Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to Teach Public Policy at U. Michigan This Fall
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Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to Teach Public Policy at U. Michigan This Fall

Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to Teach Public Policy at U. Michigan This Fall

“The course will pair graduate students with social impact not-for-profit organizations in Chicago and Michigan to solve challenges those groups are facing in the delivery of services in their respective communities”

Lightfoot was such a horrible mayor. Who would want to take a course like this with her at the helm?

The College Fix reports:

Ousted Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to teach public policy at U. Michigan

Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot will join the faculty at the University of Michigan in the fall to “encourage and equip students for careers in public service,” according to a news release.

Lightfoot, a Democrat, served as mayor of Chicago from 2019 to 2023 – when she became the first in 40 years to lose re-election. She faced criticism for her actions related to COVID-19 as well as her refusal to give exclusive interviews to white journalists.

At the University of Michigan, Lightfoot will serve as a visiting professor in the Ford School of Public Policy in the fall. The decision to hire her is part of an “effort to encourage and equip students for careers in public service and policy,” according to the university.

She is slated to co-teach a class on strategic public policy consulting with Professor Jeffrey Morenoff, the release states.

“The course will pair graduate students with social impact not-for-profit organizations in Chicago and Michigan to solve challenges those groups are facing in the delivery of services in their respective communities,” according to the release.

Lightfoot said in the release that she recently began one such non-profit herself to support “neighborhood vibrancy” and help “community based organizations to build the internal infrastructure they need to remain viable for their communities.”

“To make this vision a reality, however, we need a large cadre of consultants who share this view about the importance of community-based organizations, and are willing to work at tables set by the community to share their time and talents in furtherance of building capacity and solving problems,” Lightfoot said.

The former mayor said she believes her new collaborative work with UM will help “address community-defined needs, build capacity in the organizations who are our clients and reinforce the importance of policy intersecting with practice.”

Last year, Lightfoot taught a class at Harvard University’s Chan School of Public Health, The College Fix reported at the time.

When she was elected, Lightfoot initially was celebrated as the first black female and openly gay mayor of Chicago. However, her actions quickly drew scrutiny.


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henrybowman | June 19, 2024 at 1:46 pm

“Lightfoot was such a horrible mayor. Who would want to take a course like this with her at the helm?”

Oh, come on… isn’t this scam transparent to you?

Students will be sent to intern as leftist “community organizers.” The activity will be funded (but the students themselves perhaps not paid) by public money, and at the end, the students will receive a great grade for fortifying democracy.

This is what “allyship” looks like, and tax-funded allyship is the cleverest slavery of all.

Next, UMich will announce they’ve hired Jeffrey Dahmer as professor of child protection.

PostLiberal | June 19, 2024 at 2:44 pm

Perfect example of “those who can’t, teach.”

(While this is true in Lightfoot’s case, there are countless examples of those who are good at what they do and also teaching it. Such as my high school music teacher, who in addition to being an excellent teacher, was a good enough musician to be in Feather’s Encyclopedia of Jazz Musicians. Or the guy from my hometown who grew up in the family’s car repair business, and ended up teaching auto mechanics at a local technical high school.)

There has always been a market for aspiring grifters, and now there is a degree program in it. What I haven’t sorted yet is which direction the con is playing out.

destroycommunism | June 19, 2024 at 9:24 pm

rubber stamping diplomas

Leftists giving her lifetime employment to spew her toxic anti-white rhetoric, like claudine gay??

I learned from almost everyone. Sometimes those lessons were indirect, as in “~don’t~ do this.”

Imagine having to face that in class in the morning.

“There will be no questions unless they are preapproved and vetted.”

This “class” should get negative credits.