Democrat Struggle Session Produces Hilarious Excuses for Biden’s Nightmarish Debate Performance
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Democrat Struggle Session Produces Hilarious Excuses for Biden’s Nightmarish Debate Performance

Democrat Struggle Session Produces Hilarious Excuses for Biden’s Nightmarish Debate Performance

“I thought it was obvious to anyone watching that Biden was thrown by @CNN‘s shockingly biased attack/approach to the evening. Right at the top the first question was slanted to put Biden on the defensive. If you didn’t before now you know where @CNN stands.”

Joe Biden’s nightmarish debate performance Thursday has unquestionably thrown Democrats and their media allies into a tailspin, as evidenced for example by the Axios “report” on “the two Bidens,” where we were reliably informed that during the hours of 10-4 pm, Biden is “dependably engaged.”

It’s only outside of that time frame (the other 18 hours in the day) or when he is traveling internationally that “Biden is more likely to emerge and have verbal miscues and become fatigued,” or so we’ve been told.

In other words, if a world leader decides it’s time to launch an attack against the United States – if they start it before 10 am or after 4 pm we are screwed.

There were many on the left and in the media who couldn’t help but admit how painful Biden’s debate appearance was to watch, with some – including the NY Times editorial board – even calling for Biden to abandon his reelection campaign.

Others, however, emerged from the Democrat Struggle Session with some pretty hilarious excuses.

The first one we got, which was mid-debate, was that Biden supposedly had a cold:

It should be noted that this was not previously announced in the days leading up to the debate and that apparently Biden’s cold didn’t keep him from mixing and mingling at the Waffle House after the debate:

It also didn’t keep him from being able to read prepared remarks from a teleprompter during a speech he gave the next day in North Carolina, for which we got a lot of “dang, where was this guy last night?” type tweets from The Usual Suspects in the press:

Another excuse from the Biden team was that he had “over-prepared when what he really needed was rest”:

“He was over-prepared and relying on minutiae when all that mattered was vigor and energy,” one person in Biden’s orbit told Axios. “They prepared him for the wrong debate. He was over-prepared when what he needed was rest. It’s confounding.”

Disgraced former MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews told “Real Time” host Bill Maher that it was former President Donald Trump’s “theatrical ability” that tricked Biden into having a bad performance:

Perhaps the best one of all was the one floated on Twitter/X about how CNN had allegedly rigged the debate for Biden to fail:

I mean there was definitely something suspicious about those camera angles! Or so says “tape girl” Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who was a senior advisor to Melania Trump when she was First Lady:


CNN’s carefully considered FRAMING & LIGHTING design effectively conveyed the intended perceptions of fragility vs. dominance in visual composition.

Biden was filmed in profile, looking pale as a ghost.

Trump was filmed straight on, not looking his usual shade of tangerine, but more like marmalade.

Biden is a man of honor, integrity, resilience, and resolve.

A Trump is a Trump is a Trump.

I mean imagine thinking CNN, which has been ground zero for anti-Trump messaging since 2016, was trying to help Trump and not Biden.

One thing I wanted to point out for the record was that the “he has a cold” excuse has been trotted out before when Joe Biden has embarrassed himself in front of the world, as we saw when he skipped out on the G-20 leaders’ dinner in 2022:

Here’s more on what we were told at the time:

It is unclear why exactly Biden did not hit the gala, but according to the White House press pool, an administration official said, “The president just had spent a full day [of] meetings and needed to attend to a few items tonight.”

Horsecrap. It was after 4 pm during his overseas trip and he was fatigued and needed to go to bed. Why can’t these people just freakin’ be honest for once?

Because they’re fearful that the truth will come out, just like it did on Thursday night when Joe Biden proved to America that what his critics have been saying about him all along was true.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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I remember when Reagan began to show some signs of Alzheimer’s during his 8th yr and everyone was all worried what will happen if he gets woke up at 3am. But now it is ok and they even admit that the president cannot function more than 6 hrs a day and want us to elect him for another 4 yrs.

Yet some of these people will STILL vote for Biden. Despite their claims to superiority, they lack morals and judgment.

    Biden is lying in bed peacefully like Norman Bates’ mother. Jill’s running around chasing people with a butcher knife. And anybody stupid enough to vote for him after this is Psycho.

      henrybowman in reply to Paula. | July 1, 2024 at 4:26 am

      That’s apt.
      Norman Bates’ mother was lying peacefully because Norman Bates had killed her.

Watching the “Powerhouse” on abc, to get a sense. These people are DELUSIONAL! Pretending its about democracy and not the vegetable the country saw on June 27.

    The Democrat “leadership” has known this for months if not years. They showed their respect for democracy by not having a primary with associated debates. They could have, if democracy was any part of what they value, started with that but instead they chose this to either keep a full puppet or pick their preferred candidate.

E Howard Hunt | June 30, 2024 at 12:33 pm

Fox News attributed Biden’s dismal performance to his neglecting to take his Balance of Nature supplement.

It’s all over but the crying.
If you’re an investor, I recommend buying some popcorn futures.

destroycommunism | June 30, 2024 at 1:01 pm

this is now a lefty slanted country


ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 30, 2024 at 1:02 pm

a source familiar with the president’s debate prep confirmed that President Biden has had a cold for the past few days,

LOL. It was a dreaded coronavirus!!

a speech he gave the next day in North Carolina, for which we got a lot of “dang, where was this guy last night?” type tweets from The Usual Suspects in the press:

Double LOL. Did they actually watch that? Traitor Joe stood motionless in the background as harpy DOCTOR!!!! Jill took the podium and yelped on and on like a bag lady on meth. He looked like a standing corpse. Then, when factory-second Eva Peron finally relinquished the microphone Traitor Joe was able to speak in sentences … somewhat. But he didn’t have to do anything but read the prompter. It was the same Traitor Joe who had been at the debate.

The corrupt media knowingly and deliberately lied and covered for Poopy Pants for 4-years. They deliberately withheld stories they knew to be true as they were carrying his water. Well now the water buckets are full of holes. The best thing that could happen is for the media to blow up – literally.

    nordic prince in reply to walls. | June 30, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    Well TBH they’ve had years of practice looking the other way with his pedophilia and constantly touching females of all ages.

    jb4 in reply to walls. | June 30, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    In my opinion, the Biden family, Biden’s doctors, the Biden administration, the Democratic Party, as well as the MSM, were finally caught with the stories that they have been telling the American people for years, as to his long-declining mental condition. This was far from just a “bad night” and distinctly dangerous for the country.

Capitalist-Dad | June 30, 2024 at 2:08 pm

The leftist spokes-stooges doing apologetics for their braindead Dear Leader insult the intelligence of the American people with every insanely risible excuse. If these propagandists all donned clown suits and clown make-up it wouldn’t hurt their credibility.

I personally recommend a drinking game of gulp every time Biden says “the idea” and slurp every time he looks slack jawed. You will be well on inebriated after about 30 minutes of that. I also wonder why he kept staring off to the left I mean were they holding cue cards for him ? Or maybe he spotted a bowel of ice cream over there ? Clearly they gave him all the questions ahead of time and that was the only reason he could even answer as well as he did. Imagine if they hadn’t you would have gotten “uhhhh… you see the thing is that the thing is …..uh that we need to do the thing. “

ChrisPeters | June 30, 2024 at 2:42 pm

There is too much focus on Biden’s physical and mental health, and not nearly enough on his damaging policies and their support from the Democrat Party.

    Paula in reply to ChrisPeters. | June 30, 2024 at 2:57 pm

    I do not believe Biden has any policies. All the policies belong to someone else, to whomever is running the show. Biden cannot speak unless he reads it off a card or a teleprompter. He cannot even find his way off the stage without someone taking his hand. He must be much worse behind the scenes than what little bit we are allowed to see publicly. This must not be allowed to continue. Biden should be removed ASAP.

      ChrisPeters in reply to Paula. | June 30, 2024 at 5:29 pm

      His policies are whatever his Marxist/socialist handlers want them to be. My point is that focusing on Biden himself will allow the Democrats to dismiss the problems he caused as being due to his mental deficiencies or some related issue, rather than the flaws of those policies themselves.

      Jazzizhep in reply to Paula. | July 1, 2024 at 12:57 pm

      Yep. Biden has been a moderate dem his whole career. It was the reason Obama chose him–to tamp down the extremist accusations. Biden gets in office and institutes a radical far-left agenda. I actually thought Biden wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. I even took the gotcha questions in debate, such as medicaid for illegals, as an appeal to the far-left base that votes in primaries. Not something he really believed. Obama was actually pretty strong on the border. He is clearly not in control and the far-left holdover from Obama are.

President Joe Biden’s Campaign Raises $27 Million After Debate Flop

Doubling down……. 0bama needs his 4th.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | June 30, 2024 at 6:46 pm

Steven Hayward has the best take so far. There is a struggle between the congressional Dem’s and the WH Dem’s:

The “cold” explanation was lifted from the Monty Python “Parrot” sketch.

His entourage is busing trying to sort out how to keep the Gravy Train running as long as possible. Lots of salaries come out of those donations. Might even get bad enough to where Hunter needs to pick up the brush again, although the sale prices won’t be for nearly as much.

Fortunately the Chinese, Russians and Iranians are honorable people and will not cause any disruption outside of 10am-4pm.

henrybowman | July 1, 2024 at 4:32 am

It wasn’t really a cold… actually, it was post-emergent pre-COVID. Possibly even pre-long-COVID.
Masks on, everybody!

I am 75. I have been treated for Parkinson’s for 3 years. I see plenty of signs of parkinsonism in Biden. Fatigue, facial expressions. Erratic cognitive functions. Intolerance of frustration. Slow and stiff movement. Etc.

Biden has the best doctors, servants. and staff. But they can’t hide the pea forever.

I believe that Biden can function for a few hours a day in a crisis. He cannot put in an 8 hour workday. He CAN function as a senile puppet of the federal bureaucracy..

His wife sees him at his best and puts the best interpretation on his capacities. We saw him at his worst in the debate.

Biden remains what he has always been – a nasty, corrupt,selfish mediocrity.

I’ve read many takes on the debate but the “CNN is slanted against Biden” is one I didn’t see coming.
That Biden can read a teleprompter at a rally but can’t think clearly without a script is the whole point. About that rally in NC. In a replay of 2020 Biden spoke to a few hundred people in Raleigh. The same day Trump spoke at a rally in Virginia to an est. 10,000.

We are now supposed to believe that the hardest job in the world isn’t even 9-5 but is 10-4? Seriously, is that supposed to reassure someone that The President is on his game 6 hrs a day? Those paying attention have noticed this with the early “lid” from his first days. Only when it blew up on national television and the corporate press can’t hide it anymore its a thing.

“during the hours of 10-4 pm, Biden is “dependably engaged.”

I’m not sure “depends” is a word they want to go near.

CNN Blamed by Biden Family for Joe’s Poor Debate Showing: Make-Up Made Biden Look ‘Pale and Pallid’

“My make-up made me a gibbering idiot”.

Imo this is planned and a way for him to be removed.
There’s a reason he was allowed to debate.
Then a new candidate can be cherry picked and run.

“From an unusually good source: Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message. Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times they’ve been hostile. But recently they’ve deteriorated further, mostly due to Jill Biden. In the hours and days after the debate, she kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out. Jill Biden is the driving force behind her husband’s reelection campaign, just as she was in 2020, when other members of the family (including Biden’s sister Val) considered him too impaired to run. The next generation of potential Democratic candidates understands all this as an opportunity and they’re circling, particularly Gretchen Whitmer, who is promoting herself aggressively.”

– Tucker Carlson, 7/1

President Trump will be ambushed in the second debate by the moderators, without a doubt. Expect loaded questions for Trump, with softballs tossed to Biden. The Dhimmi-crat media lapdogs/trained seals/shills/lackeys have received their marching orders, and, subversive acts of Party disloyalty such as were displayed by Tapper and Bash, by treating both candidates relatively fairly, will be dispensed with.

Axios “report” on “the two Bidens,” where we were reliably informed that during the hours of 10-4 pm, Biden is “dependably engaged.”

It’s only outside of that time frame (the other 18 hours in the day) or when he is traveling internationally that “Biden is more likely to emerge and have verbal miscues and become fatigued,” or so we’ve been told.

OR “on days that end in ‘Y’ ….” ~~~ there, fixed it for you.

Dean Robinson | July 2, 2024 at 3:21 pm

The media and Party operatives see this as a perfect opportunity to virtue signal unwavering loyalty. That’s the only reality that truly matters for true Progressives.