Bill Maher Calls Out Campus Protesters for Ignoring the Oppression of Women in Muslim Countries

This is a pretty good monologue. Strong language warning, naturally.

TMZ reported:

Bill Maher did a pivot Friday night … actually complimenting the pro-Hamas college protesters for believing in something that was bigger than themselves … but then he lowered the boom, saying they missed the cause they should be embracing by a f***ing mile!The ‘Real Time’ host made his pitch to the youngins … the biggest social justice cause in decades has been apartheid. Nelson Mandela is a beacon of light for equality and dignity.And that brings Bill to students supporting Hamas … which denigrates women in ways much worse than second-class citizens. Bill ticks off a laundry list of indignities, starting with the mandatory hijab, which is prevalent in dozens of countries … where women can’t see, hear or speak out in the open air. It suppresses women from humanity … and makes their souls shrivel.But that’s just for starters … Bill notes how Iran and other countries subject women to beatings, sexual violence and detention, adding “what Diddy calls a hotel stay.”There are 15 countries in the Middle East that require women to obey their husbands. They can’t leave the house without permission. BTW, that does not include Israel. 20 countries have “marrying your rapist” laws.


Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bill Maher, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel