Biden Presented Supposed Israeli Ceasefire Proposal Leaving Hamas In Power, But It Was His Own
Prime Minister Netanyahu: “The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have rebuffed President Joe Biden’s ceasefire offer to end the military operation against the terror group Hamas in Rafah.
Biden presented it in his televised speech Friday as a new Israeli proposal, but it’s clear that was not true. He did it as the Sabbath was starting in Israel and used that quiet time to gather international support for what supposedly was a new Israeli proposal—but it was all a deception. Israel’s Prime Minister was forced to break Sabbath silence to tweet that Israel’s position had not changed and Hamas could not remain in power.
Biden declared Friday that it was “time for this war to end,” suggesting that Israel should halt all military operations against Hamas in Gaza. The president’s offer calls for a “full and complete ceasefire,” a move that would keep Hamas in power.
Biden declared it was an ‘Israeli offer,’ a claim since rejected by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office. A senior Biden White House official also contradicted the president, stating that Biden was in fact pushing a deal favored by Hamas. The unnamed staffer told CNN that Biden’s offer was “nearly identical to Hamas’ own proposals.”
Confirmed, Biden flat out lied. Said it was new Israeli proposal then Obama spilled the beans that it was Biden's. Did it at start of Sabbath in Israel to gain int'l support for saving Hamas in quiet period. Serious enough fabrication that @IsraeliPM felt need to tweet to rebut.
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) June 1, 2024
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected Biden’s ceasefire deal as a ‘non-starter. There will be no truce until Hamas is destroyed in Gaza, the Israeli leader asserted.
The Israeli prime minister’s office on Saturday morning issued a statement, clarifying that there was no new Israeli ceasefire deal on the table. Israel wants to see the release of all hostage and the destruction of Hamas as a terrorist fighting force in Gaza.
“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel, the tweet read.
Note this and follow-up tweet, resolving any doubt that Biden deliberately omitted a key portion of the Israeli proposal. This is miles apart from the surrender to Hamas presented in his televised speech yesterday,
Biden really is a piece of work, isn't he?— Gary Weiss (@gary_weiss) June 1, 2024
Hamas welcomed the offer, calling for an end to the Israeli offensive, complete military withdrawal from Gaza, and the mass-release of convicted terrorists from Israeli prisons.
Former President Barack Obama also hailed the White House proposal, describing it as “clear, realistic and just.”
The Times of Israel reported prime minister Netanyahu’s response:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday there would be no “permanent ceasefire” in Gaza until Hamas’s military and governing capabilities were destroyed.
His comments, in a rare statement published on the Sabbath and only in English, came after United States President Joe Biden announced that Israel had proposed a three-phase deal for a ceasefire in Gaza in exchange for Hamas releasing hostages.
“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Netanyahu said.
“Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter,” he added.
Netanyahu’s comments, the second statement issued by his office since Biden’s speech, appeared aimed at framing the type of truce Israel would initially agree to, not ruling one out.
The Prime Minister's Office:
Israel's conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.
— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) June 1, 2024
Hamas cheers Biden’s ceasefire offer
Hamas on Friday night released a statement welcoming Biden’s proposal, saying the terror group “views” the White House’s deal “positively.” The CNN reported Hamas’s statement.
“The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas views positively what was included in US President Joe Biden’s speech today,” the statement said. “The movement affirms its position of readiness to deal positively and constructively with any proposal based on a permanent ceasefire, complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction, the return of the displaced to all their places of residence, and the completion of a serious prisoner exchange deal if the occupation declares its explicit commitment to that.”
IDF destroying Hamas terror infrastructure in Rafah
Undeterred by mounting U.S. and international pressure, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is pursuing the military offensive against the Hamas stronghold of Rafah. “The IDF is continuing its precise and targeted operations in Rafah, according to plan,” the Israeli military disclosed in a statement Saturday.
The Israel ground forces were locating Hamas terror tunnels along the Philadelphi route, a nine mile corridor between Egypt and Gaza. The destruction of cross-border tunnels in the area will cut off Hamas’s supply and escape route as IDF tightens the noose around Rafah terror stronghold.
“The operation continues to gradually evolve, with forces focusing on uprooting Hamas terror infrastructure on the Philadelphi route as well as special forces that are conducted intelligence-based targeted-raids from the outskirts of Central Rafah,” the IDF statement revealed.
The terror tunnels are replete with weapons and explosives, often deliberately built under civilian neighborhoods. “The forces have exposed an extensive Hamas subterranean tunnel network consisting of dozens of terror tunnels; dozens of rockets launchers; and dozens of RPGs, AK-47s and eliminated hundreds of terrorists along the Philadelphi route and the outskirts of the Urban areas of Rafah,” the statement added.

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Biden didn’t propose this. It was his puppet master BHO with the lousy plan.
Biden can’t tie his own shoes let alone plan a peace treaty.
Headline says, “But it was on his own”
Biden doesn’t even go to the bathroom on his own.
Sure he does, all the time. In his pants.
I’m pretty sure there has been more than one time Biden has pulled a Nadler. Biden is so out of it he just didn’t notice.
And the Pope was too… polite.
They letted Biden draw the “official” Star of David in the corner.
Then they taked his blue crayon and put it back in the box.
Joe says the blue ones taste like razzberrys.
“It’s time for Israel’s morally justified and righteous war against Hamas terrorist-thugs to end, so that I can obsequiously, indefensibly and contemptibly pander to goose-stepping, genocidal, Jew-hating Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists in Michigan, Minnesota and elsewhere in the U.S. The Dhimmi-crat Party values these folks and their votes.”
— Dhimmi-crat crime boss, Joe Biden
And if Israel insists on protecting itself by finishing the war, I will blame Israel for the continuing captivity of the U.S. citizens held by Hamas, whose fate I have spent the last 8 months ignoring.
I think I heard Douglas Murray say this: Biden believes in a two state solution all right: Michigan and Wisconsin.
It was obvious that Biden was lying. He was dumb enough to even say, (paraphrasing from memory) “There are some in Israel who will be against this plan – some in the government, even.” As I was watching that I said that this proposal certainly did NOT come from Israel … though it mihgt have been something that some anti-Netanyahu lefty POS in Israel had mentioned so Biden was lying and claiming that it “came from Israel”.
And then, when Traitor Joe was finished lying to try and screw Israel (in a way that he never could have gotten away with, anyhow) in order to serve his masters in Iran he did that creepy uncanny valley, broken robot machine stutter smirk as he was shuffling away.
Prison is far too good for Traitor Joe and his junta.
There is no end to the mendacity of this mediocre prick.
May I suggest to the President that he should stop pretending he is in charge of what happens in Gaza and let Israel come up with its own plan?
If you keep coming up with plans like this and they don’t pan out, you and your Ivy League Administration are making the United States continue to look feckless.
Mediocre is far to high praise.
Biden and sleaze bag handlers do not speak for a majority of Americans. All of Palestine should be solely Israel’s domain.
At this point I doubt that 10% Joe Biden can control his bowls or competently wipe his own…
Indeed, ancient Israel and Judea existed for millennia before the ancient Roman contrivance of “Palestine” was resurrected/amplified by the KGB and adeptly exploited by Arab nationalists/Muslim supremacists/Islamofascists to cruelly and perversely slander Jews as alleged “colonizers” and “settlers” in lands where they’ve resided for millennia before the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission” was founded; millennia before such a thing as a “Muslim” ever existed..
Don’t overlook the League of Nations and the UK when assessing blame for the current “Palestine” farce. In 1920, after the Ottoman Empire was eliminated in WW-II, the League issued a ‘Mandate for Palestine and Transjordan’ and responsibility for administration was assigned to the UK. Things went straight downhill from there.
Typo – WW-I, not WW-II obviously.
Thank you for the historical elaboration; I appreciate it.
The mandate was to develop “Palestine” as a Jewish homeland. It was deliberately ambiguous about what form this homeland should take, e.g. independent state, British protectorate, etc., but a Jewish homeland it was to be. Arab residents were to have their civil rights protected, but not any political rights.
At the time “Palestine” was the standard English name for the area; the name didn’t exist in Arabic or Turkish, and the Ottomans never used that name for it, but in English that’s what it was called, so that’s how they named the mandate territory.
In any case, the League of Nations is not to blame; the UK is, for violating the mandate by failing to encourage Jewish immigration and “thick settlement” as the mandate required, and finally by restricting Jewish immigration altogether just as things got really bad in Europe. The UK also raised Arab hopes of obtaining some or all of it for themselves, when the mandate ruled that out. And finally the UK is to blame for having done all it could in 1948 to help the Arabs wipe the Jews out; it’s not their fault the effort failed.
I almost forgot – the part which really set me off – demented psychopathic retard, Traitor Joe, also tried to claim that anyone who was opposed to his Iranian shilling proposal “didn’t care about the hostages”. I went stratospheric when he said that. You cannot get any lower or more despicable or disgusting than Traitor Joe and the nihilist ghouls who are allied with him against the West and against humanity. THey are completely despicable wastes of flesh who have no business being free in any civilized society. NONE. Absolute psychopaths. The worst errors in the Trial and Error of evolution that have ever been puked onto this Earth.
Biden and the Dhimmi-crats are scum, purely vile and evil scum. From October 8th, onwards, they haven’t given a damn about any of the hostages, whether they’re Israeli citizens, or, American citizens/duel citizens. These reprobates couldn’t care less about them — that’s been abundantly clear, from their rhetoric and their actions.
I wonder how much of a bribe Iran paid Quisling Joe?
How about Israel accepting any external plan for Gaza/Hamas so long as the proponents put their money where their mouth is, by putting their own troops permanently on the ground to guarantee the peace – no rockets, no attacks, no invasions? Perhaps like Korea?
The whole point in Korea was to assemble and defend a strong border.
Today, Biden has 57 excuses as to why he “can’t” even do that for the US… what makes you think Israel will get one?
Israel certainly does NOT need uninvolved foreigners “on the ground” anywhere around there. That is just asking for even more trouble.
If you recall how the “UN peace keepers” worked out … they only ever came down on Israel, but allowed arabs to arm and train and do anything they wanted … and then they stepped out of the way when the arabs decided that it was time to attack. The only purpose the UN “peace keepers” ever served was to serve as a human shield against any Israeli attack, leaving Israel vulnerable to anything happening in those areas.
No foreigners. Period.
What Israel really needs to do is flush the gazan scum down to Sinai and return them to Egypt, from whence most of them originally came. Outside of that, Israel can never allow the borders of Gaza, including the water, to be under anyone’s control but Israel. That is all that is possible.
I vividly remember one Oct morning in 1983 when 241 US and 58 French military personnel were killed in bombings in Beirut. They were “peacekeepers” as well. No thanks.
And the U.S. as a result promptly ignored its commitment to Israel (again) by pulling out its remaining forces, reminding Israel (again) that it cannot rely on other nations for its defense.
I actually think the comparison to the Korean DMZ is a good one and one that is certainly going to be replicated. The last 20-years has irrefutably demonstrated that allowing Gaza ANY control over their border with Egypt is a recipe for disaster. Whatever the government of Gaza looks like going forward, there is no question Israel is going to effectively annex the border between Gaza and Egypt, exercising absolute control over it in the process. For the foreseeable future, nothing will exit or enter Gaza without leave of Israel.
Now, how wide that militarized zone ends up being will be negotiated, probably several hundred meters to 1K meters, minimally. I suspect a similar militarized zone will envelop the entirety of the Gaza land border with Israel, as well. That zone is likely to be even wider, several thousand meters. Gaza is going to shrink, appreciably.
A little side note about Gaza … Israel wanted to get rid of Gaza back in 1978 and wanted it given back to Egypt in the Camp David Accords … but Egypt and Carter rejected it, outright, and Carter put the kibosh on the idea.
Biden is evil.
This is embarrassing. Just how awful can Biden be on foreign policy? To make such a bald faced lie that would easily be detected and denounced and to propose such an inadequate proposal brings to light the utter incompetence of the Biden foreign policy. We have achieved lows that have never been achieved by American presidents.
Vijeta, Thank you for providing the best source of information about the Gaza war!
One quibble: The first half of the “Sun” video is informative. The second half is Hamas propagandistic.
Hey NICE EDITING /spelling on CBS news report. “Israel was forced to “bread” Sabbath? “Hamas could not remain in “poer?” Is the former a new cuisine? Poer, (sic) poer (sic) Hamas!
This aligns with their *accurate* reporting and the dolts that follow their *news* reports! Hahahahahahah!
Fixed, thanks.
Sorry, I thought that was a direct copy from CBS. Had I known it was your typo, the sarcasm wouldn’t have been there. Mea culpa.
No worries! 🙂
Don’t you mean “no worry’s”?
The only surprising thing about the fact that Biden was lying is that anybody is surprised about it.
This is now the SECOND time they’ve just outright lied about Israel ‘accepting’ a ‘peace’ proposal that boiled down to ‘Israel goes home and gives Hamas everything they want’.
Why is anybody surprised? This is the SECOND time.
It’s Sundowner’s administration plan to save Hamas,
1 have IDF vacate Gaza
2 trade maybe 12 hostages still alive for all the Hamas combatants captured
3 maybe Hamas won’t attack again for this year
Biden has been plagiarizing other people’s work for decades. This is just another case.
Biden has never had an original thought in his life…he grifts his thoughts as he does his income , though grift has become an understatement of how deep and how criminal his has developed to all his self-serving takings.
Wonder if they’ll make him a U Prezzy in his retirement?
I find it interesting how quiet the rest of the middle east has been about the whole Palestinian problem. This silence speaks volumes. Although they all dislike Israel on principle, they are much more concerned about Shia Iran and its proxies. They are, I suspect, quietly pleased to have Israel stomp on the problematic Palestinians whom no one likes. Note that aside from Iran and its subsidiaries not a single middle-eastern country has offered any aid or asylum to them, let alone arms. I would like to believe that after Israel crushes Hamas, there may be an agreement to go after the Houthi’s who are disturbing the oil business. However, Biden is so desperate for Michigan that he is willing to disturb what would naturally happen. The Jewish voters are scattered among states which he will win without them, but the muslim vote is concentrated enough to swing a state. What do the Sunni states of the middle east think of Joe’s approach to Palestine? Watch September and October oil prices to find out.
Phuck pedo joe biden.
OK… then what?
The pedophile in chief is such a f*cking scumbag
Yesterday, a.0c said that October 7 happened because in 1967 Egypt, Jordan, and Syria started a war with Israel—and lost.
So, according to the American progressive left, it is justified that there are now , today, woman and children being held under gaza for 7+ months …….. because the Arabs failed to destroy Israel over 50 years ago.
And ICJ and ICC and Obama and Schumer and Sanders and UN and the Hollywood Empaths and all the rest —> they consider it to be unreasonable over-the-top to try and free those hostages.
-and to maybe just maybe hold the perpetrators to account.
Bless their hearts.
I’m pretty sure that if a0c had kidnapped any of her neighbors in leafy, beautiful Yorktown Heights when she was growing up there, the neighbors’ families and the well-funded police there would come a-knockin on her door looking for those hostages.
And they wouldnt care what feuds might have been going on in 1967 in Yorktown Heights or in any place else in lovely Westchester County NY
Why has Michelle Obama refused to ask Hamas to “release the girls”? Aoc? Elizabeth Warren? Nanny Pelosi? Spielberg? DeNiro?
Occasional Cortex(*) again demonstrates her ignorance. Gaza strip is in it’s current predicament because of a series of lost Arab wars against Israel, a series of equally ineffective pan-Arab and pan-Muslim (not all Muslims, or all Arabs for that matter) organizations and actions, and the endless, venal fecklessness of literally all the great powers, organizations and authorities who have meddled to fix it.
For that amount of failure, this must be the plan, except none of them are competent enough to have done their part on purpose, let along orchestrate the whole thing.
(*) From Sarah Hoyt. I don’t know where I picked up “Chiquita Guevara.” And, no, I don’t want to date her, not sober, anyway.