Biological Male Crowned Miss Maryland
He will compete in the Miss USA pageant in August.

I told you I could probably write an article a day about males erasing females.
Bailey Anne Kennedy, a male, will represent Maryland at the Miss USA competition in August.
Kennedy is the first transgender, Asian-American, and military officer’s spouse to win Maryland.
From DC News Now:
Anne told morning anchor Cory James her history-making win was her first pageant. She said the moment she learned she won was a “whirlwind because I knew it was bigger than me. I knew that it was going to mean a lot for all the LGBTQ kids out there who might feel like they don’t belong in a box – like me growing up.”
Anne hopes her win will encourage LGBTQ+ kids to be themselves. When asked if she had to overcome any fears of being the only trans woman in the pageant, Anne said she did not and felt supported by the “sisterhood” of women competing with her on stage.
“I felt confident in my own skin at 31, which is past the old age limit, which is 28 — as you know Miss Universe Organization lift the restriction now — so every woman of all ages can compete.”
Transgender man crowned ‘Miss Maryland’ thanks the pageant for changing their rules to allow biological men to participate.
“Miss Universe Organization (MUO) has now celebrated women universally no matter their age, no matter their gender, no matter their marital status.”
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 7, 2024
MAN crowed Miss Maryland USA.
Transgender male Bailey Anne has beaten dozens of women to win the prestigious women’s pageant title.
Upon winning the title Anne declared:
“Not everyone has to agree with the spaces that you occupy, and it doesn’t mean that you aren’t worthy…
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 6, 2024
When Kataluna Enriquez won Miss Nevada in 2021, he became the first male to compete for Miss USA.
In 2022, Brian (pronounced Bree-Ann) Nguyen won Miss Greater Derry 2023 and a spot in the Miss New Hampshire pageant. Yeah, he won the local pageant.
Brian Nguyen, a trans Vietnamese-American social media influencer, celebrated winning the local @MissAmerica beauty pageant in Derry, NH by eating a burger on video. Nguyen says she advocates for marginalized women.
— Andy Ngô
(@MrAndyNgo) November 10, 2022
In 2023, two men competed for Miss Universe. A male won Miss Portugal and Miss Netherlands.
Miss Italy organizers have banned males from the competition:
“Since it was born, my competition has foreseen in its regulation the clarification according to which one must be a woman from birth,” Miss Italy Official Patron Patrizia Mirigliani said during an interview with a local outlet and reported by Newsweek.
“Probably because, even then, it was foreseen that beauty could undergo modifications, or that women could undergo modifications, or that men could become women,” she added.

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Beauty contests are watched by women, not men. It’s a celebration of women’s attractiveness to men, functionally. So I imagine it bothers women.
College men will enter farm animals in beauty contests if given the opportunity.
That’s because they are faster and better ways to gawk at hotter women than having to listen to playschool dolls recite canned answers that usually still suck.
The photo of Porky Nguyen above proves that farm animals can compete in “beauty contests.”
Aw, come on, man!
Isn’t she way more beautiful than this Maryland loser?
Plus, she’s not an old fag hag like he is — she’s about 16 hours old.
Man can no longer walk on the moon. It’s not even safe to walk on the far side of Guam for fear it might tip over. So where can a man walk today?
The only safe place for a man to walk is in a woman’s footprints. “Hey, look at me everybody! I’m a woman.”
Look honey, most men have no desire to walk in the steps of women.
Real men don’t need safe places.
Most of us hate the fact that feminists opened the door for psychotic men to put women in second place. But every time we say something about it, we are reminded that “I can buy my own flowers.”
“they don’t belong in a box.”
A box doesn’t belong in him.
Big deal. Donald Trump welcomed and praised the inclusion of transgender women in his Miss Universe pageant.
Yes, we know. You must be very proud of your achievement.
The Donald isn’t perfect or infallible; we know that. What’s funny is you dropping his name, as if that rationalizes obnoxious tranny misogyny.
Interesting that you supported DeSantis for the GOP nomination, despite the fact that he’s not a big fan of trannies.
BTW. Trump will be president and you will be old and senile with your Richard in your hand
When the Clemson Tigers, national college football champions, were invited to the Trump White House, they were served McDonald’s hamburgers. If Trump is elected again he will probably invite all the tranny beauty pageant winners to the White House and serve them foot long hot dogs.
And the Clemson Tigers were video’ed scarfing down those fries and hamburgers, Dickweed. The players were excited to be there.
Only in your TDS-infected world does this indicate some sort of a problem.
You really are a caricature of a human being.
That is what DeShaun Watson, Christian Wilkins and the rest of the team requested. They had been on a strict diet for 14 months and Dabo okayed them breaking the nutritional diet.
Nice try, though…some things are trivial compared to perception.
It seems that you have a thing for repeatedly referring to trannies. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

It’s OK. It’s 2024. You can come out of the closet now. Plenty of guys like you have a thing for a hairless man who can generally pass as a female, even up close. Some can even win “beauty” pageants.
Go ahead. Let yourself be open and free. Bailey Anne Kennedy seems to be taken, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find someone to rub up against. After all, many women work out and have hard bodies, so you can feel right at home. As long as “she’s” soft in all the right places.
Sad, JR, sad
“When the Clemson Tigers, national college football champions, were invited to the Trump White House, they were served McDonald’s hamburgers”
JR – please explain why this is significant to you? What is the underlying meaning? What should he have served them, and what meaning would you attach to that choice?
That would be fn hilarious!
Big deal. Donald Trump rents a four story mansion inside your skull.
I am truly amazed and troubled about the number of Trump supporters here who support and praise trans rights just because Trump supports and praises trans rights.
Point out where I said I supported trans rights, asshole.
Anywhere. Just once.
The point you miss, you dunce, is that the entire commentariat is sick to death of your nonstop TDS.
And quit upvoting yourself, you loser. No one else here gives you any upvotes.
It’s pathetic. Just like you.
Whachu talkin’ about, WIllis?
You introduce Trump into this story and then make some ridiculous claim about his supporters with zero evidence? You really are a deranged mental patient who needs a hobby.
^look at this fronthole
“Kennedy is the first transgender, Asian-American, and military officer’s spouse to win Maryland.”
I am far more worried about our military – What does this say about our military if an officer will marry a transgender
“Her” spouse is probably a woman.
Strike my last comment. His husband is a male Jarhead Captain.
If the Marines are corrupted, this is a big problem.
I was shocked. Not Captain Louis Renault level shocked. Like, real no kidding shocked.
The destruction of the Marine Corps was set into motion during Obama’s last year in office when ‘The Pentagon’ decided it was time to put Women Marines into the infantry and (predictably) allow them to ‘compete’ for leadership positions. Just a few years into it, people understood the problem: Standards would have to be lowered if any females were going to pass the training.
Last year ‘a record’ number (6) of female officers passed the Infantry Officer Course. Did they find 6 super-women? Nope. They simply lowered the standards.
The officer training course is grueling because if you’re going to lead men into combat, they have to respect you and the only way that happens by being at least as good as they are, and honestly, you have to be appreciably better. We’ve turned 240-years of that leadership principle on its head. Now we’re going to have the tip of the spear being led by fat, incompetent lesbians. Good luck America, you’re gonna need it.
TargaGTS in reply to Concise. | June 8, 2024 at 6:56 pm
The destruction of the Marine Corps was set into motion during Obama’s last year in office when
In reply to Targagts – Biden is a patheticly bad president. – However as TargaGts hints at , Obama was vastly worse president. anti american foreign policy, funding Irans terrorism, FUd the military, and destroyed the improving race relations in the country
I don’t know which troubles me more-her selection or the fact that she is a military spouse.
“He” not “she.” And as far as I’m concerned it’s not a marriage, it’s a court martial offense.
Although it bothers me more that he looks like Kamala Harris.
What statute of the UCMJ is their relationship violating, thus warranting a court martial? Let us know, JAG. But be quick since E Howard Hunt is heading off on his next deployment soon.
Obviously no part of the UCMJ is being violated because the UCMJ has been changed or is being reinterpreted under the present (and previous?) administration.
However do you think this would have been acceptable under the UCMJ at any time from the date of the formation of the Marine Corps in 1775 until 2016?
The Obergefell ruling that same sex marriage couldn’t be banned and must be recognized nationwide was announced in June ’15.
IMO the govt has zero business being involved in marriage. Once folks allowed govt to dispense benefits and preferential treatment due to piece of govt paper (marriage licence/certificate/divorce decree) they gave up control, ‘he who pays the piper calls the tune’ isn’t some trite folk wisdom that’s the real world.
Instead of abandoning Ecclesiastical Marriages for State sanctioned marriages and putting control into the hands of the politicians and judiciary the more traditional minded religious folks could have pushed back against this power grab. Instead they accepted the bribe offered by the State and decisions re marriage/divorce were removed from Churches and Congregations and transferred to the State to the unquestioned detriment of the institution of marriage.
It’s a fair assumption that Kennedy’s “husband” is homosexual. No self-respecting and sane male heterosexual is attracted to men pretending to be women.
This is just plain eff’n sick! Sick to the core! Maybe Biden will celebrate this ….
Imagine winning a contest that awards you a date with beauty pageant winner. Then finding out it’s “Miss” Maryland. Alanis Morissette might want to consider adding it to her “Ironic” song.
What city is he from, Ballsnomore?
Snipp City
Frederick (of Hollywood)
Is that where you went for basic training?
Emmanuel Macron is facing a humiliating defeat in the EU elections, the current polling is:
-Marine Le Pen’s 33%
-Macron 15%
-socialists 13.5%
-anti-Semitic, pro-Muslim Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party 8%
-Gaulists 7.5%
-Éric Zemmour’s anti-immigration party 6%
-Greens 5%
They say his wife is a tranny, but others say it’s a lie- he’s just a closet queen with a mommy beard.
Apparently, at least one man is a better woman than any of the contestants from the great State of Maryland. How sad.
Not necessarily – the judges could have been virtual signaling.
Wow. This wasn’t an off brand/generic, Great Value version contest. This was in the Miss America USA. The other ‘real’ pageant is Miss America. Way to go Maryland.
I thought Bama had it bad when the incredibly obese woman ‘won’ (reportedly on her 8th attempt) the very off brand pageant ‘National American Miss’ to represent Alabama. Cheering on and celebrating the obese as a virtue signaling exercise instead of telling them the harsh truth about themselves and their incredibly unhealthy lifestyle choices is enabling not helping and certainly not an act of compassion.
Soon to be Mr. USA
Could Obama run for a third term in 2028 if he cut them off and called himself Barbara?
or michelle
Not Michelle, she’d kick his ass, again.
The “trans” ideology, its practitioners and its Dhimmi-crat enablers/cheerleaders represent an evil melange of brazen misogyny, malignant narcissism, obnoxious fascism and despicable child/teen exploitation/manipulation/mutilation/abuse.
How can the best woman beauty contest winner be a man?
Male. Not a man.
This is what feminists want? Women replaced by queer males?
I can state with absolute certainty that the judges for this contest did not judge it based on the advertised criteria, and had decided to vote this guy in provided he was able to walk and breathe so they would feel all warm and fuzzy over their moral declaration of wokeness.
Why not make it a rule that contestants in a beauty contest cannot have plastic surgery? You may need an exception for surgery to correct damage to the body.
Maryland isn’t just for stalkers, I guess.
I am not a male!!!
I am a female with a c^ ck
so apparently women in maryland are sooooo ugly….
how ugly are they ?
they are sooo ugly that a man won!
Wow you really brought your A-material tonight.
glad to see the feminist agenda advancing
please gop STOP making laws against this
the left is driving others in the party away from the dems
It’s MontCo – Jakob.
Oh … you certainly belong in a box.
American beauty pageants are being assaulted by deranged perverts and morbidly obese nutcases.
Leftists hate beauty.
I guess it’s true, men really are better at everything and that includes being women!

Nothing says sexy to a man than a woman with a kickstand.
Bert Parks of Miss America fame must be rolling over in his grave.
The first thought that came to me were the last words spoken at the end of the movie “Bridge on the River Kwai”. Madness.
Great movie.
So that’s the hottest thing in MD… The entire state, and that’s all they’ve got? Some bathroom confused weirdo with no shame? The poster boy for Freaks R Us? Wasn’t this supposed to be a contest of the most eligible WOMEN in your state? Raise your hand if you’d marry that.
I gotta start doing business in MD, those people are so incredibly gullible I could sell them anything for all they’ve got including their humanity.
Yeah it looks like a beat up 1973 Oldsmobile but its really a shiny new Tesla, That’ll be $75,000.00, cash or charge?
I’m sure Larry Hogan and Jamie Raskin will be very proud!