Netanyahu Reveals Biden Admin Has Been Holding Back Weapons Shipments, Says Blinken Promised To Free Up Flow

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday issued a statement about the Biden administration holding back weapons shipment to Israel as the country fights terrorist forces on two fronts. “Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job a lot faster,” he said in a video address on X, paraphrasing the famous World War II speech by Churchill.

While thanking the U.S. for its support during the Gaza operation, the Israeli prime minister stressed that it is “inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.” The statement suggests that the Biden administration has been keeping critical arms supply away from Israel as it engages in a multifront war with Hamas, Hezbollah and other Iran-backed terrorist groups in the region.

Netanyahu’s plea for restoring the weapons supply comes as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is engaged in intense fighting in the Hamas stronghold of Rafah and the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group has intensified cross-border rocket barrages across northern Israel.

In recent months, the Biden White House has repeatedly threatened to cut shipment of arms and ammunition if Israel did not comply with its demands — including giving up plans to capture Rafah terror stronghold and agreeing on a ceasefire deal favourable to Hamas.

The U.S. threat to halt weapons shipment could explain why the IDF revised its initial military plan to capture Rafah in a sweeping move and opted for a limited offensive. In recent weeks, Israel has made further concessions to Hamas in keeping with the Biden’s ceasefire deal.

The Time of Israel reported prime minister’s remarks:

“When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel,” says Netanyahu in an English-language video, “we had a candid conversation, I said I deeply appreciated the support the US has given Israel from the beginning of the war.”“But I also said something else, I said it’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.”“Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks,” Netanyahu says. “I certainly hope that’s the case. It should be the case.”Netanyahu also says more US weapons will help finish the war more rapidly — something US President Joe Biden is eager to achieve, especially with a tough election contest underway.“During World War II, [UK leader Winston] Churchill told the United States, ‘Give us the tools, we’ll do the job,’” says Netanyahu. “And I say, give us the tools and we’ll finish the job a lot faster.”

‘If We Could Go Back In Time, We Would Carry Out October 7 All Over Again,’ Senior Hamas Terrorist Declares

If Hamas terrorists could go back in time, they would commit the October 7 massacre ‘all over again,’ terror group’s senior operative recently declared. “[I]f we could go back in time, we would do it again,” Ahmad Abd Al-Hadi, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, told an Arab news outlet.

The October 7 attack was not a response to anything the Jewish State had done to Gazans or Palestinians, but was staged to prevent Israel’s growing commercial ties with countries in the region.

Israel’s emerging role in connecting Asian and European trade routes, facilitated by President Donald Trump-brokered Abraham Accords, prompted Hamas to launch terrorist offensive, the senior Hamas terrorist told Lebanon-based Annahar newspaper, the transcript of the video clip translated by the Arabic media watchdog Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) shows.

The Gaza-based terror group was alarmed by Israel’s role in U.S.-backed “India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor,” a trade route to rival China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and Saudi Arabia’s NEOM, a mega city and logistics project, the Hamas terrorist admitted.

“The Palestinian cause was about to be eliminated,” Al-Hadi lamented. “In line with the American enterprise in the region, …[Israel] was being assimilated into the region. By means of normalization of relations (…).”

With Israel under fire from Hezbollah, Biden admin tells Jerusalem ‘not to escalate’

The Biden administration has warned Israel ‘not to escalate’ tensions with Hezbollah as Iran-backed terror group intensifies cross-border attacks from its bases in southern Lebanon.

“The message to Israel is, don’t do anything in the North,” Biden State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told Jerusalem. “We don’t want to see escalation at all in the North. We’ve made that clear to the government of Israel directly.”

The statement comes as Hezbollah unleashes rocket barrages and drone swarms into Israel, causing tens of thousands of civilians to flee their homes and wild fires to break out across northern Israel.

“Hezbollah’s increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation – one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region,” IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said Sunday. “Israel has a duty to defend the people of Israel. We will fulfill that duty — at all costs.”

The Jerusalem Post reported Biden State Department’s warning:

The United States warned Israel not to escalate the IDF-Hezbollah war, as it sought diplomatic solutions to the violence on Israel’s southern and northern borders.“The message to Israel is, don’t do anything in the North,” US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said, as US President Joe Biden’s special envoy Amos Hochstein visited Israel on Monday, with plans to head to Lebanon on Tuesday.“We don’t want to see escalation at all in the North. We’ve made that clear to the government of Israel directly,” Miller said.He noted that Hezbollah attacks from southern Lebanon against Israel were “untenable,” as was the situation of the Lebanese civilians living through the consequences of the cross-border violence.

Report: IDF controls 60-70% of Rafah; 2 Hamas battalions on verge of collapse

After 6 weeks of fighting, the IDF controls up to 70 percent of Rafah, Hamas’s last-standing stronghold, the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported Tuesday.

Hamas’s remaining two terrorist battalions were on the verge of collapse and the fighting for the terrorist stronghold could be over within weeks.

The “IDF said that within a couple of weeks it would likely be in control of all of Rafah and that the final battles with the remaining two Hamas battalions in parts of Tel al-Sultan and the eastern part of Shabura are already underway,” the Jerusalem Post reported Monday.

The i24NEWS reported the military progress made in Rafah:

The Israel Defense Forces is in control of 60 to 70 percent of Rafah, according to the military on Monday.Military assessments estimate that two of Hamas’s battalions in Rafah are on the brink of being completely subdued.The IDF’s 162nd Division has been in combat for 255 days, since the military entered the Gaza Strip, and 40 days in Rafah.Over the past month, the forces gained operational control over the Philadelphi Corridor, which separates Gaza from Egypt, and are fighting Hamas strongholds in the Shaboura and Tel Sultan neighborhoods.In the first phase of Rafah operations, IDF forces launched an attack up to the Tancher route (Salah a-Din Street), captured the Rafah crossing, then moved to attack the Brazil neighborhood and established operational control.The IDF led the enemy to believe that Israel would start in the south, when in fact it started in the northern part of Rafah.The division secured full operational control between the Kerem Shalom crossing and the sea. In addition, 550 terrorists were identified and eliminated. The IDF says that more were likely killed, but troops were unable to identify and reach them physically.Gazan terrorists loaded the Philadelphi Corridor with and hundreds of long-range rockets to Israel.

Tags: Biden Israel, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Hezbollah, Israel