Fauci: No Science Behind COVID Masking or Social Distancing, Blames Unvaccinated for Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths
Trust the science, except there is no science to back up anything. What a pathetic little man.

House Republicans unleashed their anger on Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing with the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Here are some explosive parts.
COVID Lab Leak
Fauci denied he tried to suppress the COVID Wuhan lab leak theory:
JORDAN: “Do you — do you agree that there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory?”
FAUCI: “None on my part.”
JORDAN: “Really?”
FAUCI: “Really.”
Did Dr. Fauci help the Biden White House downplay the COVID-19 lab-leak theory for political purposes?@Jim_Jordan questions Dr. Fauci on pandemic-era censorship
— Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (@COVIDSelect) June 3, 2024
Well, as Leslie posted in November, former Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Dr. Robert Kadlec said he regrets working with others, including Fauci, to downplay the COVID lab leak theory:
Dr Kadlec, who worked for presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump and lead American efforts to develop a Covid-19 vaccine, said his intention in initially downplaying a lab leak was to encourage co-operation from China in the early days of the outbreak.
But the public denial of the lab leak theory spiralled and the proposition Covid may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology turned into a conspiracy.
“I wake up at usually about 2 or 3am and think about it honestly, because it’s something that we all played a role in,” Dr Kadlec says.
We recently learned that former Fauci aide Dr. David Morens admitted he destroyed emails regarding the origin of COVID.
Last year, emails showed Morens used personal email addresses to dodge FOIA requests and questions about COVID origins.
Fauci permitted Morens to talk to National Geographic about the origins. He figured he had to do it because Fauci didn’t “want his fingerprints on origin stories.”
Fauci Points the Finger at the CDC Regarding COVID Rules
Fauci said the COVID rules just “appeared” by pointing fingers at the CDC. He also admitted that the rules lacked any science behind them.
So those kids who lost schooling, addicts who lost support systems, businesses that went under…no science behind it.
FAUCI: “It was a CDC decision and it was clear –”
JOYCE: “Were you dialoguing with the CDC?”
FAUCI: “Excuse me?”
JOYCE: “Were you in communication with the CDC.”
FAUCI: “CDC was part of the Coronavirus Response Team, yes.”
JOYCE: “And you didn’t feel an obligation to go to them and say, ‘Look, Americans aren’t going to trust us. We’re providing them with misinformation.’“
FAUCI: “We have discussions at the White House about that, we did, but the CDC’s decision, and it was their decision to make, and they made it.”
Fauci felt “it wasn’t right for him ‘to be publicly challenging’ the system.”
Dr. Fauci is pressed on the 6-ft rule:
Rep. Joyce: "[Once we learned more], did you feel an indication to go back to the CDC and say let’s base this off science, let’s get rid of this 6-ft. rule? This 6-ft. rule crippled businesses, it allowed students to stay at home and not… pic.twitter.com/1w6FKrJTTh
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) June 3, 2024
They forced masks on babies and toddlers, resulting in communication delays. Shaming people who refused to wear a mask.
None of it is based on science or reality.
The science behind masking, except the so-called scientists, had no studies:
“The CDC was responsible for those kinds of guidelines for schools, not me. So when I said that, it just appeared. It appeared. Was there any science behind it? What I meant by no science behind it is that there wasn’t a controlled trial. That said, compare six foot with three feet with ten feet. So there wasn’t that scientific evaluation of it. What I believe the CDC used for their reason to say six feet is that studies years ago showed that when you’re dealing with droplets, which at the time that the CDC made that recommendation, it was felt that the transmission was primarily through droplet, not aerosol, which is incorrect because we know now aerosol does play a role. That’s the reason why they did it. It had little to do with me since I didn’t make the recommendation.”
Fauci justified the lockdowns by shouting death numbers, even though we knew that if the person had COVID, they blamed the person’s death on COVID:
CLOUD: “I’m going to go through a list of Covid mitigation measures that you supported over the course of the pandemic and ask you to give me a yes or no as to whether you believe these measures were justified. Business closures?”
FAUCI: “When 5,000 people were dying a day, yes.”
CLOUD: “Church closures?”
FAUCI: “Same thing.”
CLOUD: “School closures?”
FAUCI: “Again, the –”
CLOUD: “Stay at home orders?”
FAUCI: “These were important when we were trying to stop the tsunami of deaths that were occurring early on.”
CLOUD: “Early on?”
FAUCI: “How long you kept them going is debatable.”
CLOUD: “Mask mandates for adults, mask mandates for children, mask mandates for children under five?”
FAUCI: “And going back to what I said before, all of that is in the context of at that time 4-5,000 people a day were dying.”
I asked Dr. Fauci a simple yes or no question: Did he believe school, business, and church closures, mask mandates, and stay-at-home orders were justified?
He refused to disavow those measures, despite knowing they were ineffective. pic.twitter.com/4DjIrdg2sk
— Congressman Michael Cloud (@RepCloudTX) June 3, 2024
Fauci's Lies Exposed! pic.twitter.com/QwQL9O77jR
— MilkBarTV (@TheMilkBarTV) August 5, 2022
Blames Unvaccinated for Killing Hundreds of Thousands
Fauci also blamed the unvaccinated for killing hundreds of thousands because they listened to podcasts and conspiracy theorists:
GARCIA: “Do you think the American public should listen to America’s brightest and best doctors and scientists, or instead listen to podcasters, conspiracy theorists, and unhinged Facebook memes?”
FAUCI: “No. Listening to people who you’ve just described is going to do nothing but harm people, because they will deprive themselves of life saving interventions, which has happened.”
He claimed studies show that “people who refuse to get vaccinated for any of a variety of reasons, [are] probably responsible for an additional 200,000—300,000 deaths in this country.”
Fauci blames the unvaccinated for killing 200-300k people in the U.S. pic.twitter.com/F170MlSXpf
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) June 3, 2024
Fauci Defends Vaccines, Except Vaccines Didn’t Stop Transmission
Rep. Brad Wenstrup asked Fauci if the COVID vaccine is 100% effective.
Fauci said he doesn’t believe any vaccine is 100% effective.
What did Fauci say in 2021?
“It will either protect you completely against infection. If you do get infected the chances are that you’re going to be without symptoms. And the chances are very likely you’ll not be able to transmit it to other people.”
Fauci then vs. Fauci now on vaccine efficacy: pic.twitter.com/igVp7zXia5
— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) June 3, 2024
Wenstrup continued his questioning, asking Fauci if the vaccine stopped transmission.
Once again, Fauci contradicts himself:
WENSTRUP: “Vaccines save millions of lives and I want to thank you for your support and engagement on that. However, despite statements to the contrary, it did not stop transmission of the virus. Did the Covid vaccine stop transmission of the virus?”
FAUCI: “That is a complicated issue because in the beginning, the first iteration of the vaccines did have an effect, not 100 percent, not a high effect, they did prevent infection and — and — and subsequently, obviously transmission. However, it’s important to point out something that we did not know early on that became evident as the months went by is that the durability of protection against infection, and hence transmission was relatively limited, whereas the duration of protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and deaths was more prolonged. We did not know that in the beginning. In the beginning it was felt that, in fact, it did prevent infection and thus transmission but that was proven as time went by to not be a durable effect.”
Dr. Fauci is pressed on the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine.
Chairman Wenstrup: Despite statements to the contrary, [the vaccine] did not stop transmission of the virus. Did the COVID vaccine stop transmission of the virus?
Fauci: That is a complicated issue! pic.twitter.com/sQk3xICpPP
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) June 3, 2024

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The smug, evil, little garden gnome’s head should be socially distanced from his torso by six feet.
Yet Trump awarded him a Presidential Award for his work on Covid. 19. We all died and suffered economic detestation because of Fauci, but Trump gave him the highest award and honor.
Yet Donald Trump awarded Fauci
Revisionist history was your major? So Trump is guilty of not being prescient? The majority of deaths are on Bidens hands.
Before the leftists corrupted it, I believed the science. I assumed (always a bad idea) that politics and self interest would be shoved aside in what was sold as a national crisis. And I am a scientist, so how was Pres. Trump supposed to divine Fauci’s deception?
You do not speak for “we.” What will you do if Trump wins election? Scream like that lady?
He is that lady.
I wonder if Fauci can get you a vaccine for your TDS. It’s left a gaping hole where your brain should be.
I don’t know much about “economic detestation,” but you’re certainly detestable.
Aren’t you on the same side as those who also claim that DJT failed to “follow the science”?
What would have been your opinion of DJT if he had ignored or gone against Fauci or any of his other advisors? Would it be fair to say you would have condemned him for behaving that way?
No matter what Pres. Trump did, it would be misrepresented, taken out of context or malreported by the leftist shills in and outside the WH.
“Yet Donald Trump awarded Fauci”
“but Trump gave him”
“Yet Donald Trump awarded Fauci”
Very weak TDS. I suggest you repeat “Yet Donald Trump awarded Fauci” 15 more times for emphasis.
Yes, on January 19, 2021, his last day in office, President Donald J. Trump awarded commendations to 52 individuals for their work on Covid and Operation Warp Speed. To emphasize how well this award was considered he included General Mark Milley and Dr. Dorothy Birx in the mix. Google if you wish to see all.
Donald Trump was a victim of a common human frailty, fear of disease and death, and also the awe of the medical profession, he.succumbed to this and the bad advice of his advisors and chose Fauci.et al. Trump became more enmeshed and trusting of the Covid cabal when he caught Covid. His love affair with the “vaccine “ was rightly based on the untested belief that it would control the disease along with his own hubris of pulling off an impossible task.
Trump has many faults, most of which are personality traits that turn off superficial people. His leadership and policy decisions are superior to most of the presidents I have studied in my 80+ years
He is being pilloried for his leadership and policies.
And finally, he never said that people should drink bleach!
Very well stated CapeBuffalo. Pres Trump was the best President I have seen in my lifetime and I’m not young but he did make serious mistakes during covid. From what I have witnessed Pres Trump lacks discernment when it comes to the people he puts trust in and this is a serious weakness.
Trump’s mistakes during covid was that he trusted that government officials wouldn’t act politically. It was a terrible mistake
You do know that Fauci flat out lied to the President of the United States, right? You should look at Fauci’s history when AIDS was identified.
That quack wouldn’t look at ways to cure the disease, he only wanted vaccines, which never worked.
Now why would he want vaccines and not cures? Could it be the kickbacks, I mean royalties he was getting?
If Trump is guilty of anything it is taking advice, bad as it turns out, from people in his administration that were supposed to know what they were doing. Trump is not a medical doctor or virologist, he is a real estate guy. Listening to his medical experts on a subject he knows nothing about isn’t a fault. For Biden to continue down a road that when it became increasingly obvious everyone was being lied to is the bigger problem.
And stuck on a pike as a reminder to the rest of the permanent political class
I’d like a very deep and detailed dive into where that evil clowns money came from, how NAID got millions in patent payments from China and where that money came from. Did the millions from China influence the insistence against all evidence that Covid was man made and originated in the Wuhan lab? Why was the US using a secret lab in China in the first place? Most importantly, why is any government department getting unsupervised money from anyone?
Still not regretting avoiding the vaccines and boosters with no health issues other than my recent knee replacement…… my ex on the other hand (we were just separated about then) was nearly first in line for the vaccines and boosters, he’s developed horrendous health issues and had a lengthy hospitalization due to what we now know are side effects of the shots. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!
Glad to see you aren’t holding a grudge.
Divorce humor, arh arh.
Over 30 people in my church contracted covid at the offset, none died, only one was hospitalized , all fully recovered from it and all were 65+. Most reported mild to severe cold symptoms. My sister ran in and got the covid “vax” and suffered greatly for months afterwards, direct result of the vax poison. One woman from my church decided to take the vax , then boosters, booster killed her.
The shot started in Nov-Dec 2020 had killed of the original variant by May 2021, when delta was just starting to show itself, so appears to have worked as designed. If you get the average number of people one case infects to less than one person (say 3/4 person) then the disease dies out. With more vaccinated, it would have died out even sooner. So Fauci might be correct.
It had no discernible effect on other variants, however, and so was a waste of everybody’s time and attention.
The shot didn’t “kill off the original variant”. That’s silly. Coronavirues mutate quickly. It’s what they do. That’s one of the main reasons why there has never been a cold vaccine, though anyone who came up with one would have made untold amounts of money.
The fact is that the faux-vaccine didn’t stop infection or transmission but reduced symptoms, which allowed more infected people to walk around infecting others and allowed the Wuhan virus more room to grow and mutate.
COVID died out between Dec 20 and May 21, with no replacement. Number of COVID cases of any kind fell way down. Delta was the first variant and that was just starting up in May.
The shot tested at 90% effective, which is all it needs. The point is to reduce the average number of infections from a single case, which is done by vaccinating the people around the case.
What the hell do you think you are babbling about? 90% effective? At what?
You are completely full of sh*t.
Footnote please.
“Effective”, defined how, measured how, by whom?
“vaccine” the actual term was redefined.. remember?
random google, North Carolina study of original variant
For the two-dose regimens of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines BNT162b2 (30 μg per dose) and mRNA-1273 (100 μg per dose), vaccine effectiveness against Covid-19 was 94.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 94.1 to 94.9) and 95.9% (95% CI, 95.5 to 96.2), respectively, at 2 months after the first dose and decreased to 66.6% (95% CI, 65.2 to 67.8) and 80.3% (95% CI, 79.3 to 81.2), respectively, at 7 months.
Personal experience, I was watching the number of weekly new cases in Ohio and it dropped to practically nothing by May 21, from tens of thousands. That’s exactly what should happen in the mathematical model of disease propagation (each case infects X others on the average, what’s the course of the disease for various X).
rhhardin in reply to BierceAmbrose. | June 4, 2024 at 6:41 am
“Personal experience, I was watching the number of weekly new cases in Ohio and it dropped to practically nothing by May 21, from tens of thousands. ”
RH-Two major errors in your comment
A) The drop in cases from Jan 2021 to May 2021 is the historical trend for all pandemics – commonly known as waves
B) Even if the vax was effective, Far too few of the population had been vaxed by the end of April to have made that difference.
rhhardin in reply to BierceAmbrose. | June 4, 2024 at 6:37 am
random google, North Carolina study of original variant
Another major flaw in you comment – specifically related to the NC study.
first you have to understand the historical trend for all pandemics – commonly known as waves. Secondly, its important to understand the studies done by Edgar Hopes Simpson and what some call the Hopes-simpson curve.
Neither of those factors are properly accounted for in the NC study.
A common trick in those studies (including masking studies) is to take credit for the effectiveness of the mitigation protocol for the case drop that always occurs on the back side of a pandemic wave.
That preci contains many numbers and a source. It contains neither “defined how” nor “measured how.” These are two of the forever-nubs of contention on this subject, because people decline to define the terms, or use them consistently.
Burying the non-answer in precise-sounding numbers is a propaganda technique we’ve see a lot lately. More of that doesn’t help.
The “effectiveness” I’ve seen reported on has been:
— in lab studies “effectiveness” in meeting some threshold assay off serum antibodies, with lots of numbers, confidence intervals, and other window dressing.
— then, in policy discussions claims without measurement of “effectiveness” in reducing incidence, severity, transmission, mortality, and so on.
The distinction makes the difference.
So the unvaxed killed the people that were vaxxed? But the vax didn’t stop the spread of the virus by the vaxxed among the vaxxed. The diminished virility of a virus through multiple hosts occurs without vaccination.
Unvaxed people are responsible for the amount of the virus in the population, by being targets for the infection around other infected people. Had they been vaxed, their case probably wouldn’t have occurred. So they sustain the infection in the population.
“Unvaxed people are responsible for the amount of the virus in the population, by being targets for the infection around other infected people.”
What the fuck? This is retarded even for you.
You should probably wear protective headgear when in public, as it seems you’re likely only an acorn bonk away from becoming a vegetable.
You are ignoring naturally acquired immunity and the fact that overwhelming # of those who died or had serious problems from Rona were already vulnerable; the obese, the frail elderly and those with already comprised immune systems. By all means offer those populations the jab as a voluntary alternative but no mandates and no shitting down the Nation for a respiratory virus that history tells us will mutate to a less dangerous variant.
A fair defense of the ‘jab’ would be centered on seeking to protect the vulnerable where it would do some good. Demanding the jab for the wider public along with made up social distancing and mandatory masking that ignored prior data showing public masking wouldn’t be effective were not based in science and were in fact harmful. Defending these policies is foolish.
A common treatment during the early stages was to put patients on ventilators, where they promptly died. In places like NY, they were putting the infected into nursing homes, among the population most vulnerable to death from cold and flu viruses because of age-degraded immune systems. During the early months, my local county maintained a detailed tally of deaths. They stopped when the results proved that the vast majority of deaths were in nursing homes, and virtually all of the rest were among stay-at-home elderly. It was big news when a 50-something died, until they found out that he also had a compromised immune system.
RH – Again you are grossly misunderstanding and/misstating the data. Both fauci and brix were informed in Mid to late October of 2020, that the vax would not reduce transmission. See the fauci and brix emails.
this is due to the mechanism from which the vax works. It takes about 2-3 days after the covid infection before the vax’s mechanism kicks in, So while the vax can reduce severity, it does nothing to stop transmission.
It’s well known that the fake vaccine did not block transmission of the disease. Try a different Theory
The progression of the transmission of any of the variants, when charted against the institution of any of the mitigation efforts (incl. vaxxes) shows the mitigation efforts had no measurable effect, with each spike of each variant looking nearly identical to every other spike, no matter when any of the mitigation efforts were taken. This is not what you’d see if the efforts were effective.
The only thing the vaxxes did was provide the selection pressure for the proliferation of variants capable of eluding the most recent vaxx.
For a while, both vaxxed and unvaxxed had almost identical probability of having a severe case of Covid (i.e. hospitalization). Now the vaxxed are more likely to be hospitalized. The vaxxes induced/created several problems (some of which were predicted) that produced this result.
The virus, however, died out, i.e. the variant targeted, leaving a large population that never got that variant. It’s the presence of that large uninfected population that proves that the vax worked. There were lots of places for the virus to go and it didn’t go there.
A second variant (delta) was starting but only small numbers.
The vax only reduced symptoms.(Note this is the new definition of vaccines).. Vaxxed still got infected and could pass it on to anyone. No herd effect. The unvaxed who got COVID developed a pure immunity which more long lasting. The fact that boosters are pushed as immunity fades. Plus the risk of DNA mutation. The vax and boosters were pushed as safe and yet have complications that pulled other vaccines of market.
That’s exactly what didn’t happen. The uninfected population not getting the original variant or any other variant after the shots started – namely the thing died out – proves the shot worked against the original variant. If it were merely masked, all those people would be getting covid in that time interval, a rich target environment for it. Odd variants started up around May-June in foreign countries and eventually wound up in the US, against which the shot was no good. But it worked on the original. Worked means killed off the pandemic.
That is not is not proof of anything. You should stop now.
I Know over 30 people , almost all of whom were 65+ who contracted covid at the offset, none died, only one was hospitalized, most reported mild to severe cold symptoms. The 2 people I know who decided to trust the “science” went for the vax. My sister suffered horribly after the vax for months, developed open sores that were so severe she is scarred for life, the other person was fine with the vax, booster killed her within 24 hours.
“had killed of the original variant by May 2021”
Learn how vaccines work, you schmuck.
Covid didn’t die off, that means the vaccine was a epic fail. Especially as practically everyone that got the vaccine then got sick later, multiple times.
Fausti is really starting to remind me of Alfred E. Neuman. “What me, worry?”
It’s amazing how he is trying to claim that he never came out against the lab leak theory and how he’s been so “open-minded” all this time. But we lived through his totalitarian fantasy games. What an evil dwarf.
And the fact that the six foot BS was unscientific was known from the very beginning, when it was found out that it me out of one of the political scientologist’s daughter’s high school science experiment.
I’m really surprised that no one, at any of these Fausti grillings, has asked him about the Diamond Princess, which was the hard, clear data that we had on the Wuhan virus from the very, very beginning – in the absolute worst of circumstances – and that EVERYONE studiously IGNORED as they made up one insane totalitarian edict after another. Of course, not a single time did any official ever give any data or reasoning behind any of their lunatic commie orders. NOT A ONCE … and no one from the press (or Congress) ever asked any of them to justify their un-Constitutional orders with data or reasoning, either.
And no one has gone to prison over this unbelievable raping of America … but Trump is liable for almost 150 years in prison over a made-up crime concerning a bookkeeping entry that affected NO ONE.
What’s the Diamond Princess? Is that your name for the “hard clear data”? Or does it refer to something else? I was disappointed that guys like Dr. Zelenko were unable to get a serious hearing. Even Trump put him on once mainly to appease his “fans” i.e. those who knew his success with early HCQ and zinc treatment, then followed up the same press conference with talk about drinking bleach, thus ridiculing Zelenko’s report.
Nothing surprises me anymore. These people want to destroy America and they’re doing pretty well at it, and our choices in November are two guys who pushed the vax.
The Diamond Princess was the cruise ship that was out at sea when they discovered that the Wuhan virus was aboard, romping around. It was full of old people and it was a completely isolated circumstance so that it represented the worst case scenario for any viral contagion. It had about 2000 people on it and the data from it showed how the Wuhan virus was not even remotely as lethal or dangerous as the officials were saying, up to that point. It was hard, clear data about the Wuhan virus in highly controlled conditions … that everyone dutifully ignored. They ignored it so well that people didn’t even hear about the Diamond Princess. And it was never mentioned – not even once – by anyone issuing any sort of communist edicts to Americans about what new restrictions we would have to endure for the pleasure of the ruling class.
Round the same time, The Rona got loose on an Aircraft Carrier, with similar treatment of the data. (Interesting couple letters flying about in public, followed by end of commander’s career.)
You wanna figure out what impacts susceptibility, course and severity, you look at data sets like these. You want to characterize the disease and transmission, you look at data sets like these.
You want an excuse for a universal, general mandate, you don’t look at any discriminating data — you might learn something.
And even in regular daily life, if the Wuhan virus were even 1/100th as lethal as they claimed then every Walmart worker would have dropped dead within a few months … but almost no one did. We had the same Walmart workers throughout the pandemic … for years, being stuffed into a closed, dense space with everyone in the area (since most of the other stores were forced closed by the commies). But they just kept coming to work at Walmart day after day …
The lies of the politicians and officials were everywhere to be seen, but you got deplatformed, or worse, if you “saw” them and said anything. And now they are all trying to act as if they had said and done exactly the opposite of what they did say and did do. I hope people don’t let them get away with this … though, at this point, I am almost resigned to the idea that the guilty get away with pretty much everything in America, these days.
You are completely mistaken about what Trump said. He didn’t say drink bleach.
He recounted two proposals as proposals for research, namely to try going into the lungs with perhaps light or disinfectant to target the tissues directly. That line of inquiry bore fruit. It eventually became the use of a nebulizer with saline, a bit of hydrogen peroxide (it had started out as sodium hypochlorite — both are bleaches) and a smidge of Iodine, another disinfectant..
That is, the nebulizer is used to inject disinfectant into the lungs. The big trick turned out to be finding a way to do this gently enough.
It is a gangbusters treatment for pneumonia, a very common co-infection when a virus. causes congestion.
I’ve seen that video again recently, and I was struck by how right (and cautious) he was.
Around the same time The Screaming Meemies made up crap about The Orange Man Bad advocating for irradiation treatments, twisted into blasting people with ionizing radiation.
Turns out, there was ongoing clinical development at Cedars Sinai on internal photo therapies, specific for respiratory infections.
Figuring out protocols to support people with compromised respiratory systems in fighting off infections would be a good thing. The main path for dying of flu is 1) be old 2) get the flu 3) die of the opportunistic pneumonia the flu enables.
And the Republican committee chair obsequiously repeated, more than once, that the vax had saved hundreds of thousands of lives. He’s a doctor. Fortunately the R’s had at least 2 other doctors on their side who didn’t say that at all, but were very tough on Fauci.
Faux-xi should rot in Hades.
A sad, deceptive man, who gives Biden a run for the money when it comes to indecency and lack of compassion.
“So it’s easy to criticize, but they’re really criticizing science because I represent science. That’s dangerous. To me, that’s more dangerous than the slings and the arrows that get thrown at me. I’m not going to be around here forever, but science is going to be here forever. And if you damage science, you are doing something very detrimental to society long after I leave. And that’s what I worry about.” -A. Fauci
If Fauci “represents the science,” how come he worked so hard to label accusations of the leak of the virus from Wuhan “a conspiracy?” Why did he allegedly roll over for the CDC and its arbitrary and ineffective “6 foot rule” or school and business closures when he knew there was no scientific basis for doing so?
Why isn’t this little creep’s enormous salary and benefits being clawed back from him for his misrepresentations and self enrichment??
Why aren’t he and others who engaged in this fraud being tried for crimes against humanity?
And yet even with this admission there are still people out there masking up and maintaining distance.
Like De Niro? LOL!! I am still convinced that the whole run on toilet paper was a manipulation test run, just so they could see how far they could push things.
Covid had not symptoms that involved the use of toilet paper, yet the store shelves were cleared.
Americans love toilet paper. In Europe, they didn’t even start using real toilet paper until the late 1980s. You could go to a European airport and find newspapers and magazines in the bathrooms … not for reading. Barbarians.
I have seen such in MT as well, perhaps they are immune compromised and are so fearful wearing a mask gives them a sense of security, it’s a false sense of security but still brings them comfort.
Conspiracy theories my a$$.
The concerns about all angles on this debacle were raised quickly by respected people in the field.
The lab leak theory was logical on its face because the Wuhan lab was conducting research, had leaked before, and had been freshly reported as likely to leak again. It was an obvious possibility, and the reaction by Fauci was, frankly, suspicious.
Questions about safety were logical because the data was missing or did not hold up. The type of technology has been around for a couple of decades, and has not worked before. The problems with gene therapy were well-known.
Further, the very idea of using a single antigen should have been controversial, because of its known dangers.
Narrow vaccines leak. Leaky vaccines result in a proliferation of variants. Sooner or later, something deadly will emerge, if you keep using them over and over, as was done with COVID.
It is mere good fortune on our part that the first dominant variant, the Delta variant, is more infectious but less harmful.
These are just a few of the straightforward issues inherent to the situation. The response to the questions by Fauci and the rest of the US government — to crush ordinary research questions, and viable alternative treatment routes — was outlandish. It was weird.
And then, there were the labs in Ukraine, confirmed by Victoria Nuland.
So, I conclude that portions of the US government have disobeyed Congress by funding bioweapon research in all kinds of out-of-the-way places, got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, and have been trying to lie their way out of it, ever since.
“Further, the very idea of using a single antigen should have been controversial, because of its known dangers.”
Focusing only on serum antibodies as immune response is at least as narrow minded. And risky.
The guy still thinks it naturally evolved. What a great scientist! That he got away with it for so long is typical of big government. Thrive by failing upward.
The guy still thinks it’s most expedient to ace like he thinks it naturally evolved.
Fixed it.
Fauci’s testimony is built upon a readily collapsible house of cards
They should have asked Fauci how much NIAID (Fauci ran it for decades) made from the decision to pursue vaccines for corona virus which they haven’t been able to do in 40 years of trying. NIAID made $690 million in 2 years which is about $686 million more than normal.
They should have asked Fauci if the vaccine passed the efficacy test. The law requires that the vaccine have 50% or better absolute efficacy on the targeted demographic. The vaccine that Fauci made so much money from, didn’t have more than 1% efficacy in any demographic, and it had negative efficacy in children who were require to take it to go to school.
They should have asked Fauci if the vaccine passed the distribution test (stays where it is put). The law demands that any vaccine that fails the distribution test be pulled from the market and the inventory destroyed. The corona vaccine fails the distribution test within 2 hours. It needs to stay put 2 weeks to be lawful.
So over the course of the vaccine the NIAID made almost a billion dollars on an illegal vaccine.
Did Jim Jordan’s hearing succeed or fail in holding Fauci accountable?
My father passed away during COVID-19 alone in a Pennsylvania nursing home, and not because he had Covid, he didn’t. The PA governor issued executive orders to move covid positive people from hospitals into nursing homes and then locked them down.
I, or no one for that matter, was not permitted to gain entry to be by my father’s bedside at all during his end of life phase due to guidelines and restrictions imposed on nursing homes by the federal government and the Pennsylvania governor.
Do you remember the COVID relief funds the feds sent to the states to help reimburse medical facilities costs and lost revenue? In the end Pennsylvania kept the funding secret. My father’s nursing home went bankrupt and was sold.
I am so sorry for your loss. We had a family member who was a Cuomo victim.
My mom became ill during the covid hysteria ginned up by western leaders and fauci fraudsters. The illness continued on for for several months, the “doctors” lied said she had covid, she didn’t , she had cancer and she passed away from it. I have zero trust in gov, “scientists”, “doctors” these days. covid was unleashed by china and assisted by fauci who used our tax dollars to make it happen. I despise them all.
Sorry for your loss, and that you were lied to. I despise them all too. They are evil.
Never forget this:
Fauci, 2012:
>> However, the issue that has been intensely debated is whether knowledge obtained from these experiments could inadvertently affect public health in an adverse way, even in nations multiple time zones away. Putting aside the specter of bioterrorism for the moment, consider this hypothetical scenario: an important gain-of-function experiment involving a virus with serious pandemic potential is performed in a well-regulated, world-class laboratory by experienced investigators, but the information from the experiment is then used by another scientist who does not have the same training and facilities and is not subject to the same regulations. In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario—however remote—should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?
>> Scientists working in this field might say—as indeed I have said—that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky. However, we must respect that there are genuine and legitimate concerns about this type of research, both domestically and globally. We cannot expect those who have these concerns to simply take us, the scientific community, at our word that the benefits of this work outweigh the risks, nor can we ignore their calls for greater transparency, their concerns about conflicts of interest, and their efforts to engage in a dialog about whether these experiments should have been performed in the first place. Those of us in the scientific community who believe in the merits of this work have the responsibility to address these concerns thoughtfully and respectfully.<<
Fauci AS. Research on highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus: the way forward. mBio. 2012 Nov 1;3(5):e00359-12. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00359-12 . PMID: 23047751; PMCID: PMC3484390.
Take note, the “scientific community” has proven it is untrustworthy and inhumane.
What a sniveling little weasel of a man this guy is. Parsing his every word or statement.,..constantly contradicting himself. Lying to be quite blunt about it. Egomaniac once declared that he was science itself. What a loser. What I’ve learned for next time is don’t trust the government ever! The credentialed class is almost always wrong! They are corrupt to the core. They were mostly working for royalties. Not the peoples welfare…..no one except DJT ever pays a consequence or price in the swamp. Enjoy your fat pension and whatever else you could steal Fauci. You won’t be made to pay any price….
The science was strictly followed throughout the entire pandemic- The Neural Foundation of Greed.
This blaming the unvaccinated for deaths really makes me angry. My family members are dying off at an alarming rate and have been since the jabs rolled out. None of the family that went unvaccinated has died and several contracted it including my 83 year old mother who whipped it’s butt even with all the serious illnesses that they said would surely make it kill her. She beat it by listening to what I told her and that is respiratory exercises to keep those lungs open. They told her to breath shallow which is the exact opposite of what should be done. She did the deep breathing I told her to and got up to walk when she could. They killed more people by not allowing them to get out of beds than the disease should have. True respiratory clinicians were fired en masse for trying to do this with patients. The worst part for her journey was the after care in rehab that nearly killed her twice. And you think that those of us who went unvaccinated were not knowledgeable about diseases? I am whooping cough survivor, Contracted it in 1970 at a month old and survived when the death rate was over 80% at that age. I made it my business to understand infectious diseases and how to not get one again. And I was 100% exposed to my Mom when she had it and I did not get it. So sick of this blame game. But I have three more relatives dying right now from the vaccine to worry about.
I know one woman who died from the booster and my sister is scarred for life from the vax itself, she was sick for months after and had open sores over her entire body. I know over 30 people who contracted covid at the offset ,most 65+ years of age, 1 was hospitalized, most reported mild to severe cold symptoms, all fully recovered. Then there was my mom, who became ill during the covid hysteria ginned up by deceivers like fauci , “scientists”, gov and “doctors”. Lying docs claimed mom had covid, she didn’t, she had cancer , discovered months after she became ill, she died. I have no trust in any of Americas institutions any more including the gov, and the medical and “scientific” community, all are corrupt with a few individual exceptions.
Fauci supported fake mask and social distancing mandates, but supported biden open border policies??
Such a fraud.
And the BLM riots that were okay during the shutdown, just because it wouldn’t affect them!!
I called this nonsense from the very start. They accepted any piece of material slapped on your face as a ‘mask’. The second they accepted that cloth nonsense as ‘masks’, was when they admitted there was zero benefit to it, and it was simply them acknowledging that the only way a mandate worked is if they let them wear utterly worthless mass-produced ‘masks’ because there was no possible way to manufacture enough N95s.
What does an actual mask mandate based in science look like?
‘To qualify as a mask, it must be made of X, y, or Z material of minimum thickness A, B, or C millimeters’.
And don’t even get me started on his ‘double mask’ insanity.
ny gov cuomo was celebrated as a hero for sending people to their deaths with his edict on the elderly during the DemVid19 fiasco
finally the truth
FAUCI REALIZED that the Chinese were use to wearing masks and like allll the other immorals on the left
wants to be on the “right side of history”
From the beginning, the Plandemic was extremely mishandled! Standard epidemic control measures call for this to be managed thus: a) isolate all who are at high risk (comorbidities, elderly, immunocompromised, been in endemic area, been overseas); b) isolate for 2 – 3 weeks in “burnout” period—viruses normally take this long to manifest symptoms, won’t reproduce that long once exposed to environment, shedding reduced; c) do NOT mix healthy patients with infected patients and don’t transfer high-risk patients or infected patients to unprepared facilities (nursing homes, etc.).
The mRNA vaccines were ineffective, at least in my observation, because the studies were too short to gauge the efficacy and especially SAFETY of such a novel mechanism of activity. FDA issued its approval (EUA) on the “Wehavetodosomething” (TM pending) reasoning. It has lived to regret that decision on several other products it has approved on EUA/similar “pending proof of clinical utility” types of language, with horrific results.
Tony Fauci’s track record of managing viral epidemics is piss-poor. His response to SARs and H1N1 in particular were, to say the least, UNstellar. I didn’t hear anyone bring up his dismal track record yesterday, and I was puzzled as to why they did not. Might have shut a few Democrat mouths by throwing his own history right back at him. Especially with SARs, he continually blew every decision that could have contained that much faster. It’s a minor miracle that it wasn’t worse than it was.