Oregon Track Coach Allegedly Fired for Suggesting an ‘Open’ Category for ‘Transgender’ Athletes
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Oregon Track Coach Allegedly Fired for Suggesting an ‘Open’ Category for ‘Transgender’ Athletes

Oregon Track Coach Allegedly Fired for Suggesting an ‘Open’ Category for ‘Transgender’ Athletes

He suggested the category because he wants them to “participate where they’re not ‘booed'” and keep things fair for females.

John Parks claimed Lake Oswego High School in Oregon fired him because he proposed an open category for males who want to compete in female sports.

Apparently, Parks “antagonized” one male athlete who competed in female categories and got others to protest his participation.

Funny thing is…Parks suggested the change after he heard the crowd booing Aayden Gallagher after he won the 200m championship in May.

Parks told KATU, “I want them to be able to participate where they’re not ‘booed.'”

But, like any normal person, Parks also wants fairness for females in female categories.

How dare he:

John Parks wrote two letters to Peter Weber, the Executive Director of the Oregon Student Activities Association, and state Sen. Rob Wagner before and after the state championships in May, respectively.

In the letters, Parks wrote that current state law, which protects athletes who wish to compete against the gender that aligns with their gender identity, compromises the integrity of girls’ sports.

“The OSAA competition rules need to be aligned with what the rest of the world competes under,” Parks wrote to Wagner, referring to hormone testing requirements enforced by the International Olympic Committee and other organizations. “My proposal to encourage transgender participation is to offer an open division that is so named so it doesn’t identify or discriminate but offers an opportunity to participate.”

“Allowing this travesty to be carried out is making a complete mockery of the meet this weekend and in the future until the rules are altered to protect natural born females,” Parks added.

Portland Public Schools Athletic Director Marshall Haskins claimed Parks made the male athlete feel “unwelcome and discriminated against” all spring in a letter to the Lake Oswego School District and Salem-Keizer School District.

“I was appalled, disappointed and embarrassed for Lake Oswego and Salem Keizer School districts because of the behavior of one of your employees,” wrote Haskins.


Haskins claimed that Parks contacted other coaches and parents from around the state, asking them to reach out to the OSAA demanding they bar the transgender athlete from the female competition. He also asked coaches to boycott the medal presentations, Haskins said.

The letter from Haskins also claims that Parks was contacting families and student-athletes before the state meet “forcing them to participate in his personal agenda.” Haskins also claimed that Parks was “riling up” tournament spectators who booed and jeered at the state meet as the transgender athlete competed and received her medals.

Haskins alleged that Parks spoke negatively with the transgender student-athlete during her medal presentation.
A person with direct knowledge of the situation told The Oregonian/OregonLive that Parks’ remark to the student athlete was: “It will never be a fair race if you’re in it.”

Parks denies the allegations.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 19, 2024 at 1:25 pm

There has AL:WAYS been an Open category – the Men’s Competitions.

Womenj have played in PGA events, the New York Knicks, laughably, let Nancy Lieberman try out for the team … any woman who wanted to could compete against the men in anything (except for contact and close-up sports like boxing – where they can get killed – or wrestling – where it is a joke and it is uncomfortable for the males to have to wrestle with women). Men’s competitions have always been the Open competitions. It’s just a fact that women are completely unable to compete against men in pretty much every sport that has kept them to just men – though women do compete in drag racing and some do very well.

    No, no, that will never do.
    We need a NEW open category, where all the trans losers who could never hope to compete with healthy males can gather their little participation trophies and feel good about themselves.
    We could call it something like the Fabulous Olympics.

      They could fashion the trophies out of butt plugs vaginoplasty dialators. Be sure to wash them real good first “ladies”!!

        JR in reply to Paul. | June 19, 2024 at 7:38 pm

        “They could fashion the trophies out of butt plugs vaginoplasty dialators. Be sure to wash them real good first “ladies”!! —

        You probably shouldn’t publish your Penthouse Forum Fantasies here on Legal Insurrection. Not that there is anything wrong with that, of course.

          Paul in reply to JR. | June 19, 2024 at 9:42 pm

          Funny that you know the name of that particular column in that mag. That’s not appropriate for little girls your age, is it?

          It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that mag, but I’m pretty sure their readers aren’t interested in festering, open wounds.

    Shirley Mulvaney use to beat the crap out of the boys.
    I loved watching her as a young girl

    though women do compete in drag racing and some do very well.

    Um, does that mean what I think it means? <gdravvf>

    It’s impossible to trans a man into a woman or a woman into a man . Therefore we should use genetics to determine if a person is male or female for sporting contests.this is a simple and clean solution for men who pretend to be women a no d competing against real women.

    Actually, I have seen girls wrestling with boys for a few decades at least. At younger ages, it’s not an issue and they’re equally competitive. Even at high school events they’re competitive. It may be uncomfortable for guys, but I bet it is also uncomfortable for guys to be grabbed by other guys as well.

      artichoke in reply to rwingjr. | June 21, 2024 at 8:16 am

      There were multiple instances of the girl apparently grabbing the boy’s dick. One thing a boy can’t do to a girl that he could do to another boy is to punch him so hard it never happens again.

      A boy should not be put in that situation.

Hey the pussy-boys can’t compete against men so what are they to do, huh?

There are a lot of upsetting elements in this story not the least of which is the very strong likelihood this guy will never get another job coaching, at least not at any public school. This is how the public school mafia enforces compliance. If you get fired for violating or questioning the narrative, your career is finished.

The same is true with that poor doctor in Dallas who blew the whistle and is now under federal indictment. Even if he beats these charges (or is pardoned by Trump in a few months), his medical career is in serious jeopardy, particularly as a surgeon.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to TargaGTS. | June 19, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    The same is true with that poor doctor in Dallas who blew the whistle and is now under federal indictment.

    Eithan Haim. He’s a rock – and his wife, too. They are the sort of courageous, strong, principled people who built this nation. The officials who are persecuting him – every single one of them – need to be held liable for their truly evil actions.

      On the bright side, Riley Gaines — one of the few women who actually sacked up and made noise — seems to be well employed as an issue activist in her own organization. And good on her. There’s plenty of room for coaches like this to transmute themselves into thorny whips that the teacher unions will be sorry they pissed off.

      The older I get, the more I understand how entrepreneurship is the key to liberty.

        henrybowman in reply to henrybowman. | June 19, 2024 at 3:23 pm

        That was supposed to be a response to Targa. Commenting from a phone with these tiny links is like doing brain surgery with a banana.

        Joe-dallas in reply to henrybowman. | June 19, 2024 at 6:12 pm

        As I previously stated
        Boys competing in girls sports is not the real problem

        The real problem is the adult activists that tell these mentally ill kids that their mental illness can be cured by pretending to be the opposite sex.

        Further harm is done with providing puberty blockers and other drugs and hormones which prevent the childs human body to develop properly created lifelong damage.

        “ The older I get, the more I understand how entrepreneurship is the key to liberty.”. Yes indeed! Free enterprise is a part of what makes America great.

        artichoke in reply to henrybowman. | June 21, 2024 at 8:18 am

        “Transmute” = mute the trans?

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to TargaGTS. | June 19, 2024 at 2:29 pm

    Also, a nurse, Vanessa Sivadge, has come forward with evidence of Medicaid fraud in the hospital’s billing of the evil trans-children procedures. She got a visit from a couple of the brown shirts of the FBI.

    gonzotx in reply to TargaGTS. | June 19, 2024 at 3:35 pm

    Texas Children’s

    Think about that


    Abbott should be doing some house cleaning and arm twisting, but it’s Abbott

    A Rino

      CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | June 19, 2024 at 5:41 pm

      As a TX resident with more local info can you confirm whether the TX Legislature passed a statute that Abbott signed to prohibit that crap or at least preclude State funds?

      Isn’t the TX AG already investigating these latest reports from these two whistleblowers? Isn’t this the same hospital whose ‘trans’ clinic practices were the impetus for the legislation and didn’t the hospital leadership all swear up and down they would comply and shut it down even though they wanted it to continue?

      txvet2 in reply to gonzotx. | June 21, 2024 at 12:29 am

      “”A Rino””

      Says the Hillary supporter. Not to mention the Perotista.

    Joe-dallas in reply to TargaGTS. | June 20, 2024 at 8:07 am

    The hospital is in Houston, TX

    Joe-dallas in reply to TargaGTS. | June 20, 2024 at 8:23 am

    Regarding the indictment of Haim – fwiw – Houston like most all large cities is heavy democrat infested. Fortunately, this is a federal case so , the jury pool will be drawn from a much larger area than just Houston which includes 13 counties. (Southern district of Texas houston division)

    The second point it HIPPA has two important exceptions A) when it is exposing criminal activity and B) when information is redacted such that the identity of the patient can not be determined. Both of those exceptions have been met.
    Thus the likelihood of conviction is zero. There will not be a kangaroo court like there was for the two NY trump civil and criminal trials

      artichoke in reply to Joe-dallas. | June 21, 2024 at 8:21 am

      Hoping. I don’t think most people imagined Trump’s case would go all the way to convictions either. I still don’t understand how they could find 12 people to convict. Let the judge instruct however he wants. Jurors aren’t slaves.

Let them compete and beat women until women complain.
You want it, here it is.

    kyrrat in reply to scooterjay. | June 19, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    Women have been complaining. Girls have been complaining. Both have been banned from participation in their sports for complaining. Stick your head out of that hidey hold and look around.

      henrybowman in reply to kyrrat. | June 19, 2024 at 4:46 pm

      At some point, you learn the futility of “exporting democracy” to people who lack the belly fire to maintain it.

goddessoftheclassroom | June 19, 2024 at 2:55 pm

In the mid-70s, the boys let me play baseball with them at recess because I almost always safely hit (1st base), and I caught well in center field.
Girls were not allowed to play Little League; they had softball, but the boys were nicer to me than the girls were.

Truth depends on a lot of arbitrary conventions, which the left takes as “anything goes,” and the right should take as “any search for truth looks for truth in the wrong place. You have to court truth like a woman.”


“Supposing truth to be a woman — what? is the suspicion not well founded that all philosophers, when they have been dogmatists, have had little understanding of women? that the gruesome earnestness, the clumsy importunity with which they have hitherto been in the habit of approaching truth have been inept and improper means for winning a wench? Certainly she has not let herself be won – and today every kind of dogmatism stands sad and discouraged. If it continues to stand at all!”

The school board is insufficiently respectful of the courtship of truth. They take, in fact, a feminist position, which is often taken as wanting the castration of men but in fact wants the castration of women.

Women will no longer be allowed to dance.

    Erasmus in reply to rhhardin. | June 19, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    Very well said.

    artichoke in reply to rhhardin. | June 21, 2024 at 8:32 am

    I liked the quote from Nietzsche, but I am not really sure what it has to do with this issue.

    Let the feminists fight it out among themselves, because there are radicals on both sides who call themselves feminists. It’s just not my issue, and no I’m not a “he for she” person who will step in and get punished for it.

The state of Oregon forced kids to wear masks while competing during the Covid nonsense. After all, they’re Followers of the Science™️. It’s not surprising that they fired this coach for speaking the obvious truth.


tolerancematters | June 19, 2024 at 6:21 pm

I’ve been discriminated against in sports my whole life. That is because I am unathletic. This discrimination has never been a problem for me. I got on about my life and was not traumatized.

I have a hard time being sympathetic for boys who want to compete as girls since discrimination against the unathletic has always been practiced.

    Well said…

    DSHornet in reply to tolerancematters. | June 20, 2024 at 9:37 am

    I was likewise unathletic in high school which is why I was in the band. Learning the basics of music has stood me in good stead for over six decades. Also, learning to march helped in basic training in the Air Force. This saxophone player is alive and healthy while many of the jocks are dealing with major health problems brought on and exacerbated by a lifetime of jockism.

      artichoke in reply to DSHornet. | June 21, 2024 at 8:49 am

      Marching band was what got me out of band, which I had been in before. So I am both unathletic, and I couldn’t march or at least didn’t care to learn. I filled the extra period with learning Russian, a trade I would make again the same way.

    artichoke in reply to tolerancematters. | June 21, 2024 at 8:45 am

    For the same reason, we don’t see unathletic girls getting wrapped up in this issue. It’s not something that girls generally agree on. What we see over and over is top female athletes complaining, because their personal trophies for being most-athletic are now going to someone else (a male) who is even more athletic than they are.

    Such complaints don’t impress me. They don’t state a principle, even if they claim they do. They are about self interest, and of course they are free to state their self interest.

Subotai Bahadur | June 19, 2024 at 6:39 pm

The key point of this is that the goal of the Left is not to have whatever flavor Tranny compete on fairly even ground without public opprobrium as Mr. Parks suggested; but rather to forcefully oppress female athletes. There is no compromise possible.

Subotai Bahadur

    artichoke in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | June 21, 2024 at 8:40 am

    Why would the left hate female athletes? Plenty of female athletes are members of the left themselves. That doesn’t make sense.

Oregon is Ore-gone. If I were Idaho, I build a wall.

E Howard Hunt | June 19, 2024 at 7:20 pm

Parents should simply forbid their daughters to participate in school sports. It’s that simple.

    Why should they have to do that? Keep the trannies and other weirdos out of their games. Sports can be fantastic for kids, including girls.

      E Howard Hunt in reply to Paul. | June 20, 2024 at 6:04 am

      You have to play the hand you’re dealt. If parents hung tough and decided to do this as a group they would swiftly win. Crying about unfairness and choosing not to make a current sacrifice is defeat.

      artichoke in reply to Paul. | June 21, 2024 at 8:41 am

      At the “kid” age, girls don’t have a disadvantage. They have their growth spurt earlier, averages of course.

George_Kaplan | June 19, 2024 at 9:10 pm

The problem is trans athletes can’t perform at a male level, so they opt to feel good about themselves by beating girls.

In https://legalinsurrection.com/2024/06/male-high-school-athletes-dominate-female-track-and-field-championships/ it notes that male athlete ‘Lizzy’ Bidwell won the GIRLS high jump with a height of 5’9″ BUT this underperformed LAST PLACE for the male competition which was a height of 6’1″! The male winner jumped a height of 7′!

An open category would simply be a way for trans competitors to show they’re worse than the worst male, but not feel good about themselves by beating up girls, or affirm that they’re the best man in the women’s category.

destroycommunism | June 19, 2024 at 9:23 pm

THIS ISSSS the lefts idea of equality

feminazi style

dont stop them from destroying themselves!

destroycommunism | June 19, 2024 at 9:38 pm

its the lefts way of admitting that women cant do the job

The problem with the coach’s suggestion is that boys could compete against the trannies in an “open” category and beat the them (the trannies). Trans boys want to play against the girls so they can win, not because they want to participate in sports.

Subjectively, it would be inconsistent for liberals to object to a third category of classification by sex in athletics. Aren’t they the people who keep telling us there are more than two genders? The coach’s idea is actually very “inclusive” as it would create a division of competition in sports just for all of those “third” genders.

    TargaGTS in reply to DaveGinOly. | June 20, 2024 at 8:41 am

    Trans boys want to play against the girls so they can win, not because they want to participate in sports.

    Exactly this. There hasn’t been a single young man who’s actually competitive with other young men who then decided he’s a ‘girl trapped in the wrong body.’ Instead, they’ve all been unremarkable scrubs, bench-riders. That’s the pathology that is driving this nonsense. They’ve were given participation trophies their entire life. Then, when they finally start competing at a level where there’s a real, substantive distinction between winning and losing, it breaks them psychologically.

Good grief! I wonder if he could sue to get his job back?

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Owl. | June 20, 2024 at 7:50 pm

    Oregon is one of the states where the legal system has been replaced with political correctness. He will not get his job back, because opposing the will of the State is forbidden.

    Subotai Bahadur