Fauci: No Science Behind COVID Masking or Social Distancing, Blames Unvaccinated for Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths

House Republicans unleashed their anger on Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing with the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Here are some explosive parts.

COVID Lab Leak

Fauci denied he tried to suppress the COVID Wuhan lab leak theory:

JORDAN: “Do you — do you agree that there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory?”FAUCI: “None on my part.”JORDAN: “Really?”FAUCI: “Really.”

Well, as Leslie posted in November, former Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Dr. Robert Kadlec said he regrets working with others, including Fauci, to downplay the COVID lab leak theory:

Dr Kadlec, who worked for presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump and lead American efforts to develop a Covid-19 vaccine, said his intention in initially downplaying a lab leak was to encourage co-operation from China in the early days of the outbreak.But the public denial of the lab leak theory spiralled and the proposition Covid may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology turned into a conspiracy.“I wake up at usually about 2 or 3am and think about it honestly, because it’s something that we all played a role in,” Dr Kadlec says.

We recently learned that former Fauci aide Dr. David Morens admitted he destroyed emails regarding the origin of COVID.

Last year, emails showed Morens used personal email addresses to dodge FOIA requests and questions about COVID origins.

Fauci permitted Morens to talk to National Geographic about the origins. He figured he had to do it because Fauci didn’t “want his fingerprints on origin stories.”

Fauci Points the Finger at the CDC Regarding COVID Rules

Fauci said the COVID rules just “appeared” by pointing fingers at the CDC. He also admitted that the rules lacked any science behind them.

So those kids who lost schooling, addicts who lost support systems, businesses that went under…no science behind it.

What a jerk:

FAUCI: “It was a CDC decision and it was clear –”JOYCE: “Were you dialoguing with the CDC?”FAUCI: “Excuse me?”JOYCE: “Were you in communication with the CDC.”FAUCI: “CDC was part of the Coronavirus Response Team, yes.”JOYCE: “And you didn’t feel an obligation to go to them and say, ‘Look, Americans aren’t going to trust us. We’re providing them with misinformation.’“FAUCI: “We have discussions at the White House about that, we did, but the CDC’s decision, and it was their decision to make, and they made it.”

Fauci felt “it wasn’t right for him ‘to be publicly challenging’ the system.”

They forced masks on babies and toddlers, resulting in communication delays. Shaming people who refused to wear a mask.

None of it is based on science or reality.

The science behind masking, except the so-called scientists, had no studies:

“The CDC was responsible for those kinds of guidelines for schools, not me. So when I said that, it just appeared. It appeared. Was there any science behind it? What I meant by no science behind it is that there wasn’t a controlled trial. That said, compare six foot with three feet with ten feet. So there wasn’t that scientific evaluation of it. What I believe the CDC used for their reason to say six feet is that studies years ago showed that when you’re dealing with droplets, which at the time that the CDC made that recommendation, it was felt that the transmission was primarily through droplet, not aerosol, which is incorrect because we know now aerosol does play a role. That’s the reason why they did it. It had little to do with me since I didn’t make the recommendation.”

Fauci justified the lockdowns by shouting death numbers, even though we knew that if the person had COVID, they blamed the person’s death on COVID:

CLOUD: “I’m going to go through a list of Covid mitigation measures that you supported over the course of the pandemic and ask you to give me a yes or no as to whether you believe these measures were justified. Business closures?”FAUCI: “When 5,000 people were dying a day, yes.”CLOUD: “Church closures?”FAUCI: “Same thing.”CLOUD: “School closures?”FAUCI: “Again, the –”CLOUD: “Stay at home orders?”FAUCI: “These were important when we were trying to stop the tsunami of deaths that were occurring early on.”CLOUD: “Early on?”FAUCI: “How long you kept them going is debatable.”CLOUD: “Mask mandates for adults, mask mandates for children, mask mandates for children under five?”FAUCI: “And going back to what I said before, all of that is in the context of at that time 4-5,000 people a day were dying.”

Blames Unvaccinated for Killing Hundreds of Thousands

Fauci also blamed the unvaccinated for killing hundreds of thousands because they listened to podcasts and conspiracy theorists:

GARCIA: “Do you think the American public should listen to America’s brightest and best doctors and scientists, or instead listen to podcasters, conspiracy theorists, and unhinged Facebook memes?”FAUCI: “No. Listening to people who you’ve just described is going to do nothing but harm people, because they will deprive themselves of life saving interventions, which has happened.”

He claimed studies show that “people who refuse to get vaccinated for any of a variety of reasons, [are] probably responsible for an additional 200,000—300,000 deaths in this country.”

Fauci Defends Vaccines, Except Vaccines Didn’t Stop Transmission

Rep. Brad Wenstrup asked Fauci if the COVID vaccine is 100% effective.

Fauci said he doesn’t believe any vaccine is 100% effective.

What did Fauci say in 2021?

“It will either protect you completely against infection. If you do get infected the chances are that you’re going to be without symptoms. And the chances are very likely you’ll not be able to transmit it to other people.”

Wenstrup continued his questioning, asking Fauci if the vaccine stopped transmission.

Once again, Fauci contradicts himself:

WENSTRUP: “Vaccines save millions of lives and I want to thank you for your support and engagement on that. However, despite statements to the contrary, it did not stop transmission of the virus. Did the Covid vaccine stop transmission of the virus?”FAUCI: “That is a complicated issue because in the beginning, the first iteration of the vaccines did have an effect, not 100 percent, not a high effect, they did prevent infection and — and — and subsequently, obviously transmission. However, it’s important to point out something that we did not know early on that became evident as the months went by is that the durability of protection against infection, and hence transmission was relatively limited, whereas the duration of protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and deaths was more prolonged. We did not know that in the beginning. In the beginning it was felt that, in fact, it did prevent infection and thus transmission but that was proven as time went by to not be a durable effect.”

Tags: Anthony Fauci, Corruption, House of Representatives, Republicans, Wuhan Coronavirus