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College Students Who Have Participated in Campus Anti-Israel Protests Are Already Losing Job Offers

College Students Who Have Participated in Campus Anti-Israel Protests Are Already Losing Job Offers

“employers expressed concerns that hiring protestors and strongly vocal activists might cause distractions and disruptions in the workplace and negatively impact their workplace”

Some of the students who are getting involved in this movement don’t understand that there could be far-reaching consequences. Many employers do not want to be associated with this in any way.

Campus Reform reports:

3 in 10 campus ‘pro-Palestine’ protesters had job offer rescinded in past six months: Survey

A recent survey found that 3 in 10 college students or recent graduates had job offers rescinded as a result of their “pro-Palestine” activism.

Intelligent surveyed 672 students or recent college graduates who have engaged in anti-Israel activism and found that 29% of them had a job offer rescinded in the past six months and 55% believe there was bias against them in the hiring process because of their activism.

7 in 10 pro-Palestine activists said they were asked about their protest history during the interview process, according to the survey results.

Intelligent Chief Education and Career Development Advisor Huy Nguyen said that the results are consistent with other studies.

“It’s consistent with another study that we performed where employers expressed concerns that hiring protestors and strongly vocal activists might cause distractions and disruptions in the workplace and negatively impact their workplace,” Nguyen said.

21% of those surveyed also reported negative feedback from potential employers about their activism and 14% either had job offers withdrawn or not extended.


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If I were a Jewish business owner, I damn sure wouldn’t want any of those antisemites working in my business. For that matter, any business with any Jewish employees shouldn’t hire them, because that would make it a toxic work environment.

    Danny in reply to OldProf2. | June 23, 2024 at 8:57 pm

    Fortunately because the Jewish numbers just aren’t there at least in large enough numbers to account for this article this isn’t a story of Jews fighting back against anti-Semitism but of Americans in general doing it.

henrybowman | June 23, 2024 at 3:25 pm

I don’t remember any of the companies I ever worked for having job openings for malcontents or potential saboteurs. One did have a “Hire The Handicapped” program, but it wasn’t open to the morally handicapped.

Only 30%. It should be 100%! Let’s try harder people!

    Milhouse in reply to irv. | June 23, 2024 at 9:39 pm

    In many cases they wore masks and can’t be readily identified, so their future employer doesn’t know what they got up to.

      gibbie in reply to Milhouse. | June 23, 2024 at 11:08 pm

      Welcome back, Milhouse. You’re right about the masks. Employers might be able to examine social media.

      Have you figured out a definition of “religion” yet? Can we determine if Antifa thugs have one.

They would make toxic employees. Scaring away customers, refusing to take direction from management, provoking lawsuits. Too much risk for employers to assume.

Their attitudes will be revealed shortly after they start working. And then the company has to go through the process all over again, once they find a reason to let the malcontent go.

    diver64 in reply to CincyJan. | June 24, 2024 at 7:23 am

    It is incredibly difficult to fire these people especially if they are a minority or religious like Muslim due to HR depts run by fellow travelers. I’ve watched this over and over.

A lot of this would come to a screeching halt if Universities banned masks on campus.

Sing it with me!
🎵 There’s no Freude like Schadenfreude
There’s no Freude I know!🎶

destroycommunism | June 24, 2024 at 12:03 pm

the left will just add in more laws saying you cant discriminate against someone b/c of their “political persuasion”

and when the double standard is then applied against pro americans

we will be right back at the same standoff


29%? Come on employers, you can do better than that.

14% of jobs rescinded is not high enough

I refused a practicum student for that reason ; they had the hutspah to put it on their resume if you can believe. I told them I didn’t think they could provide non judgmental treatment. They were also super flippant about it with no awareness of how their actions impact other people. Very weird interview in general. I had told my employer that this student was going to have to “wow me” for me to even consider them and they agreed. We don’t need that drama, negativity and bigotry in our work place. The Job is already hard enough.

Self-reported rejection? Seems automatically suspicous.