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IDF Foils Hamas Attempt to Breach Israeli Border From Rafah, Uncovers Terror Tunnel in Child’s Room 

IDF Foils Hamas Attempt to Breach Israeli Border From Rafah, Uncovers Terror Tunnel in Child’s Room 

“IDF troops … identified several suspects who approached the border from the Gaza Strip and moved toward Israel in an attempt to cross the security area in the area of Rafah.” 

Israeli military foiled an attempt by Hamas terrorists to breach the Israeli border fence from their stronghold of Rafah, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed Thursday.

The IDF soldiers spotted the terrorists intruders as they approached the border fence. “IDF troops operating in the area of the security fence identified several suspects who approached the border from the Gaza Strip and moved toward Israel in an attempt to cross the security area in the area of Rafah,” the Israeli military said in a press release Thursday. “The troops engaged the terrorists who opened fire at them. The troops then returned fire at the terrorists.”

Israeli fighter jets took out two of the terrorists, thwarting Hamas’s attempt to enter Israel. “An IAF aircraft that monitored the terrorist cell struck the terrorists and eliminated two of them. Another terrorist was eliminated by means of tank fire shortly afterward,” the IDF statement added. “We emphasize that the terrorists did not cross the fence built along the Gaza Strip.”

The foiled attack highlights Hamas’s intention to stage further terror attacks from Gaza despite the Israeli military offensive. The Wall Street Journal reports Sunday that Israel was forced to change its original military plan to capture Rafah under pressure from President Joe Biden. The move slowed down the IDF’s advance into Rafah, giving Hamas a halt ahead of the offensive.

The Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported the foiled terrorist attempt:

A serious incident broke out just before dawn on Thursday morning in the southernmost area of the Israel-Gaza border.

An IDF investigation is still underway, but initial details are being revealed about the event in which 3 terrorists were eliminated.

At 4:20 A.M. local time, IDF observers spotted suspicious movement in the Gaza area opposite the Kerem Shalom crossing, and triggered an infiltration procedure. The Bedouin patrol unit was activated and began to scan the area.

At 5:00 A.M. the Israeli forces encountered terrorists who were trying to breach the “hourglass fence” on the border. The terrorists were equipped with small arms and RPG rockets, and they opened fire on the IDF troops.

An Israeli Air Force aircraft that had been tracking the terrorist squad then eliminated two of them. A third terrorist was later eliminated by tank fire. A fourth apparently escaped back into Gaza territory.

The exchange of fire took place a little over a quarter-mile (500 meters) from the fence inside Gaza, in an area designated by Israel as a buffer zone. The IDF said there was no infiltration into Israeli territory.

Rafah: IDF uncovers terror tunnel in child’s room

Israeli ground troops discovered a terror tunnel shaft inside a child’s room during a search operation in the Hamas stronghold of Rafah.

“This week, the troops located a tunnel shaft inside a child’s room, and a butcher’s knife next to it. In addition, the troops identified six terrorists near a school in the area of the troops,” the IDF statement disclosed.

The discovery highlights Hamas’s use of Gaza children as human shields, using homes, schools, and playgrounds for storing weapons and staging terror attacks on Israel.

IDF hits UNRWA school operating as Hamas terror base in Gaza

Besides Rafah, the Israeli military continued attacks on Hamas targets, hitting a United Nations-run school operating as a terror based in central Gaza, the Israeli media reported Thursday.

The building was “Hamas compound embedded inside an UNRWA school in the area of Nuseirat,” the IDF disclosed.

The targeted terrorists were members of the terrorist Nukhba Forces, which spearheaded the terror attack on October 7. “Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists who belonged to the Nukhba Forces and took part in the murderous attack on communities in southern Israel on October 7th were operating in the compound,” the IDF confirmed. “The terrorists directed terror from the area of the school while exploiting it and using it as a shelter. Several terrorists who planned to carry out terror attacks and promote terrorist activities against IDF troops in the immediate time frame were eliminated in the strike.”

The Times of Israel reported Thursday:

The Israel Defense Forces carried out an airstrike on what it said was a compound used by dozens of Hamas fighters inside a United Nations school in central Gaza before dawn on Thursday.

The IDF said it took extensive precautions to reduce harm to civilians in the “precise strike” on the compound embedded within a UNRWA school in Nuseirat, where 20-30 terrorists, some of whom participated in the October 7 onslaught, were gathered.

Palestinian civilians displaced by the war were also sheltering at the school.

According to the military, the members of the terror groups were struck while gathered in three classrooms, separate from an area where civilians were sheltering. (…)

The IDF said that an unspecified number of terrorists were killed in the strike.

The IDF said the compound was used by members of Hamas’s elite Nukhba force who took part in the terror group’s October 7 massacre in Israel, in which some 1,200 were killed and 251 were taken hostage.

The army said the terrorists, along with members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, “directed terror attacks from the area of the school, while exploiting it as a civilian location and as shelter.”


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Deja vu all over again. Hamas seems likely to reject Biden’s offer. Israel should continue its mission, in which the country is virtually united.

An excellent read regarding terrotism and humanitarian law is: “Israel Under Fire – The War in Gaza: Can Contemporary International Law Cope with Today’s Terror?”

    GWB in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | June 6, 2024 at 8:04 pm

    Modern international “law” can’t cope with reality, being based as it is in Progressivism.
    It’s all pie-in-the-sky “can’t we just do war nicer so nobody gets hurt?” and belief that no one is going to break the rules.

      There are many areas where public international law has served a good and necessary function because there are almost 200 states on the planet and rules and norms help. It’s based on consensus and assumes the players act in good faith as a basis. When that breaks down, when corruption and geo-politics interject, states should question if the solution is worse than the problem, especially when they are more advanced in delivery or dominant players in the field.

      The article showed just how much of existing law is being violated and ignored, is obsolete and is applied differently, if at all. The issue of good faith is endemic, even here, but at least we did not have questions about our own republic.

    diver64 in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | June 7, 2024 at 5:17 am

    “International Law” only works if both sides in a conflict care about it. Obviously the Hamas Terrorists care nothing about law.

JohnSmith100 | June 6, 2024 at 4:55 pm

“Palestinian civilians displaced by the war”, if 71% support Hamas and terror, are they really civilians? Are people who raise large numbers of children specifically to become martyrs actually civilians?

    GWB in reply to JohnSmith100. | June 6, 2024 at 8:06 pm

    The distinction is based on a Progressive concept of war that makes all wars limited, as if Mommy UN can step in and break up a fight and send everyone to bed without supper.
    When you have to wage true war on an enemy people, then those rules get very stupid in a hurry.

paracelsus | June 6, 2024 at 5:28 pm

Why does it appear more and more that Joe Biden is strongly pro-Gazan.

Please, Israel, finish off the Gazans. Quickly.

smooth | June 6, 2024 at 8:34 pm

Hamas won’t surrender, but doesn’t have capability to win. What do they hope to accomplish?

    GWB in reply to smooth. | June 6, 2024 at 8:59 pm

    As much death and destruction of Israel as possible, and getting 72 raisins.

    iconotastic in reply to smooth. | June 7, 2024 at 12:51 am

    By ensuring that as many so-called civilians die as well as keep the constant worldwide propaganda going they hope to delegitimize Israel and thereby end commerce and any support for the country. These fanatics believe that a weakened Israel will someday be really vulnerable to the real genocide and ethnic cleansing they have envisioned (and bragged about).

    Israel refuses to do what it must in Gaza and Judea/Samaria—eject the Arabs. Violently if necessary.

mailman | June 7, 2024 at 2:52 am


The Left: If Israel goes in to Rafa it will be a humanitarian catastrophe the like of which we have never seen in the history of personkind!!

Israel: Jokes on you, we’ve been methodically sterilising Rafa for the last month and you fucking intellectual Pigmies didn’t even notice 😂😂

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