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Biden Signs Another Useless Border Executive Order as Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape of NYC Teen Girl

Biden Signs Another Useless Border Executive Order as Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape of NYC Teen Girl

Maryland’s Democrat governor recently demanded an end to Biden’s open borders policy.

Just a reminder, labeling something a “FACT SHEET” does not make it a fact sheet.

Three things about the border crisis today.

  • 1. President Joe Biden issued an executive order to protect citizens’ illegal alien spouses and children.
  • 2. Authorities arrest illegal alien wanted for the rape of a 13-year-old girl in NYC. He should have been removed TWO YEARS AGO.
  • 3. The Democrat Maryland governor wants the border closed.

Ready? Let’s do this.

Biden’s Executive Order Instructions Already Exist

Biden’s team knows he’s in trouble regarding the border. They cannot blame Republicans. We can always blame Congress because it has not done anything to reform immigration for decades, but still, he cannot pin it all on the Republicans.

Biden issued the “Keeping American Families Together” plan, which is “parole in place.”

In a vague “FACT SHEET,” DHS wrote:

To address this challenge, DHS will establish a new process to consider, on a case-by-case basis, requests for certain noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens who have lived in the United States for 10 years or more; do not pose a threat to public safety or national security; are otherwise eligible to apply for adjustment of status; and merit a favorable exercise of discretion. If eligible, these noncitizens will be able to apply for lawful permanent residence without having to leave the United States. DHS estimates that approximately 500,000 noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens could be eligible to access this process; on average, these noncitizens have resided in the United States for 23 years. Approximately 50,000 children of these spouses also will be eligible for this process. Noncitizens who pose a threat to national security or public safety will not be eligible for this process, as aligned with our immigration enforcement priorities. If a noncitizen poses a threat to national security or public safety, DHS will detain, remove, or refer them to other federal agencies for further vetting, investigation, or prosecution as appropriate.

Case-by-case is great, but what criteria will the person have to meet?

Except, “Parole in Place” already exists. It’s been used since 2007!

Accused Ecuadorian Illegal Alien Should Have Left Two Years Ago

Authorities arrested Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, 25, an Ecuadorian illegal alien, in connection with the rape of a 13-year-old girl in Queens.

It turns out that an immigration judge ordered the country to remove Inga-Landi from the country on February 2, 2022.

Inga-Landi came to America in 2021 with his son. Border patrol processed and released them to a local nonprofit with a Notice to Appear document:

He and his son, whose age was not immediately known, were released to a local nonprofit organization with a document providing a future court date known as a Notice to Appear document.

The family was deemed “inadmissible” by border agents because they lacked proper documentation to be in the US, but were released with the notice to appear in immigration court for “humanitarian” reasons.

Most migrants who cross the border illegally are deemed inadmissible, but are still released, sources said.

“People are getting released with NTAs because Border Patrol cannot hold detainees longer than 72 hours,” a source explained.

Last week, a man identified as Inga-Landi confronted the girl and a 13-year-old boy with a machete in Queens, forcing them to a secluded part of Kissena Park. He tied them up and molested the girl.

Democrat Maryland Governor Wants to End Open Borders

Democrat Maryland Gov. Wes Moore wants President Joe Biden’s administration to close the border after the police caught the illegal alien accused of killing a mother of five last year.

Thank you, Jazz Shaw, for bringing this story to my attention.

Tulsa police arrested Victor Martinez Hernandez, an illegal alien, in connection with the murder assault of Rachel Morin in August 2023.

Hernandez also faces accusations of assaulting a 9-year-old girl and her mother in March.

Hernandez fled El Salvador in March 2023 after authorities issued an arrest warrant for him for the murder of a woman.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler and Moore announced the arrest at a press conference where they both blamed the open border.

Gahler blamed the failed immigration policies. Moore jumped in: “We have an immigration policy that needed to be dealt with and was not. The consequences then fall on us as the leaders of our individualized jurisdictions.”

On Sunday, Moore told Face the Nation we need to stop Biden’s open border policies:

MOORE: “My heart is broken for the Morin family, as is our entire state. She should still be here. And the sheriff is absolutely right. I mean, we have an immigration policy that needed to have been dealt with, and was not. And the consequences then fall on us, as the chief executives of our states. The consequences fall on us as the leaders of our individualized jurisdictions. And — and we know that we have got to fix a broken immigration policy. And we know that we need Congress to act on this. And this is why this was so unbelievably frustrating that, when you have a coalition that is a bipartisan coalition of both Democrats and Republicans that get literally right up to the line to be able to get a deal done, that because you had a — you had President Trump who said this was not advantageous politically, that the deal was killed. There is an unbelievable frustration. And this is what people don’t like about politics. We have got to get this deal done. And we need Congress to act on it.”

Maryland is not technically a sanctuary state, but it has laws protecting illegal aliens. Counties and cities have tougher laws and consider themselves sanctuaries.

However, these policies have eroded in the past year because of other crimes around the state.

In February, Maryland County promised to cooperate more with ICE after its policies led to hundreds of criminals being released on the street.

The county’s sanctuary jurisdictions don’t allow law enforcement to honor ICE’s detainers against illegal aliens in local police custody.

The detainers require the police to notify ICE because the agency believes the people to be deportable. From Fox News:

Despite that claim, ICE says no detainers have been honored in the county in either the last fiscal year or this one. Director [ICE Baltimore Field Office Director Darius] Reeves told Fox News Digital this week that in FY 2023, ICE issued 198 detainers, none of which were honored. So far in FY 2024, the agency has issued 119 detainers and none have been honored by the county.

He said those included illegal immigrants with convictions for assault, robbery, illegal firearm possession, sex abuse of a minor, rape and other sex offenses. He also said there was at least one MS-13 gang member among those whom ICE had requested, but they had been rebuffed by the county.

In the state of Maryland as a whole, the agency arrested 152 sex offenders in FY23. He said the counties that do not honor detainers – which he said includes Montgomery County – account for 46% of at-large sex offender arrests.

ICE requested the county’s officials to hold Nilson Granados-Trejo twice last year.

The county released him twice. Now, he faces murder charges in connection with the death of a 2-year-old boy.

Will Moore tell state legislation to pass strict immigration laws? Will he force the state to cooperate fully with ICE?

We need to reform our immigration policy. It’s needed attention for a looooooong time.

Until then, states should cooperate with ICE and get these people off the street.


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destroycommunism | June 18, 2024 at 5:05 pm

one of the “best” is the “law” that states

if an illegal is involved as a witness etc they must be allowed to stay in the country

so of course alll sorts of false crimes or false witnessing are now the rage

Biden’s crime against humanity continues unabated. Death and destruction on all sides of the border. Anti-human.

gonzotx | June 18, 2024 at 5:43 pm

This executive BS

Before Obama I didn’t know it existed

Definitely have to do something about that

One would think biden would try to shut down the border prior to the election, you know , fake people out….

Must be reassuring to know the fix is in

Ironclaw | June 18, 2024 at 5:53 pm

Brandon the pedophiles probably just mad he didn’t get to help with the young girl

gibbie | June 18, 2024 at 5:57 pm

“And this is why this was so unbelievably frustrating that, when you have a coalition that is a bipartisan coalition of both Democrats and Republicans that get literally right up to the line to be able to get a deal done, that because you had a — you had President Trump who said this was not advantageous politically, that the deal was killed.”

This sounds like a lie.

E Howard Hunt | June 18, 2024 at 6:44 pm

He honestly thought she was 14.

ChrisPeters | June 18, 2024 at 6:55 pm

The illegals should be treated as the invaders they are and repelled at the border. No admission, no discussion, no asylum, no kidding.

If necessary, deadly force should be used.

CommoChief | June 18, 2024 at 7:38 pm

Amazing how the open border d/prog frame the ‘deal’ which was negotiated without HoR GoP Leaders as some sort of panacea that the mean old GoP welched on. Especially considering HR2 which very clearly lays out the border security priorities passed by the GoP Majority in the HoR has been sitting there.

When the legacy media cater to their own open border policy preferences instead of honest reporting it makes it tough to get the truth out. Unfortunately that truth is being reported by local media around the Nation in crime reports and stories of overflowing shelters, occupied airports, overrun public spaces and busted budgets devoting resources to illegal aliens in those communities. The only upside is more and more folks are paying attention b/c the problems are now in their backyard not just border communities which they would easily ignore as ‘out of sight, out of mind’.

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