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Biden’s Border Executive Order Accomplishes a Bunch of Nothing

Biden’s Border Executive Order Accomplishes a Bunch of Nothing

Boll Melugin: “Also, asylum has already been banned for most migrants who cross illegally since the end of Title 42 last year – and that hasn’t stopped them from coming.”

President Joe Biden issued an executive order to stop illegal aliens who cross the Southern border unlawfully from getting asylum:

President Biden is issuing a presidential proclamation that will temporarily suspend the entry of non-citizens across the southern border once the number of average border encounters exceeds 2,500 a day over seven days, officials said. That will stay in effect until 14 days after there has been a seven-day average of less than 1,500 encounters along the border. Officials said it would make it easier for immigration officers to quickly remove individuals who do not have a legal basis to remain in the U.S.

Overall, the executive order is a load of hot air because of the caveats and the lack of explanation for handling those who do not come from Mexico or the Northern Triangle countries. Fox News’s Bill Melugin writes:

In no way can Biden’s executive order be described as “shutting down” the border.

It bans asylum to some illegal crossers, with some exceptions.

It does *not* stop or slow the up to 1,500 migrants per day released into the U.S. via CBP One app at ports of entry, and does not stop or slow the up to 30,000 migrants per month flying directly into the U.S. and being released into the country via Biden’s controversial mass parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans.

Unaccompanied children/minors are exempt from the order – which will lead to concerns about child trafficking, and migrants can still claim fear in an attempt to avoid deportation.

Also, asylum has already been banned for most migrants who cross illegally since the end of Title 42 last year – and that hasn’t stopped them from coming. Highest numbers in recorded history end of 2023.

The order may speed up removals to countries we can deport easily to, (Mexico, northern triangle countries, etc), but there has been no explanation as to how the administration will be able to begin mass removals of migrants coming from another hemisphere with governments that don’t cooperate with the U.S.

The exceptions:

  • (i) any noncitizen national of the United States;
  • (ii) any lawful permanent resident of the United States;
  • (iii) any unaccompanied child as defined in section 279(g)(2) of title 6, United States Code;
  • (iv) any noncitizen who is determined to be a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons, as defined in section 7102(16) of title 22, United States Code;
  • (v) any noncitizen who has a valid visa or other lawful permission to seek entry or admission into the United States, or presents at a port of entry pursuant to a pre-scheduled time and place,

Pay attention to the third bullet point (emphasis mine):

  • President Biden issued a proclamation under Immigration and Nationality Act sections 212(f) and 215(a) suspending entry of noncitizens who cross the Southern border into the United States unlawfully. This proclamation is accompanied by an interim final rule from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security that restricts asylum for those noncitizens.
  • These actions will be in effect when the Southern border is overwhelmed, and they will make it easier for immigration officers to quickly remove individuals who do not have a legal basis to remain in the United States.
  • These actions are not permanent. They will be discontinued when the number of migrants who cross the border between ports of entry is low enough for America’s system to safely and effectively manage border operations. These actions also include similar humanitarian exceptions to those included in the bipartisan border agreement announced in the Senate, including those for unaccompanied children and victims of trafficking.

In other words, whatever the executive order does, it disappears after Biden “wins” in November.


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Fat_Freddys_Cat | June 4, 2024 at 3:10 pm

That’s not surprising. If the executive order actually accomplished something Biden wouldn’t issue it; it would piss off voters he could ill afford to lose.

This is all so much smoke and mirrors, window dressing, lipstick on a pig — intended to convince gullible voters that crime boss, Biden, and, the Dhimmi-crats, actually give a damn about stopping the invasion of this country by millions of illegal aliens at our southern border.

The vile, lawless, callous and destructive Dhimmi-crats have proven over decades that every single action and policy that they take with regard to illegal immigration and border security — whether overt, or, clandestine — is grounded solely in their political self-interest, and, is guaranteed to facilitate the entry of aliens, cement/legitimize their presence in the U.S. interior, and hinder their deportation.

Citizen and law enforcement safety, community safety, adherence to the rule of law, etc. — those aren’t merely secondary considerations, they’re non-considerations.

Read Monica Showalter’s essay at American Thinker, describing how dotard, Biden, is removing over 350,000 asylum cases from court review — ostensibly to clear their massive case backlog — thus granting a de facto amnesty to these aliens. Nothing that the Dhimmi-crat snakes do is ever in service of the interests of the U.S. and its citizens.

    MattMusson in reply to guyjones. | June 4, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    All they have to do is lie about the numbers. Easy enough to do. Just look and the fantasies the BLS puts out.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 4, 2024 at 3:18 pm

Biden’s Border Executive Order Accomplishes a Bunch of Nothing

That could not be further from the truth. His executive order explicitly details that Traitor Joe thinks that he is allowed to unilaterally decide how many illegals to allow into America (and to then run sham “asylum proceedings” and let them all free). This is an Act of War against America … no different than Traitor Joe has been doing with his orchestration of this illegal invasion, but the treasonous sh*t weasel has now put his declaration of war against America on paper.

This illegal, treasonous order does not “do nothing”; it is a written declaration of war against our nation-state, to go along with the de facto war Traitor Joe and his treasonous junta have been waging against us since they cheated like crazy and slimed into office.

This EO is nothing more than election Eve attempt by the Biden WH to hand his campaign surrogates and the lapdog legacy media (but I repeat myself) a fig leaf talking point about Biden ‘securing’ the border. The even more contemptuous and/or cynical part is that when we point out the obvious problems and limitations they will then say ‘that’s b/c the Congress (GoP majority) wouldn’t cooperate for a ‘comprehensive immigration/border security solution’. They will studiously ignore the very clear legislation passed by the GoP majority in the HoR, just as they all have since its passage.

Pudding Cup’s knuckleheaded EO is a feeble attempt to close the barn door…three years after the horses escaped and after the barn itself has burned to the ground.

Sweet Jesus, I can’t wait to vote for Trump in November.

destroycommunism | June 4, 2024 at 4:23 pm

same play Ovomit did and the msm “gushed” on the “fact” that O *actually* exported more illegals than imported


JohnSmith100 | June 4, 2024 at 4:52 pm

“but there has been no explanation as to how the administration will be able to begin mass removals of migrants coming from another hemisphere with governments that don’t cooperate with the U.S.”

Any country with ocean frontage should receive their citizens via air drop just outside their territorial waters. Those illegals which cannot receive their wayward citizens that way should have them dropped just outside South Africa’s waters.

Nobody’s above the law, except for the first 2500 law breaking illegal aliens that come across the border every day…

In a just world, the number of non-citizen border crossings would be ZERO.

henrybowman | June 4, 2024 at 8:05 pm

I was a captive audience to local network TV today (waiting for a tire change). I was not even watching, but my attention was galvanized by hearing a bunch of vile lies. I saw my first Biden campaign ad. I have never seen a more condensed compilation of vituperation and meretriciousness since… well, since his Red Speech.

My greatest concern is how many TVidiots are believing any of it.

Senator Kennedy (LA) was on FOX a little while ago. He said this does nothing, for two reasons. There are no limitations on the number allowed through regular ports of entry. A provision 3b says that the Secretary of Homeland Security can ignore everything else if he chooses.

joie lied again. Color me shocked.

Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said in 2019 that under the Obama administration, 1,000 apprehensions was a crisis. What makes 2500 a day NOT a crisis??

Joe did this. He opened up the border on his first day, and the invasion that followed is all his.

Trump will deport them. They all need to go home.. No more hotel rooms, free food, debit cards, free healthcare, free education, ect. Time to get our country back, and restore law and order.

I remember back in the early 80s how appalled we all were when coming through Chicago on a return flight from Europe to discover that the passport control desks were completely empty and open, allowing us – and everybody – to just walk on through.

I also remember two months ago on a return flight from Europe through Minneapolis how we spent over two hours in line at passport control, trying to reenter the country of our birth.

Yet these illegals just walk right through. This is called “Immigration Reform”.

    destroycommunism in reply to ss396. | June 5, 2024 at 1:31 pm


    b/c the goal /agenda of the socialist >>communist

    is harass the good into submission and the mental warfare game is as important as the street battles they engage

    its a no win for a civilized society and we are finding that out..little by little when dealing with the government ( as you just did) or in bigger ways by going into these “encampment cities” which are the actual desired outcomes of the leftists

    housing just an excuse to control the good people (and their money) via that mental game of slowwww torture as our common sense implodes with what they are not only doing

    but how they are getting away with it…again!

Wife just flew cross country with stops at DFW, Reagan National in DC, and Westchester County NY (HPN). At both DFW and HPN, they didn’t enter the terminal via a regular ramp from the airplane, but they had go on the tarmac.

As if something is being hidden inside the terminal, the migrants get to stay there, so we paying American passengers have to step around them and give them our building.

Smells like a military operation. Even if nobody’s going to physically attack us, the whole logistics violates our rights and is being done without disclosure.