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Forest Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Hezbollah Unleashes Rocket and Drone Attacks from Lebanon

Forest Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Hezbollah Unleashes Rocket and Drone Attacks from Lebanon

“The IDF is conducting a joint operation with fire and rescue forces to gain control over the locations of fire in northern Israel.”

Fires erupted across northern Israel after Lebanon-based Hezbollah unleased a barrage of rockets and incendiary drones. The Iran-backed terror group escalated cross-border attacks this weekend,  coinciding with President Joe Biden’s efforts to force a ceasefire on Israel in a bid to halt the military operation against Hamas terrorist forces in Rafah.

“After Hezbollah launched a series of rocket barrages and explosive drones into northern Israel on Monday, massive fires erupted across the region, with firefighting teams struggling to contain the blazes,” the Israeli news website YNET reported midnight Monday night.

Several rescuers and volunteers were reported injured as they tried to stop the fires from spreading. “Major fires have reignited in the Ramim Ridge, north of Kiryat Shmona, prompting authorities to dispatch numerous firefighting teams. With homes in Kiryat Shmona and the neighboring community of Margaliot at risk, residents have been instructed to evacuate. Six people sustained minor injuries while battling the flames in Kiryat Shmona,”  the news outlet added.

The Israeli military and rescue services were coordinating to stop the spread of blazes raging in the north, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Tuesday.

“The IDF is conducting a joint operation with fire and rescue forces to gain control over the locations of fire in northern Israel,” the military announced in a press release. “Over the past few hours, the IDF has been conducting a situational assessment with Israel Fire and Rescue Services to allocate additional means, forces, and firefighting capabilities in order to extinguish the fires in northern Israel.”

A large IDF contingent was on the ground to contain the fires. “At this stage, IDF reserve soldiers, engineer tools, mechanical equipment, fire trucks, and fire tanks were reinforced,” the press statement added. “An IDF Home Front Command’s fire battalion is currently operating at the scene and assisting fire and rescue forces.”

The Times of Israel reported the fires set off by Hezbollah rockets on Tuesday:

Residents and local authorities in northern Israel demanded Tuesday that the government take clear action to restore security, as bushfires sparked by Hezbollah rockets launched from Lebanon spread across large swaths of territory, with emergency services straining to control the blazes.

A spokesperson for Kiryat Shmona, where fires lapped overnight at the outskirts of the evacuated border city, lamented that the government was failing to provide even the most basic level of security for residents.

Opposition lawmakers panned the government for failing to control what has been an escalating border conflict with the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group, while far-right ministers declared it was time to go to war in Lebanon, a course of action the government has sought to avoid as Israel is already fighting the Palestinian terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, with no clear end to that conflict in sight after eight months of war.

Rocket fire that began on Sunday and continued on Monday caused sweeping wildfires that rapidly spread amid hot, dry conditions. Eleven people were treated for light smoke inhalation and there was some damage to property and agricultural areas.

By Tuesday morning, the Fire and Rescue Services said they had most blazes under control. However, at around 9 a.m., warning sirens blared throughout the Galilee due to a possible drone and rocket attack from Lebanon. An Israeli interceptor missile apparently launched at a target was said to have failed and exploded near the city of Safed. Falling fragments from the missile caused a new fire in the area.

“The politicians are talking so much they don’t get around to doing anything,” Kiryat Shmona municipal spokesperson Doron Shnaper told the Kan public broadcaster. “I prefer that there be less talk and more action, on security and economic matters, about the day after the war. There have been a lot of promises. In practice, nothing is happening.”

Since October 7 massacre, Hezbollah, directed by the Iranian regime, has resumed hostilities with Israel from its positions in southern Lebanon. Tens of thousands of civilians have been forces out of their homes amid cross-border rocket barrages and shelling into northern Israel. In the wake of relentless Hezbollah onslaught “[a]bout 60,000 people from northern Israel remain evacuated,” the BBC reported in May. Other estimates place the number of displaced Israelis even higher.

IDF continues military op in Rafah, central Gaza

The Israeli armed forces continued to locate and destroy terrorist targets in Rafah and the rest of Gaza. “Over the past day, IAF [Israel Air Force] fighter jets and additional aircraft struck and dismantled approximately 65 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military compounds, weapon storage facilities, launch sites, observation posts, terrorist cells, and additional military infrastructure,” the IDF revealed Tuesday.

The IDF special forces and uncovering weapons and explosives in areas of Rafah taken from the terrorists. “Furthermore, troops of the 162nd Division are continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area,” the military press release said. “Over the past day, the troops located significant terror tunnel shafts and numerous weapons during scans in the area. During a targeted raid, troops of the Nahal Brigade located numerous weapons, including RPGs, ammunition, explosive barrels, AK-47 rifles, and additional explosive devices.”

The Israeli air force carried out a precision strike on an abandoned United Nations-run school, operating as a Hamas terror commander center in central Gaza. No civilians were hurt in the strike, the military confirmed.

“Overnight, following precise IDF and ISA [Israel Security Agency] intelligence, an IAF UAV precisely struck a Hamas compound embedded inside UNRWA’s “Abu Alhilu” school in Bureij, located in the central Gaza Strip, from which Hamas terrorists operated and planned numerous attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF troops operating in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF disclosed in a press release.


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Michael Gilson | June 4, 2024 at 1:11 pm

I’m sure the Left will spin this as Israel increasing the world’s carbon footprint and climate change.

    Environmental warfare against Israel, everybody in the immediate area and everybody downwind. Is this not a war crime?

      guyjones in reply to Rusty Bill. | June 4, 2024 at 1:32 pm

      The vile, Fakestinian Arab invaders from Arabia have been sending incendiary balloons into Israel from Gaza and the West Bank, for years, with zero condemnation of these acts of environmental terrorism/terrorism from the European, leftist dhimmis, or, American Dhimmi-crats.

    henrybowman in reply to Michael Gilson. | June 4, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    The UN will force Lebanon to pay carbon credits.
    To the UN.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Michael Gilson. | June 4, 2024 at 2:03 pm

    Neutralize Iran, they deserve fire, and flooding, followed by severe water shortage, no electricity, and no refining or pumping oil. Have I missed anything?

The strategic problem is that you can’t burn it twice.

henrybowman | June 4, 2024 at 1:21 pm

Lebanon, eh?
Ain’t I heard of some valuable, historic trees somewhere around there?

None of these attacks would be happening, if we had leaders in the U.S., U.K. and in the rest of Europe who adhered to a zero-tolerance policy for Islamofascism, Muslim supremacism, and terrorism.

Overwhelming force is the only thing these fascist savages understand. The malignant Iranian and Qatari regimes already should have been deposed.

    henrybowman in reply to guyjones. | June 4, 2024 at 8:08 pm

    “leaders in the U.S., U.K. and in the rest of Europe who adhered to a zero-tolerance policy for Islamofascism, Muslim supremacism, and terrorism.”

    We happen to be speaking about the very same leaders who f*ing INVITED THEM IN?

      guyjones in reply to henrybowman. | June 5, 2024 at 2:40 pm

      See the key word “If,” in that sentence.

      You missed that — I’m referring to a hypothetical, not the current leadership, rather obviously.

“Since October 7 massacre, Hezbollah, directed by the Iranian regime ….. ” Until the Iranian regime starts paying a real price this will not stop, no matter how much Israel bombs Lebanon. A raging fire in Iran’s oil facilities might send a message thar kills few.

That interview Biden gave to Time Magazine is absolutely bananas.

I can’t think of any time in history when a sitting US president spoke about the elected leader of an ally the way Biden speaks about Netanyahu here, to say nothing of an ally engaged in a war not of their own making.

I would also LOVE it if Time released the unedited audio tape from this interview. We’re probably more likely to hear the Hur tape before this one.

I suspect that Hezbollah and it’s ideological allies will raise all sorts of Cain crying about unfairness when Israel completes its operations in Gaza and can turn far more of its military forces and attention towards Lebanon and Hezbollah terrorists.

destroycommunism | June 4, 2024 at 4:24 pm

the lefty world:

israel is the evil

the good people: get rid of hamasterrorists once and for all

destroycommunism | June 4, 2024 at 5:17 pm

the omar gofundme is paying for the continued violence by hamas against the freedom lovers

destroycommunism | June 4, 2024 at 5:18 pm

its a good thing the UN is able to prevent wars////s