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Chicago: Muslim Student Association Speaker Claims “America is the Cancer … Islam Is the Answer”

Chicago: Muslim Student Association Speaker Claims “America is the Cancer … Islam Is the Answer”

“This war is not about @Israel or Gaza. It is about the survival of Western Civilization, capitalism, and democracy.”

In April, I wrote about some rally in Dearborn, MI that featured chants of “Death to America,” and now we have video of a Muslim student at the University of Illinois, Chicago declaring that “America is the Cancer! America, Secularism, Democracy, Capitalism are cancers” and that “Islam is the answer.”

Breitbart reports:

During a sermon at the University of Illinois Chicago, a speaker for the campus’s Muslim Students Association denounced America and democracy, describing them as a “cancer” spreading worldwide, while advocating for the adoption of Islam as the “new way of life” for humanity.

In a sermon delivered at the campus’s Muslim Students Association (MSA) last month, Mohammad Nusairat, a University of Chicago Illinois (UIC) student, declared that America and its values are a “cancer.”

“America, the American government, secularism, democracy, capitalism, these are cancers that have spread their illness all over the world — in America and in the Middle East,” he said. “In America, over here, people have the freedom to… commit zina [fornication]… but when you speak up, it’s a problem.”

“[Non-]Muslims are tired of this cancer. They’re tired of the American government. They’re tired of democracy,” he said. “They want to see a new way of life, and, as Muslims, we have to understand that we have that new way of life.”

Breitbart has this last paragraph written without the “Non-” qualifier I inserted above. I have listened to the thing several times, and the speaker definitely says that it’s “Non-Muslims” who are “tired of this cancer,” and etc.

And why wouldn’t he think that when our campuses–and our Congress–is crawling with anti-America people denouncing America, capitalism, Western civilization, and Judeo-Christian values?

When they tell you who they are and what they want, believe them.

There is more from this and a second speaker.


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Ask him what should happen if you draw a cartoon of the prophet. It’s a Constitutional test. If you don’t pass, you can’t be an American.

    Dimsdale in reply to rhhardin. | June 17, 2024 at 7:28 am

    They are so quick to take advantage of privileges and freedoms that are absent and forbidden in Muslim countries, aren’t they??

    This guy, in the parlance of Joe Biden, should be “taken behind the woodshed” and introduced to the realities of life.

      randian in reply to Dimsdale. | June 17, 2024 at 8:49 pm

      Of course, because undermining our societies to make way for the ascendance of Islam is always the goal.

He may be confusing a Democratic party led by crazy women with America.

This individual, and those with like opinions, are free to leave this nation and seek out whatever country they feel better shares their beliefs.

The sooner, the better.

    gonzotx in reply to navyvet. | June 16, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    They need to be assisted to leave

      henrybowman in reply to gonzotx. | June 16, 2024 at 9:00 pm

      Hell, BP and ICE may as well just start handing out “Death to America” t-shirts to everybody coming over the Mexican border.

        I’ve watched scores of videos of illegal immigrants crossing the border, but I have yet to see a single one wearing a T-shirt with the slogan “Death to America.”

          steves59 in reply to JR. | June 16, 2024 at 9:57 pm

          Unlike you, JR, they’re not self-identifying as targets.
          And I’m sure you’ve laid eyes on all 9 million illegals.
          Even compared to your usual flatulence, this is weak saue.

          He said ” ICE may as well just start handing out,” so your weird follow up that you have not seen anyone wearing such a tee is just . . . well, you know.

          Why do you have to be so argumentative and unpleasant? And if you must be so, why not be intellectually honest in the process (like Milhouse)? Pretending Henry said that ICE IS handing out or that any illegals ARE wearing these tees is . . . just. You know.

          (and in case you DON’T know and can’t tell from what I’ve written: I mean that you are being petty, intellectually dishonest, and downright obnoxious. Just in case you couldn’t tell.)

          gonzotx in reply to JR. | June 16, 2024 at 10:39 pm

          Dear God

          Is that what it would take JR for you to wake the F-K up?

          txvet2 in reply to JR. | June 16, 2024 at 11:46 pm

          No, they said “Biden”. Same thing.

          AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | June 17, 2024 at 4:08 am

          Of course not. They are already here.

          But please. Continue to bow to Islam. They need simpletons like you to convince the normals that a cult that has failed to lead its followers beyond the 16th Century is a good thing.

          We are not convinced.

          You bad mouth Trump voters but laud the followers of Muhammad who was a pedophile. That’s one of many reasons why you have ZERO credibility on this site.

          Evil Otto in reply to JR. | June 17, 2024 at 5:39 am

          “Just when I think you’ve said the stupidest thing ever, you keep talking.” -Hank Hill, King of the Hill

          Thad Jarvis in reply to JR. | June 17, 2024 at 7:20 am

          Do you actually think you’re making some kind of intelligent point here? This is exceedingly stupid even for you.

          Dimsdale in reply to JR. | June 17, 2024 at 7:30 am

          A pro Biden t-shirt means the same thing.

      MAJack in reply to gonzotx. | June 17, 2024 at 8:07 am

      And given a beat down on their way out.

    steves59 in reply to navyvet. | June 16, 2024 at 9:59 pm

    Agreed. And if this guy is here on a student visa, he should be on the next plane home.
    As should anyone else on a student (or any other) visa who believes as he does.

      Milhouse in reply to steves59. | June 16, 2024 at 10:52 pm

      Can’t do that. Everything he said is protected by the first amendment, so the government can’t punish him for it by withdrawing his visa.

      Aliens who are not in the USA are not protected by the constitution, so the government can refuse to let them in because it doesn’t like their opinions; and if they sneak in and are caught it can deport them for having entered illegally. But the moment they set foot in the USA their speech is protected by the first amendment, so the government can’t deport them for what they say here.

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 3:35 am

        But the moment they set foot in the USA their speech is protected by the first amendment,

        That’s absolutely ridiculous. Aliens who are here are here as guests, only. NEVER anything more. They are here at OUR pleasure and can be thrown out at any time for any reason – or even for no reason. They have NO RIGHT to be here. PERIOD.

        Try and brush up on the concept of the nation-state, citizenship, and whose interests the government is created to serve and whose rights it is created to protect. I’ll give you a hint … it ain’t ALIENS. They have their own governments. That’s how the whole “nation-state” thingy works.

          The constitution says otherwise. It says explicitly that it protects “any person within its jurisdiction”. That means present in the USA, or otherwise subject to US law. So an alien who is in another country is not protected. He has the freedom of speech, but if the US government abridges it he can’t sue in a US court. A US citizen or permanent resident is protected even when he isn’t in the USA; if the government infringes his rights he can sue. But an alien who is in the USA is protected, and can sue if his rights are infringed.

          The government can withdraw someone’s visa for almost any reason — but not in retaliation for exercising a constitutional right. Just as the government can’t withdraw a grant from someone because he exercised a constitutional right. It didn’t have to give him the grant in the first place, but it can’t withdraw it based on his speech. That’s basic first amendment law.

          Capitalist-Dad in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | June 17, 2024 at 9:48 am

          Correct. I have considerable experience with visas, and know that our immigration authorities have virtually absolute power over visa holders because the agents, in their discretion, can bar entry, extend or shorten stays or terminate the visa. Just because our leftist regime doesn’t use this power doesn’t make Milhouse’s bogus claims correct.

          No, Capitalist-Dad, you are wrong. The government cannot terminate or shorten someone’s visa as punishment for what they say while in the USA. That is basic first amendment law, and overrides anything else.

        Dimsdale in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 7:31 am

        The why does the left grant them Constitutional rights as soon as they set foot across the border?

          Milhouse in reply to Dimsdale. | June 17, 2024 at 4:52 pm

          The left doesn’t do that, the constitution does. The moment they are in the USA, the constitution explicitly protects them.

        steves59 in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 7:40 am

        I don’t care, Milhouse.
        Do we have to wait until these dirtbags start blowing themselves (and others) up?
        Visas get revoked all the time. Revoke his, and send him home.

          DaveGinOly in reply to steves59. | June 17, 2024 at 12:17 pm

          “The principle of human rights never prescribes national suicide.”
          Viktor Orban

          Milhouse in reply to steves59. | June 17, 2024 at 4:54 pm

          VIsas do not get revoked for what the person says while in the USA. They can’t be. That is an absolute prohibition by the constitution and there is nothing anyone can do about it short of amending the first amendment.

        robertthomason in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 11:52 am

        Obviously – “[Non-]Muslims are tired of this cancer. They’re tired of the American government. They’re tired of democracy,” he said. “They want to see a new way of life, and, as Muslims, we have to understand that we have that new way of life.” is not the same as “Death to America.” What is your interpretation of the 1st Amendment rights of someone on a student visa who says “Death to America” in one of these recent public demonstrations? It seems to me that is a call for the overthrow of the US government. Right?

          Milhouse in reply to robertthomason. | June 17, 2024 at 4:55 pm

          Calling for the government’s overthrow is protected speech.

          ttucker99 in reply to robertthomason. | June 18, 2024 at 12:56 pm

          So if calling for the overthrow of the government is protected speech why are they after Trump for Jan 6? He did not even explicitly call for the overthrow of the government he said to march peacefully to the capital to tell them what you think.

          Milhouse in reply to robertthomason. | June 18, 2024 at 9:55 pm

          So if calling for the overthrow of the government is protected speech why are they after Trump for Jan 6?

          He hasn’t been charged for his speech; but if they were to charge him for it, the theory would be that it was incitement Incitement is not protected speech, but making that speech fit the definition of incitement seems impossible, because it wasn’t.

        bhwms in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 5:16 pm

        You can, it’s just a question of how, and what evidence there is.. Assuming he is here on a student visa.. Chances are he has engaged in some of the pro-Palestinian riots on campus, and has made other statements. If he made any statement that gave support to Hamas or Hezbollah (which many in the student protests have), the argument could be made that he is in violation of 8 USC 1227 (a)(4)(a)(iii).

        “Any alien (including an alien crewman) in and admitted to the United States shall, upon the order of the Attorney General, be removed if the alien is within one or more of the following classes of deportable aliens: … Any alien who has engaged, is engaged, or at any time after admission engages in … any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means, … is deportable.”

        Do we have all these facts? No, but *if* he is here on a student visa and we really wanted to deport him, it could be done, for the reason above and a short stack of other reasons. It’s just a question of the will to do it.

          bhwms in reply to bhwms. | June 17, 2024 at 5:29 pm

          Oh, I forgot 8 USC 1182 (a)(3). A large-ish section that also includes the line “An alien who is an officer, official, representative, or spokesman of the Palestine Liberation Organization is considered, for purposes of this chapter, to be engaged in a terrorist activity.” I find that interesting.

          Virginia42 in reply to bhwms. | June 17, 2024 at 7:48 pm

          Um. Not exactly. Anyone who has had a background investigation knows there are things that are not “protected speech.”

          Milhouse in reply to bhwms. | June 17, 2024 at 11:17 pm

          If there’s evidence that he’s committed a crime then we wouldn’t even be talking about deporting him for his speech. But you can’t assume someone has committed a crime just from his opinions! If we have no such evidence then we must assume he hasn’t committed any crimes.

          But making statements that give support to Hamas or Hezbollah isn’t and can’t be illegal. Any law that purports to ban it, or to prescribe any penalty for it, is automatically unconstitutional.

          But if you look at the text you quoted, you’ll see that making statements doesn’t violate it; it says “any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to […] the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means“. Making a speech is not an activity whose purpose is to oppose the government by force. At most it may advocate such activities, but that is protected speech.

          The core rule is that “mere advocacy” is always protected, no matter what. You can advocate assassinating the president and the authorities can’t do anything to you for it; government entities can’t even fire their employees for doing that.

          Milhouse in reply to bhwms. | June 18, 2024 at 5:59 am

          Um. Not exactly. Anyone who has had a background investigation knows there are things that are not “protected speech.”

          And all advocacy is not one of those things. All advocacy, no matter of what. Including the violent overthrow of the government.

          ttucker99 in reply to bhwms. | June 18, 2024 at 12:59 pm

          he does not need to commit a crime, just violate the student code of conduct at whatever university he is attending and then an admin has to have the balls to expel him for it. Not sure if there is a grace period to find another school but once you are no longer a student your student visa is null and void.

          Milhouse in reply to bhwms. | June 18, 2024 at 9:58 pm

          It’s a government university, so it’s bound by the first amendment and can’t expel someone for protected speech.

        CincyJan in reply to Milhouse. | June 18, 2024 at 3:27 am

        I understand what you’re saying. I just don’t like it. I presume the Constitution is so written to protect new immigrants to the country before they are able to acquire citizenship. Back then, in the late 1700’s, the assumption was that anyone showing up in the newly minted country was here permanently. But times have changed, and it does seem unnatural to offer legal protection to noncitizens expressing hate for this country. I’d throw out a house guest for this behavior. It’s irritating we can’t throw out foreign nationals for anti-American speech.

          Milhouse in reply to CincyJan. | June 18, 2024 at 6:05 am

          No, it’s not written that way to protect new immigrants. It’s written that way because the fundamental rights that the constitution protects are inherent in human nature, and belong to all people equally. As the Declaration of Independence puts it, we are endowed with these rights by our Creator, so there can be no distinction between citizens and aliens. The only reason the rights of aliens who are not in the USA are not protected is not because the rights are not just as real and just as important as our own, but because they’re outside US jurisdiction so they can’t sue in a US court. They have all the same rights, but a US court can’t hear their claim that they were violated, so in practice the government can violate their rights and get away with it. It’s wrong, but that’s how the law works. But once someone is here they are under US jurisdiction, so if their rights are violated they can sue.

    FinbarOS in reply to navyvet. | June 17, 2024 at 10:21 am

    But who’s gonna pay off his student loan?

The speaker for the Muslim Students Association sounds like a true-blue Dem. Biden definitely has the youth-terrorist votes.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Q. | June 17, 2024 at 4:12 am

    Luckily, there are few of the youth terrorists here. JR and Milhouse are full on OK with Death to America. That’s why Milhouse is so big on letting them threaten us. To his ilk, the Constitution is suicide pact.

      The constitution is the only thing that makes this country special, and worth defending. The moment you throw it in the garbage this is no longer America and it deserves to be destroyed.

        Capitalist-Dad in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 9:50 am

        Tell that to the leftists. They started killing the Constitution almost 100 years ago by creating the regulatory bureaucracies. At present the left is simply finishing it off.

          Milhouse in reply to Capitalist-Dad. | June 17, 2024 at 11:20 pm

          And now you’re advocating that we join the leftists. If we were to do as you suggest then there would be no difference between us and we would have no reason to oppose them.

        SuddenlyHappyToBeHere in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 11:33 am

        “The constitution is the only thing that makes this country special”

        Flatulence, Milhouse. The distilled entire history of Western Civilization is what makes America special. The Constitution is simply the document that organizes our governmental system and that prevents the government from taking away from individuals their God given rights.

          The UK has the same history and civilization. What makes the US better than it? Only the constitution. Without the constitution look what a tyranny the UK has turned into. Of course it’s not as bad as some, but is that a basis for fighting for it? “We must defend our dictatorship because it’s not as bad as some other dictatorships”?!

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 12:06 pm

        The constitution is the only thing that makes this country special, and worth defending.

        That is retarded and insane. The Constitution is the greatest part of America, but American society and culture exists separate from the Constitution. It is the society that even allowed for the Constitution to be created.

        You are a complete moron.

          Canada started with the same society and culture, but without the constitution. Any difference now is the result of the constitution or lack thereof.

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | June 18, 2024 at 6:27 pm

          Reply to Milhouse:

          Canadian culture encompassed more the traitors of the Revolution than the revolutionary American culture. That was a big difference. And that was before there was any Constitution … or even the Articles of Confederation.

          It was the exact same culture. The Revolution was a civil war.

          And what do you mean by “traitors”? The Canadians never joined the revolution, so how could they be traitors? Are you claiming they had some sort of duty to join it?!

          But the point is that they were the exact same society and culture; the divergence point between us and them was when we adopted the US constitution and they didn’t adopt an equivalent document, and that is what has caused the two societies to diverge to the point where we’re now very different.

    Dimsdale in reply to Q. | June 17, 2024 at 7:32 am

    “HAMASHOLES FOR BIDEN” seems redundant, doesn’t it?

      I like it, but it would be difficult to fit that on a lapel campaign button.

        henrybowman in reply to Q. | June 17, 2024 at 12:23 pm

        Plenty of room on a keffiyeh, and they don’t leave home without one.

        bhwms in reply to Q. | June 17, 2024 at 5:31 pm

        Works on a billboard or bumper sticker. Just put the bumper sticker on a magnet sheet and remove it when parking in public if you don’t want your car keyed.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Q. | June 17, 2024 at 12:12 pm

    Progressive but not Dem IMO.

    Not sure you can be a democrat and call democracy a cancer

Mohammad Nusairat needs a one way ticket to Pakistan. He will fill right at home there.

BigRosieGreenbaum | June 16, 2024 at 8:56 pm

It’s a cult with cult recruiting tactics. Several years ago Islam was considered the fastest growing religion on the planet. That’s a problem.

henrybowman | June 16, 2024 at 9:02 pm

“In America, over here, people have the freedom to… commit zina [fornication]… but when you speak up, it’s a problem.”

Meanwhile, Muslim “refugees” in places like Germany and Sweden are raping female citizens, and in England, they’re turning children into white slaves. How does that square with this?

    Tom Orrow in reply to henrybowman. | June 17, 2024 at 12:49 am

    They are humiliating infidels. Also possibly adding the the numbers of Muslims, via the raped women and the subsequent children.
    Fuzzy, thank you for reviewing and correcting the transcript!

    inspectorudy in reply to henrybowman. | June 17, 2024 at 12:52 am

    Ah, my friend, there you go again using logic against Islam. Islam is the living example of a paradox. They speak of a loving Allah but if you disobey any of his loving rules he will kill you. If you opt out or never believe in Islam you are considered an infidel and can be enslaved, taxed, or killed. If your child marries outside of your peaceful religion they will be killed, usually by a parent or sibling. Most of Islam’s members live in poverty while the more important Muslims live in luxury, sort of the opposite of Christianity. You can beat your wife as you please and divorce her by a child’s game of spinning around three times and saying “I divorce you”. Wow! I want to join right now and get away from my cancerous beautiful home and loving children. I want to be able to slap or cane people who are dressed correctly and I can’t wait for the Sports Illustrated issue to come out under my new religion, Islam! All black, no skin with two beady eyes. That’ll sell a few burkas. Notice how all of the Muzzys that hate America never leave?

      randian in reply to inspectorudy. | June 17, 2024 at 9:20 pm

      The Muslims who hate America haven’t finished the job of destroying it yet, that’s why they haven’t left.

      I would argue Islam isn’t a paradox. There is self-consistency given certain facts. There is substantial evidence that Muhammad had severe OCD and suffered hallucinatory seizures. His personal morality involved satisfying his carnal and pecuniary desires. What sort of religion do you think that person would create, if his goal was to make everyone imitate and be absolutely loyal to him? You would found a religion that makes you its highest and best example of exemplary conduct, and leaving it punishable by death. If you look at the actual practice of Islam, and not its claims about itself, it is obvious that Muhammad is the god of Islam, not Allah. Reliable hadith record that Muhammad’s favorite wife, Aisha, commented on how solicitous Allah was of his every desire.

Hirsi Ali renounced Islam for atheism and recently renounced Atheism and converted to Christianity. I suppose (the enduring prick) Christopher Hitchens rolled over in his grave.

– Mohammed Bouyeri

Mohammed Bouyeri murdered Theo Van Gogh. Bouyeri got life in prison, but life in Dutch prison is typically 15 years. He became a prison prophet. He’s now served 20 years and 46 years old; the typical limit of incarceration in the EU.

All of this reflects back to us. Do we allow the perversion of free speech when that free speech is used to undo freedoms of speech?

Doctrinaire libertarians, atheists and leftists think it okay and cry “but muh freedom,” while free speech itself stands on the gallows awaiting execution.

    Milhouse in reply to Tiki. | June 16, 2024 at 11:02 pm

    Bouyeri got life in prison, but life in Dutch prison is typically 15 years.

    That is not true. In the Netherlands life is life. He’s ineligible for parole; his only hope is a royal pardon, and there’s no prospect of that happening.

    Do we allow the perversion of free speech when that free speech is used to undo freedoms of speech?

    If we don’t then we have no freedom of speech and have no reason to oppose our enemies. Our freedoms are what makes America special, and if we get rid of them then there’ll be no reason to defend it

      Tiki in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 12:51 am

      — “That is not true. In the Netherlands life is life.”

      Life is 15 years. The Dutch made a rare exemption to the 15 year rule. In this case, a “life sentence” means whatever the ruling regime deems it to be, which is 20 years throughout Europe.

      — “If we don’t then we have no freedom of speech and have no reason to oppose our enemies. Our freedoms are what makes America special.”

      You live in a pretend America that no longer exists. I certainly don’t want it to be true, but it is what it is. If it were only you impacted by such outmoded thinking, then comme ci, comme ca, but your brand of rhetoric will get me murdered as well, and that’s not on my bingo card.

        Milhouse in reply to Tiki. | June 17, 2024 at 2:34 am

        Life is 15 years. The Dutch made a rare exemption to the 15 year rule.

        That is not true. In the Netherlands a life sentence means life. No exception was made for this guy; that is simply what a life sentence means. There is no possibility of letting him out early unless the king pardons him.

        You live in a pretend America that no longer exists.

        If America no longer exists then there is nothing to defend. Why put any effort into supporting one kind of dictatorship over another?

          Tiki in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 2:01 pm

          Life is 15 years. The Dutch made a rare exemption to the 15 year rule. In this case, a “life sentence” means whatever the ruling regime deems it to be, which is 20 years throughout Europe.

          “If America no longer exists then there is nothing to defend. Why put any effort into supporting one kind of dictatorship over another?”

          Why do you care, you and your erstwhile “muh freedom” pals will be the first to be shoved into cattle cars and executed. Me? I’m a survivor.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 11:36 pm

          Tiki, what you wrote is not true, and repeating the same misinformation doesn’t make it true. You are simply wrong. In the Netherlands a life sentence means literally life, no matter how long that is. The “ruling regime” has no say in the matter. And no exception to the law was created for this guy. Whoever told you otherwise misinformed you.

          Why do you care, you and your erstwhile “muh freedom” pals will be the first to be shoved into cattle cars and executed. Me? I’m a survivor.

          The word is “Kapo”.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | June 18, 2024 at 6:16 am

          UPDATE: What I wrote was true at the time Bouyeri was sentenced, in 2005. Life meant life, with no possibility of parole.

          In 2016 the law was changed, so that after 25 years a person serving a life sentence can petition a court to review the sentence. There’s no guarantee the court will do anything about it, but the prisoner is now entitled to the review. Bouyeri will be eligible for that review in 2030. But it’s a review by a court; the government has no say in it. And in this case it’s likely to be a formality.

          It remains the case that no exception was made to the general rule for life sentences.

    inspectorudy in reply to Tiki. | June 17, 2024 at 12:58 am

    There is a children’s rhyme that goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS will never hurt me”. For adults, that means when a person says things that bother you, ignore them or walk away. We don’t need a group, panel, or commission of people who tell us what is sayable. That’s why it is the FIRST Amendment. Filthy words or cursing can be enforced locally but not constitutionally.

      Enjoy your execution.

      Seattle police, facing manpower shortage, to hire illegal immigrants with DACA status as cops.

      SEATTLE, WA – Seattle is joining the growing list of left wing cities that have decided to turn to illegal aliens to fill the ever-increasing void in the ranks of their police department, following cities such as Los Angeles. This is due to severe understaffing that has gutted many large city departments in primarily blue cities.


        inspectorudy in reply to Tiki. | June 17, 2024 at 8:33 am

        Your oblique take on the First Amendment is childish. Local or state laws or actions do not make them constitutional. As the children rhyme says, ignore it or walk away. Blue states are hemorrhaging citizens as any sensible adult should do. Just because a few states are anti-American and practice unconstitutional acts doesn’t mean America is lost.

      Oh, children’s rhymes!
      Bedtime stories.

      Children’s fairy tales with happy endings:

      Schneewittchen (Snow White): In one version, the evil stepmother eats what she thinks are the organs of her murdered stepdaughters.

      Von dem Machandelboom: (The Juniper Tree): The stepmother decapitates her stepson, blames her daughter, and serves his remains in soup to his father.

      Cinderella: In the 1819 edition and later, the pigeons that help Cinderella’s wish also peck out the eyes of her stepsisters, blinding them.

      Little Red Riding Hood: In the original Brothers Grimm version, the wolf eats both Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.

      Very comforting, indeed.

      robertthomason in reply to inspectorudy. | June 17, 2024 at 11:59 am

      So we should just ignore those people in Michigan who shout “Death to America?” Right?

And this is why I don’t get hysterical about a silly fool from NY talking about re-education camps for conservatives. She’s a brain-dead, unserious idiot. These people are religious fanatics, and they’re serious. Sooner or later, US and Europe are going to have to deal with a REAL ongoing Muslim invasion, and it isn’t going to be pretty or neat. Europe barely survived last time, and they didn’t start by welcoming the invaders.

    steves59 in reply to txvet2. | June 16, 2024 at 10:01 pm

    “These people are religious fanatics, and they’re serious.”

    This is an extremely salient comment, is 100% accurate, and is the actual real issue.
    Yes. Sooner or later, this will have to be dealt with, by hard men doing hard things.

    Evil Otto in reply to txvet2. | June 17, 2024 at 5:58 am

    Those silly fools are the same ones enabling this country to import the religious fanatics.

    The future of Europe is war. One thing these Muslims don’t understand is that European countries are a coin flip: either decadent and weak pseudo-socialism or outright totalitarian fascism. There’s no real in-between, and they flip really, really quickly. And Europeans are really, really good at mass slaughter. They’re the ones who invented industrial extermination.

    When that coin flips (and it will) it’s going to be ugly beyond belief. As for the United States our problem with the Muslim invaders is ugly, but they’re a much smaller minority.

      paracelsus in reply to Evil Otto. | June 17, 2024 at 9:39 am

      “…but they’re a much smaller minority.”
      only at this moment

      txvet2 in reply to Evil Otto. | June 17, 2024 at 5:50 pm

      I don’t disagree. I was referring to one specific fool who was featured in a post here a few days ago, who thinks that threatening the majority of the voters in her district with imprisonment is a winning electoral strategy.

      randian in reply to Evil Otto. | June 17, 2024 at 9:29 pm

      Ugliness that is, unfortunately, made necessary by their foolishness in allowing the invaders in without a fight. I, however, do not share your optimism. Europe absolutely will go without a fight. That is why you have European politicians talking about how they think that by being nice now their new overlords will be nice to them later. They are morons who have forgotten the Islamic invasions of Europe, the conquest of Spain and Italy, the million-plus slaves taken from the continent to serve the slave markets of Arabia, including as many blonde girls as they could get their hands on, and the general treatment of dhimmis under Islam.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 16, 2024 at 9:45 pm

“They want to see a new way of life, and, as Muslims, we have to understand that we have that new way of life.”

LOL. “New” … A way of life that was backwards even in the 7th century.

Wrong dood. Islam is the cancer in the West. And I have it on good authority there are daily international flights to the mid east. Tickets can be purchased online. GtFO!

    lc in reply to LB1901. | June 17, 2024 at 7:45 am

    It has always spread through conquest, and that is exactly what they are trying to do- conquer the West. Hijra in action, which means “migrating for the sake of allah”.

Islam is about submission, not freedom.

Islam is about subjugation, not emanicipation.

What could go wrong?

E Howard Hunt | June 16, 2024 at 10:41 pm

Islam is the answer. Let them rule for a couple of years. After they have eliminated all the homos, crazy broads and the criminal class we can start the republic over with a clean slate.

tolerancematters | June 16, 2024 at 11:30 pm

Our ability to tolerate speech is entirely inconsistent.

Notice how this speaker was not interrupted, even while saying that “America is the Cancer! America, Secularism, Democracy, Capitalism are cancers” and that “Islam is the answer.” I am glad he was not interrupted even though such talk is revulsive to me.

The problem is that others are not permitted to speak on far less extreme subjects. Examples abound. Consider when The Stanford Federalist Society invited Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to speak on campus in 2023. He was shouted down for a speech entitled “The Fifth Circuit in Conversation with the Supreme Court: Covid, Guns, and Twitter.” How can that be unacceptable if the speech in this article is permitted.

    By whom should he have been interrupted? He was preaching a sermon to his fellow Moslems; nobody was there who wasn’t a Moslem. If Judge Duncan’s speech had been limited to a self-selected audience who wanted to hear him, he wouldn’t have been interrupted either, at least from inside the room.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 4:22 am

      That self selected audience that Muzzy had more than likely didn’t permit others with dissenting views.

      Unfortunately, for conservative speakers, dissenters self invite and ruin the party for others. You would have a fucking cow if Duncan’s speech refused entry to dissenters – because a Freedumb Of Speech.

        Liar. Duncan’s speech was a private event, run by a private organization, and the hosts had every right to exclude anyone they wanted to — just as the Moslem society had the right to exclude non-Moslems. Unless university rules say otherwise, in which case neither speech had the right to exclude anyone.

        “Freedumb Of Speech” tells us exactly where you stand, and what you think of America. You are no better than this Moslem guy.

          AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Milhouse. | June 18, 2024 at 12:03 pm

          Fûck you Milhouse.

          Did you ever wear a uniform and put your life on the line to protect this country from its enemies, foreign and domestic?

          If not, shut the fuck. You are simply living freely and easy on the backs of those like me who went into harm’s way to let you bad mouth us.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | June 18, 2024 at 10:09 pm

          Fuck you. You are an enemy of our freedoms, and thus no different from any would-be tyrant.

      MosesZD in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 7:38 am

      Do you work hard to be this obtuse? Seriously, dude. When YAF or some other right-leaning organization or speaker comes to town, the left do their best to deplatform or shout them down.

      Yet we see it from the left on a routine basis. For example, from VICE: “Ann Coulter’s Berkeley speech was canceled, but protesters showed up in riot gear anyway”

      Where were the right-wingers showing up in riot gear to keep him from speaking? So stop playing your stupid games. We’re too smart for your childish games.

      tolerancematters in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 9:42 am

      You bring up some interesting points. I think that what happened with the Federalist Society speech that was shouted down, people who were not a part of that group came to the talk to disrupt it. I don’t wish to reach a point in our society where we would need to guard the doors of the place where a talk is to take place to keep unwanted people out. My hope, instead, would be that those who disagree would listen thoughtfully.

How is this not hate speech? Imagine if he had said Christianity instead of Islam. People would be screaming separation of church and state from the rooftops.

    Milhouse in reply to herm2416. | June 17, 2024 at 5:45 am

    There is no such thing as “hate speech”.

    He is not the state, he is the church, so their (purported) separation is irrelevant.

    And there are plenty of Christian preachers, in the more extreme movements, who do say more or less the same thing.

      MosesZD in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 7:33 am

      Yeah, but they do it without throwing gays from roofs, murdering infidels and committing terrorist acts. Islamic Terrorist attacks for the Month of May, 2024:

      Attacks 111
      Killed 490
      Injured 352
      Suicide Blasts 1
      Countries 24

      Some people keep track of this even as the left tries to bury it and fools play FALSE EQUIVALENCY GAMES:

        Milhouse in reply to MosesZD. | June 18, 2024 at 12:00 am

        This guy, as far as anyone knows, has never thrown anyone off a roof, or otherwise murdered anyone, or committed any terrorist act. All he did was express an opinion, and he had the same right to do that as anyone else does.

        That he was not shouted down was a result of the fact that people who are likely to object would have had no interest in attending the event. The correct analogy is not to a FedSoc event with an announced speaker whom the left already hate, but a Christian revival meeting with unknown speakers; how many leftists would bother attending that?

      DaveGinOly in reply to Milhouse. | June 17, 2024 at 12:50 pm

      Islam is not merely a religion, as it also requires the establishment of the Islamic state. Islam preaches the replacement of all other states with states run according to Islam’s laws as well as under Islam’s religious beliefs. Such a religion is inimical to our form of government and the Constitution. Does the Constitution require its suicide?

      Can a religion promote death to its opponents and the overthrow of the Constitution as two of its tenets, and then work toward that end with the protection of the Constitution? Would a religion that requires support for the Constitution, and death to those who work against it, find support in the Constitution?

      The Constitution is a two-way street.

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to DaveGinOly. | June 17, 2024 at 3:29 pm

        Yes. islam is a political ideology, at its core. islam is all about getting and keeping the powers of state … the powers of all states, everywhere. It is not a religion.

        Milhouse in reply to DaveGinOly. | June 18, 2024 at 12:01 am

        Can a religion promote death to its opponents and the overthrow of the Constitution as two of its tenets, and then work toward that end with the protection of the Constitution?

        Yes, it can. That’s inherent in the fact that the freedom of speech protects all advocacy, including advocacy of the violent overthrow of the United States.

When leftists tell you who they really are, believe them.

Yes, the “benevolence” and “enlightenment” of Jew-hating, genocidal Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists is laid bare.

We still have defenders of these reprobates in the U.S. who will perennially whitewash, rationalize and enable their rhetoric, and, fallaciously cast them as alleged victims. They are called “Dhimmi-crats.”

It’s almost as if we should take a much more skeptical examination of every person allowed to enter into the USA whether by work Visa, student Visa, asylum claim or any other option for entry. Then assuming they are allowed into the US to follow that initial screening up with a series of in person interviews, record checks and so on.

Maybe the best way to get a handle on this is to require non citizens to have a sponsor who will personally house (not pay for elsewhere) clothe, feed and provide 100% of any/all support needed/consumed by these folks including medical care. I suspect that if we implemented such a system the numbers would drastically reduce and the individual quality/merit of those allowed entry (and to remain) would improve.

    WTPuck in reply to CommoChief. | June 17, 2024 at 11:24 am

    Didn’t Ellis Island operate on those standards?

      CommoChief in reply to WTPuck. | June 17, 2024 at 1:23 pm

      Short answer? Nope. Not even close. Lots of people with all sorts of weirdo beliefs were admitted. At best Ellis Island era immigration gave a medical exam, inoculation and screening for presence of active diseases with rejection (uncommon) or quarantine being applied. Most passed right through. The larger difference from today was the lack of any appreciable welfare state/social safety net.

        Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | June 18, 2024 at 12:10 am

        Lots of people with all sorts of weirdo beliefs were admitted.

        With one exception: After 1903, avowed anarchists were not to be admitted to the USA. But this was rarely enforced, simply because a person could just deny being one, and unless the government went to a lot of trouble investigation the person’s past it would have to take their word for it. Once in the country they could “adopt” anarchist beliefs, and be protected by the first amendment. So it was only in rare cases that the government had enough evidence to exclude someone for being an anarchist. (Note that if the government did have evidence that a person had been an anarchist at the time of entry it could deport him, not for his beliefs but for having immigrated illegally.)

        Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | June 18, 2024 at 12:12 am

        Note that under current law the government can not exclude anyone from entry because of their religion. Hence the legal challenges to Trump’s so-called “Moslem ban”. But that is not a constitutional provision; it’s merely a statute made by Congress, which a future Congress may amend or repeal.

Perhaps my advancing age is causing me confusion, but “Non-Muslims” being tired of “this cancer”, with the cancer being “America, the American government, secularism, democracy, capitalism, these are cancers that have spread their illness all over the world…”?

That seems to be something of a non sequitur, but again, perhaps I’m confused and people really do want totalitarian governance, as provided by Islamist paradises like Iran.

Capitalist-Dad | June 17, 2024 at 9:39 am

And yet the little scum is in a US university.

2smartforlibs | June 17, 2024 at 9:56 am

to correct the statement: Liberlaism that lets this detritus grow is the cancer.

Every woman, everyone who identifies with the LGBT… crowd should be mortified at comments like these. Islam is a direct ticket back to a world dominated by men and the massacre of all those with non-straight sexual preferences. Every parent should be in fear of their daughters being taken as child brides and their sons being conscripted to radical groups or executed for non-submission. That is the true Islam. The westernized version of the peaceful Muslims that might be your neighbor is not the Islam that would supposedly “cure the cancer” that is America. It’s Sharia law.

    bhwms in reply to jagibbons. | June 17, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    They suffer it to be part of their movement because at the moment, they help advance the cause as a whole. With the Jihad Squad, Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders look like statemen. Without them, they are down a few radicals (weakening their power) and the opportunity to sound “reasonable.” When the Democrats think they don’t need them and they become an actual threat, they will discard them and act as if they never heard of them.

Obviously, this modern mix of Marxism and Islam is the real malignant tumor in our society (which is being fed by progressive and woke carcinogens); however, they are ultimately incompatible ideologies, and this unholy alliance is a mere matter of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”. The big question is after destroying all that is good with Western Civilization and our Democratic Republic, which parasitic cancer will reign supreme?

These snakes slithered into our country under the guise of diversity and multiculturalism. Not only should we question those concepts every time they’re shoved in our faces, we should also demand of our representatives that the Hart-Celler Act of 1965 be repealed. Bring back the National Origins Formula so that our population reflects our values and our shared culture. Enough already!

    Milhouse in reply to Alan Lang. | June 18, 2024 at 12:25 am

    we should also demand of our representatives that the Hart-Celler Act of 1965 be repealed. Bring back the National Origins Formula so that our population reflects our values and our shared culture.

    This makes no sense. Your fallacy is that you seem to think immigrants likely to come from any country will match the values and culture of Americans whose ancestors came from that country. For instance if 10% of the US population is Irish, then having 10% of all new immigrants be Irish would preserve the existing culture and values from changing. Even if that were a valid goal, have you seen what Ireland is like now?! Does the typical resident of Ireland have values that are anything like those held by Americans whose ancestors came from Ireland long ago?!

healthguyfsu | June 17, 2024 at 12:10 pm

Of course, he created this catchy little slogan in English….a fully Western invention and the modern, dominant language in terms of global reach. These people beclown themselves regularly.

Because this sad excuse for a student at a USA university is so critical of the USA and the way we live here and enjoy life here …. why don’t he and others who are brainwashed by this “religion” … move … to one of those Moslem/Mohammedan countries? Then, no such nonsensical “sermons” needed because they will be among like-minded intolerants. I’ll pay the airfare for at least one: good riddance to bad rubbish (as old-timer Lithuanian-Americans were wont to say).

If this “student” really finds this country such a terrible place, why does he remain here, when he is able but likely not willing to live in one the the Moslem nations there are a number of them, that he would presumably find so much more to his liking.