Poll: 67% Palestinians Agree With October 7 Massacre, 71% Want Hamas to Rule Gaza

A new Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) poll shows Palestinians still support the attack on Israel on October 7, support Hamas, and want the terror group to control Gaza.

The support remains high despite a slight drop. The support has grown among Palestinians in the West Bank:

While overall support for the October 7 Hamas offensive remains high, it has seen a four-percentage point decline compared to the previous poll, now at two-thirds. The decrease in this percentage came from the Gaza Strip, which saw a decrease of 14 percentage points. It is important to note that support for this attack, as we will see later, does not necessarily mean support for Hamas and does not mean support for any killings or atrocities committed against civilians. Support comes from another motive: findings show that more than 80% of Palestinians believe that the attack has put the Palestinian issue at the center of attention and eliminated years of neglect at the regional and international levels.

War Crimes

However, 97% of the Palestinians think Israel has committed war crimes. Only 9% think Hamas did the same.

Those who watched the video of the October 7 massacre tend to agree that Hamas committed war crimes.

PSR noted that the majority of those polled watch Al Jazeera. 83% of Palestinians in the West Bank prefer the channel.

Two-State Solution

How about a two-state solution?

Nope. That statistic decreased to 32% from 45% in March.

65% do not want two states.

This is strange. In March, 62% of Gazans supported the two-state solution, yet only 32% supported it in June.

Also, “nearly half, in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, believe that the top most vital goal for the Palestinian people should be an ‘Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital.'”

Something tells me the 1967 borders won’t be enough. They don’t want Israel to exist anymore.

Hamas Support

The Palestinians also support Hamas and its leader, Yahya Sinwar, while showing discontent with the Palestinian Authority.

They don’t want peace. They want to keep Hamas in charge.

If the Palestinians held a presidential election today, 46% would vote for Ismail Haniyeh, considered the chief political leader of Hamas, the terrorist group. Only 5% would vote for current PA President Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah Party member). The turnout would only be 57%.

If the election were between Abbas, Haniyeh, and Fatah Party member Marwan Barghouti, participation would increase to 76%.

Barghouti has a lengthy history of crimes against Israel. They consider him the leader of the First and Second Intifadas.

Barghouti would win with 47% of the vote. Haniyeh comes in second with 23%, and Abbas is third with 2%.

Barghouti would still win if the race were between him and Haniyeh.

94% of the Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

Political Parties

Despite those numbers, 41% support Hamas, only 17% support Fatah, and 39% don’t know or support none of them.

That’s also interesting because 61% of the Palestinians want Hamas to control Gaza after the war. The majority, though, live in the West Bank. 46% of Gazans want Hamas.

16% want a new PA government, but 24% of Gazans fall in that category.

The push for Hamas seems more from those in the West Bank.

Tags: Antisemitism, Gaza, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Terror