Online Library at UMass Amherst Now Offers ‘Queer & Trans Researching Palestine’ Resources

The academic left lives in this fantasy world where Hamas is an ally to the LGBT community. It’s insane.The College Fix reports:

UMass Amherst online library features ‘Queer & Trans Researching Palestine’ resourcesA late 2022 headline from the Associated Press reads “Across vast Muslim world, LGBTQ people remain marginalized.”The Guardian reports that in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, and Yemen, sodomy is a capital offense … while in Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Qatar, Somalia, and Syria the act will land you in jail.And in the Gaza Strip and West Bank — “Palestine” for all intents and purposes — Reason notes LGBTQ individuals “face an extraordinary level of persecution, persecution that may result in a years-long prison sentence or even death.”But you don’t see much of this subject matter at the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Researching Palestine “Queer & Trans” online library resource.The library’s “Highlighted Resource” is a “Queering the Map” which, as noted by The Nation, shows that “stories of queer Palestinians can live on forever, asserting to the world that they do, in fact, exist.”The magazine’s Sarah O’Neal attempts to make Israel the real anti-LGBTQ villain, writing

Israel’s far-right government, despite aligning itself with homophobic powers around the globe, insists that the Israeli state is a haven for LGBTQ people—in contrast with Palestine, where, it is implied, no queer person could last even a day. This “pinkwashing” is part of Israeli propaganda that erases the existence of queer Palestinians.

(“Pinkwashing” allegedly is a term coined by pro-Palestinian activists to “describe how the Israeli state and its supporters use the language of gay and trans rights to direct international attention away from the oppression of Palestinians.”)

O’Neal goes on to quote cop-hatingterrorist-sympathizing Northwestern U. professor Steven Thrasher, who said Israel has a “faux-moral superiority” regarding the LGBTQ community, and that the Israeli and U.S. “governments and religious zealots […] enact lethal homophobia and transphobia.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, LGBT, Massachusetts, Progressives