‘I Would Do it Again’: Utah Trans-Identified Male Admits Murdering His Parents

Collin Troy Bailey, 28, who goes by Mia, admitted he slaughtered his parents on Tuesday night in their Utah home.

Bailey legally changed his sex and name in 2023. It doesn’t change the fact that he is a MALE.

Bailey then went after his brother and his wife. Both survived.

Beyond disturbing:

Police say a neighbor’s security camera recorded Bailey arriving at her parent’s home in her Kia Soul. After her arrest, she gave detectives gruesome details of the killings, stating “that she entered the house and almost immediately began shooting at her mother,” the affidavit alleges. “Mia stated that her father … heard the shots and began walking toward her. Mia stated that she shot her father in the head and that he immediately dropped to the ground.”Police say Bailey told them she went downstairs for a while, then returned upstairs and fired more shots. “Mia described that she returned to her father who was lying on the ground and shot him one more time in the head to make sure that he was dead. While doing that, Mia … walked back over to her mother and shot her in the head to make sure that she was dead,” police wrote in the affidavit.Police say Bailey’s father was shot twice and her mother four times.After killing the parents, Bailey fired a shot into the bedroom door where her brother had locked himself inside, according to the affidavit. “Mia stated that her brother was not her main target, but she would not have been sad had the gunshot killed him.”

Authorities arrested Bailey on Wednesday:

After searching for Bailey, police were tipped off that she was in the area of Horseman Park and River Rd. in St. George, police said. When officers found her, court documents said she pulled a gun from her waistband and held it to her head as she walked away from police, and they lost sight of her.Bailey was apprehended Wednesday morning when she surrendered to police near the St. George Temple, documents said.

Bailey has shown no remorse. In fact, he told police, “I would do it again. I hate them.”

Neighbor Richard Zyszkiewicz said the family had a volatile relationship with “bad vibes.” He described “strained relationships with multiple other family members. Multiple family members told law enforcement that they were afraid of Mia. These family members all sought alternative lodging for the night to ensure their safety.”

Authorities located Gail Bailey on the first floor. They found Joseph Bailey in the hallway towards the master bedroom.

Bailey faces the following charges:

Tags: Transgender, Utah