NYC Pays $350,000 to Male Identifying as Muslim Female for Putting Him in Male Prison

New York City will give Dylan Miles, who identifies as a Muslim woman named Ali Miles, $350,000 for discrimination because authorities put him in a male prison.

Miles demanded $22,000,000.

Oh, Miles faced domestic abuse charges.


As previously reported by Reduxx, Miles was incarcerated at the George R. Vierno Center on Rikers Island from June to July of 2022. He had been arrested on a warrant out of Arizona.Following his brief detention on Rikers Island, he was transferred back to Arizona and placed in Yavapai County Jail. He was ultimately tried and found guilty of two counts of aggravated harassment per domestic violence, a Class 5 felony, for instances dated in November 2021 and February 2022.He was also found guilty of disorderly conduct, harassment, threatening or intimidating, and false reporting to a law enforcement agency, which are all Class 1 misdemeanors.In October of 2022, he was placed on supervised probation for a period of three years and sentenced to 312 days in jail, with credit added for the 132 days he had already been held there. Miles was also subject to a domestic violence assessment.

Miles filed the lawsuit in August 2023. He claimed he told the judge he identified as a female. The orders supposedly said authorities needed to “notify the prison and Intake Personnel” to take him to the female-only part of Rikers.

Miles accused people, including guards, of discriminating against him, including “transphobic” remarks:

Miles claimed that he suffered discrimination, including being subjected to “transphobic” remarks from prison staff, while incarcerated in the men’s facility. He also claimed to have been the victim of sexual assaults, in particular emphasizing his “sexual victimization” by multiple “African American male” inmates.Miles alleged that a prison staff member said “we don’t do the trans thing here” after he demanded to be moved to the women’s section. He was then strip-searched by a male guard he alleged told him that he had “nice tits” and “one hell of a pussy.” This is despite Miles not having had any known genital surgeries.

New York City settled with Miles but did not admit guilt. Miles also agreed not to take further legal action against the city on this matter.

REDUXX has a ton of information on Miles. It describes this man as a “prolific litigant.”

In other words, this guy has a history of suing places and people for discrimination.

What a weirdo:

In May 2023, Miles sued Chelsea Yoga in NYC:

In May of 2023, Miles filed a lawsuit against a New York yoga studio seeking compensation of $5,000,000 after employees reportedly asked him to use the men’s restroom instead of the women’s.In the suit, Miles alleged that the personnel at Chelsea Yoga “deprived [him] of his civil rights because he is gay, undergoing a gender transition, and because Miles does not conform to … gender-based preferences, expectations, or stereotypes about how a man/woman should dress and conduct himself/herself.”

In February 2022, Miles sued Sedona Soul Adventures:

In February of 2022, Miles filed a civil action for $75,000 in compensation against Sedona Soul Adventures, an Arizona-based business he had previously worked for. Miles alleged that the tourism company had wrongfully terminated his employment shortly after he was hired after subjecting him to “gender identity-based harassment and discrimination.” The suit was dismissed after an out-of-court agreement was reached.

In March 2022, Miles sued Planet Fitness:

In his poorly-written civil action, Miles alleged that staff at a Planet Fitness threatened to sound the “lunk alarm” on him for entering the women’s facilities, and used a slur when referring to him. The “lunk alarm” is a fixture seen at most Planet Fitness gyms intended to provide a humorous “warning” to those being too loud or obnoxious in the gym.Miles demanded compensation of $10,000,000 from Planet Fitness, but the suit was ultimately dismissed after he failed to file the appropriate paperwork and pay $402 in filing fees as requested by the court.

Also, in March 2022, Miles sued Brooklyn-based Bagel Point for $75,000:

Miles had been an employee of Bagel Point for a short period of time, during which he claimed the owner, a Muslim woman, had referred to him using slurs and mocked his gender identity, as well as crafting “unsubstantiated” complaints about his performance. The action, which was rife with spelling errors, was dismissed by the court once again after Miles failed to file the appropriate paperwork and pay $402 in filing fees.

Tags: New York City, Transgender