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FREEZE! Mainstream Media Insists You Not Believe Your Eyes

FREEZE! Mainstream Media Insists You Not Believe Your Eyes

The freeze would not mean much if it were the first time. But it’s not. The lights are on, maybe someone is home, maybe not. Let the voters decide. But instead the mainstream media is swarming to Biden’s defense, a sure signal that the real campaign season has started.

Joe Biden froze on stage at a fundraiser hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and Obama.

Recognizing Biden’s awkward pose, Obama came to the rescue, grabbed Joey’s hand, and led him away. That’s what friends are for, particularly when the person you are rescuing is the puppet whose strings your team is pulling.

The Hollywood Reporter posted the video:

Fine. No biggie, this is not the first time Joe has had awkward pauses.

But it’s the reaction that is gaining attention. Dems and the mainstream media are absolutely furious that this is being “spun” as Biden having cognitive difficulty. Don’t believe your eyes, believe Barbra Streisand.

Has she heard of the ‘Streisand Effect’:

So deep is the denial effort, that Biden supporters are editing the video then claiming the original unedited video was misleadingly edited.

The fake fact checkers are getting involved as well, telling us he just paused, he didn’t freeze. Well, he paused long enough that Obama had to grab his hand and lead him off stage.

This is like the Hunter Biden laptop all over again, there is a concerted effort to get you to view reality (Joe froze, Hunter’s laptop was real) as some conspiracy fake.

The freeze would not mean much if it were the first time. But it’s not,

Joey frequently has the deer-in-the-headlights vapid stare. The lights are on, maybe someone is home, maybe not. Let the voters decide.

But instead the mainstream media is swarming to Biden’s defense, a sure signal that the real campaign season has started.


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I wish Elon Musk would ban this edited tape stuff from “X” as the misinformation it is. It appears we have a zombie as President and he is IMO getting people like Laken Riley and Rachel Morin killed.

    Tiki in reply to jb4. | June 19, 2024 at 11:00 am

    Community Notes supposedly remedies – or attempts to remedy – purposefully misleading posts..

If Pres Biden says it’s misinformation, and MSM is okay with it, then it should be good with us.


Delusion and deception. The more people become truly woke, the more they will see the threat to America from these liars and fools bent on destruction of individuals and self-emancipation.

Anything is fair game in order to the promote the altruistic fake narrative that drips with arrogance, not to mention the extreme derangement and demonization that seems all too natural.

Irrespective of Trump, it is good to see them acting out because it provides the opportunity for change.

E Howard Hunt | June 18, 2024 at 10:10 pm

Barry is expert at handling stiff men.

Subotai Bahadur | June 18, 2024 at 10:35 pm

We are at the stage where the “media insists”. As soon as they can it will be, “the Ministry of Agitation and Propaganda decrees”.

Subotai Bahadur

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 18, 2024 at 10:46 pm

“All of these lies about the President’s health and physical shape are harmful, malicious disinformation. We are proud to announce that President Joe Biden has just played a round of golf and shot a 34, including 5 holes-in-one. The President would have entered the US Open, where he clearly would have beaten the field by miles … but he didn’t want to show off.” — The White House Press Office

    If all the videos of weak, feeble Biden are fake, then prove it by showing videos of the strong, powerful Biden who’s in charge.

    That’s how fakes are disproven.

      Paula in reply to Paula. | June 19, 2024 at 12:59 pm

      But do they do that? No! What they do is release their own video with of an edited clip of the event. This is said to “disprove” the unedited clips.

    That was right after Pres Biden scored the winning basket for the Celtics in the NBA championship. He’s doing great! FOUR MORE YEARS!

      Paula in reply to Q. | June 19, 2024 at 1:05 pm

      That was just before he led the choir in a black church clapping and singing the whole time showing them how to get the rhythm going.

If you have any doubt that the real campaign season has started some time ago, let me introduce you to the contents of my SMS and email inboxes.

This is a lifelong plagiarist’s attempt to mimic Mitch McConnell’s bona fide freezing episodes.

If anybody was really concerned with Joe Biden’s health, they’d take him for immediate evaluation to rule out

– bleed in the brain
– clot in the brain
– seizure
– cardiac arrhythmia
– numerous other less likely possibilities

He’s not been taken for neuropsychiatric evaluation because they know that it is not needed.

The walk-off by Obama looks staged. Look at how Biden seems to have expected to be touched by Obama . Don’t believe me? Compare to Mitch McConnell reaction during press conference via youtube

Prof Jacobson surely you must be acquainted with physicians who consult with the court system in NY or RI. Ask them—informally, off the record, unofficially.

If he is nothing else, Biden is a lifelong fabulist and dissembler.

He’s good enough to get by, but he’s too lazy to really pull it off. (Like how some actors handle guns)

The OBidens do all this in public with all the cameras rolling … because they need to convey the appearance of a doddering old fool “who means well,” as per the Hur special prosecutor. It’s all done openly with all the world watching.

It’s fake.

We’re been played like a harp, folks.

They are laughing at us, with what amounts to just another in a long string of scripted psy-ops.

“God save the Queen.” “Francois Mitterrand.” “Helmut Kohl.” Give me a f**king break.

The Biden crime family is getting set to walk away clean, clean as a whistle—Just like the Kevin Spacey character at the end of “The Usual Suspects.”

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to T23. | June 20, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    Freezes are known side effect of phenothiazine, which is given to angry dementia patients to mellow them out. It also could be that he soiled his diapers. I’m sure he won’t be on phenothiazine at the debate, and a butt plug will be fitted.

An instruction manual on Gaslighting.

As said many times; Don’t believe your lying eyes!

And at the same time the same leftist lemmings are trying to smear Trump as ‘too old to walk’ by posting a photo of what they claim is him being led along a ramp by the hand.

Except when you watch the video it was literally a 1 second handshake with his son as he strolls up the ramp.

The absolute balls it takes to simultaneously spread such a laughable fake while at the same time screaming that you can’t believe the dozens of examples of full videos of the drooling diaper soiler freezing or just spewing literal gibberish, is just insane.

And if it weren’t for Musk buying Twitter, rest assured that you would be censored and banned for daring to share the actual video of Biden’s freezes.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Olinser. | June 19, 2024 at 12:05 am

    The absolute balls it takes to simultaneously spread such a laughable fake while at the same time screaming that you can’t believe the dozens of examples of full videos of the drooling diaper soiler freezing or just spewing literal gibberish, is just insane.

    In Yiddish, they call that “chutzpah” – the kid who murders his parents and then demands mercy from the court because he’s an orphan – though for the dems/leftists it is much more evil and psychopathic.

    These people are sick and they are dangerous. We’ve never had to deal with anything like this in American history. Never.

Professor, your sideways reference to “the Streisand effect” is so great. Do people do that to her all the time on social media? I avoid social media and don’t follow anyone much less people like B. Streisand To know if others do it to her all the time or if it’s just an occasional thing.

Still really funny.

    henrybowman in reply to Dr S. | June 19, 2024 at 2:52 am

    Leftists think nothing of ordering the press not to publish information that queers their agenda.

    From 2000:

    John Rosenthal, founder of Stop Handgun Violence, became visibly agitated when some of his extremists held signs saying, “Guns Don’t Kill People, Gun Owners Kill People” and “Al Gore – Ban all Guns”. Rosenthal claims to be a gun owner and probably was not happy with the prospect of turning in his shotgun… Rosenthal had the audacity to ask the press to censor the signs from the coverage…

    The statement, as captured on tape, went like this: “I have a real hard time with the cowards behind here who try to steal the thunder of victims of gun violence and I hope as we talk about responsibility, the media who is taking pictures of one of our most courageous senators in Washington with a cowardly sign above his head, I hope that photograph never shows up anywhere. And that’s the responsibility of the media. With the help of the media, the right message will get out.”

    From the resulting reportage, a significant number of the “journalists” were slavishly obedient to his wishes.

They are out “Baghdad bob-ing” Baghdad Bob!

Touring Europe, Biden’s old man moments are regular features of the news here.

The OBiden team has been consulting intensively with Hollywood heavyweights—some of the best storytellers in the history of storytelling.

These people know storytelling.

They are absolute experts at setting up an audience — especially an American audience. They’ve sold billions in tickets—that’s not nothing.

They know every Hitchcock technique, they’ve studied Rod Serling Twilight Zone episodes backwards and forwards.

Can’t you see how you are being drawn in?

    T23 in reply to T23. | June 19, 2024 at 2:22 am

    If you prefer a military analogy, think Cannae. They’re Hannibal. We’re Rome.

      Paula in reply to T23. | June 19, 2024 at 1:11 pm

      If you want an analogy from the movies, think Bates Motel. Biden is Norman’s mother. Everybody that votes for him is Psycho.

    henrybowman in reply to T23. | June 19, 2024 at 2:55 am

    You seem obsessed with selling this idea. I need to turn down the glow from my display.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 19, 2024 at 3:20 am

It’s funny how there has, to date, still been not one mention in the media of how Biden had people in his skull with scalpels scooping pieces of grey matter out … twice. Twice in his brain and not a single mention by anyone … not during the campaign, not during his illegitimate Presidency and not now, as he deteriorates into an evil blob of smelly goo. And Traitor Joe didn’t have any IQ points to spare, to begin with. The guy has always been an incompetent retard with a mean streak a mile long and a nose for corruption and intimidation. Twice having surgeons fiddle with that factory-second brain of his could not have helped matters one bit.

    Biden didn’t ask for the bleeds and surgery but we didn’t ask for the outcome of years of deterioration. In America 2024, even the most feeble can be handed power…for The Party.

    Harris is “one neuron away from the presidency”. From a “young virile JFK” to this FJB…. This is how far the Dems have fallen…pulling the country with it.

Scan the edge of the stage for handlers and/or see if Obama has an earpiece in, because someone gave him direction to get Biden off that stage now!

Biden’s people need to bring one of those long Vaudeville hooks to yank him out of sight next time.

Let’s see how juiced up he is at the ‘debate’; will his gait improve, his posture, his speech pattern, the inflection and volume of his voice, heck can be stand up straight that long? Even if he seems improved folks are gonna notice the contrast between the less than 2 hour ‘debate’ and the usual everyday performance.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to CommoChief. | June 20, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    He will be maximally juiced, if he is on Phenothiazine (a known cause of freezes) he will be taken off it, he will get an enema, and be fitted with a butt plug so he can’t have an “accident”. I wouldn’t underestimate Biden at the Debate.

When CBS aired this story last night, they showed the video of Biden being turned around by the Italian PM and led back to the group. In the upper-right hand corner of the video, they placed a disclaimer: Digitally Altered Video.

There was NOTHING ‘altered’ about that video, digitally or otherwise. It came directly from the pool camera that was there. I suspect the picked that specific video to fallaciously label as ‘altered’ knowing that it was a pool camera and therefor, not actionable for defamation. If they took a twitter or some real media outlet’s footage and labeled ‘altered,’ that would be a plainly defamatory statement.

It’s not like we needed more evidence of media bias. But lordy, they are apparently going to dispense with even the pretense of impartiality now.

Mandatory Marx Brothers


RepublicanRJL | June 19, 2024 at 9:00 am

Give the old guy a break. He thought he was playing 1-2-3 red light!!!

Capitalist-Dad | June 19, 2024 at 9:46 am

THE moronic, clueless KJP’s lies are so painfully obvious, if she wore a clown suit and make-up to press conferences (read lie fests) it would increase her credibility.

This is not the media being in denial. This is a well executed psychological operation by the media through the government’s intelligence agencies and the Democrat Party.

Come November when more ballots are counted for Biden, the media will look you in the eye and say this was the expected outcome all along and reports of Trump’s widespread support was disinformation all along.

Calling Biden’s obvious mental deterioration before everyone’s eyes a lie is a crucial step to diffusing the disbelief in November.

Anyone wanna bet that the “experts” who say video of Biden* freezing is an AI deepfake are the same ones who told us the Wuflu totally didn’t come from a bioweapons lab leak, that Russia hacked the 2016 election, that inflation and unemployment are way down, that the southern border is completely under control, that J6 was an insurrection, and that in 2020 Biden* got 81 million votes?

Barbra Streisand @BarbraStreisand
The NY Post is printing lies about President Biden. No other media outlets should amplify its disinformation.

.. is she so tone deaf that she hasn’t heard of the “Streisand Effect”

    T23 in reply to Neo. | June 19, 2024 at 12:51 pm

    It does seem very suspicious indeed, doesn’t it.

    Imho, it seems like Babs is playing out a part in an old film noir /Hitchcock script. Appearing to be much more the Naive Damsel Who Means Well than in fact she is — which is only revealed in the final reel.

    It doesn’t make sense for her to tweet out something that is so obviously going to invite TwitterBacklash and TwitterMockery.

    And the timing of it , coming right after the OBidens met with the Hollyweirdos……… it just seems more than a bit scripted. Artificial. “Produced.”

destroycommunism | June 19, 2024 at 11:25 am


who knows what bs the lefty will pull on djt

accidentally leaving fjb mic on

then trump goes off on that and they make trump to appear the way they want him to appear…..unhinged


they brought in a production team for the jan6 kangaroo court

americas military has been turned over to the dei

A.F. Branco put up a great cartoon yesterday.

Ann in L.A. | June 19, 2024 at 2:55 pm

Just a reminder of what the left was saying about McConnell’s freezes (and he was known to have just had a concussion.) As Biden is also known to have a history of stroke.

>> Doctors rarely get the chance to see a patient’s spells on camera, and, in McConnell’s case, two of his freeze-up moments were caught on tape. Schwamm observed that McConnell’s gaze deviated to the right, and he was able to grip his lectern without falling over or losing consciousness but was also unable to speak. “Those are really strongly suggestive of a partial seizure.”<> Doctors who spoke to other news outlets also agreed that McConnell’s behavior was indicative of a seizure and felt attributing it to “lightheadedness” was flat-out wrong. “If I gave that tape to a medical student and that was his explanation, I’d fail him,” Orrin Devinsky, a neurology professor at New York University, told the New York Times.<<

    They will have to hide Sundowner all summer
    Good luck keeping him in his basement in Wilmington again.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to Ann in L.A.. | June 20, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    Some doctor commenters have also stated that freezes are a known side effect of phenothiazine, which is given to angry dementia patients to mellow them out.

“It’s easier to fool a man than it is to convince that man that he’s been fooled.”

Its not possible for physician to state how much time biden has left. All that’s known is that Biden has entered a stage of mental decline that is rapidly accelerating, and irreversible. Soon he will be struggling to use email and use the phone, if he isn’t already.

My guess is Biden soiled his depends, and that is why he froze. Obama smelled it, realized what happened, and led him off stage.

For the Debate, Biden will be cleaned out with enemas and fitted with a butt plug, so this won’t happen during those 90 minutes.