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Anti-Israel Activists Descend on Washington, DC for ‘Surround the White House’ Protest

Anti-Israel Activists Descend on Washington, DC for ‘Surround the White House’ Protest

“agitators at the demonstration threw objects at a National Park Service ranger, shouting ‘piggy, piggy!’ at him, and defaced statues in Washington, D.C.”

Anti-Israel radicals gathered in Washington, DC this weekend for a protest that was dubbed as an effort to ‘surround the White House.’ Organizers put the word out to college activists earlier this week.

People showed up, chanted movement slogans, vandalized monuments, and used rhetoric that bordered on terroristic threats in some cases.

FOX News reports:

Anti-Israel agitator in Hamas headband holds up bloodied Biden face mask steps from White House

A man wearing a Hamas headband held up a bloody face mask depicting President Biden on Saturday amid an anti-Israel protest outside the White House.

The man and others wearing similar headbands shouted “Down, down occupation!” while another man lit an American flag on fire and others flew Palestinian flags.

Other agitators at the demonstration threw objects at a National Park Service ranger, shouting “piggy, piggy!” at him, and defaced statues in Washington, D.C.

Holding signs that accused Biden of being on “the wrong side of history,” protesters converged on the White House Saturday morning after security measures at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue were tightened in anticipation of the planned demonstration.

Protesters waved Palestinian flags, chanted “Free Palestine!” and held signs, urging Biden to stop his support for Israel.

Although the protest started out peacefully, hostile demonstrators soon began targeting park rangers, shouting “F-you, fascist!” and “piggy, piggy, oink, oink!”…


Take a look below:

CNN and MSNBC, both of which called the Tea Party a terrorist organization, almost completely ignored these displays.

Democrats who routinely call Trump and his supporters a ‘threat to democracy’ had virtually nothing to say about any of this.

The demonstrators did ultimately surround the White House.

Thomas McKenna writes at National Review:

Protesters Surround White House, Call for ‘Intifada Revolution’

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters surrounded the White House on Saturday afternoon, calling for President Joe Biden to end U.S. military aid to Israel.

The activists dressed in red and encircled the White House to create a two-mile-long line, representing the “red line” they say Biden allowed Israeli forces to cross by entering Rafah last month. The president had previously said he would withhold aid from Israel if its military entered the city on the south side of the Gaza Strip.

Protesters chanted “Globalize the intifada,” “There is only one solution, intifada revolution,” and “From the river to the sea, …

Do our leaders in Washington think no one sees this?

Featured image via Twitter video.


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Sounds kind of insurrectiony and threatening.

destroycommunism | June 9, 2024 at 10:27 am

hey “peaceful protestors”

I think thats a police station

I’d like to think the Hamas-huggers know, deep down, their play time is rapidly coming to an end. A redeemed and restored President Trump isn’t going to be nearly as nice in dealing with these little jerks as President Poopy Pants.

I’m seeing another summer of love on the horizon. This version with some Hamas loving added in.

“Jihad of Victory or Martyrdom.”

When they tell you who they are, believe them.
It’s far past time to give these Islamofascists their martyrdom, in order to prevent their victory.

The video where they are throwing water bottles left and right at the park ranger and then he starts dancing , but first let me back up and say , is that not assault, why aren’t they being allowed to do that? Anyway , he starts dancing and that Muslim guy has the audacity to say to him, don’t provoke us. Don’t provoke us. This shit has got to stop .

They are allowed to cross those lines they need serious, beat downs, serious arrest, serious jail time.

They deface our property, no problem, got video of them sneaking right , in daylight, around the monument, being filmed amd only 2 people on the monument to “protect “ it and they are being assaulted.
I. just can’t stand it. I can’t tolerate even looking at these videos.

    henrybowman in reply to gonzotx. | June 9, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    “The video where they are throwing water bottles left and right at the park ranger and then he starts dancing”

    Water bottles? No, no, those are “fire extinguishers.” And the guy is dead now, they killed them. It must be true, it’s on the Internet, I just put it there.

    paracelsus in reply to gonzotx. | June 9, 2024 at 1:32 pm

    Agreed; this is the definition of assault.
    Why aren’t the park rangers allowed to return fire with “bean bags”?
    after all, we wouldn’t like to hurt the little buggers, sould we?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to gonzotx. | June 9, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    At this point, I say fuck the Park Police, the National Capitol Police, the DC Police, and the rest. They are all complicit in the J6 roundup, and are not deserving of any pity or empathy.

    They joined the wrong side.

Funny, an attack (not a protest) on the White House by radical islamists and their useful idiot progressives (while the demented fool is overseas) does not even rate a mention on the website of my local big city television station.

William Tecumseh Sherman was exactly right in his opinion of the press. It was bad 160 years ago, it’s worse now.

Earlier this year, the Italian parliament decided to do something about the Eco-terrorists who were defacing the priceless antiquities that are scattered all over the country, particularly in Rome & Florence. They increased the civil fine for the defacing of monuments from a few thousand Euros for each offense to over $40K (US). If it’s a culturally significant (historical) monument, it’s $60K (US).

I bet it’s not even a few hundred dollars in our nation’s capital, something Congress could change tomorrow if it had the political will.

Keep it up. It simply builds the momentum for change as these people expose who they are for the uninformed to see. The awakening is occurring on a number of fronts, but these Jew haters are doing their part.

Any person who thinks that this bullying and intimidation agitprop has to do with Israel, Jews and the Fakestinian Arab invaders from Arabia, is a fool. These are pretextual reasons for subversive agitation. Leftists and Dhimmi-crats will always contrive a fallacious and alleged “victim” and a fallacious and contrived narrative of alleged victimhood, where objective facts and reality inconveniently don’t provide ones.

We’re witnessing obnoxious, goose-stepping and full-throated displays of Islamofascism and Muslim supremacism, enabled, rationalized and lauded by the vile and evil Dhimmi-crat Party and its apparatchik standard-bearers. Even if the Dhimmi-crats Party elders wished to kick these reprobates out of the Party tent (which they don’t), they’d be unable to, now that this evil ideology has metastasized.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to guyjones. | June 9, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    Careful. Thad Jarvis will stop by and accuse you of Islamophobia. Then talk about how you will have a hard time going up against Biden’s fighters.

      Thad and his ilk can go to hell. Any person who is rationalizing, minimizing, whitewashing, excusing and otherwise enabling Jew-hating, genocidal Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists, is as evil as they are.

        Thad Jarvis in reply to guyjones. | June 10, 2024 at 9:35 am

        Aww you guys are so cute frothing and seething in your anger sitting at your keyboards. You getting armed up for that Crusade you’re just itching to fight there, guy?

        I love reading your posts, guy. The poetics, the Oxford comma, the stream of conscious mad-libs of your patented buzzwords. I can practically see thee spittle flying out of your mouth as you rage “ARRGH ISLAMONAZI MUZZIE GOOSE STEP SUPREMACIST ARGLE BARGLE ROOOOOOOOAAAR!!!! LEMME AT EM I’LL KILL THOSE MUZZIE FASCIST…!!!!!”

        Hey “Chief” do they even have PT standards for you guys in the AF or do you not have to be in shape to wash and refuel airplanes?

      Thad Jarvis in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | June 10, 2024 at 9:38 am

      You should go eat another donut and try to do a sit-up. You can really pack on the pounds spending all day raging on the keyboard.

      “Then talk about how you will have a hard time going up against Biden’s fighters.”
      What the hell does this even mean?

“Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it.”
George Santayana
read about Germany in the ’30s (and what followed) if you don’t believe this statement
Is that peiod taught in government schools anymore?

    JohnSmith100 in reply to paracelsus. | June 9, 2024 at 6:48 pm

    One of my favorite quotations, especially true with those who have not understood why you their 1400 years of denial falls on deaf ears.

I smell fedboi plants, waiting to get caught and whisked away.

Problem solved for Joe Dirt.

drednicolson | June 9, 2024 at 4:31 pm

But God help you if you happen to be a block or two away from the front gates while wearing a MAGA hat.

destroycommunism | June 9, 2024 at 4:49 pm

fjb offered them to come into the wh for some peace pipe time

Well, that cop might not be very good at his job, but at least he’s got a sense of humor.

I know of a man who had one solution , one final solution. Brain dead ahistorical Keffiyah Karen thinks that Arafat was the former prime minister of Israel , and that the Bosphorous River to the Black Sea like totally belongs to the Palestinians. And OMG Hamas is trying to forge an American style constitutional government where LGBTQIA ( how many pluses I don’t know ) people will be saved from the evil zionists. Yup I know the man that they really worship and he had the same “solution” they have. Hopefully they will meet the same end as him, these stupid bigots.