role models all through their lives while Bidens kids haven’t (and I am being incredibly generous to the kinds of people that have been in the Bidens children’s lives by not swearing about them).
GSDs are very bright dogs and typically take training very well. They are also not usually randomly aggressive, as in these incidents.
It indicates to me that the Bidens not only are incapable of training a dog but are probably abusive as well. Particularly since this is the second dog that has turned aggressive.
Are they inventing their own Biden-brand “attack dog” training?
I once saw a GSD drag its owner in to water at a right angle and the owner would have been much the same size as Biden (old and frail). There is not a hope in hell that any of the Bidens would have been able to provide the kind of home a GSD requires, not at their age and not with their busy schedules (well, by busy for FJB I mean in between his sleep schedule).
They would have been far better off with a King Charles spaniel, something small, helpless and compliant…much like Joe.
1. What do you have against King Charles Spaniels that you would doom them to this fate?
2. Why do I have the idea that even a KCS would turn to biting if “raised” by the Bidens?
3. How much of this behavior could be explained by sharing Hunter’s blow with the dog?
Did Quisling Joe order his dog to attack the SS or did the dog just sense his hostility towards the SS before attacking?
he watched and showered with his daughter
You are accusing Commander of behavior by stating facts not in evidence.
Oh! Wait a minute…!
I’m shocked that 2 shitty human beings are also shitty dog owners. Hopefully, Major and Commander are living a good life somewhere.
You should see the breakfast tacos Jill feeds the dog.
Teasing a serious dog makes it crazy. It’s trying to make sense of something that makes no sense. That would be my guess.
The Koehler Method of Dog Training still works, and makes interesting reading even if you don’t have a dog. I think a Kindle edition is all that’s left of it. It’s not politically correct.
I used it on a stray German Shepherd in fact, in addition to my own (successive) Dobermans.
You got me curious; I am not likely to ever own a dog in my remaining years, but I ordered the Kindle version. I want to see where we went wrong with our black and silver GSD that we had 1955 to 1967.
If a dog bites a person when that person is clearly not attacking the dog, the dog needs to go. I had a dog once that bit the paper boy. After that the dog was gone. That it took 30 such incidents for the Bidens to get rid of Commander is revealing for what is says about Joe Biden’s personal priorities – and it is not good.
It is interesting that the media are finally reporting on these incidents. Did they finally get the word that it’s okay to write negative articles about Biden?
Obama spread the word that the progressive fascists should do everything possible to stop Quisling Joe from running for a 2nd term. I remember a year ago that Adam Shitt provided bad news about Joe.I was surprised.
I think it is something else. The press is priming the public for Biden to be eased out as the Democrat candidate. I fully expect to see more “negative press” in the next few days to few weeks.
Biden is now in an ever-steepening decline that all but the willfully blind are recognizing. I am about 95% sure he will not even make it to the convention.
Dog trialing is not a difficult thing, but it is time consuming.
With all their money they couldn’t bring trainers in?
Absolutely ridiculous
Move had GS and Pits all my life, you train them stupid
Gs are not by nature aggressive like these 2 dogs. What the hell is going on in that house?
Consider this: I’ll bet the Secret Service has dog handlers on staff.
You cannot just train the dogs. You have to train the owners, too.
I currently have two GSDs, both Schutzhund trained (IGP3). They are the 9th & 10th I’ve had since I was a child. None of our dogs have ever bitten anyone, ever. The aggression of Biden’s dog is due either to neglect or abuse.
TWO GSDs? Wow. I’m absolutely nuts about GSDs but my living conditions and health mean I can’t have one. You are lucky, and your dogs are lucky to have you.
well done. Schutzhund is the right sport for these dogs.
Completely off topic: What’s with this weird story about Alito being recorded. I don’t get it. What’s supposed to be wrong with what he was “caught” saying? It seemed completely reasonable to me.
And Whoopi Goldberg plumbed new depths of stupidity by asking why we can’t sue the Supreme Court over this recording! Forget the merits of the non-case, before which court, exactly, did she imagine suing it? Seriously, was there anything in her head at all when she said that?
Of course you’re just playing dumb. The left is in hysterics, because with another half-dozen carefully selected cases, the court could undo the last century of Marxist progress.
No, I’m not playing dumb. What exactly is he supposed to have said that has sent them into such hysterics? I can’t see anything even slightly objectionable in any of the quotes I’ve seen.
Once again, that isn’t the point. He could have said it’s a nice day, and sent them into hysterics. The point is, they can’t endure a court that doesn’t advance their agenda.
Exactly. The Dem operative went in to manufacture a certain narrative and push it regardless of content, knowing that the press would repeat it and the npc drones would eat it up.
“There are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised.”
The argument is that an unwillingness to compromise means he is irrevocably biased, and must therefore be removed.
Like Biden’s Dogs Whoopie is a dumb bitch.
“Seriously, was there anything in her head at all when she said that?”
There’s no there, there.
I have known a professional dog trainer for 20 years. What I learned is that you have to train the owner, as well as the dog.
There’s your answer. TY Mary. Very sad for that poor dog.
“Rehomed” – wonder if that’s a euphemism for the Kristi Noem treatment?
As an owner of a dog that suddenly went mad as it matured, I know exactly what Noam was talking about. The breeder took my dog back and had it destroyed after it attacked one of my small children (no injuries thank God). But I live on the east coast; the rules in the Dakotas are different and Noam giving her dog a case of acute lead poisoning was the correct decision.
Unfortunately kids don’t read Old Yeller anymore . .
They read Heather has Two Daddies.
I think another circumstance in Noem’s situation is that her dog was expected to work for its keep, and be reliable doing so. Many dogs that outlive their work abilities are destroyed.
A departed friend of mine was a sheep farmer in NZ. As his Border Collies aged, he did not destroy them. He put them out to friend and family for adoption, or, kept them fed and cared-for as they had “earned” a bit of “social security”.
My friend was a strict but caring master.
No, it’s a euphemism for “foisting the problem off on someone else” — a common tactic of the Left. Even more effective if you yourself have caused the problem.
Biden’s dogs… A great metaphor for what this incompetent moron has been doing to this nation for the past three years.
Maybe the dog found Hunter’s stash and is just trippin’.
I am fairly certain that Commander is a lonely dog left with nothing to do but be a prop for the Bidens when needed.
Dogs, and especially GSDs, need attention, purpose, love, and a sense of belonging in his “pack”. The Bidens are not providing that; no one is assigned to give these things to the poor dog.
Commander joins other neglected “First Pets”, including the Clinton dog who was conveniently struck and killed with a car not long after they left the White House.
I would add that they also need EXERCISE. GSDs are herding dogs that have an instinctual drive to ‘follow-ahead’ in advance of their flock. We most commonly sate that instinctual drive by walking them, briskly and routinely. Absent that kind of stimulation, the animal will become anxious. Anxious dogs – particularly those with a strong prey drive, as many GSDs have – will quickly become potentially dangerous dogs. Activity-related enrichment is really critical to their socialization and mental health.
Can GSDs be re-oriented on Agility work? Or does it not satisfy their herding and guard needs?
Absolutely. I’ve met plenty of GSDs that have done both. While you’re likely never going to be competitive with a GSD in agility (if that’s the goal) because of the size of most GSDs, it’s definitely an enriching activity for the animals. Having said that, you might find some resistance in an agility group to the kind of training a Schutzhund dog is accustomed to (in fact, many agility groups don’t allow leash corrections, for instance, which is a staple of Schutzhund work).
At the end of the day, with a German Shepherd or any high-prey drive canine, it’s critical that they’re trained in basic obedience, they’re well (frequently) socialized with other dogs and small children in particular and they’re routinely EXERCISED, whatever that exercise activity may be.
“Commander joins other neglected “First Pets”, including the Clinton dog who was conveniently struck and killed with a car not long after they left the White House.”
What did he do to Hillary?
For the good of the nation, he needs to be put down!
(Guess which one.)
Knowing the Bidens, it’d probably turn into an attack cat due to having vicious owners.
I’ll cut Dementia Joe some slack here. No one else takes him seriously, why should the dogs? 🙂
Biden can’t even manage his mutts, but his voters think he can run the country? LMAO!
Really? Biden’s handlers are so paranoid about what Joe (Father of convicted felon Hunter Biden) said and did they redacted those portions of the reports? What in the world could Biden (Father of convicted felon Hunter Biden) have said that was so egregious that they had to redact it from the narrative.
“Durka durka durka!”
Pity the dogs had the good taste not to bite either Joe or Jill Biden. Or Hunter. Or James. Or Ashley.
Secret service agents are trained to take a bullet intended for the president if need be. Hardly motivating to do that if the president has stood by and let his dog attack you. I’d bet those agents began to hate the “big guy” with a passion. If they didn’t they are saints.