Biden Freeze Videos: Democrats Fear the Public Will Believe Their Own Eyes, Not Media Lies

I’m so old I remember when the NY Times wrote on June 14, 2020, how Trump’s cautious walk down a ramp and supposed problem drinking from a water glass was major evidence of health issues.

It was a full-on feeding frenzy including video analysis and the science of wet ramps, and forensic dissection of Trump’s explanations. WaPo:

Elements of Trump’s explanation strained credulity. Trump’s claim that the ramp had been “very slippery” was inconsistent with the weather, which on Saturday in West Point, N.Y., was sunny and clear-skied. The grass plain on which the commencement took place was dry.In addition, Trump wrote that he “ran down” the final stretch of the ramp. Video footage of the episode shows the president picking up his pace slightly for the final two steps, but that would hardly be considered a run or a jog by any standard definition.

Which makes it very interesting that the same cast of characters are doing everything in their power to blunt and suppress videos of Joe Biden exhibiting difficulties in cognition. We are now several days into the media attack on videos showing Joe Biden in various forms of freeze, locked gaze, awkward pause, and other behavior that calls into question his fitness to be Commander-in-Chief.

“Deep fake” is the term being thrown around, which means “not fake” just not helpful to Joe Biden.

Contrast how the NY Times today handled Biden 2024 versus Trump 2020:

Almost all the leading mainstream publications are still running stories, like AP (which is widely syndicated), Seeing is believing? Not necessarily when it comes to video clips of Biden and Trump:

President Joe Biden’s simple act of sitting down while commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, gained more attention than the ceremony itself in some circles as social media users shared a shortened version of the clip to falsely claim he was reaching for a nonexistent chair.The clip was the first of at least three out-of-context or trimmed videos shared widely over less than two weeks in June to fuel a narrative that Biden is mentally and physically unfit for office.

The networks are airing Biden campaign complaints:

This is not just about media bias. That’s baked in.

Something more is going on. Democrats and the media are afraid of this issue because it damages Biden. The Times gave away the fear in the article linked above:

But as he struggles with weak job approval nearly four months before Election Day, there are signs that years of damaging clips — however misleading many of them are — pose a real political risk.“This isn’t a new narrative, it builds on an existing one, which tends to be much more effective,” said Claire Wardle, a co-founder of the Information Futures Lab at Brown University.

That’s what’s driving this. Fear. Fear that the public is believing their own eyes, not media lies.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Media Bias