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IDF Announces Deaths of Four Israeli Hostages in Hamas Captivity

IDF Announces Deaths of Four Israeli Hostages in Hamas Captivity

Chaim Peri, 79, Amiram Cooper, 84, Yoram Metzger, 80, and Nadav Popplewell, 51.

The IDF confirmed the deaths of four Israeli hostages in Gaza in Hamas captivity.

  • Chaim Peri, 79
  • Amiram Cooper, 84
  • Yoram Metzger, 80
  • Nadav Popplewell, 51

Hamas took the men to Gaza while alive. They died several months ago. From The Times of Israel:

Chaim Peri, 79, Amiram Cooper, 84, Yoram Metzger, 80, and Nadav Popplewell, 51, were all believed by the IDF to have been held together by Hamas in the Khan Younis area, and died together several months ago.

The military does not detail the circumstances of their deaths, citing an ongoing probe.

Peri, Cooper, and Metzger were all abducted by Hamas from Nir Oz on October 7, while Popplewell was taken hostage from Nirim.

Cooper’s wife Nurit was released by Hamas on October 23 and Metzger’s wife Tami was released on November 28.

In December, Hamas published a propaganda video of Peri, Cooper, and Metzger, and in March claimed that the three were killed by Israeli strikes.

Popplewell was seen in a separate propaganda video in May, apparently weeks after he was killed.

Hamas abducted 251 people on October 7.

The IDF has confirmed 41 deaths of the 120 hostages still in Hamas captivity.

I wonder how many are still alive.


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    CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | June 3, 2024 at 5:23 pm

    The younger women may still be alive but for their sake I hope not. The level of brutality they almost certainly endured in the months since Oct 7 would be horrific.

      diver64 in reply to CommoChief. | June 3, 2024 at 5:34 pm

      As brutal as it is this is one reason woman have no place on the battlefield. I pray for those poor women taken hostage but hope…not sure what. That Brandon seems to be onboard letting those savages get rewarded with their brutality is shameful as an American. How much did those asshole Iranians pay him and his get?

        JohnSmith100 in reply to diver64. | June 3, 2024 at 6:36 pm

        These women were for the most part not on the battlefield, Israeli women should all be armed for life and know that they need to fight to the death.

        If America does not wake up and take drastic action, we can expect the same.

        paracelsus in reply to diver64. | June 3, 2024 at 6:42 pm

        but this was no battlefield from which they taken hostage,

          diver64 in reply to paracelsus. | June 4, 2024 at 2:26 pm

          Thank you for pointing that out, I had no idea. I didn’t say they were actively fighting on the field of battle. My point about what those women went through is why having them in a combat arms mos is problematic. If you had been in the military you know exactly what I mean.

      gonzotx in reply to CommoChief. | June 3, 2024 at 6:45 pm

      If they were alive, a trade would have been made

        CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | June 4, 2024 at 10:38 am

        Why would Hamas make a trade for all the hostages? It would be in their interest to keep dangling the possibility of future hostage releases to gain a series of incremental concessions. That’s assuming that Hamas itself has direct control/possession of the hostages. For all we know they are long since dead. Alternatively the younger females could have been sold off to third parties who spirited them out and to another continent as part of despots harem. Either is plausible and we simply don’t know the true status of the hostages at this point.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to gonzotx. | June 3, 2024 at 11:41 pm

    Let’s wait 6 weeks or more to find out and stop the fighting in the meantime, return the territories Hamas lost, and let them rearm, and give them hundreds of convicted murderers in the interim. Then if they’re in a really good mood they’ll tell us how many are still alive before murdering them, too and demanding 100’s more convicted murderers in exchange from their remains.

Fuck. Joe. Biden!

goddessoftheclassroom | June 3, 2024 at 5:15 pm

Please forgive my ignorance, but isn’t hostage-taking against the Geneva Convention (yes, I know Hamas is not a signatory to it)? How in the world can the ICC hold Israel to blame?????

    What are you talking about? That stuff is only for the Jews. Arab Muslim terrorists are not bound by any civilization constraints. Burn, loot, pillage and rape. There always going to be people making excuses

      Danny in reply to diver64. | June 3, 2024 at 9:04 pm

      Many Arab leaders are actually taking steps to change their societies for the better and are literally being hamstrung by Turkish Muslim, Iranian Muslim and Western Leftists fighting for Hamas which prevents the start of a change in thought in the Arab world.

        CommoChief in reply to Danny. | June 4, 2024 at 10:45 am

        Kinda. though I think you may giving the reform minded leaders more power than they posses. Equally Turkey while not exactly Western isn’t Iran in terms of social status/freedom for women. The West had the opportunity via the EU to embrace Turkey but kept stiff arming their EU application. One result of that was the rise of more Islamist political leaders in Turkey in place of the more moderate secular orientated parties.

    They aren’t hostages. They were taken as war trophies and sex slaves.

    The ICC‽‽‽‽‽
    Sorry. Can’t stop laughing.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to goddessoftheclassroom. | June 3, 2024 at 10:01 pm

    Countries are often held to the Geneva Conventions as a standard, politically and in messaging, whether signatories or not.

    Hamas is not a government, nor is Gaza a country, nor is there a Palestinian State … except when there is, claimed when that’s a convenient position. Ireland, Spain and Norway have “recognized”, something. So maybe it, they, or some are a country. Gotta get Hamas into the UN so it can veto things while waiting to chair the human rights commission.

    Meanwhile, the elected government of Gaza is not responsible for organized, violent incursion into Israel carried out by that same organization which claims to govern.

    Oh, no, I’ve gone cross-eyed.

The recent Biden-Obama peace proposal presupposes that all hostages are alive and that the Hamas keepers are not criminals. Unfortunately, it is increasingly clear that those two presuppositions have little basis in reality,

As sure as you know that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow morning, more hostages will be the months ahead

Why wouldn’t they?

They’ll target children boys and girls — who will never be seen again, they’ll be removed to Iran or Saudi or Pakistan , and forcibly converted and married.

Why wouldn’t they?

They’ll target others too, use your imagination.

Why wouldn’t they?

We may want to believe that October 7 was a one-off event.
Wishful thinking of the worst most naive kind.

We are returning to the Middle Ages — during which you were reasonably safe inside your fort, but you risk life and limb every time you travel.

Think I’m crazy? Watch. You’ll see.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to T23. | June 3, 2024 at 6:42 pm

    You are right, and it will continue until someone teaches them some really hard lessons.

    CincyJan in reply to T23. | June 3, 2024 at 7:08 pm

    I absolutely agree. I would go further and say that the Israeli demonstrations demanding the Israeli government bring the hgostages home are actually putting giant targets on the backs of each and every Israeli. In fact, time has indicated thatb October 7 was mainly a hostage taking raid, and, given its international success, there will be others.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to CincyJan. | June 3, 2024 at 11:45 pm

      And many hostage families agree with you, reminding the public that despite the demonstrators’ claims, the democracy do not speak for the majority of the hostages’ families.

    DaveGinOly in reply to T23. | June 3, 2024 at 9:13 pm

    You are correct. But this is no reason (as some claim) to not destroy Hamas. Destroy Hamas and allow others to take up the green banner of Islam. Then destroy them too.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to T23. | June 4, 2024 at 1:35 pm

    You should stop taking acid.

The word of the vile, evil, genocidal, goose-stepping Islamofascist, terrorist, Muslim supremacist, Fakestinian Arab invaders from Arabia, has been repeatedly shown over decades to be utterly worthless and untrustworthy.

I think it’s sad to ponder, but, it seems likely that all of the hostages have been murdered.

I’m thinking CIA

Zelensky , Melei(kowsky), Sheinbaum . . .

What the odds of having three Jewish heads of state in key countries (not counting Israel) at this moment in time?


    gonzotx in reply to gonzotx. | June 3, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    Down voting that comment is just dumb

    Maybe you ought to look at mexicos new president, as woke as can be, then there’s Zelensky

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to gonzotx. | June 3, 2024 at 11:51 pm

      The president of Mexico is Jewish by ethnicity only, does not identity with or participate in Mexico’s Jewish community and has no sympathies with Israel.

      Ditto Zelensky who is married to a Christian, and whose government has consistently made unreasonable demands on Israel and voted with Israel’s enemies at the UN.

      Nonsensical comments about the CIA and Jewish world leaders deserve to be downvoted, ridiculed and corrected. You are in Farrakhan/Marjorie Taylor Green space laser company.

        When OBiden took office in January 2021, a lot of Jinos were appointed to cabinet and other high positions.

        I thought back then, at the time, t“Hmm, how Obamian— theyre going to establish policies that’ll harm Americans and America — and Jews will get the blame.”

        I’m not entirely sure that gonzotx should be dismissed out of hand completely.

        (Also, respectfully, mtg and farrakhan have little in common. Farrakhan and Obama are uniquely evil. Please— I think I understand where you’re coming from, but please, mtg is to farrakhan like a cup of water is to the Atlantic Ocean.)

      Stuytown in reply to gonzotx. | June 4, 2024 at 2:07 am

      No. Downvoting that comment is not dumb. It indicates that some do not believe in your latest conspiracy theory that the CIA is installing Jews as heads of state.

        Stuytown in reply to Stuytown. | June 4, 2024 at 5:25 am

        Just noticed that Gonzo also included Milei. News to Gonzo: Milei is not a Jew. Advice to Gonzo: Get out of the sun for a while. Or if you haven’t gotten some sun recently, get some sun.

    T23 in reply to gonzotx. | June 4, 2024 at 5:16 am

    To lump together Milei w those other two — come on, you might want to give that a bit more thought

    Actually, not sure it makes much sense to lump together any of them , but who knows

destroycommunism | June 3, 2024 at 6:50 pm

fjb has omar blood on his hands!!

destroycommunism | June 3, 2024 at 6:53 pm

westerns talk

satanists murder


let the destruction of evil begin in earnest


broomhandle | June 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm


They died several months ago.

That is not a surprise. All of the hostages were tortured. and killed within 2 weeks.

    Ghostrider in reply to Tsquared79. | June 3, 2024 at 9:56 pm

    For Hamas, taking hostages and sexually abusing them, torturing and murdering them is a sport and a game.

    The IDF should not stop until every last Hamas terrorist is either killed of captured.

      WTPuck in reply to Ghostrider. | June 4, 2024 at 10:29 am

      You should have ended your last sentence after “killed.”

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Ghostrider. | June 4, 2024 at 12:49 pm

      As had as it is, hostages should be assumed dead, if it turns out otherwise great. All captured terrorists should be interrogated and then executed. Money should not be wasted on them, and they should not be traded.

      Then the incentive to capture hostages no longer exists. This will save more Israeli lives in the long run.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Tsquared79. | June 3, 2024 at 11:54 pm

    Not these 4. Please check your facts. These 4 were killed in captivity and seen alive by hostages who were released, including in one case by his own wife.

Four more murdered hostages. But by all means Israel should agree to a cease fire according to the Biden Beta Males. A cease fire that would let the savages be recognized and build again. I pray Israel keeps going and presses on until the last savage is dead. Winning the war is the most important thing for Israel. Nothing else matters. God Bless Israel and the IDF.

    Ghostrider in reply to kshea. | June 4, 2024 at 4:51 am

    Tony Blinken and the rest of the despicable Biden Administration would be quick to disagree with you, but they are wrong, and you are right.

    They are pretending (virtue signaling) because it is an election year. They must know the hostages are all dead but are suppressing the release of the information.

IMHO I believe that the males were
killed in captivity .. the females were raped repeatedly and sold as sex slaves….

Anyone know how many American citizens are still being held?

We all know it would be the lead story every night on the MSM if a Republican was president.

Nothing to be learned from the second time a dog bites you.

I know I will be down voted a million times- but I will raise this a million times. Israel doesn’t just NEED to have tons of conceal carrying citizens- it needs to freaking mandate it. Prior to 10/7 they had really thrown tons of blockers down for this.

    destroycommunism in reply to Andy. | June 4, 2024 at 4:45 pm


    but FIRST they need to realize that they must stop apologizing for defending themselves