‘Biden is Toast’: Democrats in Panic, Party Leaders Want New Candidate
CNN piece: “We are f***ed.”

I didn’t watch the debate because I was totally sick. But the left and Democrats are in a panic.
I should laugh. I really should, but how long have we been saying this is elder abuse? Shame on Jill Biden and everyone around Joe.
Shame on them. All of them.
Jill has to help Biden down the stairs pic.twitter.com/AwU1jNmrvh
— Paul A. Szypula
(@Bubblebathgirl) June 28, 2024
I mean…. pic.twitter.com/M5EcQF2OFx
— Kimberly Ross
(@SouthernKeeks) June 28, 2024
There is just no way to spin this because it’s coming from the left… pic.twitter.com/aWntJ0qciU
— AG (@AGHamilton29) June 28, 2024
CNN's Erin Burnett on Joe Biden's debate performance: "He goes through six days of preparation at camp David… They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time." pic.twitter.com/mwtAjHpOFz
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) June 28, 2024
PANIC AT MSNBC: Nicolle Wallace says conversations will take place about whether to replace Biden tomorrow morning. The coup is underway. pic.twitter.com/m9oytvORnc
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 28, 2024
CNN: "There is a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party. It started minutes into the debate and continues right now. They're having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal." pic.twitter.com/41PRLBJAfX
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 28, 2024
After the second commercial break, I asked my focus group of undecided voters how many are more convinced to vote for Donald Trump.
10 of 14 raised their hands… Even if they didn’t like Donald Trump.
One said: “I don’t even know if Biden can make it to November!” pic.twitter.com/2jmKU8WKd1
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) June 28, 2024
Van Jones is very depressed about how that debate went for Biden and calls for the Democrats to replace him on the ticket
"That was painful" pic.twitter.com/QKXIpF4GQV
— MRC NewsBusters (@newsbusters) June 28, 2024
CNN feels like Biden's funeral
"It's not just panic, it's pain." pic.twitter.com/h3MKtuiCcu
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) June 28, 2024
Look. This debate was a total and complete disaster for Biden. He looked old. His answers trailed off repeatedly. He was hard to understand. He would stop in mid sentence and move on to something else.
I NEVER thought he would be this bad. Stunning. Truly.
— Chris Cillizza (@ChrisCillizza) June 28, 2024
MSNBC's Joy Reid says Democrats are now "approaching panic" by Biden's "extremely weak" debate performance @DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/1Yj4q9kPho
— Nicole Silverio (@NicoleMSilverio) June 28, 2024
ABC's Mary Bruce: "There is no question — this is NOT the night that the Biden campaign wanted or needed." pic.twitter.com/8PgOF119DQ
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) June 28, 2024
The NYT sounds the alarm. pic.twitter.com/Z6HOxovI9A
— Mike (@Doranimated) June 28, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Schadenfreude ist die beste freude.
Remember to capitalize all German nouns, including Freude. The Founding Fathers did it too.
German spelling Nazis. How appropriate!
“Steck eine Gabel hinein, er ist fertig.”
Imagine all the Dem political poker players sweating bullets as they look at their cards and their chips, with their dirt files tucked up their sleeves.
The amount of damage this whole self-inflicted fiasco can possibly to do the progressive stranglehold on DC is delicious to consider.
Not only are the cards on the table, but everyone knows that everyone else knows … that si called “common knowledge” in microeconomics. It means the Dems can now be very efficient in using this data to plot their next steps. There will be a minimum of internal games and information asymmetry, a maximum of optimization in the presence of full information, among the Dems now.
Nobody within the D party could have provided this information to the D strategists. Only Donald Trump, by having this debate before the D convention, could have done that and helped them in this way.
I think this is why the Dems agreed to a debate this early – as an audition for Joe. He will either put the stories about his dementia and decline to rest, or show it so there is no denying it.
And while the “common knowledge” is now there, that doesn’t mean there won’t be tons of intrigue and cloak & dagger stuff. If Biden doesn’t choose to step aside, they will have a hard time moving him out. You know that VP Kamala has to be sweating up a storm right now – her ticket to 4 more years is now broken. Whatever influence she has she will have to expend over the next month (or less) to be able to move forward to whatever and save face. But people are scared of a “President Harris.”
The Party needed this debate as a test for Joe, and most acknowledge he performed very badly, but that doesn’t mean they can make him step aside if he refuses to do so.
“And then cometh the end.”
To Van Jones ….. if you don’t vote for Biden, you ain’t black, man.
Will he last 4 months? I have my doubts. Chronic health problems only get worse, and deterioration accelerates toward the end.
(with apologies to Zero Mostel)
Are you kidding me? Joe did a great job, and Trump was a blithering idiot. This was just another one of their Cheap Fakes.
But seriously, if the two videos – Jill leading Joe off stage and the other where she says he did a great job – get any mileage he will be more than toast. The Dems and Jill Biden and all their shills should be ashamed of themselves for continuing this elder abuse for four years too many.
I hope Dr Jill resists all calls for Old Joe to step down. Please Jill show some back bone and tell the demonrat party elders to f$&@ off. Please! FJB
After the election will be fine.
Maybe the CIA will eff him just like JFK …. problem solved! Cause after all, American citizens don’t have the final say, only the deep state does.
The CIA may have fired the first shot, but the Secret Service accidentally killed JFK.
They could use a lab-engineered Bird Flu, which would kill many birds with one stone.
Yes, yes, Jill! Hang on to that lifestyle with white knuckles! You don’t want to go from First Lady to Last Lady, do you?
Biden could step aside and endorse his wife for the nomination. She is probably making half of his decisions for him anyway.
“Dead Man Walking!”*
His campaign is finished. Now, or in November.
*Hey! FIBBIES. It’s a term, not a threat.
Yeah but he had a cold
Yes, that excuse was laughable. More likely, he was high on drugs.
Biden determined to die with his boots on like feinstein?
The lockstep unanimity of the response is something to watch. Eerie in it’s own way. Even the MSNBC “morning couple” are asking if he’s up to it.
When you’ve lost Chuck Todd…
All planned. They all got their instructions. The only scary thing is, who’s waiting in the wings?
MD Gov Wes Moore is the smart money bet
You have to give Joe Byedin a little credit. As much as is looked like he wanted to, he didn’t respond with “Get off my lawn!”
“a little credit”
As little as possible.
“a little credit”
None whatsoever.
I didn’t watch … so did he mention his hairy legs? Were there any little girls around for him to sniff?
Kamala is chomping at the bit. Or is it champing? In any case, she looks at Biden and considers the passage of time:
“The significance of the passage of time, right? So when you think about it, the significance of the passage of time is significant. I think that Biden’s time has passed and that is significant.”
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Kamala pull the 25th Amendment and take office. What then for the election? I don’t think the voters would take kindly to the party elites choosing a new candidate. The dems are “f”.
I think she needs the cabinet and both houses. Want to bet Johnson says ” you wanted him, you got him till November”
She could push him in front of an Amtrak Train and take the more direct route.
It’s champing.
Don’t forget, “Stamping feet, pawing, braying and banging on the gate.”
The Dim coalition-of-the-aggrieved already has a huge crack with the fighting between the liberal Jews and the Islamo-fascists. If they were to dump Kamala they’d risk losing the liberal-shrew-single-white-women and the black females. What a wicked web they’ve woven for themselves.
Enough will superannuated, lefty wackos. It’s time for Hillary.
Probably time for war.
This is no surprise to the inner circle of the Democratic Party. They (must) have a plan. I believe that this fiasco was accounted for and IS part of the plan. They will stall with officially replacing Joe as long as they dare, but that seed has been planted and the loyal press is busy watering it to make it grow.
The only question (for we, the public) is who, and when it happens. They have already decided both. The conventional wisdom is that they can’t replace their candidate very late in the game but that’s nonsense. If (when) Biden is declared medically incapacitated the Democrats will (and must) be permitted to replace him.
The Supreme Court (who may be forced to speak) will NEVER allow a “One-Candidate-Election” no matter what State Laws might say.
Imagine the turmoil if Trump were permitted to run unopposed. That’s literally revolution material. So, there may be some show business but the Democrats can substitute anyone they want.
I think for them the ideal scenario is to start the process at the convention, but let the final decision wait till the court hearings/shouting dies down. The idea is to have the substitute exposed to analysis and attack for a short a period as possible.
I’d play it thus:
Michele reluctantly accepts being drafted after declining at the convention. I’d say she accepts in mid-September. This leaves only six weeks and the defense of “Racists! Sexists!” will hold up for that long. Plus, she’ll have a strong experienced VP (white male) to assist her, for the old-school worrywarts to glom onto.
Barack Obama as her VP?
Big Mike will not run. Many states have laws on the books about when you can replace a candidate on the ballot. Nevada, for example, is 1700 today. The Dems rush to make Biden the nominee is backfiring Bigly
I agree that Obama won’t run. But, with respect to replacing Biden, I’ve seen a LOT of chatter on Twitter that it’s not possible because of ‘deadlines.’ Everything I’ve seen in this regard is wrong, some of it laughably so. The tl;dr is there are enormous differences between how/when a major party candidate gets on the GE ballot and how/when an Independent candidate has to qualify for the GE ballot. Much of this misinformation comes from that distinction. The TL;dr is major party candidates are selected at the time of their convention. This year, the DNC convention was only in conflict with one state’s hard deadline for major party qualification and that was Ohio, something the state remedied with a special session a few weeks ago.
In every other state, the DNC convention will come LONG before any ballot access time deadlines. Now, once their convention has been completed, if Biden is their nominee, then they’ll have huge problems replacing him.
In Nevada specifically, Ballotpedia explains it this way: The names of candidates for major and qualified minor parties can be placed on the general ballot. A party must submit a list of its candidates, including nominees for presidential electors, to the secretary of state. A minor party must file a list of presidential electors with the secretary of state no later than the last Tuesday in August. The relevant statutes do not appear to specify a similar deadline for major parties
Imagine the turmoil if Trump were permitted to run unopposed.
How could he run unopposed with RFK, West, Stein, and that LP antifa race nazi in the race at least?
Or do you think the only ‘opposition’ has to have a ‘D’ after their name?
Besides, how easy would it be to get RFK to slap HIS ‘D’ back on?
How about “effectively unopposed”? None of those candidates (not even RFK) would pose a serious threat to Trump.
Remember, you don’t vote for President. You vote for the Democratic slate of Electors. Even if Biden dies in October and is still on the ballot, you are still just voting for his party electors, and they will vote for whomever the DNC says is the party nominees for Prez and VP.
IT GETS BETTER AND BETTER: Hollywood celebrities abandon Joe Biden as they lash out at Donald Trump and CNN’s moderators after disastrous debate
Strange they have no problem with Biden lying like trotting out Bo again or even Charlottesville which Snopes finally admitted was wrong just a few days ago.
How can the pundit act surprised? EVERYONE knew he is senile. I call BS on the whole charade. Maybe the early debate was deliberate vto get Biden out?
The Biden camp wanted these debates as an opportunity to showcase their narrative that Joe was still sharp in order to calm the behind the scenes d/prog internal grumbling and frankly to try and boost his poll numbers. It backfired. They arrogantly beloved their own delusional spin about the true state of Biden’s physical health and mental acuity, this week they came out with ‘cheap fake’, for goodness sake no one with any sense is buying what they trying to sell about Biden’s health after last night.
Removing him from the ticket has lots of pitfalls. First…why just from the ticket and not the Presidency via 25 amendment? Then the question of his replacement at the top of the ticket. VP Harris… she is an awful politician at both retail and wholesale level. Kicking Harris to the curb invites all out civil war among the various political camps and among the collection of competing identity/interest tribal groups/blocks that form the d/prog coalition. They are IMO trapped in a culdesac of their own making and that’s the real reason for their panic.
Rhe Dems are “F”
“The Biden camp wanted these debates as an opportunity to showcase their narrative..’
That’s one possibility. And for some of the people in Bidenworld, maybe it’s even true. But, no one who works closely with Joe Biden expected this to go any other way than it did. There’s a reason they hide Biden from any event where he doesn’t have a teleprompter and the world saw that reason last night.
I do agree that removing him demands questions about 25A that have to be answered. I don’t know what answers they’ll settle on. BUT, I’m convinced they (and by ‘they’ I mean Barack Obama), knew those answers before this debate started.
So, they knew this is how it was going to go. This explains perfectly why, for the first time in the history of the country (I believe), two general election candidates debated before the convention.
I have a theory I posted below yours. But your theory is also possible
Biden made the very public challenge to Trump for these debates. The Biden camp selected the dates, set the rules, selected the network and chose the format.
Those are unambiguous objective facts. The only reasons that make sense foe the Biden camp to have done so are those I listed above. Frontrunners don’t need to debate, doing so is a risk which is why Trump refused to debate in the GoP primary.
The Biden camp took the risk b/c it created two separate singe night opportunities for Biden to deliver a ‘decent’ performance over the course of 90 minutes, which is a very low bar. They could have hung their hat on these two ‘decent’ performances and tried to spin the narrative that Joe is totes coherent and competent. Then following the ‘decent’ debate performance gone back to the basement campaign strategy they used in ’20.
The immediate problem with removing Biden as the nominee based upon this horrible performance that showcased his incompetence, incoherence and physical/mental decline is the 25th amendment. How can he be fine to serve as POTUS until Jan 20, 2025 but simultaneously not be capable of campaigning in ’24? No logical way to square that circle. It is blatantly dishonest to even attempt to do so and the d/prog +their enablers should and will be ruthlessly hammered on this point.
Let’s not forget that Hur declined to recommend prosecution because of Joe’s mental state.
AceofSpades offered a compelling explanation about why the debate now…
‘But I do now believe they snookered Shanghai Joe, telling him that he had to debate to “reassure the donors” but secretly planning to use the outcome of the debate — which, knowing Joe’s condition better that voters do, they knew would be a disaster — to then force him to drop out of the race.‘
Yes, to the public it appeared that this was all Biden’s idea. But, the reality behind the scenes may have been something else entirely. Interestingly, DNC Megadonor and CEO of Seebreeze Capital Partners tweeted this a couple hours ago..
‘What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is cancelled.
They arrogantly beloved their own delusional spin about the true state of Biden’s physical health and mental acuity
I think they more, they believed their own lies about the *hate-ability* of Donald Trump. Everyone Hates Trump, Everyone was worse of under Trump. Trump is a blithering idiot with no self-control. It doesn’t matter HOW BAD Biden performs, Biden will show himself better than Trump.
Reality – all Trump had to do was be coherent, concise, and courteous. That is it. As long as he didn’t “loom” or call Biden names, he won.
Perhaps ‘hoped’ is more accurate than ‘believed’ at least for those in d/prog circles who don’t have frequent interactions with him. IMO the inner circle hoped he could hold it together for 90 minutes and allow them to pin their hat on debate performance while continuing to use the ‘cheap fake, Biden is totes ok, our political opposition is lying’ narrative they put out last week.
“Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race.”
– Tom Friedman, this morning’s headline of his NY Times column.
It’s over.
If he’s a good president, why bow out? Keep him in! You get rid of bad presidents and keep good presidents.
Your right. How do you say he is a good President and then demand he bow out?
Say, “His decline occurred while in office. It has only recently been manifest. We shouldn’t allow his record as president to be eclipsed by his current mental/medical condition, over which he has no control. That would be unfair.”
Can I spin, or what?
Trying to imagine the panic is delicious. An d to know this was all of their own making …
As far as I can see the propaganda media has shifted into high gear; (1) Trump lied constantly about Jan 6, the stolen election, abortion, etc. (apparently this means Trump didn’t adopt the Democrat Party line), (2) It was just a bad performance and he can be a bad candidate but still be a good president (3) both candidates are elderly gentlemen. The Big Lies never rest. But this all misses the point. Even if the Democrat candidate was the most telegenic and articulate guy around (the fraud Gavin Newsom comes to mind), ideologically Democrats are slavers. All that’s changed since the Civil War is Democrat ambitions have expanded to enslave us all.
Here’s the problem most partisan political observers – left and right – have a difficult time absorbing: Presidential elections aren’t about policy. They’re about popularity.
More problematically, they’re decided by the least informed, generally least partisan voters in the country. These are the voters who make decisions based on very superficial criteria. They’re not reading campaign white papers and making their decisions based on those, right?
The two Democrats with the highest disapproval ratings are Biden & Harris. Replacing them with anyone improves the Dems’ chances, perhaps significantly depending on who they pick.
Dem’s in a panic. Perhaps if they hadn’t been hiding under a rock, they would have recognized elder abuse.
There are 130 days to the election. The discussion should not be about his candidacy but about his ability to remain as president.
Any attempt to remove Biden should be countered with a lawsuit, as the Democrats had legal primaries, selected delegates, and should have a rigid procedure to follow for any action. Legal standing should be any group of Democratic voters.
Hopefully the Republicans have some plants in the Democratic Party or other willing parties that can effectively use lawfare to muck it up, keeping any D off the ballot in enough states to cause a complete landslide.
Two things befuddle me; first is that the Ds HAD to know Biden was incapable of any kind of performance at the debate (in spite of the debate rules designed to protect Joe) so presumably they were okay with this.
And two, there are comments on every Biden disaster tweet on X claiming the poster saw a strong, intelligent Joe up against that lying rapist. THOSE folks will vote for Nursing Home Joe no matter what
Here is a link to today’s NY Times front page:
I searched very carefully, but failed to see any mention about last night’s debate.
(I saw that the paper now costs $4. When I was a kid, the Chicago Tribune was seven cents.)
The DNC website and Twitter both forgot there was a debate last night.
Wow that’s incredible!!
Old Grey Lady: “Nothing to see here…”
Just like everything else the media reported over the years, they are in lockstep with one voice with the concern for Biden’s chances.
Democrats do not panic. We are being played.
Not toast. Bread crumbs.
No worries, Big Mike is coming to the rescue. Read all about it at ispeakfortrump.com. They have an interesting article on why the crime family needs Big Mike to keep the coalitions together.
She is not running. She is not as smart as Kamala and Trump would run her “not proud to be American” quote from day run. Her angry black woman act alienates everyone including black men. Trump would eat her alive in a debate because she’s got nothing.
My theory is that the democrats are throwing the election:
– The economy, inflation, border, and potential war everywhere are issues regular folks care about and can see and feel. They’re caused by democrat (in)action over the last few years, and they’re not going to get better anytime soon. The democrats want to distance themselves from these facts and hope people forget in four years.
– Letting Trump inherit the mess above is a win/win for the democrats. If Trump can’t fix the problems, democrats point to that in ’28 as a talking point. If he can, he’s out anyway. If they put someone like Newsom in now, and he can’t fix the problems, he won’t get a second term and he’s wasted as a future candidate.
– Trump’s numbers keep going up, to the point where he’s likely to win some typically blue states. Having Biden tank himself saves them the the humiliation of a huge defeat: it wasn’t the party that was at fault, it was Biden.
The recent pile of news stories tailor-made to take Biden down being allowed to run supports this, as the media is normally happy to hide any bad press Biden and the democrats like. The democrats want to lose this election, but don’t want it to be obvious, so they’re letting their lap dogs publish some juicy bits.
I don’t think Biden is complicit in the whole deal, I think he’s just a doddering old man who doesn’t know where he is half the time and isn’t ready to quit.
I have heard this theory expressed before. There may be some in the inner circles that believe it.
Let me offer this twist: no matter who wins, there’s going to be violence after the election. BLM through J6 will be a barn dance in comparison. That will force the President (Trump) to call in the National Guard to suppress the violence. The Dems will cry about the incivility and inhumanity, and push for Impeachment. They might just get it. Possible?
Or, Trump will be stymied in his efforts to clean out the military and start a mass deportation, which means there will be millions of illegals and asylum seekers sitting in blue cities in time for the 2030 census. That will mean a shift of house seats & electoral college votes from red states to blue states. Dems will bring in PR and DC as states, giving them +4 Dem Senate seats, and the Democrats will have secured power in all three elected office sets (President, House, Senate) for 50 years.
You could be right if a currency crisis is in the cards. They would want to dump that on Trump.
Joe is running two trillion dollar annual deficits. A currency crisis and continued high inflation is almost inevitable, the massaged junk numbers Biden is publishing notwithstanding.
I think it could even be argued that the Democrats don’t just want Trump to inherit their mess, they are going all out to destroy as much as possible before his inauguration. I also predict the Democrat brownshirts will reappear and try to turn down everything. A president fighting a thousand dumpster fires, both figurative and literal, is one that has little time to enact his legislative agenda. Not that he will get anything done, with a thousand lawsuits against everything he does, a court system more than willing to let them do it, and a SCOTUS unwilling to reign in district courts that imagine they have national jurisdiction.
I doubt it. The Democrats aren’t ultra-Machiavellian 5d chess playing schemers like Littlefinger on “Game of Thrones,” they’re opportunistic authoritarian clowns. They really do want Biden to win, because their power relies on having a Democrat in the White House.
What we’re seeing right now is “The Death of Stalin” playing out in real time. They’re all jockeying for position, undercutting rivals, and waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Question: In the first video, who is the man who comes in from the left, offering assistance to Biden? Is that Trump? If not, was it a Biden staffer standing by in case Joe took a tumble? Of just someone from the production crew who noticed Joe might need a hand?
FWIW, I’ve seen him described as a ‘CNN staffer.’
a trump victory in 2024 will only be a true victory if he jettisons the swamp
abortion back to the states etc is the exact recipe for housing education etc
america is about to get called out fiscally especially if trump wins it would be a great time for the enemy of capitalism/free markets
aka the dems to unleash their
in place cauldron of hate that the have planted via dei seeding in the treasury /the fed etc and give themselves even more reparations in the form of “hacked” bank accounts etc causing massive chaos to the white middle class
“but how long have we been saying this is elder abuse? Shame on Jill Biden and everyone around Joe.”
I have been saying this since before the election. It was obvious during the 2020 campaign that Biden wasn’t well and was in rapid decline.
If you can stomach it, watch the video of Jill Biden telling Joe how good he did. It’s like a mother praising a toddler, it’s disgusting.
There are many that should be charged with Elder Abuse and #1 is Jill Biden.
But … the puppeteers of daddy-joe (led by wifey/mrs jill) got him filled with Jacked-Up-Joe-Juice by the time he appeared in NC on Friday, the 28th, to read from teleprompters what some of the puppeteers wrote for him. In NC he sounded worse than he did at the 2024 (awful) state of the union teleprompter event. Family and friends, especially wifey/mrs jill, should be filled with shame for putting this mentally deficient man out there in the cellar in 2020 and, now in 2024, on exhibition.
If Biden wanted to do what is best for the Democratic Party, he would resign immediately on health grounds, let Kamala be President for a month before the Convention so the Party can see how she performs, and then the Convention can have as many ballots as necessary to choose their nominee. They might pick her, or pick someone else.
Kamala has two advantages she can play up. It’s basically impossible to strongly criticize her without being accused of being both racist and misogynist. She’s simply unassailable, like Barack was.