New York Rep. Bowman Tries to Erase His Anti-Israel Past on Colbert Show

Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) is a real piece of work.

Bowman is a far-left Israel hater who will likely lose his primary. He’s been trying to walk back all of those anti-Israel statements he has made. He totally has never repeated Hamas propaganda, right?

Bowman attempted to do all of that on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Wednesday.

Did Colbert push back? Of course not:

COLBERT: Especially in the Democratic Party in the primaries right now. Can you clarify where you stand and do you understand why some people have gotten upset about what you said?BOWMAN: Yes, October 7th was incredibly traumatic. It was a war crime, it was a terrorist attack. We condemned it right away because they killed innocent civilians. It was horrible. However, the response has been collective punishment and tens of thousands of civilians have been killed and that’s why we called very early on for a ceasefire and for us a permanent cease-fire, it means stop the fighting, release the hostages, get humanitarian aid in there because famine is setting in and children are starving to death, and please, please, please, let’s find a pathway to peace.Because this is — and this is not just about, you know, Gaza and Israel in the Middle East, my entire life it seems like we’ve been engaged in some kind of war and conflict. We continue to spend trillions of dollars killing people and we can’t even find enough money to provide food and clean water to children all of the world and so my hope is peace, my hope is a two-state solution, but we have to put the guns down to come to the table to negotiate for peace.COLBERT: And what do you think — what do you think — the world sees what’s happening in Gaza right now and their heart breaks for the tragedy for the Palestinian people and the innocent people who have died and their heart breaks for the horror that was inflicted on the Israeli people on October 7th. What do you think the United States’s role is in exercising what power and influence we have two make the peace come about or to achieve the two-state solution?We’ve been trying it for so many years, we’ve been involved for so many years. Ultimately, what do you think our job is and how can we best use our position in the world?BOWMAN: Yeah, we have a foreign policy that pretty much follows the idea of peace through strength and what that means is we need to have a very strong military so that we can scare other countries into doing what we say. I wish we would use our wealth and our resources and our means to lead with diplomacy. That’s what I wish.We already have the mightiest military, can we use our resources to fight climate change? Can we use our resources to make sure every child has clean water? Can we use our resources, in this particular case, to actually build the Palestinian state through policy, but also through resources? Don’t just talk about it, take the steps to ensure this to ensure a two-state solution so that the Israelis are safe and they have self-determination Palestinians are safe and have self-determination.

That’s…that’s pretty different from what Bowman has said for months.

Bowman denied the horrors afflicted on Israelis on October 7th, including the numerous rapes.

What a shock that Bowman has turned course. He’s about to lose his primary.

Bowman also apologized during a radio show on WNYC:

“Immediately when the UN provided additional evidence, I voted to condemn the sexual violence. I apologize for my comments and now we’re continuing to do the work to fight sexual violence and domestic violence in all its forms.”

Tags: Antisemitism, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, House of Representatives, Israel, Progressives