George Stephanopoulos Rips the Mask Off, Gives CNN Advice on How to ‘Get’ Trump in the Debate

George Stephanopoulos recently appeared on CNN with host Abby Phillip and advised the network on going after Donald Trump in the first debate.

This is the political director of ABC News advising another media outlet on how to take down a candidate. That is not the role of people in media.

It’s time for people to stop treating him as a journalist and acknowledge him for what he is. A former Bill Clinton staffer and Democrat party strategist masquerading as a member of the press.

How does he even have this role? Imagine Steve Bannon or Stephen Miller as the political director of NBC News. Do you think anyone on the left would accept that?

FOX News reports:

Stephanopoulos gives debate advice, urges CNN to grill Trump about 2020 election during upcoming debateABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos advised CNN that former President Trump should be confronted with whether he believes in the results of the 2020 election during the first upcoming presidential debate.When asked by CNN host Abby Phillip on Monday night what the “most important question” for both candidates should be in the June 27 debate moderated by the network, Stephanopoulos responded that it should be “very simple.””Who won the last election?” he said. “Let’s discuss and debate.”Stephanopoulos said that he has made it a “point” that if he is speaking with a candidate or a politician who won’t accept that the 2020 election was completely legitimate, then he will not “go on to other issues.””I’m not going to participate in some kind of a sham where you somehow equate the legitimacy of an election or the peaceful transfer of power with a debate over tax cuts or environmental regulation,” he explained. “If you can’t pass that fundamental threshold of saying, ‘yes the last election was not stolen,’ two, ’I will abide by the results of the next election,’ then I think that’s all voters and viewers need to know.”

See the clip below:

This gotcha from Stephanopoulos isn’t even hard to refute. If I were advising Trump, I’d tell him just to turn the question back on Democrats and the media. I’ll tell you what George, I’ll say Biden won the 2020 election fair and square if you admit that Democrats and almost everyone in your industry lied to the country for four years about me winning the 2016 election because of Russia. Do you admit it?

I might also suggest bringing up Molly Ball’s February 2020 Time Magazine column, in which she brags about the ‘shadow campaign’ that ‘fortified’ the 2020 election. They don’t get to shriek if you question the 2020 election, then turn around and brag about how they rigged it.

Stephanopoulos is laying the groundwork for a narrative that Trump is not legitimate. Look at what he recently said to an editor for Mediaite.

He is a vicious little toady and extreme partisan. Republicans should shut him out completely. Don’t do his show, don’t talk to his people, and don’t respond to their requests for information.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bill Clinton, CNN, debate, Democrats, George Stephanopoulos, Media, Media Bias, Trump Derangement Syndrome