Karine Jean-Pierre Describes Videos of Feeble Biden as ‘Cheap Fakes’

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre described the slew of recent videos showing President Joe Biden as a feeble old man as “cheap fakes.”

OK, bro:

JEAN-PIERRE: “Yeah, we — and I think you all have called this ‘the cheap fakes video,’ and that’s exactly what they are. They are cheap fakes video. They are done in bad faith. And — and some of your news organization have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing — the right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because the fact-checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation. And so we see this, and this is something coming from — from your part of the world, calling them cheap fakes and misinformation. And I’ll quote The Washington Post where they wrote — they wrote about this and they said how Republican use misleading videos to attack Biden in a 24-hour period.”

We have the video of Biden freezing at the Juneteenth celebration, talking to skydivers in Italy, and freezing at a fundraiser.

All in the span of days.

Plus, a Hollywood Reporter posted the original video at the fundraiser. Is he some Republican plant? I added a screenshot in case he deletes the tweet.

Obama guided Biden off the stage at the fundraiser because they’re friends. Sure:

JEAN-PIERRE: “As we saw on Saturday, President Obama put — President Obama’s office put out a statement, so I would refer you to that statement, about what was being accused in those — by others, and he said this did not happen in a sense of what people were saying — saying they were seeing, right, or what was being falsely reported that they were seeing. Let’s not forget, President Obama, President Biden, have a relationship. They are friends. They’re like family to each other. And I think that’s what you saw. You saw the president put his hand behind — on the back of President Biden and they walked off the stage after — after taking questions or — at an event, taking questions from Jimmy Kimmel. That is — that is what you saw.”

Tags: Biden Cognitive, Karine Jean-Pierre