Berkeley Unified School District Task Force Recommends Reparations for Slavery
“They say that if you don’t understand history, then you’re doomed to repeat it”

Is there a single progressive in California who realizes that their state was never a slave state?
The College Fix reports:
Berkeley school district task force recommends slavery reparations
The Berkeley Unified School District’s “Reparations Task Force” earlier this month recommended “both financial and educational reparations” for students who are descendants of slaves.
According to The Daily Californian, the reparations would consist of “harm reports, curricula changes and financial payments,” the latter of which would come from donations, increased taxes, and lawsuits against entities “whose historical actions have decreased funding” for the district.
The harm reports would include the “impacts of segregation, discriminatory policies and legacies of chattel slavery within BUSD.”
A parcel or real estate tax was recommended to help pay the reparations — via a “citizen-led initiative” which would require a simple majority for passage.
The Mercury News reports the task force’s 54-page report had “compiled 15 types of possible reparations and identified 12 possible funding sources.”
The 18-member task force, the catalyst for which was the killing of George Floyd, notes that “chattel slavery […] ingrained race-based inequity in American society[,] pervaded every aspect of daily American life and has persisted ever since the Thirteenth Amendment officially abolished slavery in 1865, including in race-based policies such as school segregation and redlining.”
It lists past examples of reparations, including Germany’s to Holocaust survivors and descendants of its victims, Canada’s to First Nation (Native American) survivors of the residential school system, and the U.S.’s to Japanese-Americans relocated to holding camps during World War II.
Reparations Task Force co-Chair Adena Ishii, whose family was forcibly relocated to one of the WWII camps, said “They say that if you don’t understand history, then you’re doomed to repeat it […] I think the combination of understanding our history and learning from the mistakes of the past and ensuring that we don’t commit the crimes that we have in the past.”

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to the full extent allowed by law.
and so bezerkly then had alll their students have their parents ship $$$$$$$$ directly to those that were enslaved!
wow thats a great end to this story
Indeed. So long as Berkeley, and only Berkeley, provides the “relief” that they support, let ’em have at it.
I just worry that it sets up reparations for other Democrat controlled cities/states and eventually, federal government.
here is the best formula
anyone who was living pre 1890 must pay into the fund
anyone who was living pre 1890 will be allowed to collect
IF BY CHANCE you are collecting any tax money for
that amount in total will then be deducted from your “winnings”
then if you or a family member within the last 30 years has been convicted of any crime you will then forfeit no less that 80% of your winnings
the rest of course is then subject to the usual taxation
Californians of hispanic and asian descent owe “reparations” for what reason?
Court challenge?
How to Set Your Own Home on Fire 101.
Who alive was a slave? Who alive has been convicted of owning slaves? I am not responsible for the crimes of other members of my family.
Obviously, this is just more Leftist/Dem pandering to buy votes.
The Democrats have become experts at using other people’s money to buy votes for themselves.
Some people may not realize that non-Hispanic Whites are down to around one-third of California. Following is data from 2022. Today the percentages for Hispanics and Asians are surely higher and the percentage for non-Hispanic Whites is surely lower.
40% of Californians are Hispanic, 35% are White, 15% are Asian American or Pacific Islander, 5% are Black, 4% are multiracial, and fewer than 1% are Native American or Alaska Natives
If you were ever a slave in the US, you should be compensated.
If you ever owned a slave in the US, you should do the paying.
Nobody else needs to be involved.
And what does the Berkeley Unified School District have to do with any of this?
I assume that those members who voted for this will be paying out of their own pockets. Anything else will be theft!
The Left is always happy to spend someone else’s money.
I apologize. My finger slipped and I gave you a down rating – an accident. Sorry.
Not exactly shocking hot news.
Still more justification for moving out of the People Republic of California!
It’s like ,if this is what they’re spending their time on, heaven knows what else they’re capable of
I once heard of a group of people who murder their female relatives. For one reason or nother. Can you imagine? Maybe it’s prolly just rumor but who’d want to live amongst folks that spend time energy killing sister or daughter
Reparations for slavery? I absolutely support that. Anyone who can present proof that they were, at any point in their life, a slave in any of these United States, should receive reparations. I will be happy to contribute to that myself.
Speaking of demographics, does anybody know where fully half of America’s African-Americans choose to live?
To this day — The South.
Any questions?
Slavery ended over 150 years ago. Emancipated slaves and their descendants had the option to move to The North or to The West or ,with a bit more effort ,to Mexico or to Canada.
They stayed in the South, largely.
Any questions?