Democratic National Convention Will Give Credentials to Social Media Influencers


The Democratic National Convention (DNC) will allow social media influencers to apply for media credentials for the first time.

“As Americans continue to consume information and content in new and changing ways, the convention team is committed to offering a dynamic, inclusive experience that will reach Americans within and beyond the United Center,” announced the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC). “Content creators can apply to receive media credentials that will provide access to key spaces across the United Center throughout the four days of the convention.”

The credentials allow the influencers “to cover the convention, connect with surrogates and VIPs, and share the convention experience with their audiences in a way that suits their media consumption and sharing styles.”

The DNCCC will also provide the influencers with “access to convention video clips and content to creators and traditional media alike who will cover the event remotely.”

Last weekend, at the glitzy Hollywood fundraiser, former President Barack Obama begged social media influencers to promote President Joe Biden.

“We live in a cynical time,” Obama said, according to Axios. “Let’s face it: I think a lot of the people who watch you, listen to you, who are fans of you — a lot of times they feel turned off by the political discourse. I get it. You know, I frankly watch sports, mostly. Because it feels like everything is slash and burn.”

Because it is. The hyperbole is out of control.

“Joe Biden, you may not agree with everything he does,” Obama told them. “By the way, you didn’t agree with everything I did. And that’s OK. Because in a big, messy, complicated country like this, there are going to be disagreements.”

Obama added: “But Joe Biden’s basic trajectory — what he believes in his core … nine times out of 10, he’s going to make decisions that accord with your core beliefs.”

Poll after poll has shown Biden losing ground with younger voters. The University of Chicago’s GenForward survey from May revealed 33% of those aged 18-26 backed Trump and 32% chose Biden.

However, 21% responded “someone else” for their choice.

“I need you guys to use your influence, and it doesn’t have to be boring. I don’t expect you to have a bunch of charts and graphs,” Obama continued. “I understand folks are swiping or scrolling, and you’ve got to use humor and you’ve got to use other things that are engaging people.”

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, DNC, Joe Biden