Lebanon: Israeli Airstrike Kills One Of Hezbollah’s Most Senior Terror Commanders

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Tuesday night eliminated one of Hezbollah’s senior-most terror commanders operating in Lebanon. Sami Taleb Abdullah, who headed Hezbollah’s Nasr terrorist force, and three other Hezbollah commanders were killed in an Israeli airstrikes on a terrorist base located in southern Lebanon.

“The IDF struck a Hezbollah command and control center used to direct attacks from southeastern Lebanon and eliminated its commander, Sami Taleb Abdullah,” the Israeli military revealed Wednesday morning.

The IDF described Abdullah as “one of Hezbollah’s most senior commanders in southern Lebanon” where the Iran-backed terrorist group has intensified cross-border rocket and drone attacks since October 7. He was responsible for several deadly terror attacks in Israel. “For many years, the terrorist [Abdullah] planned, advanced, and carried out a large number of terror attacks against Israeli civilians,” the IDF press release said. “Three additional Hezbollah terrorist operatives were also eliminated in the strike.”

While the IDF has taken out several Hezbollah commanders — including Wissam al-Tawil, the head of its elite Radwan terrorist force in early January — Abdallah is reportedly the biggest Hezbollah terrorist to be killed in recent months. According to the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS, Abdallah “appears to be the most senior Hezbollah commander killed since October 7.”

“Some 300 Hezbollah fighters, including commanders and operatives with key responsibilities, have been killed in Israeli strikes on Lebanon since October, when the Gaza war broke out,” the Jerusalem Post noted Wednesday.

The Israeli news website YNET reported the details of the IDF airstrike and the background of the slain terrorist commander:

Taleb Sami Abdallah, the commander of Hezbollah’s Nasr unit, was killed overnight Wednesday along with three other commanders in an Israeli strike near the Lebanese city of Tyre.The IDF confirmed in a statement Wednesday that Abdallah, described as “one of Hezbollah’s most senior commanders in southern Lebanon” was eliminated in an Israeli Air Force strike on a “Hezbollah command and control center in the area of Jouaiyya in southern Lebanon, which was used to direct terror attacks against Israeli territory from southeastern Lebanon in recent months.” (…)Known by his call sign Abu Taleb, Abdallah was considered by the IDF one of Hezbollah’s most experienced and senior field commanders, equivalent to the IDF rank of brigadier general within the organization. His elimination is seen as one of the most significant since October 7.While Hezbollah quickly appoints replacements for eliminated officers, the IDF notes that the death of a senior field commander like Abdallah is likely to impact Hezbollah’s ability to launch attacks from the sector he oversaw.Since 2016, Abdallah commanded the Nasr unit’s eastern sector of southern Lebanon, one of three sectors, from which rockets were fired at the Upper Galilee and Golan Heights in recent months. He reported directly to Hezbollah’s southern front commander.He was killed around 10 PM Tuesday, along with his chief of staff and two other operatives, in a precise fighter jet strike following intelligence from the IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate (Aman) and Northern Command. At the time of the strike, he was in his command post after ordering rocket fire toward Kfar Blum earlier in the evening.The 55-year-old was described by the IDF as having “extensive operational knowledge and experience.” He led the attempted kidnapping of soldiers in the border village of Ghajar in 2005 and a series of retaliatory attacks in the Upper Galilee and Mount Dov in recent years, including the killing of Givati soldiers in January 2015 in response to the assassination of Jihad Mughniyeh, son of the organization’s powerful military commander Imad Mughniyeh, in the Syrian Golan.

The “Hezbollah command and control center” hit by the Israeli fighter jets was used in “direct terror attacks against Israeli territory from southeastern Lebanon in recent months,” the IDF confirmed.

Hezbollah steps up rocket attacks following the Israeli airstrike

Hezbollah stepped up rocket attacks on Israel after the IDF airstrike killed its top terror commander. “Hezbollah launched more than 170 rockets and several more missiles and drones at northern Israel on Wednesday, in what it said was a response to the killing of a senior commander in the terror group by an Israeli airstrike a night earlier,” The Times of Israel reported. “The barrages marked the largest attack carried out by Hezbollah during ongoing fighting on the Lebanon border amid the war in the Gaza Strip.

Hezbollah unleashed massive rocket barrage causing more wild fires across northern Israel. “Following the projectiles that were fired toward northern Israel [from Lebanon] earlier today, Israel Fire and Rescue Services are currently operating to extinguish the fires that broke out as a result of the launches,” the IDF announced Wednesday. Earlier this month, large forest fires erupted in northern Israel after relentless rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah.

The Israeli Air Forces (IAF) carried out strikes at Hezbollah rocket launch positions. “A short while ago, IAF fighter jets struck a launcher used to fire projectiles from the area of Hanine in southern Lebanon into northern Israel earlier today (Wednesday). Simultaneously, four terrorist infrastructure sites in the area of Yater, from which projectiles were fired at northern Israel, were also struck.”

IDF troops operating in Rafah, Gaza

The Israeli military is continuing operations against Hamas terrorists in Rafah and rest of Gaza. “IDF troops are continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the area of Rafah,” the Israeli military disclosed Wednesday. “Over the past day, the troops eliminated a number of armed terrorist cells in close-quarters encounters in the area. IDF troops also located and destroyed structures rigged with explosives, as well as weapons, ammunition, military vests, and additional military equipment found in the area.”

The Israeli air forces hit dozens of Hamas terror targets in precision strikes across Gaza. “Over the past day, the IAF struck and dismantled over 30 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military structures, armed terrorist cells, rocket launchers, terror tunnel shafts, and additional terrorist infrastructure,” the IDF said.

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hezbollah, IDF, Iran, Israel