Pro-Hamas Mob Storm Lobby at Israeli Consulate in San Francisco
“Long live the intifada!”

A pro-Hamas mob of over 100 people stormed the lobby of the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco.
The mob unfurled a Zionism Kills and progressive pride flag as they shouted the usual antisemitic phrases.
BREAKING: A banner reading "Zionism Kills" and the Progressive Pride Flag are unfurled as activists occupy the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) June 3, 2024
“Long live the intifada!” – protesters chant in the lobby of the Israeli Consulate in San Franciso, which they have occupied and shut down for nearly 2 hours
(Intifada means “uprising” or “shaking off” in Arabic)#gaza
— Dena Takruri (@Dena) June 3, 2024
Happening NOW. Bay Area people of conscience occupy the San Francisco Israeli consulate. Show up! Shut down genocide & occupation.
— Leigh Kimberg (@LeighKimberg) June 3, 2024
The Jewish Anti-Zionist Network posted videos and pictures on its Instagram account. It tagged other groups in the video:
- Arab Resource & Organizing Center
- Queers Undermining Israeli Terror
- Healthcare Workers for Palestine – Bay Area
- Crips 4 Palestine
- Palestinian Youth Movement – Bay Area
Crips 4 Palestine is not the infamous Los Angeles gang. It describes itself as “[A] collaborative account from various disabled folks in solidarity with Palestine.”
The police arrived but did not make immediate arrests.
The mob intends to stay until someone removes them by force.
“While we regret the inconvenience to people who are here for the Columbian embassy, these kinds of devastating and catastrophic times of genocide require strong action,” said Sara, a spokeswoman for the mob.
The Colombian embassy is in the same building.
The consulate released a statement:
BREAKING: Statement from Israeli Consulate in San Francisco on attempted occupation by anti-Israel protesters
— Madeleine Hubbard (@MadeleineHubb) June 3, 2024

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this is beyond majorly annoying on the highway. This is an international incident and were it anyone but Israel could lead to MAJOR treaty violations if our .gov does not clean it up immediately.
but that is probably what they want – pictures and video of force to rile up the low-info population….
Probably not, because contrary to the headline here, they’re not occupying the consulate itself, but only the lobby of the private building that houses it. The consulate presumably has its own Israeli security force, which wouldn’t allow them to remain on the consulate’s property, but the lobby is a matter for the landlord and SFPD. Presumably the other tenants in the building (including the Colombians) will also be complaining to the landlord, which will thus be complaining to SFPD.
Speaking of low info sorts of people….the irony of these protesters being urged and cheered on to ‘occupy the Israeli Consulate’ as protest in order ‘end the occupation’ is thick. Especially since Israel pulled out of Gaza in ’06 or thereabouts then Fatah and Hamas held a brawl for supremacy with the majority backing rule by Hamas. Obviously since 0ct 7 Israel has launched incursions into Gaza to find the hostages taken by Hamas and destroy Hamas but those acts came about due to the savagery of Oct 7.
How about FART? Fags Assisting Radical Terrorists.
Too bad Israel didn’t take this opportunity to show Joe Biden how an international border SHOULD be defended.
They haven’t crossed a border. They’re in the lobby of a private commercial building. It’s neither Israeli nor Colombian territory, any more than it belongs to any of the other tenants in the building.
And, that FACT earned at least one downtick.
Too bad, I understood and accepted it.
It helps prove that the intifatheads are at least as smart as hyenas.
Hyenas are very intelligent.
Israeli consulate or not the fact that they aren’t being told by a police officer to produce written evidence that they have permission to intrude on this private property or be dragged to jail and charged is an utter disgrace unless the building owner has given permission of course.
However if the owner had given permission it would be in the headline and article.
This is extremely illegal, that the law is not being enforced on Democrats is an utter disgrace to our flag and one of millions of reasons we need to strike back against the Democrats the second we regain power.
Israel and Colombia?
If their landlord DID give permission, I see a buttload of bad times heading his way.
I agree.
The truth of the matter is the government permitting this instead of dragging those criminals to jail to await charges is an utter disgrace and yet another example of how rule of law is something we used to enjoy.
They blocked ingress and egress, unacceptable.
Fire hazard, at minimum.
Seems like a good time to heave some large hornet’s nests into the lobby….or a bag of agitated skunks.
So few understand that a consulate is not an embassy. Disappointing foir this group.
HOLY CARP! That’s an act of war, people! That IS Israeli ground as far as that sort of thing is concerned. I wish they had simply shot all of them dead. Uzis would have been terribly practical in this situation. And I certainly, as the sovereign nation of Israel, wouldn’t let any of the locals have these invaders. Heck no, they would get locked into a basement storage room and then expatriated to Israel for trial and execution (as the terrorists they are).
Harsh? Not by a long shot.
No, it isn’t Israeli ground. It’s private commercial property. They haven’t gone up to the consulate, and I assume they’re not dumb enough to do that.
But the tenants have the right to quiet enjoyment of the premises, and that includes common areas of the building such as lobby, elevators, stairs, etc. Police should cuff them and escort them out the building at the very least. The landlord isn’t required to call the police, the tenants call the police.
What do you say is true. But the common areas of the building are not Israeli soil as understood in things like consular and embassy rules.
Tenants have leasehold rights. Its CA law. Its almost certainly in their lease office lease contract of 100 pages which I have not reviewed. Any tenant in that building can call the police because of disturbance like that in common area of building. The police would be obligated to respond by removing the protestors, at least to the sidewalk out front where they can march around with their signs during daylight hours. The tenants should not try to remove the protestors, the tenants could get charged by some wacko leftie judge for making mistake.
I don’t think you’re arguing with each other. The point is simply that there is a chasm of satisfaction between calling police (who do nothing) and shooting enemy invaders. And the Intifatheads are obviously taking pains not to cross that line.
Just not having permission to do this even if there weren’t tenants there makes what they are doing extremely illegal.
“and I assume they’re not dumb enough to do that.”
Why would you assume that?
Low street cunning is enough to avoid this obvious trap. Like having minors perform your car thefts for you.
Because they haven’t done it yet, and because the risks of doing so are very obvious.
In early 1986 in Melbourne, Australia, I’d been posted to Washington. I walked down to the US Consulate to get my visa, and there was a mob of protesters outside the building protesting a US policy. I laughed when I got to the consulate. It was on the 6th floor.
I see the corrections to my information (above and below). That does make a huge difference.
I’ll stand by my statement of what should happen if they cross that line, though.
“Zionism Kills” — that’s rich.
How about ” ‘Submission’ Kills.” That line would at least be accurate and truthful, as it has been, for 1,400 years, since that supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology’s inception.
Warm-up for the Islamofascists’, Muslim supremacists’ and non-Muslim, Dhimmi-crat allies’, goose-stepping antics and terrorism, at the 2024 Dhimmi-crat National Convention.
That’s precisely why Joe and Kammy are going to be somewhere else, to be nominated by Divine Acclamation of Google’s Woke AI.
My money’s on Joe’s basement.
Chicago convention ready to riot??
What convention would that be. After they
annointgive Biden the nomination in a “virtual convention” there is no need whatsoever to have the actual convention take place in Chicago. democrat leadership will just use whatever excuse (ie. bird flu) to cancel the physical convention and it will be a done deal. With the added benefit of being able to avoid any “protests” that might occur.My, my. If you think leftist demonstrators are insufferable when they are bleating for the cameras, wait until you see their wrath and belligerence when their precious cameras are denied them.
It appears that the “protestors” are inside lobby of the office building that houses the Israeli consulate but are not inside the Consulate itself. If this is true, there has been no invasion of Israeli sovereign territory.
Shooting American useful idiots would not be a good public relations move by Israel. Better for Israel if right-wing American Jews took care of the problem.
Exactly. But it’s a matter between the landlord and SFPD.
Tenants may also have the right to exclude people from the common areas not just the landlord. Obviously in a common area the other tenants and any authorized guests of those tenants couldn’t be excluded but a bunch of randos creating a disturbance? Nah the tenant probably can have them trespassed off the property. At least they can in Alabama, TX, NM and FL (all places I have owned rental property, they could. Might be different in CA or NY.
Tenants have non-exclusive rights to use common areas, in common with other tenants. By definition non-exclusive means they have no rights to exclude others.
We need Rabbi Meir Kahani of Blessed Memory, or Irv Ruben, also of Blessed Memory, to lead us in these troubled times.
It’s also a matter for the SFFD and the Fire Code.
Blocking egress, blocking access to fire fighting apparatus, max capacity, etc. etc..
The mob intends to stay until someone removes them by force.
don’t the israelis guard their consulates / embassies ? how was a threatening mob able to access the consulate ?–would certainly oblige these dumbasses’ wishes “to be removed by force”–isn’t a consulate considered property of the soverign?
They’re not in the consulate. Things would be very different if they were, but I assume they know that and aren’t dumb enough to try.
“The mob intends to stay until someone removes them by force.”
Too bad it’s not the Norwegian Embassy. They could just declare an impromptu lutefisk festival and fire up all the braziers.
SF is woke joke.
The islamofascists are upstaging pride weekend.
I bet it’s still on their shoes, though.
I am reminded of the late PJ ORourke’s dead on words…
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
the banner:
zionism kills murderous thugggggssss
what does it mattttaaaa????
impeach fjb!
What if a counter -protestor blasted Slayer in the lobby at 150 decibels?
Governor Ronald Reagan, in his 1967 inaugural address, famously remarked,
“Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction.”
Hunter’s generation
They should all be arrested indicted tried sentenced and where applicable deported but this will never happen in deep blue SF
Just like the tiki torchers had the right to assemble, so do these haters. But the tiki torchers were correctly identified as haters and extremists,
These people are quite the same. Anti-Zionism expressed this way is pure hate and antisemitic. That should be the lede in a real world, the open bigotry by extremists using the suffering of others as a tool to spread destruction.
Ignorant enablers, not to mention advocates, pretending to side for morality and human rights should be ashamed.
The so-called “tiki torchers” were FBI guys.
No, they weren’t. At least, not all of them, and probably not even most of them.
What a lot of people don’t seem to understand, though, is that the “tiki torch” march was a completely different event from the rally to save the statue, at a different location and on a different date. Very few of those who attended the rally that turned into a brawl also attended the march the previous night. I am not aware of any of the rally’s organizers being involved in the march. And Trump never said anything good about the march, or any of its participants.
Except perhaps for California, there is no right to assemble on someone else’s private property.
And New Jersey, as far as I know. Maybe a few other states too. But this is California, so the principle does apply there.
Still, even in California I doubt the principle that turns a shopping mall into a public forum extends to the lobby of an office building.
Your right to swing your fist ends at my face is the principle that governs protests. These protestors are explicitly shut down a building that does not belong to them, with no permission from the owner and no pretense that there is law allowing them to do it.
If you wish to protest at a mall you have to do it in a way that does not prevent access to that mall for everyone who wishes to go and neither are you permitted to impede the shoppers or employees.
I am glad the police finally arrested them which confirms that no this was not a legal protest.
I fully support the principle of the public square being open to all including undesirables, and that those undesirables have a right to make themselves heard.
That did not happen in this case a bunch of entitled brats who hate Jews decided their anti-Semitism entitled that to illegally seize somebody else’ property by shutting the building down.
It would be like if protestors in a mall shut down all of the doors in or out.
Protest being legal doesn’t mean everyone who calls their actions a protest are within the law or close to it. They didn’t even call what they did a protest they called it an occupation.
The COVID must run strong in this group. Notice they are all wearing masks. Can’t be too worried, however, since none are keeping a six foot distance from each other.
Maybe they didn’t get the message the Dr. Fauci made up the support for wearing a mask?
I’ve been tenant in a multi-tenant office property that was focal point of leftie protestors, that had nothing to do with me.
Protestors are only permitted on the sidewalks outside, during daylight hours, can’t block doors, can’t pound on windows, can’t go into the parking lot, and can’t threaten tenants.
Long story short, they aren’t permitted to run riot inside the building, and they can do jail time for trespassing. But this is SF where the laws on the books aren’t enforced.
The “can’t block doors, can’t pound on windows, and can’t threaten tenants” well the same legal principles that make that true would make that “occupation” (their words not mine) just as illegal at a mall or other areas of the public square.
Protest is a really easy concept but Democrats don’t think it applies to their side (look at all of the shutting down bridges and roads they do).
Thanks for the follow up, lets hope they are not let go by politically favorable prosecutors.
western powers refuse to stop the blmplo conquests
as the elites move further away from the mess they are creating the rest of us are being forced into major decisions