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Canadian Cancer Society Apologizes to Alphabet Soup Brigade for Using ‘Cervix’ Instead of ‘Front Hole’

Canadian Cancer Society Apologizes to Alphabet Soup Brigade for Using ‘Cervix’ Instead of ‘Front Hole’

The Canadian Cancer Society wants “to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too.” These people are literally insane.

Tell me you don’t know anything about the female reproductive system without telling me you don’t know anything about the female reproductive system.

The alphabet soup brigade lost its mind because the Canadian Cancer Society used “cervix” instead of “front hole” on a site dedicated to cervical cancer (emphasis mine):

On the page dedicated to cervical cancer screenings for members of the LGBTQ+ community, the charitable organization explains in a disclaimer they “recognize that many trans men and non-binary people may have mixed feelings about or feel distanced from words like ‘cervix.’”

The charity acknowledged in a section titled “Words Matter” that some members of the community may prefer to use other terms such as “front hole.”

“We recognize the limitations of the words we’ve used while also acknowledging the need for simplicity,” the Canadian Cancer Society wrote. “Another reason we use words like ‘cervix’ is to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too.”

I have no filter. Do you want to go there? Oh, I will GO THERE.

I have never had a problem talking about female ANYTHING before this crap. I’m going full force now.

Don’t be offended because it has to be said out loud for the sake of us females because they are trying to erase us.

I won’t post pictures. I posted those on Twitter.

Males do not have a cervix. I looked up the male reproductive system. I did not see a cervix.

Only females can get cervical cancer because only females have a cervix.

That front hole is the vagina. It goes vagina -> cervix -> uterus -> fallopian tubes -> ovaries.

I cannot. I just cannot.

But wait…if men can have these body parts, then why are they ticked off when you use the word cervix?

Also, it hasn’t gone amiss that society has only been erasing female body parts. My friend Rob noticed. His tweet is long. Please click and read it.


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Front Hole. But can we even agree on what is front and what is back? Isn’t directionality oppressive. Who is to say which is forward?

    mailman in reply to jeffrey. | June 7, 2024 at 9:58 am

    I wish leftists would do us all a favour and actually shut their front holes up for a change! Sick of hearing their shit like its somehow normal!

    Hodge in reply to jeffrey. | June 7, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    You are also assuming a person’s verticality: if they prefer they may walk on their hands. This might lead to some confusion as there are two ~fronts holes… and these activists can stick it in either one, or in an ear for that matter.

    alaskabob in reply to jeffrey. | June 7, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    There would be two or three …. There are cases of trans (m to F) demanding PAP smear! That is definitely a psych issue. Went illness is treated as normal, what is being healed?

      Antifundamentalist in reply to alaskabob. | June 7, 2024 at 8:55 pm

      The United states doesn’t have a “health care system” to help them heal. The United States has instead a “disease management system” designed to milk the populace for as much money as possible. There’s money to be made in keeping people sick.

    FLSteamer in reply to jeffrey. | June 8, 2024 at 5:10 pm

    When WE look back on the insipid insanity of today, we will axe ourselves WTF happened? CRT, Olympics trans insanity and this Front Hole debate,,,all in a week. Canada was once a normal place. Congrats Justin Castreau.

Does the “alphabet soup brigade” also demand an apology for having a functioning brain (unlike themselves)?

Capitalist-Dad | June 7, 2024 at 9:22 am

Official State Science is as detestable as that in Nazi Germany, as portrayed in The Mortal Storm by Phyllis Bottome. In one scene Hilter Youth ask a professor if Aryan blood is superior to others. The professor points out that science tells us there is no difference. The Hitler Youth students tell him that is against official state policy. The professor winds up stripped of his job and later dies in a concentration camp (his secondary “crime” was being Jewish). Leftist regimes around the world are recreating this sort of atrocity.

E Howard Hunt | June 7, 2024 at 9:54 am

By the same logic are we to call the penis a dangle pole?

These people must go to parties, get drunk, and discuss what else they can do to F**k The System.

F**k the System is a real strategy and a real slogan. It means to make a mess so big that people get sick of the government, and start The Revolution.

All we have to do is refuse to comply, which might not be easy.

Female genitalia are architecturally chaotic, says Camille Paglia, so the naming interests are chaotic as well. It’s like feelings.

The male case is very definite so there’s no corresponding problem. So it’s used to name the corresponding female part, and by metonymy, the whole thing. L vagina = sheath.

Front hole is poetically clueless, in addition to being, strictly speaking, wrong.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | June 7, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    It’s astonishing how one person can be so insufferably pretentious. The pseudo-intellectual drivel out of your pie hole belongs in a museum.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | June 7, 2024 at 5:06 pm

      The cervix is important in stimulating organisms, in other words, like the clitoris, both equivalent to the to the head of a penis. Hole simply misses the point of what the cervix is and the gravity of the cancer.

Well, that’s it. We’ve reached Peak Human Stupidity. Honors for this ‘remarkable’ achievement in evolution apparently goes to Canada. Great job, Canada.

    CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | June 7, 2024 at 10:16 am

    Yeah. I truly believe we should look to Canada NOT California as the warning of what the woke totalitarian weirdos will try next on a nationwide basis in the USA.

I always thought the FH was the urethra in both men and women. Those who may have to catheterize themsleves all their lives know that (as wih spina bifida), especially a female.

Hedwig And The Angry Inch was entertaining because we recognize parody.
Apparently, that sense of parody has become a sad reality.

Now let them explain why a “woman” needs a prostate exam.

Real news has now become more absurd than The Onion and Babylon Bee.

The Gentle Grizzly | June 7, 2024 at 10:58 am

Getting right up into the teeth of the matter, did they allow any cervical margins?

You are old if you remember…

“Who is that ugly dwarf with his hand in your mouth?”
“Rocky Rococo, at your cervix!”

“Front hole” sounds like something a child would say and these people are basically children.

One of the reasons I left academic medicine. I used to give the first year lecture on genital examination. Clearly using logic and proper terminology is no longer accepted. Only absurdity and child like speech as mentioned.

henrybowman | June 7, 2024 at 12:47 pm

Coming next week: Canadian medical establishment apologizes for using the word “disease” instead of “angry spirits.”

How the Hell do these people take a piss? It seems they lack a urethral orifice which according to the anatomy diagrams I’ve seen is located in the first hole position of the pubic region. That might account for their confusion.

How stupid can they get. I’m a guy. A real guy. Actually born a male and still am a male. Always will be a male. Anyway, I have 6 front holes, assuming I can count. And I know for a fact, not one of them is a cervix. Pretty sure I can’t get cancer in any of my six front holes. Besides, a hole is an opening, typically devoid of anything. Even a females front hole below the waste can’t get cancer. Something inside that hole can. But usually not everything inside that hole can gets cancer. So, wt* is this Canadian Cancer Society actually talking about? Are they trying to obscure cancer. Confuse women? I’m sure someone dying of cervical cancer will be relieve to know that there no longer is cancer of the cervix. It’s now cancer of the front hole. God help us.

nordic prince | June 7, 2024 at 2:17 pm

Anything that has to be “normalized” is NOT NORMAL to begin with.

Someone please lock these mentally ill people up in an asylum – I doubt there’s any visit l viable treatments for them, and I’m tired of these freaks constantly trying to upend society.

BigRosieGreenbaum | June 7, 2024 at 2:34 pm

So what happens if I’m offended by the term front hole? I don’t have a big gaping wound that I have to poke a stick in every day in order to keep my big gaping wound. So now what? And if some gyno uses that term in my presence, I will kick them in the head. I just hope they don’t try a prostate exam on me.

WTAF. Let’s degrade billions of women so a few mentally ill chicks who think they’re dudes can feel more comfortable about themselves.

Women should be interacting with each other to bomb that canadian cancer society stating with heavy emphasis that they strenuously object to the words FRONT HOLE when referring to women.
Tit for Tat, but you’ll need to get a million women bombarding every social site the cancer society uses until they relent and go back to cervix.