DEI Invades SCOTUS – ‘Pregnant People’ are in the House (via KBJ)
Using “pregnant patients” or “pregnant people” is a slap in the face to females.

The Supreme Court dropped its decision on the Idaho abortion case.
But we already knew the decision yesterday, thanks to someone who “accidentally” posted it on the website.
Instead, again, I want to look at Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s opinion because she erased females from it despite the case being about…females.
She wrote “pregnant patients” five times. She wrote “pregnant people” once:
- “And, on the ground, healthcare providers ‘have been all but paralyzed by legal uncertainties,’ placing pregnant patients at risk while they are waiting to be transferred out of State to receive the care they need.”
- “After today, there will be a few months—maybe a few years—during which doctors may no longer need to airlift pregnant patients out of Idaho.”
- “But how much longer must pregnant patients wait for an answer?”
- “Today’s decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho.”
- “And for as long as we refuse to declare what the law requires, pregnant patients in Idaho, Texas, and elsewhere will be paying the price.”
- “While this Court dawdles and the country waits, pregnant people experiencing emergency medical conditions remain in a precarious position, as their doctors are kept in the dark about what the law requires.”
Senator Blackburn: "Can you provide a definition for the word woman?"
Judge Jackson: "No. I can't…I'm not a biologist."
— (@townhallcom) March 23, 2022

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Front holes vs back holes….
Trans pseudo front holes, an example of style without substance.
That ‘front holes’ is a real term that is currently being used by formerly respected medical associations and institutions speaks directly to how laughably dysfunctional the medical profession has become the last decade. Make Asylums Great Again….and start by filling them up with at least a third of our current medical professionals.
“No, I can’t . . . I’m not a biologist.”
Nor much of a judge either.
Nor much of a human being…
I honestly can’t decide whether KBJ is a front hole or a back hole.
Probably because I’m not a clinical psychologist.
A black hole
Because I’m an astrophysicist.
DEI hire
What do u expect.
Is there anything the left won’t do to cheapen life, values and the U.S.?
Since the case involved Idaho hospitals and women who are/were patients her referring to “pregnant patients” is actually correct.
She is still a midwit affirmative action hire. Don’t take my word for it, Biden said so himself
“DEI Invades SCOTUS”
Actually, it was already there. They’re so full of it, it’s leaking out through:
Front holes and back holes….
In some cases, even with some of the “newer” Just Us’s
Since when is normal pregnancy am emergency medical condition?
If there WERE an actual medical emergency condition which necessitated early delivery of the child, doctors have been allowed to do those procedures since forever, even if the death of the child was inevitable. And these are exceedingly rare, in any case.
No medical condition requires chopping the baby up into pieces.
When the goal is human extinction…
Just watch: some accommodating lefty psychologists (the same ones telling children to be hormonally and physically butchered) will “step up” to say that the mental state of the “pregnant people” is potentially fatal.
Not noted is that people born with penises can never become people who are pregnant.
Even if they get a fake front hole?
Point of order:
Men have “front holes” too. That’s how we write our names in the snow.
True, but I won’t allow someone to stick something larger than a catheter there, and even then, only when absolutely necessary.
Are we sure there’s no way to remove the mentally unbalanced from the Court?
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell there’s no way to remove an Associate Justice of the SCOTUS once appointed. The job’s for life or until the Associate Justice decides to retire. No requirement that they actually be mentally stable or fit for the job. Once they get through the approval process it’s a done deal.
Not at all, They’re appointed for life but like every other constitutional office holder, they’re subject to Impeachment (House and Senate memmbers are of course, subject to expulsion).
The best part is unlike the very high standard of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors’ established for the Executive Branch officers subject to Impeachment, federal judges are held to a lower standard of ‘”shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour.”
Justice Samuel Chase was impeached early in the 19th Century. He was eventually acquitted by the Senate. I believe (but am not totally certain) that he has been the only member of SCOTUS to ever be Impeached.
Yes, though Abe Fortas had to resign or face impeachment.
Chase’s case is interesting but Fortas would have been impeached when it became known that, among other things, he was attending WH staff meetings and briefing the President on SCOTUS deliberations
Indeed but bad or poorly reasoned decisions are not poor or bad behavior.
There’s always the “invite them on a hunting trip where they can be ‘accidentally’ smothered with a pillow” trick.
Given the left’s obsession with eschewing adjectival phrasing as somehow pejorative, one wonders why the locution isn’t patients of pregnancy.
Give it time….
Brings to mind the complaint from a fellow middle-schooler that Captain Courageous never showed up anywhere despite his reading the entire book.
I’m surprised he didn’t expect a whole fleet of them since it is Captains Courageous. Even Professor Jacobsen recently went on about attorney generals.
I do believe he needed to say “Captain Courageous” 3 times into a mirror for him to show up.
Children should take legal action against their parents for causing their 100% chance of death?
95% of abortions are performed for sake of convenience, so not only are they immoral, they also would appear to violate the guarantee of equal protection.
Ofc, the problem is only the child has standing because “how does the destruction of a sacred human life and the degradation of humans in general affect you personally?”
(For the Boomers in the audience, that last part is literally a meme.)
Used as post conception contraception. There is virtually no “life of the mother” scenario in pregnancy. Preeclampsia and diabetes are about the most problematic, and they can be controlled. The AMA (I believe) once stated that, but were intimidated into retracting it.
I think KJB should take a pregnant pause until she leaves the caught.
Rhode Islanders pronounce the words “court” and “caught” the same.
Lois Griffin is still the best guide to RI pronunciation easily available to all curious Americans.
Well, I guess the glob of tissue isn’t forced to undergo harm BEFORE they suffer harm, and thus have “standing”, like other rulings from the Supreme Circus.
“The child can’t have standing because they’re crawling for the first year.” — AOC, probably
KBJ is the DEI.
the left has not lied about who they are
they tone down the rhetoric sometimes and the msm has their backs
but they have been known from day 1
the gop allowed it
the welfare state has supported it
“persons” life in danger is the catch all that the gop has allowed
by bs’ing the public with the
“HIDE” (sic) Amendment
hiding the truth from the americans who wanted to PRETENDED THE GOP WAS STANDING UP FOR AMERICA
How does Farangi Jackson Brown presume that they identify as human, at all? Maybe some crazy chick thinks she’s a turtle and walks around wearing a turtle costume and gets pregnant?
I think “pregnant organisms” is the best that Farangi Jackson Brown can do … though even that is offensive to the women who identify as rocks and get pregnant.
This society is a farce … and not a particularly funny one, at that.
DEI has infested nearly every part of our country’s fabric. It is ingrained to the point of irreversibly.
Just read Tractor Supply did a complete 180 on the dei bullschiff and agreed to drop all the liberal pandering.
When your employees know where the electric fence equipment is stocked and how to use it, you have to dial down the HR hassle factor.
Will believe it if there’s a track record and evidence. It could come right back or in different ways.
in somewhat related
fjb is PARDONING ( call it what you want) military members who were gay and lost benefits etc
shes not even a credit to her
kentaji is just the face of the dei
but behind the scenes is getting worse
THE TREASURY //FED etc has been completely reworked so that capitalism is not even an afterthought
until after the takeover by the lefty is complete
And so we hear from Justice Affirmative Action Jackson
If there was no Affirmative Action—
we would’ve never heard of Jackson.
I don’t mind giving her the benefit of the doubt in that she very well could be using the term pregnant patients because some of those patients may not be adult women.
Note that the did not use the word female once. No credit.
I don’t see anything wrong with saying “pregnant patients”. If it has to do with a pregnancy, the pronouns a person espouses don’t matter, even if they reveal a cognitive deficit.
It isn’t DEI. It isn’t giving out advantages, disadvantages, brainwashing, etc. It just refers to a patient. If someone needed prostate surgery, we could call them patients too, even though they are certainly male.