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Pro-Hamas Mob Attacks, Sprays Jews With Bear Spray Outside L.A. Synagogue

Pro-Hamas Mob Attacks, Sprays Jews With Bear Spray Outside L.A. Synagogue

They even attacked elderly Jews.

A bunch of pro-Hamas antisemites surrounded the Adas Torah Synagogue in Los Angeles, CA, in a Jewish neighborhood.

The mob attacked Jews and prevented them from entering as they screamed intifada.

The cowards covered their faces with their scarves. They had weapons and bear spray, which they used on people.


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Is it bad enough yet?

    CommoChief in reply to diver64. | June 24, 2024 at 9:01 am

    We find out the answer in Nov when we see how folks decide to answer the question at the polls. I suspect that a not insubstantial number of folks who are directly impacted by these sorts of violent events will decide to continue supporting the current regimes at Federal, State and Local levels who created the public policy environment in which these violent events incubate, thrive and grow. I really hope I am wrong about that prediction but based on the history of just the last 35 years or so I doubt it.

      Danny in reply to CommoChief. | June 24, 2024 at 8:09 pm

      Orthodox Jews are as monolithically Republican as the Black Community is monolithically Democrat and if the polls showing Trump winning a fifth of black voters are true than they are uniquely supporting Republicans at over 90%.

      I can’t tell what kind of congregation it is from the pictures because the protestors very overwhelming outnumber the Jews but if it is an orthodox community you are looking at people who are already Republicans.

JackinSilverSpring | June 24, 2024 at 7:16 am

Every Jew alive a forty-five.

The only way synagogues are going to get any protection from this Department of Justice is by using their facilities to abort babies.

Like any predator, Muslims sense weakness and capitalize on it. The lack of response from incidents like this will only embolden them.

    Dimsdale in reply to TargaGTS. | June 24, 2024 at 8:29 am

    Agreed. They’d at least get a protected path like the abortion butchers.

    In Gavin Noisome’s Californica, not so much.

It looks like simple assault and battery. Not a complex case.

    TargaGTS in reply to rhhardin. | June 24, 2024 at 8:17 am

    Lol. Assaulting anyone who’s exercising their religious beliefs is a federal crime, 18 U.S. Code § 247 – Damage to religious property; obstruction of persons in the free exercise of religious beliefs. Assaulting anyone based on ethnic or religious beliefs is also federal hate crime, 18 U.S. Code § 249 – Hate crime acts. There are likely several other federal statutes that are being violated in those videos.

    If Joe Biden will send devout Catholics and Christians to prison for for a decade for praying on a sidewalk outside an abortion clinic, how long do you think these people should go to prison.

      rhhardin in reply to TargaGTS. | June 24, 2024 at 8:43 am

      They’re in jail for obstruction of access to abortion clinics, explicitly illegal, not for praying.

      What are they praying for anyway? And if they believe in God, it’s not really prayer. It’s more like ordering pizza.

      Only atheists can pray. Reception has to be doubtful.

        stevewhitemd in reply to rhhardin. | June 24, 2024 at 8:54 am

        That comment is a special blend of stupid and odious.

        steves59 in reply to rhhardin. | June 24, 2024 at 8:57 am

        Please point out, in specific detail, where actual access to abortion clinics was restricted.
        Praying on a sidewalk outside a clinic doesn’t count.
        Your commentary regarding the point of prayer is absurdly ignorant.
        You’ve descended into some sort of nonsensical fantasy world.
        I suggest you take a few weeks off and undergo some shock therapy.
        Why are you even here?
        Go ahead and post some sort of non sequitur response. I’ll wait.

          CommoChief in reply to steves59. | June 24, 2024 at 9:06 am

          In fairness protesters may not remain ‘static’ in most jurisdictions on a public sidewalk they mist actually move ‘march’ and in a way which doesn’t impede folks from entering or departing the location. If a person or group knelt down directly in front of a doorway impeding access then ‘prayer’ isn’t the issue nor the offense they are cited for.

          And, to be honest, some of the abortion protesters that have been championed of late were actually inside a building, effectively blocking access to an office inside that private property, NOT “praying on a sidewalk.”
          And some have attacked anytime I’ve brought that up.

          rhhardin in reply to steves59. | June 24, 2024 at 10:09 am

          Derrida on prayer, listen for a couple of minutes

          The whole good part is from about minutes 5 to 28, if any of it is interesting to you, on prayer.

          steves59 in reply to steves59. | June 24, 2024 at 1:26 pm

          @CommoChief and @GWB: if access to a clinic is illegally blocked by anti-abortion protesters, or they breach the office, then of course they should be arrested. I’ve never said otherwise.
          I think we’ve seen more than a few prosecutions under the FACE act that have been… excessive. I’m waiting for “excessive” prosecutions to occur to those on the other side but that just never seems to happen.
          I’m not even going to dignify Hardin’s bullshit about prayer. He’s entitled to his opinion but I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend 20 minutes watching some Youtube video discussing Jacques Derrida’s thoughts on prayer.

          CommoChief in reply to steves59. | June 24, 2024 at 4:19 pm


          I am not suggesting that you were making such a case. As GWB points out though, there have been recent claims about arrests in the US framed as ‘arrested while praying’ when in fact the person was illegally blocking access.

          Dome on the ‘right’ have a bad habit of seeing/hearing what we want to see/hear v what actually occurred when it benefits our narrative. Facts matter but feelings/emotions don’t when we are trying to make a logical case to advance our policy preferences.

          rhhardin in reply to steves59. | June 24, 2024 at 4:52 pm

          @steves59 The video is Derrida himself, and it’s only a couple of minutes where I’ve linked to, unless you like it and want to know that minutes 5 to 28 are his discussion of prayer.

          Like most of the good postmodernism, which does not include academic postmodernism, it’s actually phenomenology, which is to say sudden finding of the right words to describe a situation. A poetic effect.

        Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | June 24, 2024 at 10:41 am

        Oh look, pretentious tool bag shows up with his undergraduate syllabi in hand. Behold your intellectual superior, you rubes! Ooooh he read Jacques Derrida in college everyone – you just WISH you were as well read and intellectual evolved as this guy!

        You are such a friggin’ punchline right out of central casting, you laughable buffoon.

          rhhardin in reply to Thad Jarvis. | June 24, 2024 at 12:38 pm

          Guys might like “Spurs” (but skip the Preface, not by Derrida). Girls would like “The Post Card.” Just as respective introductions to reading Derrida for pleasure.

          JohnSmith100 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | June 24, 2024 at 3:05 pm

          It can be hard to tell on a comment form rather someone is superior, it is a bit easier when they are inferior. Your comments are telling.

    FOAF in reply to rhhardin. | June 25, 2024 at 3:32 am

    You splooged over it the moment you heard about it hardin you Jew-hating retard.

When seconds matter, police are only minutes away.
And that’s in red areas, where they might actually respond.
Jews must be prepared to provide their own defense.
This only stops when these Hamasniks get punched in the face.
Spicy times are coming. Prepare accordingly.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to steves59. | June 24, 2024 at 8:16 am

    Or, contract Sudden Onset Lead Poisoning.

      Or Kinetic Energy Poisoning – it can have a slightly broader definition.

      Hard to legally accomplish in no-carry California. Was looking good for CA until CA9 quashed Peruta in a fairly corrupt way and SCOTUS denied cert (they’ve basically refused to defend Heller since issuing it).

      BierceAmbrose in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | June 25, 2024 at 1:24 am

      It’s been demonstrated: nothing counts short of level a rifle straight at you.

      No amount of mob, surrounding, restricting movement, threat, invasion of personal space, screaming or other deranged behavior counts as actual risk, or legitimately perceived fear.

    Dimsdale in reply to steves59. | June 24, 2024 at 8:35 am

    Unfortunately, with the state of our biased media, it would be like there were never any Hama$holes protesting, and the Jews just “went on a rampage” against “peaceful” terrorist supporters.

    Presuming they didn’t have a permit, they should be arrested on the spot under the laws TargetGTS noted above.

      steves59 in reply to Dimsdale. | June 24, 2024 at 8:53 am

      They *should* be arrested but *won’t* be arrested, at least in California.
      It took hours for Newsom and Bass to even craft a public response on X.
      The media couldn’t care less.
      If you’re a Jew in CA, open season has been declared and you are now responsible for your own safety and security.
      The sooner this is realized, the better.

Lots of antifa at this protest. Check Andy Ngo’s Twitter feed.

Anti-fa, BLM, pro-Hamas, they are the same group of people floating in and out of these groups. The only real answer here is consequences and identification. Don’t let these people hide under masks, publish their faces when arrested , and give them actual consequences for their behavior, and all but the dire hard fanatics will stop engaging. That group of fanatic people won’t change, they are in a cult and they aren’t leaving unless another cult comes along that they find more attractive.

    Dimsdale in reply to schmuul. | June 24, 2024 at 8:40 am

    Agreed!!! The Democrat “rent a mob” needs to be exposed and tarred and feathered.

    Of course, then they would have to go back to grooming innocent children…

    BierceAmbrose in reply to schmuul. | June 25, 2024 at 1:26 am

    Sadly, no resources. The FBI, charged with this kind of thing, is overwhelmed tracking parents who show up as school board meetings, and people who buy anything at a store that also sells guns.

The Gentle Grizzly | June 24, 2024 at 8:18 am

Time to restart the JDL, and for Jewish men to patrol their neighborhoods. The poh-lees won’t do a thing. They didn’t 85 years ago. They won’t now.

E Howard Hunt | June 24, 2024 at 8:29 am

In such a crowded melee it would be difficult to identify who’s responsible if a few masked protesters are permanently silenced every time this happens. After one or two times the police would suddenly be Johnny on the spot.

The upside of senseless attacks on Jews is that fewer old ladies are pushed in front of subways.

CA gov newsom and LA mayor bass silent?!

If I’m surrounded by a mob that I reasonably expect to be/turn violent, and someone assaults me by spraying me in the face with an agent designed to incapacitate me, would I be reasonable in fearing for my life? Or at least that I might be subject to grave bodily harm as a result of being incapacitated in the midst of a mob that is prone to violence? And if so, what might my legal options be in terms of preventing such an assault?

    Paula in reply to Paul. | June 24, 2024 at 9:54 am

    “…spraying me in the face with an agent designed to incapacitate me,”

    It was bear spray not pepper spray. “Bear spray and self-defense OC pepper spray are not interchangeable and have key differences. It is illegal to deploy bear spray against humans. Bear spray is specifically designed to deter bears in the event of an encounter.”

    “Do not use bear pepper spray on dogs or humans. Bear spray is regulated as a pesticide by the EPA and has only been approved for use on bears. It should not be used on any other animals, including humans.”

      Paul in reply to Paula. | June 24, 2024 at 2:16 pm

      If I understand your comment correctly, you’re saying that not only could I expect Bear spray to incapacitate me, but it also might poison me?

      So the Marxist agitator deserves to be shot twice then?

        JohnSmith100 in reply to Paul. | June 24, 2024 at 3:47 pm

        Or maybe cause blindness?

        henrybowman in reply to Paul. | June 24, 2024 at 6:38 pm

        No, no, no.
        The major differences between pepper spray and bear spray:

        Pepper spray is designed to stream in a jet, to be targeted to faces and eyes. Bear spray disperses in a cloud, to dissuade bears from taking any path to close the gap between you and them.

        Bear spray is actually MILDER than self-defense sprays.

        In certain jurisdictions, bear spray is generally available at outlets such as camping stores, while defense sprays are considered controlled munitions and require licensing or a record of sale. (I believe this is true of all of Canada, for one). This is why thugs prefer bear spray.

    gibbie in reply to Paul. | June 24, 2024 at 11:02 am

    In California your options are not good. In Florida you are unlikely to be in that situation.

      randian in reply to gibbie. | June 24, 2024 at 11:19 pm

      Merely unlikely, considering the the mobs in Florida chanting “to the ovens” a few years ago. Cops should have shut them down instantly for issuing threats, but didn’t.

        Milhouse in reply to randian. | June 25, 2024 at 2:41 am

        What mobs? When and where in Floriday did this supposedly happen?

        And no, “to the ovens” is not a threat, and the cops cannot shut someone down for saying it. It’s advocacy for a second Holocaust, and all advocacy is fully protected.

    GWB in reply to Paul. | June 24, 2024 at 12:23 pm

    would I be reasonable in fearing for my life?
    Andrew Branca would say “YES.”
    The offensive use of the spray incapacitates you, rendering you vulnerable to whatever your assailant desires. Any person would have fear of grave bodily harm or death at that point.

    Which means that in most states, you shooting your assailant would be proper procedure.
    But THIS is in California.

    henrybowman in reply to Paul. | June 24, 2024 at 6:27 pm

    Both chemical irritants and tasers have been legally (in some jurisdictions) deemed “lethal force” due to the effect they can have on human specimens who are less than robustly healthy. If you feel it it is justified in your case, feel free to respond with lethal force.

    Also, it is fairly well conceded that an attack upon you by chemical irritant that has a reasonable possibility of incapacitating you such that your attacker can gain control of a weapon of lethal force you possess, is considered a lethal force attack and a lethal response is justified.

    I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice,

Ol' Jim, hisself | June 24, 2024 at 9:42 am

Try that sh*t in Texas (except Austin) and find out what FAFO means.

It’s blue attacking blue. I’m going to step out of the way.

    gibbie in reply to Q. | June 24, 2024 at 11:04 am

    They look Orthodox – therefore probably not blue.

    rebelgirl in reply to Q. | June 24, 2024 at 11:07 am

    These are observant, Orthodox Jews. They are probably more conservative than you are….that said, being attacked at your place of worship? That’s okay? The hama$niks beat up a woman..that’s okay?

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Q. | June 24, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    Just like you would have in the 1930s & 40s.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Q. | June 25, 2024 at 6:41 am

    Jews are the authors of their own misfortune? Where have I heard that before? And where have I heard ‘Everyone knows all those Jews are commie liberals?”

Let me get this straight … they claim to be upset that the Israelis are running a “genocide” that seems to be interfering with their desire for a counter-genocide.

    destroycommunism in reply to Neo. | June 24, 2024 at 11:53 am

    NOTTT “counter genocide” that would imply that israel has gone after them first

    and history proves that the n azis have made the first moves against them

MoeHowardwasright | June 24, 2024 at 11:36 am

There are federal laws from the 60’s addressing the violation of religious civil rights. Designed to combat church burnings in the south. Crickets from the AG responsible for this area of LA. Don’t expect the fbi to investigate. This involved protected class of protester. Besides they’re too busy looking for Trump supporters and Orthodox Catholics listening to Mass in Latin. FJB

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to MoeHowardwasright. | June 25, 2024 at 6:43 am

    And from Reconstruction authorizing civil suits against those who go in disguise upon the highways, or conspire with others, to prevent anyone from exercising a legally protected right.

destroycommunism | June 24, 2024 at 11:52 am

imagine if this were good people blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic

the fjb admin would have the national guard out there

destroycommunism | June 24, 2024 at 11:55 am

if these were white males doing this to the jooows

the doj would ( and did) have them in court criminally and civilly

meanwhile cair demands that the doj investigate every utterance against their militants

destroycommunism | June 24, 2024 at 11:56 am

todays keffiyeh is yesterdays brown shirts

destroycommunism | June 24, 2024 at 11:57 am

the left said


its working

Shades of 1920’s and 1930’s Germany, in the run-up to the institution of the “Final Solution.” I’ve stated repeatedly that the vile and evil Dhimmi-crats and their goose-stepping, Muslim supremacist and Islamofascist allies, have uncorked something truly evil via their decades of increasingly unhinged, rabid, inflammatory and dishonest slanders of Israel and Israeli Jews.

The kind of brazen and unabashed Jew-hate that the Dhimmi-crats and Muslim supremacists have ginned-up is never going to be put back into the bottle. These reprobates have indoctrinated tens of millions of American children, teens and young adults in rabid Jew-hate and anti-Israel venom, from elementary school through college and grad school.

Anyone who is still supporting Dhimmi-crat candidates and officeholders, and, their wretched Party, at-large, is enabling and supporting unrestrained and gleeful Jew-hate and attendant violence and thuggery; end of story.

And, where are the FBI and DOJ, supposedly so concerned about fighting “domestic extremism” and “domestic terrorists?” Nowhere to be found, given their laser-like persecution and vilification of conservatives and devout Christians.

By the way, the Dhimmi-crat Party leadership currently shows no desire to lift a finger to combat Jew-hate and violence directed at Jews, as a means of placating its Muslim supremacist/Islamofascist base — just imagine where the anti-Jew violence and terrorism will escalate to, when the Muslim population in the U.S. increases to higher levels.

    GWB in reply to guyjones. | June 24, 2024 at 12:30 pm

    is never going to be put back into the bottle
    Well, you can fit a lot of ashes into a large bottle. So, technically, if they’re not composted, you *could* fit a lot of these demons “back into a bottle.” Exactly where they belong.

Is this the one where they couldn’t leave so they called some friends to come over? Because that’s the right response, IMO. It’s not what the response should have to be, but the right one when you must.

And, when the friends show up bearing arms, the local government is going to be in a bad spot.

    CincyJan in reply to GWB. | June 25, 2024 at 12:00 am

    According to article by Rabbi posted on PJ Media, the LA Police refused requests for a police presence before people arrived. Also according to that article, a Jewish self-defense force has been organized. It was that self-defense force that arrived in riot gear before the police came. The Rabbi did not say, but the self-defense force might be an Orthodox response. Liberal Jews might faint at the thought.

Dial 911 and leave message at tone, the police have been defunded.

LA fat black mayor bass is smiling.

By forcing the Israelis to slow the effort against Hamas and Hizballah et al, it gives time for these “protests” to organize and expand everywhere. Consider the implications.

It all smacks of such classic Obama-ism — i e, mendacious, two-faced, sinister.

midge.hammer | June 24, 2024 at 5:30 pm

It’s time for the neighbors to step in, lock the doors, and announce, “Now youse can’t leave.”

Bravo, Mary Chastain, for calling out the protestors as COWARDS for covering their faces.

BierceAmbrose | June 25, 2024 at 1:41 am

Originally, “outlaw” meant “outside the law’s protection”; they got there by breaking their social contract.

Having loose standards doesn’t mean no consequences for violating them. Perhaps, maybe crisper consequences.

When do we get to say: “You aren’t protected any more by the conventions you broke.” or “You aren’t welcome here, acting like that?”

George_Kaplan | June 25, 2024 at 2:24 am

How many dead Jews are required before the LAPD will respond?

How intimidated does a pro-Hamas mob need to be before the LAPD jackboots its way into a synagogue?

Seems like a 14th Amendment violation – denying equal protection under the law to Jews attacked by Leftist and Islamists. Kristallnacht is NOT what Democrats are supposed to be aiming for.

Seems to me that:

They only do these things in places where they have previously taken control of the DAs and or police and or FBI branch and or state/fed representation

Almost none of it is “spontaneous”

Almost all of it is done strategically , with a big picture in mind

They’re not stupid.
They’re evil.
They’re not stupid.

Imho they’re basically repeating what the BLM branch of their movement did …….. eventually finally getting response on January 6, and those who naively walked into their trap are now in prison, or getting their lives otherwise ruined. Or they’re dead.

They want you to confront them
They want you to “fight back” -WHERE they want you to fight back
(Sometimes, it seems to me that law-abiding citizens are so colossally naive – myself included)