Netanyahu: Ceasefire Proposal Biden Attributed To Israel Was “Incomplete” and “Incorrect” (Update)

We previously posted about Biden’s publicized statement on Friday, May 31, as Israel was entering a quiet period for the Sabbath, that purported to present a new Israeli ceasefire proposal, Biden Presented Supposed Israeli Ceasefire Proposal Leaving Hamas In Power, But It Was His Own.

The timing was suspicious, as was the substance. Per Biden, Israel had proposed what amounted to a permanent ceasefire not even subject to all hostages (alive and dead) being returned and subject to indefinite negotiations.

I immediately smelled a rat – this appeared to be Biden using the tactic Hamas previously used of saying it had agreed to an Israeli proposal which never had been made.

The misrepresentation by Biden that this was an Israeli proposal immediately began to fall apart when Obama tweeted that it was Biden’s proposal. (Obviously Obama is calling the shots because his foreign policy team is Biden’s team – how curious he had this tweet ready to go.)

This misreresentation by Biden was so serious that through the Israel Prime Minister’s account, Netanyahu broke Sabbath silence. Israel reiterated that its position had not changed.

But Israel stopped short of saying Biden lied. In remarks over the weekend, Netanyahu came pretty close to using the “L” word, as Times of Israel reports:

Israeli officials pushed back on Monday on elements of the hostage deal proposal presented by US President Joe Biden over the weekend as an Israeli offer, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted that there were gaps between that proposal and Israel’s stance.“The claim that we agreed to a ceasefire without our conditions being met is incorrect,” the prime minister reportedly told lawmakers.Netanyahu said in a Knesset meeting that Israel will not end the war in Gaza until it achieves its three war aims, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel: destroying Hamas’s military and civil governance capabilities, securing the release of all hostages, and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.“The proposal that Biden presented is incomplete,” the premier told MKs at a closed-door meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, according to media reports.He also reportedly said that there are “gaps” between the Israeli version and Biden’s recounting of it.“The war will stop in order to bring hostages back, and afterward we will hold discussions. There are other details that the US president did not present to the public,” Netanyahu was quoted as saying.

This is not just Biden and his team being untrustworthy. It’s part of the Biden administration attempt to topple the Netanyahu government. The Netanyahu-Deranged Israeli left immediately took to the streets after Biden’s statement to demand Israel accept it.

An estimated 120,000 people took to the streets of the Israeli city to call on the far-right governing coalition to accept a ceasefire deal outlined by Joe Biden on Friday, according to local media.

It’s all choreographed and staged.

Biden used the Sabbath quiet period for the Israeli government to try to manufacture an agreement which would topple Netanyahu’s government, gathered international support for it, got Hamas on board to its own proposal, all to portray Netanyahu as the impediment to a ceasefire and incite the Israeli public against him.

It’s very sad that we have such deceptive and dishonest people running our own government.


Biden has filed a request for a UN Security Resolution endorsing the deal, under the pretense it’s necessary to put pressure on Hamas to accept it.

The United States has submitted a new resolution to the UN Security Council expressing support for the latest Israeli hostage release-ceasefire proposal unveiled by US President Joe Biden last week.“Numerous leaders and governments, including in the region, have endorsed this plan and we call on the Security Council to join them in calling for implementation of this deal without delay and without further conditions,” says US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield. “The Security Council must insist that Hamas accept the deal.”

But the target is Israel. Biden is pretending it’s a Israeli proposal when in fact it’s almost entirely what Hamas wants.

Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden Israel, Gaza - 2023 War, Obama - Post Presidency