Chicago: Muslim Student Association Speaker Claims “America is the Cancer … Islam Is the Answer”

In April, I wrote about some rally in Dearborn, MI that featured chants of “Death to America,” and now we have video of a Muslim student at the University of Illinois, Chicago declaring that “America is the Cancer! America, Secularism, Democracy, Capitalism are cancers” and that “Islam is the answer.”

Breitbart reports:

During a sermon at the University of Illinois Chicago, a speaker for the campus’s Muslim Students Association denounced America and democracy, describing them as a “cancer” spreading worldwide, while advocating for the adoption of Islam as the “new way of life” for humanity.In a sermon delivered at the campus’s Muslim Students Association (MSA) last month, Mohammad Nusairat, a University of Chicago Illinois (UIC) student, declared that America and its values are a “cancer.”“America, the American government, secularism, democracy, capitalism, these are cancers that have spread their illness all over the world — in America and in the Middle East,” he said. “In America, over here, people have the freedom to… commit zina [fornication]… but when you speak up, it’s a problem.””[Non-]Muslims are tired of this cancer. They’re tired of the American government. They’re tired of democracy,” he said. “They want to see a new way of life, and, as Muslims, we have to understand that we have that new way of life.”

Breitbart has this last paragraph written without the “Non-” qualifier I inserted above. I have listened to the thing several times, and the speaker definitely says that it’s “Non-Muslims” who are “tired of this cancer,” and etc.

And why wouldn’t he think that when our campuses–and our Congress–is crawling with anti-America people denouncing America, capitalism, Western civilization, and Judeo-Christian values?

When they tell you who they are and what they want, believe them.

There is more from this and a second speaker.

Tags: Antisemitism, Capitalism, Culture, Illinois, Religion