FREEZE! Mainstream Media Insists You Not Believe Your Eyes

Joe Biden froze on stage at a fundraiser hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and Obama.

Recognizing Biden’s awkward pose, Obama came to the rescue, grabbed Joey’s hand, and led him away. That’s what friends are for, particularly when the person you are rescuing is the puppet whose strings your team is pulling.

The Hollywood Reporter posted the video:

Fine. No biggie, this is not the first time Joe has had awkward pauses.

But it’s the reaction that is gaining attention. Dems and the mainstream media are absolutely furious that this is being “spun” as Biden having cognitive difficulty. Don’t believe your eyes, believe Barbra Streisand.

Has she heard of the ‘Streisand Effect’:

So deep is the denial effort, that Biden supporters are editing the video then claiming the original unedited video was misleadingly edited.

The fake fact checkers are getting involved as well, telling us he just paused, he didn’t freeze. Well, he paused long enough that Obama had to grab his hand and lead him off stage.

This is like the Hunter Biden laptop all over again, there is a concerted effort to get you to view reality (Joe froze, Hunter’s laptop was real) as some conspiracy fake.

The freeze would not mean much if it were the first time. But it’s not,

Joey frequently has the deer-in-the-headlights vapid stare. The lights are on, maybe someone is home, maybe not. Let the voters decide.

But instead the mainstream media is swarming to Biden’s defense, a sure signal that the real campaign season has started.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Cognitive, Media Bias