Axios: There Are Really Two Bidens, Dontcha Know
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Axios: There Are Really Two Bidens, Dontcha Know

Axios: There Are Really Two Bidens, Dontcha Know

As long as nothing happens outside the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., America is in good hands, Axios assures us

I missed the debate as it happened, but I hopped online after the train wreck dumpster fire and was seeing all these reports of how badly it went for Biden. I was a bit skeptical that Slow Joe’s handlers would let him crash and burn like that, so of course I had to watch it myself. And yes, it really was that bad.

After the shock kind of subsided, I worried about who is actually running the country, do we even know? And what does Biden’s clear unfitness for office mean for our national security?

The massive shock-wave that rocked the Democrats, including their alphabet media arm, was a bit surprising, to be honest. I’m not sure what to make of it because many, particularly in the intel-run media, seemed quite shocked at how cognitively impaired Biden is. Acting? Trying to tear him down so that Kackling Kamala looks better by comparison? Whatever the reason for their (feigned?) shock and horror, it was noteworthy.

Equally noteworthy, it seems to me, is how quickly the wagons are being circled, at Obama’s behest, it seems. His unelected team, after all, is running the WH, and quite possibly the entire federal government.

So now the media arm of the Democrat party is scrambling to undo their initial shocked, appalled, panicked, and frightened response to Biden’s mental vacuity being on full display for the entire world to see.

One of the “explanations” they are test driving is that there are really “two Bidens.” Apparently, being enfeebled and out of it is only one Biden, the Biden we all saw during the debate; the other can stand up without doddering and, the very best part, can read words out loud.

They want to elect the second of the two Bidens apparently, so are leaning hard into this schizo thing.

Axios “reports”:

The past 36 hours showcased two Joe Bidens: the veteran president rallying voters in a swing state, and an 81-year-old man struggling to string thoughts together in a debate.

The public split screen isn’t new to many inside the White House, where top aides have meticulously stage-managed minutiae such as Biden’s sleep schedule, his orthopedic shoes, his walks to Marine One and his climb aboard Air Force One to try to blunt concerns about his age.

Internally, many aides have seen flashes of an absent-minded Biden, but typically brush them off as ordinary brain farts because they usually see him engaged, eight current and former Biden officials told Axios.

. . . . White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told Axios that there “is one Joe Biden, who works his heart out fighting for families like the one he grew up in in Scranton, and who, because of his determination, experience and decency, keeps achieving unprecedented results for them.”

My favorite part is the part where Axios assures us that between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. (that seems generous to me), Biden is somewhat capable. Forget about that 3 a.m. phone call, no one’s home. In fact, no one is home for 18 out of 24 hours a day.

Axios continues:

Biden’s miscues and limitations are more familiar inside the White House.

The time of day is important as to which of the two Bidens will appear.
From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.
Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios.

So the gist of the “two Bidens” defense seems to be that America needs to elect a part-time president who is (supposedly) lucid for only six out of 24 hours a day.

But, hey, good news, “a great team of people” are there to “help govern.”

Yeah, no thank you.

Needless to say, people have thoughts.


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“From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.”

Working swing shift has its upside.

The Strange Case of Dr Joe Jekyll and Mr Hyden Biden

    scooterjay in reply to Paula. | June 29, 2024 at 8:45 pm

    Dr Jill Jekyll

      Paula in reply to scooterjay. | June 29, 2024 at 10:51 pm

      You are quite right. After giving it some thought, that’s who Jill reminds me of as well. On the other hand, Joe reminds me of Norman Bates’ mother and anybody who votes for him is Psycho.

Those of us who have taken care of elderly relatives with Lewy Body Dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are quite familiar with this… in our circle we called it “Sundowner’s Syndrome” or just Sundowner’s for short.

It’s a hell of a defense to say that he’s only like this because he has Dementia, but here we are. SOMETIMES he’s capable of doing the job. With help. During daylight hours. Unless he travels. And stuff.

    Valerie in reply to MrMichael. | June 30, 2024 at 9:24 am

    I have taken care of a mentally-healthy 91-year-old. He will start forgetting things when he is tired. After a rest, he’s fine. He notices when he slows down, he knows when he forgets, and it irritates him. The doctors say it is circulatory, and that he shows no signs of anything but old age.

    Biden’s behavior dramatically different. Biden does not make sense, a lot of the time. His hands freeze. He gets lost. He tries to use the bluster that used to get him by, and it comes out blatantly in broken, stereotyped word sequences interspersed with gibberish.

    Jill et al. knew it. That’s why they kept him in the basement for the 2020 election. The oligarchy knew it, too. That’s why they let Jill, et al. keep him in the basement. They figured they could backfill enough votes in the election to elect a glass of water President, and they did.

henrybowman | June 29, 2024 at 8:14 pm

“Time Zones?” Why, that’s crazy talk!

“Apparently, being enfeebled and out of it is only one Biden, the Biden we all saw during the debate; the other can stand up without doddering and, the very best part, can read words out loud.”

Just what we need — bipolarism being elevated as a new Democrat sacrament, just like gender dysphoria.

They’re trying to say Brandon is a sundowner without saying that he’s a sundowner. Don’t worry. Nothing bad ever happens after sundown anyway.

Even the left must have a hard time convincing themselves that this is a winning argument. But you never know. These are the same people who thought he would do well in a debate … after sundown.

E Howard Hunt | June 29, 2024 at 8:29 pm

A Tale of Two Bidens:

“It is a far, far better poo that I do than I have ever done; it is a far, far better restroom that I go to than I have ever known.”

For the question of “who is running the country” the answer is relatively simple: Unnamed people assume the day to day responsibilities that Biden couldn’t begin to handle.

That also applies to the eight years of barky when Valerie Jarrett had to take care of so much that he couldn’t begin to handle. Consider how thin his resume was and most of that wasn’t factual. He was told to find a job teaching at the University in Chicago but was turned down until money changed hands and his position wasn’t “professor.” it was “lecturer.” None of the actual Professors liked him and he didn’t have the knowledge or expertise to lecture on the subject of “The Constitution” nor was this a full time job. In truth he NEVER had a full-time job before becoming “president.”

Is it any wonder why we’re in so much trouble?

    GWB in reply to Jmaquis. | July 1, 2024 at 2:10 pm

    In truth he NEVER had a full-time job before becoming “president.”
    Well, he was a Senator, briefly. BRIEFLY.

Biden will still carry Ca, NY, and Hawaii.

Chew on that for a minute. That’s how married people are to party over substance.

    henrybowman in reply to Andy. | June 29, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    Don’t forget Massachusetts (slam dunk), probably Illinois, and New Mexico (not that they matter much).

You said ‘How is anyone who loves him allowing him to end his political career in this way’

That’s the point.

NOBODY loves, or even LIKES, Joe Biden.

He’s been a petty, rude, mean little jerk his entire life.

People put up with him because they got benefit from associating with him.

But do people seriously not remember the Obama years, when Democrats openly joked that Joe Biden was Obama’s ‘insurance policy’ to ensure he never got removed because nobody would be stupid enough to want Joe as President? Democrats laughed and made jokes about ‘Crazy Uncle Joe’ and the stupid things he said.

Nobody respected him or liked him as a person even BEFORE he got dementia.

Now its just the logical extension of that. He surrounded himself with people that were only there because they could get something from him. They’re only still there to get something from him.

That’s why nobody is speaking up.

    Sounds a bit like Gary Hart.

    This is good.

    CDR D in reply to Olinser. | June 30, 2024 at 11:23 am

    Quite right. And Biden had the utter gall to say Trump has the morals of an alley cat. Trump is no saint for sure, but Biden has a earned a longstanding reputation himself.


    “Biden is a notorious flapjaw. His vanity deludes him into believing that every word that drops from his mouth is minted in the golden currency of Pericles. Vanity is the most conspicuous characteristic of US Senators en bloc, nourished by deferential acolytes and often expressed in loutish sexual advances to staffers, interns and the like. On more than one occasion CounterPunch’s editors have listened to vivid accounts by the recipient of just such advances, this staffer of another Senator being accosted by Biden in the well of the Senate in the week immediately following his first wife’s fatal car accident.”

    – Alexander Cockburn, CounterPunch, August 23, 2008. –

    GWB in reply to Olinser. | July 1, 2024 at 2:12 pm

    They’re only still there to get something from him.
    And they will wring him like a man in the desert with a damp washcloth, getting every last drop out until there’s nothing left of the washcloth, itself.

One the criminal, one the demented.

Only two? Ok. Which one keeps falling the eff down? Which one keeps wandering off like a doggone roomba? Which one can’t stop getting into folks personal space, especially young females, and sniffing their hair? Which one was widely rumored to have had an ‘accident’ at the Vatican? Which one uses the creepy voice as emphasis? Which one did we just see doing many of those things in Normandy 3 weeks ago?

Conservative Beaner | June 29, 2024 at 8:49 pm

Russia has some Nukes nearby ready to launch ICBMs at a moments notice. The former Soviets can just wait till around 6:00PM Eastern time and launch a few missles hitting DC, NYC and Philadelphia in a few minutes.

Will we be able to launch a counter strike or are we screwed.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 29, 2024 at 8:53 pm

Alex Thompson

From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.

Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, the other Biden is more likely to emerge and have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides say.

I have no problems buying the idea that Traitor Joe is a serious schizophrenic with multiple personality disorder. It’s clear that Traitor Joe is a nut case. But NONE of those personalities are competent, intelligent, or industrious, and the last thing that Traitor Joe (or any of his personalities) cares about is … anyone other than Traitor Joe.

The guy never has press conferences, only does public appearances very, very, very rarely, and in those never has anything that is not 100% controlled and scripted. He has spent more than a quarter of his “Presidency” on vacation … because we all know that he doesn’t really do anything. This has never been a secret. Hell, the moron ran his initial campaign from the basement and only won because of the deluge of fake mail-in ballots dropped off at anonymous drop-off boxes and printed up in dem shops to roll out at 3am in order to stabilize the wins in the few swing states when they were needed. The guy was never able to stand up and have a truly open questioning (even as the press corps was nothing but azz-kissing sycophants anyway, save Peter Doocey and a couple of others).

Biden is a prop … and he’s a factory-second prop, at that. But this was never a secret.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 29, 2024 at 9:02 pm

“Throughout his career, often overthinking statistics and laws Biden has been prone to freeze ups, pauses paired with his well known stutter” – Anita Dunn (probably)

She’s the Mao-lover, reptile lady (likely on psychiatric drugs) who got “thrown out” of Barky’s junta, for those who forgot.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 29, 2024 at 9:08 pm

The time of day is important as to which of the two Bidens will appear.
From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.

LOL. Then why didn’t Traitor Joe’s team schedule the debate for 2pm? They got to dictate everything about the debate and the circumstances.

There is not a single competent person in this White House (or spewing the left’s propaganda). There are lots of truly vicious and evil people, but not a single competent one. But … viciousness and evil might be enough. It’s worked for them so far and they are on the cusp of actually imprisoning Trump (after they’ve been on an imprisonment rampage against conservatives for over 3 years, now).

who iis running the country
top men
in face a whole team of highly qualified people, top men.
sleep on that America.

If I were a mortal enemy of the USA I’d attack between 10 and 4 when Biden is “dependably engaged”.

Michael Gilson | June 29, 2024 at 9:36 pm

I saw Iowahawk had the same reaction that I’ve had for a long time. “Hello my honey, hello my baby, hello my ragtime gal.”

They kept him locked away for ten days for the debate and the result wasn’t impressive. Maybe the US should retire him at the next election.

Biden represents the interests of the D.C. Swamp, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Cape Cod and Manhattan Dhimmi-crat elites, and, narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, possesses the gall to claim that he allegedly represents “ordinary folks.” That’s why he and the dotard raised nearly $30 million at a Hollywood fundraiser, the other day — they’re hanging around “ordinary folks.” That’s why Biden’s ruinous fiscal policies and idiotic “green” energy conceits have resulted in crushing Bidenflation that means that workers are paying ~30% or higher increases for rents/mortgages, fuel and food. And, Biden the reflexive and casual fabulist-sociopath, is alleged to be a truth-teller.

Such brazen and greasy hustling by the vile Obama.

BTW, I noticed that narcissist Obama’s Twitter profile has the presidential seal next to his name. Is he aware that he’s a private citizen, now, and, not a President-Monarch? The imperial arrogance of this imbecile is unbelievable.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | June 29, 2024 at 11:31 pm

    Correction; it’s the great seal of the U.S. But, my criticism still stands. Obama is no longer a president, or a potentate, or, however his off-the-charts ego sees himself.

      Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | June 30, 2024 at 5:44 am

      Trump uses it too. It’s customary for all former presidents to use it for their official correspondence.

        guyjones in reply to Milhouse. | June 30, 2024 at 7:40 am

        I know they use it on letterhead. That’s private correspondence. On Twitter, a public forum, use of the seal from a non-current officeholder comes across as ostentatious and inappropriate. You’re not in office, anymore, you don’t represent the country, any longer.

          Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | June 30, 2024 at 10:45 pm

          That’s a ridiculous distinction that you just made up. Trump (like all former presidents) is customarily addressed in public as “Mr President”. Do you find that “ostentatious and inappropriate”?! After all, he’s not the president any more, and here he is in public forums of all kinds answering to the title as if it were still his! And not just him but every former president in living memory. I don’t know how old this custom is, of referring to former office holders as if they still held their office, but it’s older than any of us.

I’ve been asking whose been running this country since the day he was inaugurated because it’s clearly not him. We need a national accounting for this. Everyone who took part in this farce needs to be held accountable.

There are 2 Bidens: Dumb and Dumber

caseoftheblues | June 30, 2024 at 7:14 am

I wonder how long we will have to wait for the mea culpas and admissions from the press about how they covered for Joe and how very crappy they are at their jobs……

Alex Thompson
New: Inside the White House, there are sometimes two Biden’s.

Reporters have become notorious for being trained only to write for a deadline. Here we have spin from a less-than-credible outlet, written by a person who does not even have command of the basics of the english language.

Hey someone finally admitted they are committing Elder Abuse. Can we start arresting and prosecuting them now, starting with the Wicked Witc……I mean “Dr.” Jill Biden?

destroycommunism | June 30, 2024 at 1:06 pm

biden is a great president

for mexico

thalesofmiletus | June 30, 2024 at 2:50 pm

POTUS may only need to work 6 hours a day, but FLOTUS is on 24/7, and that’s what really matters. /s

So now, not only is he demented, but he also has MPD? Which personality gets the ‘football’? Oy vey.

Also, technically, there’s always been two Bidens. There’s Slow Joe and Dr Jill.