New ‘Alien’ Mummies Found in Peru Could Come to U.S. for DNA Tests
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New ‘Alien’ Mummies Found in Peru Could Come to U.S. for DNA Tests

New ‘Alien’ Mummies Found in Peru Could Come to U.S. for DNA Tests

The mummies supposedly have “30% ‘unknown’ DNA.”

Mexican journalist and UFO researcher Jaime Maussan wants to ship the latest alien mummies unearthed in Peru for DNA tests.

Documentarians Serena DC and Michael Mazzola released pictures of the mummies in March.

The mummies supposedly have “30% ‘unknown’ DNA.”

During a press conference in April, Peru authorities seized one of the mummies, known as Montserrat.

Mausson filed a lawsuit against Peru’s government “for damages and for the right to ship these mummy specimens to university researchers and other scientists in the United States for more thorough, independent third-party testing.”

From The Daily Mail:

In an update this Sunday, broadcast to listeners of his program ‘No Humano,’ Maussan added that it will take eight months for an update in this legal battle, which he emphasized will fund a museum for the mummies and not profit him personally.

In the meantime, testing continues in Mexico, where one of Maussan’s research collaborators, Dr Martín Achirica Ramos of the alternative health clinic SPES in Mexico City, who has working on the team’s other ‘alien’ mummies.

These prior specimens were those presented to Mexico’s Congress last September, spurring interest from a NASA contractor in the US, Maussan told

Maussan and Dr Achirica announced Sunday that specialist doctors from Europe will conduct DNA tests on these mummies soon: ‘We are not going to say the name, so we can do more DNA analysis. They have offered to analyze each of the bodies.’

In January, scientists confirmed smaller mummified “aliens” were dolls made from animal bones.

The dolls look similar to the larger mummies, especially with the three fingers.

But Serena and Mazzola claim images prove their mummies are not fake:

Sharing new images of the 4-foot-tall figures, the duo claimed X-rays and examinations show that their subjects are not fake, and while they might not be extraterrestrials, they could be evidence of a new species affected by “genetic manipulation.”

“There’s a big story that has huge implications that could really just change the humanity story,” Serena told the outlet. “It’s akin to finding Jesus’ shroud or the Ark of the Covenant.”

Much like controversial journalist and UFO enthusiast José Jaime Maussan, who has previously promoted other “alien mummies” found in Peru and brought to Mexico, Serena and Mazzola said an analysis showed that their figures had 30% “unknown” DNA.


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Next up, pieces of the True Cross.

    Concise in reply to Valerie. | June 17, 2024 at 11:07 am

    Uh what? The crucifixion of Christ was a real event. Extraterrestrials?…No.

      bill54 in reply to Concise. | June 17, 2024 at 1:45 pm

      There are enough pieces of the True Cross to make many crosses. It’s part of Roman Catholic mythology. The cross Jesus died on was and is no myth.

“wants to ship the latest alien mummies unearthed in Peru for DNA tests”

We don’t have enough aliens coming in that we now have to bring in dead ones?

Almost as believable as Bigfoot

Sounds like a build-up to a great charade….

“The aliens are coming”

I’ve never seen any reason why we should think that there aren’t humanoid inhabitants on any number of other planets circling Sol-like stars elsewhere. The only reason we might not have been visited by them is technology combined with curiosity. Nobody (here) has figured out how to travel FTL. Doesn’t mean that some other civilization somewhere hasn’t.

    scooterjay in reply to txvet2. | June 16, 2024 at 7:49 pm

    Time and distance make us alone, and if it were possible to travel faster than the speed of light then we would arrive at the wrong time, for time is both a constant and relative.

      henrybowman in reply to scooterjay. | June 16, 2024 at 8:32 pm

      I’m retired, so any arrival time is fine with me, it’s not like I’m pushing a schedule.

      txvet2 in reply to scooterjay. | June 16, 2024 at 9:23 pm

      “”time is both a constant and relative.””

      And the speed of light can’t be exceeded, as far as we know. Anyone who thinks we know everything lacks imagination. Anyway, we’re not talking about us, we’re talking about a theoretical alien civilization, somewhere in space, far, far, away.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to txvet2. | June 17, 2024 at 8:02 am

    There are about 850 parameters that we know about that have to be satisfied for there to be life on earth, and particularly technologically advanced life. The probability of that happening elsewhere is vanishingly small.

      henrybowman in reply to JackinSilverSpring. | June 17, 2024 at 12:36 pm

      The whole lesson of the Drake equation is that the number of habitable worlds is so unthinkably immense, it swamps such limiting factors.

        JackinSilverSpring in reply to henrybowman. | June 17, 2024 at 11:41 pm

        850 parameters as I said makes for a vanishingly small probability, indeed so small as to make it nearly impossible for there to be another privileged planet like earth.

When might you suspect there is a coverup?

When you can test ancient mummies from Peru, but aren’t allowed to test the president of the United States for basic brain function. Or even be allowed to listen to audio recordings of his answers given to a special counsel investigating him for a crime.

henrybowman | June 16, 2024 at 8:33 pm

“which he emphasized will fund a museum for the mummies and not profit him personally.”
But to paraphrase Lisa Simpson, “SOMEONE has to be in charge of the museum.” | June 17, 2024 at 9:06 am

Alien mummies are

Here is soem truth

There are only two concepts of reality, and they are in direct opposition to one another. Either you believe that there is a Divine Creator who has rules of right and wrong for the universe, rules to love and sacrifice for your neighbor, which is rewarded by Eternal Life, or that there is no God, that things made themselves, and that life is a free-for-all to take the most advantage of other people that you can, in any way that you can get away with. Only one of these two choices can be true, and as such, seeing how Eternal Life is in the balance if God is real, then knowing the truth, and not being deceived about it, is extremely critical for every soul on Earth. In the same way, either intelligent, in-the-Creator’s-image, life exists throughout the universe, or it exists here on Earth alone. These are the only two choices. Only one of them can be the actual truth. Oddly enough, this simple question may be utterly fundamental and highly monumental to one’s eternal destiny after we die, as well as winning the hidden behind-the-scenes battle which is going on everywhere in the world in each person’s everyday life, this very struggle of which Those-in-Control wish you to not perceive so that they can take full advantage of you.

E Howard Hunt | June 17, 2024 at 9:59 am

This could start a mummy yoga craze.

BierceAmbrose | June 17, 2024 at 11:07 pm

Mummy? I’ve missed you, mummy. Where have you been?

I find this of great interest and hope Dr. Jacobson keeps us abreast of the developments.