Pelosi on Jan 6 Video: ‘I Take Responsibility for not Having’ the National Guard There
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Pelosi on Jan 6 Video: ‘I Take Responsibility for not Having’ the National Guard There

Pelosi on Jan 6 Video: ‘I Take Responsibility for not Having’ the National Guard There

“They clearly didn’t know. And I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”

House Republicans released a video of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitting she should have had the National Guard on the Hill on January 6.


PELOSI: “Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”

UNKNOWN: “They thought that they had sufficient resources.”

PELOSI: “No, that is not a question of how they had. They don’t know. They clearly didn’t know. And I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”

The unknown is Terri McCullough, Pelosi’s chief of staff.

Pelosi’s daughter Alexandria shot the video for an HBO documentary.

Politico wrote up the video, but it’s so weird. Authors Jordain Carney and Kyle Cheney don’t mention the remarks until the end. Even then, they scrub the comments:

Pelosi also suggested that Capitol security officials should have been more transparent with lawmakers about what they were hearing. She noted that the main guidance they gave to members was to use the underground tunnels from the office buildings to access the Capitol, rather than walking outside.

McCullough begins to tell Pelosi that Capitol security officials believed they were adequately prepared — which aligns with testimony other Pelosi staffers gave to the Jan. 6 committee — but the then-speaker cut her off, adding that leaders have a “responsibility” and “we didn’t have any accountability for what was going on there and we should have.”

“What is missing here in terms of anticipation?” Pelosi asked, referring to the security planning. “They thought these people would act civilized? They thought these people gave a damn?”

Pelosi spokesman Aaron Bennett accused the Republicans of whitewashing January 6th by using out-of-context clips.

Yeah, well, your boss said it.


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A setup by Pelosi and staff.

    diver64 in reply to RITaxpayer. | June 11, 2024 at 4:42 pm

    Of course it was. From Pelosi and The DC Bowser refusing Trump’s offer of NG to FBI plants in the crowd to the ready “insurrection” narrative the corporate press Dem mouthpieces had ready to go. All a set up

Th Speaker of the House is responsible for security at the Capital (legislative branch) grounds in DC. Full stop. The Speaker has authority over Capitol Police. That Pelosi didn’t choose to be more involved in planning meetings revolving around potential Security issues as electoral vote count proceedings were conducted in DC is on her. The Army, the DoJ, the DC Metro Police, the Capital Police and DC National Guard among others all had a series of meetings, planning sessions and follow up discussions. When in charge be in charge and if you fail to do so don’t be upset when ultimately held to account even if only by historians, despite however much BS blame shifting you attempt and how many folks try to help cover your tracks.

    RITaxpayer in reply to CommoChief. | June 11, 2024 at 7:37 am

    It worked out precisely the way she wanted it to in my opinion

    mailman in reply to CommoChief. | June 11, 2024 at 7:38 am

    She had no intention of doing anything that would have been helpful to President Trump. The resulting chaos, ably supported by the FBI, was exactly what the Democrats wanted out of the day.

      Virginia42 in reply to mailman. | June 11, 2024 at 9:10 am

      Yep. Reichstag Fire 2.0. They wanted this to distract people from what happened with the election.

        CommoChief in reply to Virginia42. | June 11, 2024 at 9:42 am


        You and mailman are almost certainly correct to some degree. I doubt that they would have been sanguine had the crowd been truly violent or come with evil intent beyond simple trespass (arguably) and a very few incidents of actual vandalism/theft. The 99% of the crowd was peaceful. Let’s not forget the strong possibility (IMO a certainty) of provocateurs present egging on more extreme acts. A full release of video and a voluntary turn over of info from DoJ and other LEO or even IC as to what assets they had in place that day and a record of all communications and orders/directives would be very illuminating.

        diver64 in reply to Virginia42. | June 11, 2024 at 4:44 pm

        Absolutely. Create that dog and pony show to draw attention from the most corrupt election in history then use it to demonize anyone with valid concerns

    DaveGinOly in reply to CommoChief. | June 11, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    Re: “Full stop”

    I agree completely. Trump not only had no responsibility to react to the riot, he was wise not to do so. Any reaction DJT might have had to quell the disturbance, no matter how successful it may have been, would have been played as a projection of force in an attempt to intimidate Congress by an out-of-control president. Had Trump appeared personally and managed to calm the demonstrators, that would have been played as “proof” that they were under his control and operated at his direction.

RepublicanRJL | June 11, 2024 at 7:37 am

Will she take responsibility for the J6ers that have been unjustly imprisoned for walking in the Capitol at the suggestions of Capitol police?

What about the shooting death of Ashley Babbitt? Will Pelosi send an apology card to the husband?

What about those on the J6 committee that never subpoenaed her or her daughter for records?

    mailman in reply to RepublicanRJL. | June 11, 2024 at 7:39 am

    Oh no, those on the J6 committee need to be dealt with via criminal proceedings. Treat them like they have treated everyone else who dared oppose Democrat power grabs!

Wasn’t the whole video charade trial set up the Jan 6th committee “out of context” clips and hearsay anyway, all edited and set up to a particular story that was devoid of context and complexity. So why leave out Pelosi’s “out of context” clip. I think we all know why….

The j6 were not violent until the police over reacted and the agents provoked. Nancy’s hid her ignorance with a cover up. Yea,hammer time for a few more drinks.

Pelosi is a vile turd.

Id really like to know how come the FBI can use the most obscure video of old people walking through capital hill to track them down on the other side of the country to raid them at 4am in the morning with armed SWAT squads yet somehow cannot find the people who planted the pipe bombs?

Is that because the people who did that work were FBI agents and the pipe bombs were their backup plan?

Also, how come the FBI hasn’t arrested anyone for pedophilia from that geezers island…you know, the guy who didnt kill himself??

Strange isnt it.

    destroycommunism in reply to mailman. | June 11, 2024 at 11:34 am

    spot on again

    DaveGinOly in reply to mailman. | June 11, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    Also, nobody knows who erected the “gallows” (a non-operational, two-thirds scale construction that resembled an actual gallows, that was incapable of serving as such in reality – e.g., even the knot on the rope was phony) hours before the demonstrators arrived on the Capitol grounds.

Pelosi can try to claim that she was “wrongfully advised” on potential security risk, but ultimately capitol security was her decision. In the aftermath of the BLM riots that shook american cities for months, there really was no justifiable reason for her not to have redundant security for different scenarios. Pelosi can’t say she wasn’t responsible.

Even the corrupt Jan-6 Committee was not allowed to question Speaker Pelosi

E Howard Hunt | June 11, 2024 at 10:27 am

Security should have been better at her own house. Poor Paul

Responsibility with no consequences.

This latest thing is misdirection; Pelosi is covering for General Mark Milley, the fifth columnist in charge of organizing, and managing, the insurrection hoax.


There is a significant difference between what was probably planned by Pelosi and other members of the Dem leadership and the actual results, which they capitalized on like mad. The Dems *wanted* a disruption to wreck the Republicans’ plans of challenging the obviously questionable elections in four states with…results that defy statistical probability. If these four states were forced to look over their ballots again, there was a chance that the Evil Orange One Who They Despise could reveal their schemes and get a second term. With that in mind, they directed Capitol Police leadership to deploy a fairly minimalistic force (below normal levels for normal days), refused to allow National Guard into the area, and made statements they knew would inflame the crowd. (which they did not expect to actually resort to significant violence since most Trump crowds to this point had been remarkably positive, even when attacked by Antifa and BLM goons)

Having these unwashed heathen enter their private sanctuary threw all the Dems and certain Republicans into frothing madness. This is the home of the Hundred Kings, the Senate and the People’s Democratic House of Power. An army of psychologists is not sufficient to treat them all back to sanity.

    DaveGinOly in reply to georgfelis. | June 11, 2024 at 4:25 pm

    It’s also possible that one hand did not know what the other was doing. Pelosi may have been inviting some type of disturbance, and got more than she bargained for. The disturbance she got may have been instigated by other Deep State players, who may have been planning a disturbance large enough to pose a threat to well-defended Capitol. What they ended up with was a disturbance (at least partially of the govt’s own creation) too large for Pelosi’s inadequate security, resulting in the unanticipated penetration of the building. I think some of the shock (such as the Pelosi revelation in the video) and confusion at the Capitol and after the event could be explained by a scenario such as this. What happened did not appear to be entirely planned by Pelosi and the Deep State, as the shock and confusion of at least some players appears to be genuine, yet there was certainly a component of govt planning behind the events.

    Even if this was what happened, the penetration would have been unanticipated gravy, later played to the hilt, as well as an unanticipated result.

Scott Adams makes the case that Pelosi’s guilty knowledge of the rigging of the 2020 election may have caused her to fear for her life. That may also have been a factor for the rest of the Jan-6 Committee.

Typical democrat projection of bad intent.

    henrybowman in reply to gibbie. | June 11, 2024 at 4:12 pm

    “Fear for her life” my shiny metal ass.
    There was only one assassin present on January 6, and his name was Michael Byrd.

destroycommunism | June 11, 2024 at 11:07 am


great to know


DJT that the plebs were left to defend america which they cant do b/c the local pd have been turned woke

destroycommunism | June 11, 2024 at 11:09 am

the left sets the trap(s) and with the

msm/courts/blmplo ready to do war against patriots of america

well.. you see what they are doing to djt

we are next!!!!

destroycommunism | June 11, 2024 at 11:33 am

“mailmans” post from above is correct that pelosi didnt want to do anything to help tump…america

AND THAT ECHOS Kamalalas statement of

we wont take the covid vax under potus trump

lefty=america last

destroycommunism | June 11, 2024 at 11:35 am

why didnt /wasnt the NG called out to disperse blmplo rioting??

calling it “peaceful/mostly peaceful” doesnt and didnt make it so

henrybowman | June 11, 2024 at 1:40 pm

“Pelosi did not plan her own assassination.”

I didn’t realize you could assassinate someone by putting your feet up on their desk.

Remember, the “mostly peaceful” demonstrators killed zero victims. Democrat state functionaries killed two, both women.

It’s good to see that the bus has grown so large that its wheels now demand more portentous fodder.

Admitting she is a Coup d’etat leader, I suspect since then she was one.

“Pelosi was quick to brand the video as “revisionist history,”

No Nancy, given it was shot of you, by your daughter, it is a video with impeccable provenance. That’s what historians call a primary source.

What is questionable is why this video was never examined by your 6 Jan Kangaroo Court Committee. Perhaps you’d like to comment on that?

Love to see her in an orange jump suit, by the riverside, as she is converted to Islam and mercifully beheaded as an offering to Allah, for profit.

Who has a film crew following you around during a “crisis” but a Pelosi?

    Gosport in reply to FinbarOS. | June 12, 2024 at 11:17 am

    The cameraman was reportedly her daughter who was being paid by HBO to shoot background stuff for a special they had planned on Pelosi.

J6 was a plot devised by the Wicked Witch of the West, and it succeeded past her wildest dreams. Ordinary conservative Republicans hunted down (and still being hunted down) and jailed for expressing unacceptable political opinions; the National Guard finally called out to protect the Capitol from US citizens; barbed wire surrounding the Capitol; and then selling the idea to a foolish MSM that it is the Trump supporters who represent fascism. Hard to believe this could be the United States of America. Hard to believe the DOJ is so corrupt. Hard to believe the Democrats in Congress are willing to pursue partisan politics at the expense of the Republic. There is no way the nation recovers without deep scars.