Bill Maher Calls Out Campus Protesters for Ignoring the Oppression of Women in Muslim Countries
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Bill Maher Calls Out Campus Protesters for Ignoring the Oppression of Women in Muslim Countries

Bill Maher Calls Out Campus Protesters for Ignoring the Oppression of Women in Muslim Countries

“Bill notes how Iran and other countries subject women to beatings, sexual violence and detention”

This is a pretty good monologue. Strong language warning, naturally.

TMZ reported:

Bill Maher did a pivot Friday night … actually complimenting the pro-Hamas college protesters for believing in something that was bigger than themselves … but then he lowered the boom, saying they missed the cause they should be embracing by a f***ing mile!

The ‘Real Time’ host made his pitch to the youngins … the biggest social justice cause in decades has been apartheid. Nelson Mandela is a beacon of light for equality and dignity.

And that brings Bill to students supporting Hamas … which denigrates women in ways much worse than second-class citizens. Bill ticks off a laundry list of indignities, starting with the mandatory hijab, which is prevalent in dozens of countries … where women can’t see, hear or speak out in the open air. It suppresses women from humanity … and makes their souls shrivel.

But that’s just for starters … Bill notes how Iran and other countries subject women to beatings, sexual violence and detention, adding “what Diddy calls a hotel stay.”

There are 15 countries in the Middle East that require women to obey their husbands. They can’t leave the house without permission. BTW, that does not include Israel. 20 countries have “marrying your rapist” laws.


Featured image via YouTube.


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It’s not obviously oppression given the culture that it’s in, so it’s a misguided criticism. More has to be taken into account.

Maher going after Trump Derangement would be news.

    schmuul in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 5:03 pm

    Misguided criticism? Seriously? It’s very fair criticism and he’s under selling how horrible it its for women in many middle eastern countries. You are basically considered a child at best and only partly human at worst.

      rhhardin in reply to schmuul. | June 2, 2024 at 5:19 pm

      Would you say children are oppressed? It’s not really covered by normal childhood things as part of the word. That’s Western culture. The word doesn’t slip into Muslim culture without some change that has to be taken into account, unless you just enjoy producing outrage in yourself.

      Do Muslim women get some benefit from the practice that you’re not seeing? In their minds.

        puhiawa in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 5:25 pm

        Sure. Except in a few countries (Iran, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, etc.) they are uneducated, sexually mutilated, brainwashed robots. And the brainwashing extends well into even those countries. Many suffer blood lust and countenance torture the rape of other women.

          rhhardin in reply to puhiawa. | June 2, 2024 at 5:36 pm

          Western values applied to 7th century culture. Maher himself has railed against that practice in the form of moral discoveries of today applied to practices of yesterday.

          Incidentally Coleridge used “moral discoveries” as mockery of modern morality calling itself morality, morality being eternal.

          Dimsdale in reply to puhiawa. | June 3, 2024 at 7:04 pm

          “…uneducated, sexually mutilated, brainwashed robots.”

          Are we talking about the “gender affirmation” insanity?

        Ironclaw in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 5:37 pm

        If you think that being beaten, raped, mutilated and essentially made a slave is some kind of benefit.

          rhhardin in reply to Ironclaw. | June 2, 2024 at 5:58 pm

          FGM is done to women by women. I’d infer it has some cultural value in that culture.

          Being a slave might in Western culture just be being a traditional housewife. It’s certainly been portrayed that way. Look at the controversy what’s his name sports guy made with a speech about it just the other day.

          That’s an interaction of words with culture.

          Morning Sunshine in reply to Ironclaw. | June 2, 2024 at 8:00 pm

          Stockholm syndrome?

        schmuul in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 6:00 pm

        Yes children are treated very poorly there as well. Especially little girls. I don’t excuse disgusting behavior because of cultural differences. And yes I do expect Muslim societies to grow up and stop treating anyone who is different as subhuman. There are universal human rights, and if you disagree with me than fine. Be another Muslim apologist, who looks down on them and thinks they are not capable of any better.

    gonzotx in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 5:36 pm

    Your insane, it’s literally the worst of slavery, it’s so barbaric there really are no words
    It’s not a “culture”, there’s nothing of “culture” to it
    It’s the most of evil, little girls sexually abused by evil pigs, beaten, murdered, like cattle

      rhhardin in reply to gonzotx. | June 2, 2024 at 6:04 pm

      You might be surprised to learn, in fact will be surprised to learn, that child sexual abuse didn’t exist as a public problem before the 1970s. It was a private vice, like drunk driving was before the mid 50s and reader’s digest got on the case.

      (Favorite comment in the 50s: A lot of the mothers against drunk driving wouldn’t be mothers if it weren’t for the drunks)

      source Ian Hacking “The Making and Molding of Child Abuse” Critical Inquiry U Chicago 1991

      I’d be grateful for a complete copy online link, seems to have disappeared.

        schmuul in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 7:31 pm

        Sexual abuse has always been a “public problem”; it just wasn’t talked about in the same fashion it is today, meaning discussed more openly. Lack of discussion or recognition of a topic doesn’t mean it’s not a public problem and only a “private” manner. Sexual abuse thrives in environments of secrecy and isolation and that is why it needs to be talked about. Books have been written about childhood sexual abuse going back well before the 1970’s. Sigmund Freud wrote about in the 1890’s and Anna Freud in the 1940’s. Lolita was written in the 1950’s for goodness sake. And the main character, the abuser, is certainly not portrayed as a hero, nor is the mother who enables the abuse. In 1953, the famous Kinsey study of sexual behavior discussed the high rates of sexual abuse in young girls and did not state that it was just a “private” manner that didn’t amount to anything. Laws against sexual abuse of children did not become federal until the 1970’s but individual states had their own laws before that. Making something a law and stating it is a public problem are two separate things. Public problems cause very real consequences for all of society, not just the victims, in terms of cost for medical and mental health treatment alone. Obesity for example is a public problem but there are no laws against it, nor should there be, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t impact public health and is only a private matter.

          rhhardin in reply to schmuul. | June 3, 2024 at 5:22 am

          Sociologist Joseph (“Contested Meanings”) traces a political power move
          1. “Discover” a new “public problem.”
          2. Take ownership of it.

          It’s been repeated for drunk driving, dangerous dogs, child sexual abuse in my experience (things not on anybody’s radar to daily news material). Recently it’s been repeated for every identity group one by one, with sometimes tenuous success.

          schmuul in reply to schmuul. | June 3, 2024 at 8:24 am

          If you don’t think child sexual abuse is a problem, and it was just discovered and invented in the 1970’s then I don’t know what to tell you? Enjoy being an ostrich I guess.

          rhhardin in reply to schmuul. | June 3, 2024 at 8:37 am

          Do you remember all those stories “well when I was a kid everybody roamed all over miles away and only came home a dinner time” ? That’s what it was like with child sexual abuse not on the radar.

          Similarly stray dogs were all over and played with those kids. Only “problem dogs” got dog-catchered. Nice ones often got adopted.

          On drunk driving, drunks overwhelmingly made it home safely and it was no thing.

          rhhardin in reply to schmuul. | June 3, 2024 at 8:39 am

          Child abuse (non sexual) was discovered in the 60s, as a syndrome turning up in emergency rooms.

          See the Ian Hacking paper for this history, unfortunately I can find only the first page now. I can verify his dates though, having grown up through the period at both ends.

          henrybowman in reply to schmuul. | June 3, 2024 at 3:33 pm

          Geez, I can swear I remember Dickens writing about child abuse.

        Dolce Far Niente in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 8:46 pm

        You will probably be astonished to learn that the Temperance Movement of the 19th and early 20th century, much more comprehensive than MADD, took society to task for the evils done under the influence alcohol, including the cruel treatment of horses and abuse of women and girls by drunken sots.

        So your argument that this was a later phenomena is uniformed at best.

        rebelgirl in reply to rhhardin. | June 3, 2024 at 10:51 am

        A public problem? That’s what you call child abuse? It’s always been a problem, a sin, a moral abruption or even a private ‘problem’…but it has never been acceptable even if a culture deems it so.

    david7134 in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 5:52 pm

    We don’t care for the KKK. But Islam is much worse. So why do we tolerate them. There religious goal is our destruction.

    gonzotx in reply to rhhardin. | June 2, 2024 at 9:26 pm

    I have come to understand you are indeed retarded. .

    BobM in reply to rhhardin. | June 3, 2024 at 8:29 am


    You’ve just recreated the main defense for Southern slavery being moral.
    But You be You, dude.

      CommoChief in reply to BobM. | June 3, 2024 at 2:00 pm

      Not for nothing but slavery wasn’t limited to the ‘South’. See Delaware. Also of note is the shipping and financing of the centers to purchase enslaved Africans and bring them to the US was largely in Ships from Northern ports financed by Northern $. Doesn’t mean the Southern slave States were any less guilty but that guilt is definitely shared by Northern States several of which were also Slave States even during the Civil War era.

Maher is a MAJOR TDS and on most matters he’s left of left

    JR in reply to gonzotx. | June 2, 2024 at 7:33 pm

    Good for Maher, I can’t read minds, just like nobody else in the world can read minds, but I think Maher is going to vote for Trump in the privacy of the voting booth, but he can never admit this to his audience.

      Evil Otto in reply to JR. | June 3, 2024 at 6:11 am

      “I can’t read minds… now let me make an assumption based on reading Maher’s mind.”

It is a very good video and
He does reach millions

I’ve been saying this for YEARS and like Maher, I don’t care what people call me. I have a daughter and
Granddaughters and I will fight for them

The blind eye of so called Western women to the plight of 650,000 Muslim female slaves says it all

Bill Maher’s recent monologues have been sprinkled with topics that form the common ground among the broad spectrum of Americans. I wonder why?

It’s not that they’re so stupid they can’t see it, nor is it that they willfully refuse to believe. The left seems to think that the whole thing with supporting terrorists is somehow advantageous to them. How? I don’t know because there’s nothing to be gained. The “palestineans” can’t do anything here for them and we know damn well that it’s not some humanitarian instinct in those rabid animals.

destroycommunism | June 2, 2024 at 5:41 pm

the left in america responded:

    destroycommunism in reply to destroycommunism. | June 2, 2024 at 5:42 pm


    the abuse is being forced to have s ex with males,,,,no female REALLY wants that

    and noooo children

    women dont want that

    THATTT is real abuse

destroycommunism | June 2, 2024 at 5:45 pm

white women in america

any who vote for socialism insure that women will actually be denigrated

the exact opposite of what lefty teaches in the msm and the schools

Why the deafening silence from so called “feminists” on the left??

No white males to blame so it doesn’t fit the narrative??

    CommoChief in reply to smooth. | June 2, 2024 at 7:43 pm

    They would rather screech about a nonexistent oppression of women by the patriarchy in the USA. They don’t derive any personal or group/tribal benefit from opposing or even pointing to actual systemic oppression of women by a true patriarchy overseas. It would actually undermine their agenda in the USA. These are the same women who would choose the bear v man in the woods and who still crave female privilege under chivalry but also denigrate men who hold open a door for them. Today’s feminists are grifters seeking to retain their privileges and protected class status they ain’t interested in equality or equal treatment.

I understand the folks who have an axe to grind with Bill Maher. I too disagree with him on a lot of things. But give the guy some credit for giving these contentious issues a bit of genuine thought and achieving a glimmer of intellectual honesty. Perhaps we can at least meet him half-way. Just compare this newly emerging Maher to those execrable left-wing tools Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert for example. Maybe all is not lost.

drsamherman | June 2, 2024 at 9:34 pm

Okay, the sky can turn plaid now—I actually agree with Bill Maher. Typing those words just caused me sharp pains in my fingertips!

He makes a great point about the hypocrisy of feminists—for all of their blather, they are supporting a form of apartheid which is incongruous with the values they, themselves, avow. Just like they did with Bill Clinton, they remain silent on the issue of how Muslims treat women because it doesn’t fit their political views. Just like the LGBT(XYZ) community does. No rationale, just that they have to oppose conservatives on reflex-arc. They’re worse than AI—they’re No-I.

IKR? These clowns love to wave Handmaids Tale about as if it was a warning and shout down christians. Failing to realize that it’s more of a crypto-documentary of true Muslim culture.