Brutal and horrifying headlines just from this week.
Headlines since weekend:
Salvadoran illegal alien charged w/ rape & murder of Rachel Morin. Entered as gotaway last year.
Ecuadorian illegal alien charged w/ rape & kidnapping of 13-year-old girl in NYC. Caught & released in 2021.
Two Venezuelan illegal aliens charged w/…
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) June 21, 2024
None of them should have been in America.
I wrote about the rapes and murders of Rachel Morin and the 13-year-old girl, but not 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.
Jocelyn Nungaray
Jocelyn Nungaray snuck out of her house on June 16 to see her boyfriend. Surveillance video showed her talking to two adult males outside of a convenience store. Neither were her boyfriend.
Police recovered Nungaray’s body on June 17.
The police arrested Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, both Venezuelan nationals, in connection to Nungaray’s death:
The SWAT team, gang division, Northbelt division, and homicide division coordinated an operation to apprehend the suspects at an apartment complex they lived at near the crime scene. Investigators said they found evidence connecting the suspects to the crime in the apartment.
Alexis Nungaray is coping with the surreal loss of her daughter Jocelyn, who was strangled and left in a creek.
“It still doesn’t register, I can’t believe it’s her, it will take some sinking in,” she expressed.
They face capital murder charges.
13-Year-Old NYC Girl
Authorities should have booted the illegal Ecuadorean man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in Queens in February 2022:
In addition, the agency confirmed in a statement to Fox News’ Bill Melugin that in February 2022 an immigration judge ordered Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, 25, to be deported, but he never was.
Inga-Landi is part of ICE’s nondetained docket, which Fox News reported this week has exploded to 7.4 million cases, with each ICE officer currently having to manage an average of 7,000 cases.
On June 18, the New York City Police Department arrested Inga-Landi as a suspect for the sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl in Queens. He’s also facing several other charges.
Rachel Morin
The illegal Salvadoran man arrested for the rape and murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five, came to America as a gotaway.
Authorities arrested and released him three times since then:
ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations spokesperson James Covington said the suspect then successfully entered as a gotaway, meaning he entered without being inspected, admitted or paroled by a U.S. immigration officer, “on or around February 13th, 2023” near El Paso.
“On June 14, officers from the Tulsa, Oklahoma, police department and agents from the FBI arrested Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, a 23-year-old unlawfully present Salvadoran national wanted by authorities in Harford County, Maryland, for the Aug. 6, 2023, murder of Rachel Morin,” Covington said.
“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement lodged an immigration detainer against Martinez-Hernandez with the Tulsa County Jail on June 15, 2024. On June 20, 2024, authorities in Tulsa, Oklahoma, successfully extradited Martinez-Hernandez to Harford County, Maryland. Martinez-Hernandez currently remains in the Harford County Jail pending trial,” he continued.
Martinez-Hernandez was arrested on June 14 after a 10-month investigation into Morin’s murder.
He was charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape.

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They need to keep Jesus in their hearts, and Peter in their pants.
Are you staying that if the democrats had done their jobs or were accountable for their law breaking these people would still have been raped, tortured and murdered? What’s your point? Why do democrats just do what they want regardless of public opinion, the law or anything else? Communist idiots.
No, I was lampooning the legacy media who are calling any reportage of the heinous crimes committed by Biden’s “newcomers” fearmongering……I guess I needed to provide a sarcasm flag.
More cheap fakes. Just ask Alex Jones
They were crisis rapees and murderees.
Every single death by illegal alien invader is blood on Joe Biden and the DNC’s hands.
Every one.
Commercials running the names and circumstances of the victims would be useful. Silent would be most effective.
And the RINOs who have ignored this situation for decades.
You have to offset the risk by the safety to Americans supplied by illegal immigrants who are targets for American murderers and rapists, thus drawing them off the native population.
In fact the comparison ought to be crime rates of immigrants to crime rates of Americans. If it’s lower, it makes America safer. If it’s higher, it makes America more dangerous.
Blacks are Americans so there’s that contribution of the high American rate.
“In fact the comparison ought to be crime rates of immigrants to crime rates of Americans. If it’s lower, it makes America safer. If it’s higher, it makes America more dangerous.”
This is f**king brain dead.
Given that every single “illegal” has committed a crime by border-jumping, this alone blows your cute little theory right out of the water.
What makes it worse is that the crimes these “illegals” commit here wouldn’t even have happened had they NOT BEEN HERE.
Hardin hates civilization and the civilized.
Agreed. Every single one of them is ILLEGAL, which means they should already be tossed back. Nobody can keep up with the Biden Surge, so they “gotawasy” outnumber the other illegals, but neither are vetted, so they should all be rejected.
“Sanctuary cities” are lunacy; every murderer that they have released should be the “sanctuary city’s” direct responsibility, and they should be able to be sued by the families and communities. That includes any LEOs that are injured or killed.
Turn them back, chase them back, scare them back. Whatever it takes, but not this idiotic Biden policy of open borders and wanton crime and drugs.
How is this different from treason?
The following countries have a lower rape rate per 100,000 than the US (2017) so immigrants from these LOWER the rape rate in the US:
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Belgium, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Denmark, Ecuador, Guyana, New Zealand, Saint Lucia, Barbados, France, Antigua and Barbuda, Colombia, Peru, Finland, Brazil, Bolivia, Ireland, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Jamaica, Dominica, Austria, Chile, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Bahamas, Mexico, Mongolia, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Uruguay, Netherlands, Germany, Philippines, Moldova, Honduras, Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago, Latvia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Romania, Puerto Rico, Hungary, Croatia, Belize, Czech Republic, Russia, Benin, Macau, Bhutan, Morocco, Lithuania, Andorra, Portugal, Malta, Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, Venezuela, Singapore, Spain, Lebanon, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Poland, Pakistan, Slovakia, Kenya, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Cyprus, Cameroon, Serbia, Albania, Greece, Myanmar, Maldives, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Uzbekistan
Irrelevant. ONE rape, murder or other crime (like importing fentanyl) committed by an illegal in the USA is one too many and one more than would have been committed had that illegal been blocked, incarcerated or otherwise dealt with at the border. Open your eyes. If Biden is re-elected, what has been happening in Europe by illegals will happen here.
If it prevents two rapes, you’re one ahead with the illegal. One illegal rapes an American, and two Americans rape illegals.
Illegals increase the size of the population and so the number of targets for rape.
The only question is whether the per capita number of rapes goes down or up.
That’s a pretty stupid statement, even for you. For one thing, you’re assuming that the illegals coming here are a random sample of the populations of their respective countries. That’s a huge assumption, and it’s completely unfounded.
The illegals invading our nation are more likely than not coming from the dregs of society, as their own countries are all too happy to export their prison populations, thugs, and indigents.
Great point. His comment also assumes that all of those countries have legal systems and data collection and reporting systems on par with ours, such that the reporting of rapes is in line with actual instances of rape at the same rate as occurs in the US. Also a very spurious assumption.
At the end of the day, one illegal dirtbag raping one US citizen is too many.
The right, increasingly popular, is drawing people with the math capability of Democrats, so clickbait works on them.
I don’t see your logic. If they are illegal, they are uncounted for population, so can’t change the rate. And since they aren’t replacing any Americans, again it doesn’t affect the rate.
Also, what we probably don’t know is WHY the rape rate is less in some of these countries – tougher punishments, less reporting, .. there can be numerous reasons for a lower rate that we would not want to implement here.
Are you really that dense?? Those culutres don’t have comparable statistics on crime like rape because women are extremely reluctant to report due to social stigma, culture that blames the victim etc. You have identified yourself as moron, unable to understand the world around you. You’re in your own universe of stupid.
You’re actually comparing rape stats from muslim cultures like saudi arabia??
Stop shoving the crayon up your nose when you feel the IMPACT.
As I recall, Hispanics are about 3x and American blacks 7X the white crime rate.
Those are Americans. Importing less rapey illegals lowers the rate by supplying alternate targets to American rapists while not being above the American rate themselves.
I heard last night that there have been 2 million “known” gotaways since Biden came to office. These are 2 million “prize-winners” – like those from their country’s prisons – who do not want to be processed. There was no estimate of how many might have gotten in who were unknown altogether. Every last one of these losers and their crimes is on the head of the Democrats and I am surprised that Trump is not ahead by 60/40. Look at what these migrants have down to Europe. Merkel’s legacy will also be Biden’s legacy.
There will be more tragic consequences and each one highlights the need for dramatically increased border security, screening of those who enter the US to overcome a presumption they are ‘baddies’ and relentless interior enforcement for immigration violations.
There is also a need for immediate remedial action.
If we deport these young men, who will blow leaves around our parking lots for us?
the welfare for lifers once the welfare payments stop
Win win!
Wait 2 years till the immigrants get organized and activated. They will become open enforcers for democrats/communists. They will create false flag events and handle intimidation and assassinations.
Are these criminals recruited for this?
Bring back the road gangs! When caught in this country illegally 1st offense 5yrs on the gang, second offense 25 years of road building, third offense out the back of a C-130 10 miles off the coast.
As part of Biden’s “infrastructure” program? LOL!
Fox News continues to call them “migrants” and the rapes and murders are part of “a migrant crime wave” even though none of the criminals migrated here and many of them are actually fugitives.
We used to have a word for foreigners who enter a nation without permission and rob, rape, and murder the citizens.
‘We have so little raping & murdering in this country, it’s critical we illegally import criminals to do our raping & murdering for us.’
– Democrats, soon.
Once is chance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. We are into the tens or hundreds of thousands of felonies aside from crossing our borders against our laws and will.
The government of the United States has been actively funding, enabling, and encouraging a hostile mass foreign invasion of the United States and attacks on its people. In the absence of a sovereign border, American laws being enforced on all within those borders, and America controlling who crosses those borders coming in we are not a sovereign nation. Which happens to be the dearest wish of the Left and what passes for an American government.
Subotai Bahadur
Clearly unrelated, in random conversation at the lunch counter today: long-time local volunteer election worker described his adventures with this week’s extravaganza.
Last try, the local budget failed by a handful of votes. On the re-try this week, he spent the day dealing with scores of voters who didn’t speak English, folks brought in in batches, forms handed to others to fill out, and on the spot registrations in the dozens.
The same budget passed by >1,200 votes this time.
Seems like Bertrolt Brecht was prescribing, vs satirizing:
Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?”
Or maybe Mary just have headline read ‘illegal aliens should not have been in the USA. A crime and the means for destruction of the republic whether mass murderers or Not