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Chicago Ranks as One of the Worst Run-Cities While Oklahoma City is in Top 5 of Best-Run

Chicago Ranks as One of the Worst Run-Cities While Oklahoma City is in Top 5 of Best-Run

There are many reasons why I chose Oklahoma City over Chicago. Well, Oklahoma in general over Illinois.

A study by WalletHub concluded that Chicago, IL, is one of the worst-run cities, while Oklahoma City, OK, is one of the best-run cities.

WalletHub studied the 148 most populous cities in America. It looked at six categories: financial stability, education, health, safety, economy, and infrastructure and pollution.

“The best-run cities in America use their budgets most effectively to provide high-quality financial security, education, health, safety and transportation to their residents,” said Cassandra Happe, a WalletHub analyst. “Many of the top cities also have a very low amount of outstanding government debt per capita, which can prevent financial troubles in the future.”

Why did I choose these two cities? I’m from Chicago and live in Oklahoma City.

There are many reasons why I chose OKC over Chicago, even though the latter will always be home.

I wish the study had more details.


Chicago ranked 137th. The bloated budgets and spending contributed the most to the ranking. What a shock.

Financial stability rank? 148. The city’s long-term debt outstanding per capita ranks 145th.

Economy rank? 126.

Chicago’s debt stands at $43,000 per taxpayer, totaling around $40 billion. That’s on top of Illinois’s debt at $42,000 per taxpayer. It’s awful:

Chicago’s accumulating debt might be bearable if the city had low taxes and therefore room to raise them and pay down some of the liabilities. But taxes in the Windy City already rank among the nation’s harshest. According to a national study, Chicago’s combined city and state taxes would eat up over 12 percent of a U.S. median family income. The only large cities with higher proportionate taxes are Rust Belt towns with much smaller populations, such as Detroit and Newark. Chicago imposes the highest sales tax of any major city (10.25 percent) and punishing property taxes, too.

Chicago’s taxation is also brutal on businesses. A recent study of 53 cities found that Chicago’s tax on industrial properties was nearly double the average of other cities. Chicago’s commercial property-tax rate, at more than 4 percent per year, was by far the worst of any major city and more than twice the average.

High debt and taxes might be manageable if the city’s economic fundamentals were strong. They’re not. Chicago relied for years on commercial properties, especially downtown offices in the Loop, to power its economy and fund the city’s excesses. But those jobs are fleeing. Downtown Chicago’s office vacancy rate recently approached 24 percent, a record high. Boeing has moved its headquarters from the Loop to Northern Virginia. These white-collar firms will not pay the city’s higher taxes in the future; they won’t even pay their existing leases.

The cost of living and taxes have forced people out of the city. Yeah the city has 2.7 million, barely holding on as America’s third-largest city, “but it’s a quarter smaller than it was about a half-century ago.”

Those who stay in the city make way less than the national median household income. Over 50% of the residents live in poverty.

One Chicago resident left the city when it doubled her property taxes in 2023, totaling over $7,100. The property taxes went up 1,000% in 20 years!

Then again, people have been fleeing Illinois for years because of taxes and spending, and it’s corrupt.

I’m shocked Chicago ranked 45th under safety. It’s a violent city.

For some reason, WalletHub ranked OKC 70th in safety. I feel safer in OKC than Chicago!!

Oklahoma City

I usually HATE praising Oklahoma City because I don’t want leftists from California or Illinois moving here. Keep it a friendly, conservative state where we love our guns, pray openly before athletic games, and rarely have traffic.

But man. I love Oklahoma and Oklahoma City. I even chose it over Texas. (I moved to Houston in 1996, moved to Oklahoma State in 2000, moved back to Houston for a job in 2004, and, due to life changes, chose to move back to OKC over Illinois in 2010!)

Wallet Hub ranked OKC’s financial stability 8th and its economy 32nd.

OKC’s population has exploded because it’s a great place to live. The cost of living is BEYOND reasonable. My house in Illinois would easily cost almost $800,000. What did I pay? $360,000. I also live on a popular golf course. There’s a reason why houses in my neighborhood rarely go on the market. When they do, they don’t last long.

Overall, Oklahoma “has the fifth-best economic outlook among the 50 U.S. states.” It also has low property taxes and corporate income taxes. Also:

Another report, this one from Site Selection Group, shows the state is now the ninth best state for manufacturing, up from No. 11 in 2022.

The location advisory, economic incentives and real estate services firm ranks states based on variables crucial to manufacturers. This includes factors such as labor volume and skills, operating costs, organized labor presence and accessibility – all pivotal elements in the manufacturing sector.

Among neighboring states, Texas (No. 4) is the only one that ranks higher than Oklahoma and Arkansas (No. 17) is the only other state in the Top 20.
“Oklahoma has demonstrated remarkable growth and potential in this sector,” Kelly Dexter, director of communications for the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, wrote this month in the VeloCity newsletter.

“With over 1,285 payrolled manufacturing business establishments in Oklahoma City, the sector is a hotbed for innovation and development. This dynamism is a critical factor in attracting new investments and sustaining long-term growth in the industry,” Dexter wrote.

Gov. Kevin Stitt is pushing to repeal the state income tax. Yes, I hate the income tax. But when you add my property tax and income tax…it’s less than my property taxes in Houston.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Gov Kevin Stitt is an American hero.

God bless Oklahoma.

Mauiobserver | June 23, 2024 at 2:14 pm

Not surprising. I grew up in Oklahoma and have found that most people from both coasts and large cities like Chicago have no idea what states like Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa or Missouri or assume everyone is a cowboy or hillbilly.

Sometimes it works out well to be underestimated. Carl Albert cultivated an image of a simple country bumpkin when he was speaker of the house despite being a Rhodes scholar. Needless to say he usually easily outmaneuvered his political enemies.

johnny dollar | June 23, 2024 at 2:17 pm

I have travelled to Oklahoma (Tulsa) many times in the last few years, and I am always favorably impressed.
The people are genuinely friendly, prices are reasonable, and I can feel my blood pressure receding due to the relaxed pace of living there.
Much better than the hellhole of Calizuela where I live…

gonzotx | June 23, 2024 at 3:04 pm

Rankings are BS
Just like polls

You know when you are safe

You know when you feel

No one , no one feels safe in Chicago

Great museums, but it’s been a few decades, probably let these great museums go to hell

As a kid in Milwaukee, every year we got to go to the Science and Industry museum , planetarium

Min our monster yellow buses, no heater, singing “A hundred bottles of beer on the wall”

Can’t imagine that being allowed these days

    healthguyfsu in reply to gonzotx. | June 23, 2024 at 9:30 pm

    If they are based on objective metrics, then they are good. Of course, they can be gamed to fit agendas but data is a good thing, not a bad thing.

henrybowman | June 23, 2024 at 3:22 pm

My first puzzlement is why you feel you have to choose between cities at all, but I suppose its some job-related thing. Cities breed parasites, it’s what they do best.

“I usually HATE praising Oklahoma City because I don’t want leftists from California or Illinois moving here. Keep it a friendly, conservative state where we love our guns, pray openly before athletic games, and rarely have traffic.”

I hear you. I moved to Arizona in 2000 just to get that… and look what happened.

    gonzotx in reply to henrybowman. | June 23, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    So it’s your fault

    Austin is a disaster and it use to be a great , weird town, college town with State capital , lakes
    275,000 pop
    Now it’s a left wing disaster

destroycommunism | June 23, 2024 at 5:18 pm

chicagoans were ready to respond to this right wing conspiracy outrage but

said they were too afraid to come out of their homes and speak on the subject

Kingfisher | June 24, 2024 at 2:27 am

Sadly, the Farrakhaners who run Chicago and Illinois are doing exactly what they want, and they s re achieving exactly the results that they want. See Iran, see Lebanon, see Gaza, see Yemen San Francisco Baltimore

fifty aldermen
Each district is represented by an alderman who is elected by their constituency to serve a four year term. In addition to representing the interests of their ward residents, together the fifty aldermen comprise the Chicago City Council, which serves as the legislative branch of government of the City of Chicago. The highest-paid alderpeople will make $142,772 next year, thanks to a nearly 10 percent raise. The lowest-paid alderperson makes $115,560, by comparison.

E Howard Hunt | June 24, 2024 at 6:34 am


Woke Butcher for the World

MAJack | June 24, 2024 at 8:34 am

Chicago: Mogadishu on Lake Michigan

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