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Jewish Students Sue Haverford College for Allegedly Cultivating an Anti-Semitic Atmosphere on Campus

Jewish Students Sue Haverford College for Allegedly Cultivating an Anti-Semitic Atmosphere on Campus

“Haverford has become an illiberal institution fixated on appeasing the demands of anti-Israel students and faculty.”

Haverford was founded as a Quaker school. If this story is accurate, it seems as though they’ve gotten a little bit away from their roots.

Campus Reform reports:

‘UNBEARABLE’: Jewish students sue Pennsylvania college for cultivating anti-Semitic atmosphere on campus

Jewish students at Haverford College in Pennsylvania, supported by alumni and others, have sued the institution over accusations of anti-Semitism.

The Deborah Project, which is representing the plaintiffs, accused the school of “maintaining — and even supporting — a hostile environment for Jews.”

The complaint, filed on May 13 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, alleges that “Haverford has become an illiberal institution fixated on appeasing the demands of anti-Israel students and faculty.”

“As a result of Haverford’s capture by a fervently antisemitic anti-Israel faction, students and even tenured faculty who engage in public expression of pro-Israel viewpoints are penalized through formal investigations and other disciplinary measures, as well as through informal but pervasive stigmatization, harassment, and bullying campaigns,” the Deborah Project wrote.

According to the lawsuit, the anti-Semitic atmosphere present on campus led to Jewish students being afraid to “speak Hebrew in public,” and made them “agonize over how to suppress identifiably Jewish proclivities, gestures, or expressions, lest they be exposed as insufficiently Israel-hating Jews.”

“Nearly all of these Jewish students engage in agitated consideration every day about whether, wherever they are going on Haverford’s campus to class, to the library, to a meal or to meet a friend— they are going to be met with attacks on them and the basic tenets of their religion,” the lawsuit continued.

One Jewish student alleged hearing other students saying “Jews exaggerate the Holocaust.”


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Haverford was founded as a Quaker school. If this story is accurate, it seems as though they’ve gotten a little bit away from their roots.

Not really. Quakers seem to have been antisemites since at least the 1970s.

    WindyHill in reply to Milhouse. | June 10, 2024 at 8:42 am

    The school was founded by Quakers in 1833, but they opened up to non-Quakers in 1849 (and women soon thereafter).

    All that is to say that what Quakers were thinking in the 1970s doesn’t have much bearing on their roots as an institution.

    destroycommunism in reply to Milhouse. | June 10, 2024 at 11:26 am


    like most/all(?) religions they vie for favoritism etc and know,,like all others,, that the j ews wont attack them ( especially in the streets) but the blmplo will

    so they befriend the violent ones

    never eating their oatmeal again!!!!!!

    drsamherman in reply to Milhouse. | June 10, 2024 at 4:42 pm

    Have you ever been to a Quaker meeting, Milhouse? I’m Catholic, so I’m anathema to them, but I have been to several Quaker meetings as part of a religious studies course when I was at Hillsdale. They’re hardly antisemitic. They’re hardly anti-anything at all. They’re peaceniks if they’re anything at all. But antisemitic? That’s a very harsh assessment. If anything, I would say they just want a peaceful resolution. They avoid conflict at all costs.

For the life of me, I will never understand what these people hope to accomplish, realistically, getting involved in litigation

Win lose or draw, your day to day experience as a student will not change – and may well get worse.


Grow up.

Reassess your life circumstances, and move on. Who knows, this could ultimately turn out to be a net-positive for you (and your family).

If you need to take some Grow-A-Set pills, that’s fine.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Jvj1975. | June 11, 2024 at 3:59 am

    Yeah, those whiny Jews need to shut up & keep to their place, right?

      Haverford is a tiny speck of a college. It is tiny. If it disappeared tomorrow, barely anyone would notice. Nobody has ever neeeeded to have anything at all to do with the place.

      What seems to have happened in recent years is that foreign Jew-hating money and foreign Jew-hating humans have been permitted to find a place there.

      Good for Haverford finances, Bad for Haverford Jews.

      And so today “Haverford” is not recognizable for what Haverford has been for the past century.

      This is going on in other parts of American society as well — eg, ACLU and SPLC are unrecognizable to anyone over age 40. Not to mention the democrat party, “liberalism,” womens rights organizations others

      If you enjoy a certain restaurant for several years, and then it’s bought out by Jew-haters who treat you badly – no sane Jew continues to spend their money at that restaurant. There are many other restaurants. There are many other colleges.

      I don’t know how old you are but trust me , litigation — like war — is a thing to avoid if possible: Even when you win, there are many unpredictable costs and zero predictable outcomes. Every lawyer will agree.

      (Btw fwiw I like most of your posts here at L.I.,)

destroycommunism | June 10, 2024 at 11:28 am

if the police around the usa had been allowed to stop the

L.a, rioters in the 1990s

or the blmplo thuggs in 2020

the institutions wouldnt live,,like the rest of us do too,,, in fdear of speaking out AGAINST street thugery

but we all know the score and lefty has taken over

even in so called red states

the big cities are 3rd world blmplo strongholds

destroycommunism | June 10, 2024 at 11:29 am


in fear