Biden’s Gaza Pier, and U.S. Military Personnel, Under Constant Attack
“Would you pay $20,730 for a pound of chicken? That’s the cost of food sent to Gaza under Biden’s pier pet project.”

We have been reporting on Joe Biden’s harebrained Gaza Pier from the jump, detailing for you the ridiculous waste of your money spent by this administration, which is now approaching half a billion, with a B, dollars:
Of course, Professor Jacobson, as did others, had Biden’s number:
Absolutely, Israel doesn't want or need this. Biden refuses to let Israel win. American troops are being inserted into the conflict so Biden can win the Michigan pro-Hamas vote.
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) March 7, 2024
Well look here. US forces will be exposed to attacks from Hamas—unless of course Team Biden produces the bounty of fuel, food and materiel that they expect. As Obama once said of Biden, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."
— Gary Weiss (@gary_weiss) March 7, 2024
So the U.S. military is literally building infrastructure for Hamas—which is formally designated a terrorist group by that very same U.S. military/State Dept.
— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) March 7, 2024
Even serious military professionals had their doubts, starting with our favorite Navy blogger, Commander Salamander:
This will take about 1,000 personnel to accomplish. I don’t know a single maritime professional who thinks this is a good idea given the location and conditions ashore, but orders are orders. Make the best attempt you can.
And in late May, we reported on the Gaza Pier having to be taken apart and removed to a safe harbor in Israel because of only slightly worse than benign weather, and part of it broke up and ended up on the beach in Gaza:
For me, the most disturbing part of the whole affair is how benign the weather was that caused this debacle….
This has to be a joke. Wind that “gusts” to 20 mph or so, meaning that the sustained winds were probably 10-15 mph, was so “severe” that parts of the pier had to be moved to Israel and four Army boats ran aground????
I know I was/am a submarine guy, but we routinely, while on deployment in the North Atlantic, and other places ;), prayed for weather this benign anytime we were near the surface. This is basically like weather slightly worse than what you find at the beach. And if Biden’s $300+ million Gaza pier and supporting vessels can’t take swells 4.5 feet, i.e. up to your chest, high, pardon my French, but who designed and is running this piece of crap???
And of course this was after the Gaza Pier had been attacked by forces in Gaza, three U.S. servicemen had been injured, one of them severely, and you, the taxpayer, had spent over $320 million of your hard-earned cash on this.
Now we find out that the Gaza Pier is under constant attack, U.S. troops are at risk daily, and the Gaza Pier is being used primarily, not to deliver food to Palestinians, but for a Biden Administration “photo-op.”
From Breitbart News: Exclusive — Sources Say Joe Biden’s Gaza Pier Is Endangering Troops’ Lives for a ‘Photo-Op’
The Biden administration has publicly praised American troops who are part of the risky mission to deliver aid to Gaza via a temporary pier, but behind the scenes, sources tell Breitbart News that the troops’ safety is being endangered for a “photo-op.”
There are approximately 1,000 troops who are part of the novel operation to attach a floating pier to the coast of Gaza. The pier went operational on May 17, but eight days later on May 25, it broke apart due to heavy seas and had to be dismantled from the coast and repaired. It was reattached just last week….
[S]ources say behind the scenes, troops’ lives are being put at risk, sometimes for literal photo-ops.
One U.S. source involved in the mission said the pier has been targeted daily. “[There] absolutely has been gunfire and mortars. It’s all day and night nonstop,” the source said.
Indeed, due to the risk of sniper-fire, troops are ordered to wear tactical vests as far as five nautical miles out from the coast, and aid has to be rushed off the boats onto the temporary pier due to the “constant” attempts to attack the pier, according to the source.
Yet, minutes before the first boat filled with aid hit the pier, troops were ordered to roll up plastic covers on the trucks so that the aid could be photographed, the source said.
Troops were also ordered to wash the aid trucks and sweep flour off of them so that they look good in photos. The source said this happened twice — once for the first delivery of the operation, and again recently after the pier was reattached.
The Biden administration has also boasted about the amount of aid moved over the pier — a little more than 2,000 metric tons to date, or approximately 4.6 million pounds. But sources say moving that amount of aid has taken a toll on troops.
Two U.S. sources said commanders are ordering troops to work 12 to 48-hour shifts with very little sleep so that they can move more pallets, which has led to “many accidents,” including one service member being “crushed” by a forklift.
The first U.S. source said it was lack of sleep that led to the service member being run and crushed over by an unlicensed forklift driver during night operations.
Biden administration officials have revealed little about that injury, with Singh only saying that it was a “noncombat injury that happened on a ship that was away from the pier.” They recently acknowledged that the service member is in critical condition, and was recently moved along with his family from a hospital in Israel to the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas.
According to the U.S. source, the service member is “currently brain dead in a coma.” Breitbart News reached out to the 7th Transportation Brigade — Expeditionary to confirm the service member’s injuries and status, but did not receive a response.
The Pentagon has acknowledged two other service members being injured, calling them “minor” injuries.
However, the second U.S. source said troops are “being injured daily and not being taken off the mission.”
“Someone dislocated their shoulder [and is] still being forced to work,” the source said. “Others are getting injuries [and are] still just being ignored because they just want this mission to show as a ‘success.’ It’s a disaster.” [emphasis mine]
And now, the Gaza Pier is being dismantled AGAIN due to marginal weather. It’s almost comical at this point:
U.S. Central Command moves pier ahead of high seas
Today, due to expected high seas, the temporary pier will be removed from its anchored position in Gaza and towed back to Ashdod, Israel. The safety of our service members is a top priority and temporarily relocating the pier…
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) June 14, 2024
So how high were those “high sea”??? Take a look:
I give the Gaza pier one more month before we can officially call it a 300 million dollar failure. And are those porta potties? I bet they are spotless.
— Eric CIAramella’s Dirty Whistle (@TheAndersPaul) June 14, 2024
I mentioned it in a previous post, but this weather is essentially what you see at the beach. These are NOT HIGH SEAS. I’ve been in high seas, like 50-70 foot high seas, and this ain’t that.
Others have noticed:
The aid for terrorists pier clown show continues
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) June 14, 2024
Biden spent $320M of our tax dollars on this floating Gaza pier which lasted 12 days.
Biden gave each family in Hawaii $700 after their entire lives, businesses, and homes were burned to a crisp.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 14, 2024
Sources: @JoeBiden Gaza Pier Is Endangering Troops’ Lives for a ‘Photo-Op’
Via @kristina_wong @DeptofDefense source: Gaza floating pier mission has been targeted daily. “[There] absolutely has been gunfire & mortars. It’s all day & night nonstop.”
— NOVA Campaigns (@NoVA_Campaigns) June 12, 2024
Biden's Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier.
It seems the U.S. has an unlimited supply of money. How about repairing the failing bridges right here in our own country?– @WestJournalism
(@Logician540) June 14, 2024
Fortunately, some our members of Congress have taken notice:
I am going to force a vote under the War Powers Act to terminate the Gaza pier.
Under Senate rules, Schumer cannot stop this vote.
The American people will see where each senator stands on sending resources to Hamas while Hamas has American hostages.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 10, 2024
Would you pay $20,730 for a pound of chicken? That's the cost of food sent to Gaza under Biden's pier pet project.
Our amendment for the FY25 #NDAA passed, and stops our tax dollars from bankrolling this disaster, prioritizing Americans.
— Rep. Nancy Mace (@RepNancyMace) June 14, 2024
Let’s hope somehow Congress can put an end to this ridiculous waste of money that is endangering our hard-working troops.

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Of course its a complete disaster.
This is what happens when your ‘goal’ is to have a stupid photo op instead of an actual end goal.
‘Building a pier’ is not a GOAL. It’s an INCREMENTAL STEP to another actual goal. If your actual goal was delivering aid, then sending a crappy pier that they knew couldn’t stand up to even slightly rough seas would never have been chosen.
But no, these clowns only ever cared about something to wave around to their base about LOOK GUYS WE BUILT A PIER!!! WE’RE COMMITTED TO DELIVERING AID.
Now, exactly as predicted, the piece of crap has been damaged beyond salvaging because it was never designed to withstand rough seas, and has to be removed.
Somebody got paid for that pier.
The pier is widely regarded by Gazans as evidence of US support for Israel (somehow). It’s a conspiracy theory.
For some reason Democrats can’t figure out that the “Palestinians” hate them. Stupidity by itself cannot explain the ignorance.
Virtue signaling has its costs.
There should not be any aid to pales until they roll over exposing their belly like whopped animals do, while profusely begging forgiveness and and offering unconditional surrender.
I have to admit that I’m not really familiar with the area… but is the weather in Ashdod, Israel THAT much more calm than it is in Gaza? Or does Ashdod have a breakwater that we didn’t install in Gaza?
The weather is about the same. But the pier is not under hostile fire in Ashdod and presumably the pier can be stabilized or brought into some type of dry dock, or maybe tucked behind a breakwater in Ashdod without being attacked.
It’s not weather, its sea swell. These trash temporary piers sit on top of the water, when waves roll in, it leaves gaps between waves and the weight of the pier wears on itself, with high enough waves and enough of the pier it out of the water its own weight breaks it.
A real, permanent pier is set up with supports to take the weight of each part so that its weight doesn’t crush itself.
That’s why they are TEMPORARY piers. They’re not designed to be there for any prolonged period of time, they’re supposed to be set up for a short time, used, and then dismantled. They were never designed to sit there for m0nths on end.
Biden’s handlers shooting the bull in the situation room:
We’ve done a lot of stupid sh!t.
Yeah, we closed the Keystone pipeline.
Ha, ha. That was pretty funny!
And opened the borders to billions of illegals.
Right, and poured money down the drain in Ukraine
I know, then we gave 16 billions to Iran
What other stupid stuff can we do?
Build a pier in Gaza?
They couldn’t do the last one.
Millions of illegals are bad enough.
Today, there are reports that they are going to dismantle the pier.
A crap show from start to finish and they will declare it a success one way or another.
Joe Biden is doing the best he can to make sure that he holds the distinction of being this century’s Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter has been in hospice since February 2023, but he refuses to die. He has gone down hill physically, but mentally he is sharper than Joe Biden. If you were to take Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden and have them switch places the only difference would be the White House would smell better and the hospice would stink.
Sorry but I have to disagree with you.
Carter was simply a product of his time. If Carter had the current crop of useful idiots on his side, he would drop the aw shucks act. Even Obama was milder than crazy old Joe and why (they have the same handlers)? Because the country has been torn further apart by hate-mongering and people at each other’s throats. These suits in front of a podium are just products of their time.
Carter was an ineffectual President without a doubt but there is one big difference. Carter seemed to want the best for America but didn’t really know how to go about it, Biden want’s the best for his family and America be damned. I remember Carter, the gas lines, interest rates, 1980 Olympic fiasco etc.
Carter was not anywhere near as bad as Biden. He was ineffective, but how much of his problem was the swamp that we were more or less unaware of?
DC is a snake pit, I don’t think Carter was. He most certainly was not a crook like what most Dems are today.
Besides, I loved the free peanuts they had in his office.
No one could have predicted this.
Besides, our intentions were good.
It was for the chilllldren.
You granny-killer. You hater.
Shut up.
If they dismantle it how will Hamas get supplies?
“Would you pay $20,730 for a pound of chicken? That’s the cost of food sent to Gaza under Biden’s pier pet project.”
Well, yeah, but what’s the cost per vote he’s buying with this? I do wonder how this one compares to the “loan forgiveness” vote buying. Better? Worse? Redundant?
The Pier(tm) may be ineffective, but it is far from irrelevant.
With the IDF shutting down dozens of “smuggling” tunnels from Egypt into Rafah how will Hamas get their rocket fuel in?
If Biden wanted to get aid into Gaza all he has to do is fly it into Israel and use one of the many ports Israel is using to try and get aid into the place. Aid that is immediately stolen by Hamas and either used by them for their terrorists or sold to the people. That is the problem.
Gee, who could have possibly predicted that?
That failed pier for Hamas is the best metaphor for Biden’s tenure.
This is all nonsense. A member of the Navy, speaking off the record, confirmed that the real purpose of the pier was to get US troops and equipment into Gaza in support of the IDF hostage rescue mission. Mission accomplished, The pier is no longer needed.